Book picks similar to
Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults And Children by Kathryn L. McCance
Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology
Michael H. Ross - 1989
It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology with a beautifully illustrated atlas featuring full-color digital micrographs of the highest quality.This edition includes over 100 new illustrations, more Clinical Correlation boxes on the histology of common medical conditions, and new information on the molecular biology of endothelial cell function. Terminology throughout the text is consistent with Terminologia Anatomica.A powerful interactive histology atlas CD-ROM for students is included with the book and features all of the plates found in the text with interactive functionality.
Physical Examination and Health Assessment [With CDROM]
Carolyn Jarvis - 1941
The physical examination unit is organized by body system, pedagogically and clinically the most logical and efficient way to learn and perform health assessment. Each chapter has five major sections: (1) Structure and Function (A&P); (2) Subjective Data (history); (3) Objective Data (skills, expected findings, and common variations for healthy people and selected abnormal findings); (4) Abnormal Findings (illustrations of related disorders and conditions in atlas format); and (5) Application and Documentation (sample charting, clinical case studies, nursing diagnoses, and critical thinking questions tied to the Saunders video series).
Step-Up to Medicine
Steven Agabegi - 2004
This book was originally written by third-year medical students searching for the perfect review book--not finding it on the market, they wrote it themselves! Now in its third edition, Step-Up to Medicine boils down the full scope of tested pathology in a single ingenious tool. Each element is tailored for immediate content absorption, and an all-new, full-color interior differentiate elements for even faster, more efficient review. And,
Step-Up to Medicine
, third edition provides two types of self-assessment--the kinds of questions you will ask yourself as a clinician plus USMLE-style practice questions. This review book gives you just the Step-Up to the medicine clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and USMLE Step 2 that you need! NEW Features for this blockbuster edition: Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a rousing, memorable style. Full-color, updated art program illustrates concepts when a picture says it best--plenty of clinical images also supplement topics. New content on evidence-based medicine keeps you current and informed to guide your clinical decision making. Expanded content on drug dosing is added where relevant.CLASSIC Features students swear by: Complete coverage of high-yield medical topics ensures you are test ready Clinical Pearls boxes help you "file away" clinical medicine connections for handy retrieval at test time Quick Hits glimmering in the margins highlight highly testable material--just see how the sparks fly at test timeBONUS Material and study resources: eBook with the fully searchable text is available via thePoint . NEW 300 USMLE-style questions provide another means of self-assessment and practice for those exams NEW Audio clips of breath and heart sounds also available on thePoint
Medical Physiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Walter F. Boron - 2002
The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice
Denise F. Polit - 2009
The Seventh Edition has been updated with stronger coverage of evidence-based practice, including content on how to read, interpret, and critique systematic reviews, which are considered by many to be a cornerstone of evidence-based practice. Also included in the Seventh Edition: a more balanced presentation of medical and social science methods and nomenclature; enhanced coverage of qualitative research; and more!
Medical Microbiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Patrick R. Murray - 1990
Murray's best-selling book "the most colorful and fun text to read in medical microbiology." Now it's back in an updated New Edition-and it's as succinct, user-friendly, and authoritative as ever. Readers will continue to enjoy its lucid discussions of how microbes cause disease in humans. Expert coverage of basic principles, the immune response, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology ensures they understand all the facts vital to the practice of medicine today. More than 550 brilliant full-color images make complex information easy to understand and illustrate the appearance of disease.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care
Carol R. Taylor
The book's holistic perspective shows students how nursing care involves more than performing procedures. With a case-based approach to learning, the book offers numerous examples and opportunities for students to think critically. The Seventh Edition includes new features highlighting clinical questions and research, nursing advocacy, and health literacy, and also includes new information related to electronic medical records and documentation. With this textbook you'll find an integrated, cohesive, and student-focused suite of multimedia products to appeal to all types of learners, including a bound-in DVD-ROM and a companion website.
Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity Of Form And Function
Kenneth S. Saladin - 1998
This distinctive text was developed to stand apart from all other A&P texts with unparalleled art, a writing style that has been acclaimed by both users and reviewers and clinical coverage that offers the perfect balance without being too much. Saladin's well-accepted organization of topics is based upon the most logical physiological ties between body systems. This text requires no prior knowledge of college chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for a two-semester A&P college course.
Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology
George F. Brooks - 1991
The aim remains to provide a reference to the aspects of medical microbiology particularly important for clinical infections and chemotherapy. Geo. F. Brooks (U. of California, San Francisco), Jane
Antibiotics Simplified
Jason C. Gallagher - 2008
This practical text reviews basic microbiology and how to approach the pharmacotherapy of a patient with a presumed infection. It also contains concise Drug Class Reviews with an explanation of the characteristics of various classes of antibacterial drugs and antifungal drugs. Antibiotics Simplified, Third Edition simplifies learning infectious disease pharmacotherapy and condenses the many facts that are taught about antibiotics into one quick reference guide. This guide will help students learn the characteristics of antibiotics and why an antibiotic is useful for an indication. With an understanding of the characteristics of the antibiotics, students will be able to make a logical choice to treat an infection more easily. With helpful figures and flow charts, Drug Class Reviews, a Spectra of Activity chart, and an index for reference, this is an ideal handbook for students as well as practicing pharmacists, physicians, and other clinicians!
Gray's Anatomy
Henry Gray - 1858
About The Author: Henry Gray, F.R.S., Fellow of the royal college of Surgeons: Lecturer on anatomy at St. George?s Hospital Medical School. Table Of Contents: Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy The Articulations Muscles and Fasclae The Blood-vascular system The Lymphatics The Nervous system The Organs of special sense The Organs of Digestion The Organs of voice and respiration The urinary organs The Male Organs of Generation The Female Organs of Generation The Surgical Anatomy of Hernia Surgical Anatomy of the Perinaeum General Anatomy or Histology Embryology
Medical-Surgical Nursing (Single Volume): Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
Sharon Mantik Lewis - 1983
It covers patient care in various clinical settings by employing a unique levels of care approach, discussing nursing implementation at multiple levels. Special features highlight the content that is most relevant and challenging for today's nursing students, including patient teaching, nutrition, drug therapy, cultural and ethnic disparities, and more.Identifies and discusses all levels of nursing management, including Health Promotion, Acute Intervention, and Ambulatory and Home Care, to prepare the nurse to effectively intervene at various stages of illness.Online podcasts feature audio key points summaries for each chapter highlighting important information.Extensive gerontologic content discusses age-related changes for each body system and alerts the nurse to differences often encountered in older patients.Attractive four-color design and over 1,400 full-color illustrations enhance learning by presenting disease processes and related anatomy and physiology more clearly.About 55 thoroughly updated, comprehensive nursing care plans incorporate current NANDA diagnoses, defining characteristics, expected outcomes, interventions with rationales, evaluation criteria, and more.New chapters on Health Disparities, Stress and Stress Management, Infection and HIV, and Nursing Management: Obesity provide a more comprehensive look at the world of medical-surgical nursing.Electronic Resource Summary at chapter openers alert students to additional electronic resources available on companion CD and Evolve.Gender Differences boxes summarize how women and men are affected differently by medical conditions.Drug Alert boxes highlight important considerations applicable to key drugs.A glossary of key terms and definitions contains definitions and page references.NCLEX examination style review questions in each chapter include a focus on prioritization of patient care.All nursing care plans now incorporate NIC and NOC. Companion CD:More than 50 interactive case studies with realistic, 3-D animations to help you visualize disease processes from the inside outA unique Stress-Busting Kit for Nursing Students with strategies for managing your (and your patients') stressA collection of Multimedia Supplements with audio and video clips, plus additional animations375 NCLEX(R) examination-style review questions
Case Files: Internal Medicine
Eugene C. Toy - 2004
Each case includes an extended discussion, definition of terms, clinical pearls, and USMLE format review questions. This interactive learning system is proven to improve shelf-exam scores and helps students to learn in the context of real patients insted of simply memorizing.
Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes: Top 180 Vignettes for the Surgical Wards
Carlos Pestana - 2013
But time in the wards is limited, and clerkship covers only a tiny sample of the surgical universe. Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes, by distinguished surgery instructor Dr. Carlos Pestana, is a proven guide to ensure your surgical knowledge. With a concise, comprehensive review and 180 high-yield surgical vignettes for self-testing, it contains the surgery knowledge you need to excel on the Surgery shelf exam and USMLE Step 2 CK.Features:— Concise high-yield review of core surgery material— 180 vignettes for self-testing— Used by med students for over a decade— Fully up-to-date— Pocket-sized to carry with you in the wards
BRS Gross Anatomy
Kyung Won Chung - 1988
Written in a concise, bulleted outline format, this well-illustrated text offers 500 USMLE-style review questions, answers, and explanations and features comprehensive content and upgraded USMLE Step 1 information.