The Garage Gym Athlete: The Practical Guide to Training like a Pro, Unleashing Fitness Freedom, and Living the Simple Life.

Jerred Moon - 2016
     If you're not getting the best workout you can get... You're running the risk of being as far away from your ideal body as the Marianas Trench is from the surface of the Pacific Ocean. That's deep, buddy. Real deep. But here's something else to dive into, all puns aside: how many days are you going to let pass before you finally hit your fitness goals? Not those goals you see on TV. Not the goals your friends have. Your goals. The real ones that hit you at 3am and leave you staring at the ceiling in a wild mix of excitement and sheer panic. The ones that make you a little nervous to admit to anyone but your closest friends. Fitness is life. Moving faster, lifting more, and being better than pool-noodle flexible is the stuff that an optimal life is made out of if you ask me. And people have been asking me how to get the best body without necessarily putting your bank account on life support. That's when it hit me... Most People Are Hustling Backwards! Quick Test: if you want to know whether or not you're the President of the Backwards Fitness Hustlers Club, answer this: Why aren't you already working out on your terms? If your first thought was to pull an excuse out of that fine database you're calling a brain, I have bad news for you: you're not only hustling backwards, but you've voted yourself into the highest office in excuseland in the process! Become and Athlete Let's get down to business. This book is called Garage Gym Athlete: The Practical Guide to Training like a Pro, Unleashing Fitness Freedom, and Living the Simple Life, and it's exactly what it says on the tin. Instead of giving you DIY fantasies, I'm bringing DIY realities to the table. Want to save a bundle of money and still have a real reason to sell tickets to the gun show? This is your guide. Is orange your favorite color? If so, then you're in luck, because Home Depot is going to be in your future...quite often. I'm focused on turning average people into athletes, in both mind and body. That's the mission. That's the big plan. That's where my heart, soul, passion, and experience combine forces to help people go from zero to zealous, and from one to outrageously fit. When you pick up this book, you'll learn: - How to rearrange your budget and family objections so the ideal garage gym can come to life (this is way more effective than another game of Tetris, and much more fun - THE best way to build stability (without a crunch in sight!) - Exactly why you should thank the inventor of PVC (especially after you check out Chapter 13!) - A step by step guide to picking a quality barbell (hint: sporting goods get 3 things wrong, but I get you back on track quick) - A down in the trenches way to build a power rack (warning: for the bold and brazen, but you'll love it) There's plenty more coming your way in this guide. I made sure that if you check it out, you'll walk away with at least a handful of great tactics, tricks, and techniques to get the ultimate job done. Would You Like to Know More? At this point, you're at the usual buyer crossroads. Do I listen to the crazy guy, or click away? If you want to jump in headfirst to some great garage gym DIY, simply cross up and click the "Buy Now" button. That's it!

The Big Fat Truth: The Behind-the-scenes Secret to Weight Loss

J.D. Roth - 2016
    Who could help it? Here was a young woman who, just a few months earlier, had weighed in at 340 pounds on the hit ABC show Extreme Weight Loss. Now for all the world to see—and merely part way into her one-year effort to pare down—she’d (literally) gone further than she’d ever expected. From barely being able to walk up the stairs to running 26.2 miles in practically no time? The body is an amazing thing. And yet … it’s no match for the brain. It wasn’t the strength of Meredith’s body propelling her across the Niagara Falls finish line—it was the power of her mind.               No one knows that better than JD Roth, who as the number one producer of TV weight loss shows has helped countless overweight people change their bodies—and lives—for the better. Viewers of Extreme Weight Loss, The Biggest Loser, The Revolution and other transformational shows have seen the “technicians”—the trainers, the nutritionists, the doctors, and other health pros who appear on-screen—but they’ve never seen the heart and soul behind these amazing makeovers. That would be JD, whose production company not only created weight loss television, but who has produced more episodes in the genre than all other producers combined. He’s the behind-the-scenes wizard who gets inside the heads of the shows’ participants, encouraging, persuading, prodding, and inspiring them to succeed. Intimately involved in casting the shows’ contestants, then seeing them through the weight loss process, he’s the guy whose picture they tape onto their elliptical trainers and angrily scream at each night—then hug out of gratitude the next morning. He’s the guy who holds them when they cry and the one who tells them they need to get back on the treadmill even though they’re crying. JD is the shows’ tough-love dad—love being the operative word. Because it’s not just TV to JD; he’s on a mission to change people’s lives. Every fat person (yes, “fat person”—there’ll be no sugarcoating here) knows that you need to move more and eat less to shed pounds. Not exactly rocket science. Yet that simple formula doesn’t get to the root of what makes someone top out at 500 pounds, or sometimes just carry an extra fifty. The missing link in transformative weight loss is mental and emotional fortitude. Mining the same problem-solving and motivational skills JD has used so successfully with reality show contestants, The Big Fat Truth gets readers to address the real reasons they’re overweight (and nobody gets away with saying it’s because they love food). With his combination of enthusiasm, empathy, no-holds-barred style, and master story-telling abilities, JD helps them unearth and tackle the unresolved issues they’ve buried under the French fries and chocolate chip cookie. Presented in three parts, The Big Fat Truth includes short straight-to-the-point chapters that help readers identify their real issues, create their own reality show, and then shake up their lives to do the impossible. Included throughout are inspiring stories, advice, and before-and-after photos from people JD has helped to lose weight (both on camera and off), along with quick tips for how to stay accountable and a 30-day plan for putting this advice into action.

Starfish - One Family's Tale of Triumph After Tragedy

Tom Ray - 2017
    I have no idea if it is part of the dream, a hallucination, or reality. It talks of children, bringing news of a girl called Grace who loves me very much and a new baby boy called Freddie, who apparently needs me to get better... It stirs a part of me, even in my coma, reminding me that I'm thirty-eight and in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. It tells me that one third of me is gone but what's left is enough; that the thing is, above all, to survive.' When Tom Ray put his young daughter to bed one chilly December evening, he had everything he could ever want - the house of his dreams, a beautiful wife and a second baby on the way. By the next morning all of this was in jeopardy as Tom succumbed to the devastating illness that is sepsis.Starfish tells Tom and Nic Ray's truly inspirational story of their life before, during and after the illness which claimed Tom's lower arms, legs, and a portion of his face. Heart-breakingly honest and affecting, their story charts the devastating effects of Tom's illness, Nic's heroic struggle to cope and, ultimately, the love and hope that has held their family together in the ensuing years. A tragic yet beautiful tale of a couple whose love is tested to its limit after their perfect life falls apart in a single moment.

SUMMARY 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos

James Harvard - 2018
    Peterson ATTENTION: You can now buy the paper back version of this book at the current reduced price of $6.99 and get the kindle version at a discounted price of $0.99 instead of $2.99 using our Kindle Matchbook program cheers! Jordan B. Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" is quite the thought-provoking read. The Canadian clinical psychologist puts forth his ideas about personality, being, existence; the interconnectedness of order and chaos, two forces evident in all of life; the gender roles assignment discourse; the source of the world's greatest evils, and many other controversial topics. It is refreshing, and sometimes confusing, how he weaves biblical accounts and characters into the telling of his stories. But what might raise the hairs of most are his views on political correctness regarding postmodernism, white-privilege, cultural appropriation and everything in between. One thing is clear about Peterson. He is a man unapologetic of his views, which are largely unpopular, closely conservative, and politically incorrect.This book contains a comprehensive, well detailed summary and key takeaways of the original book by Jordan B. Peterson. It summarizes the book in detail, to help people effectively understand, articulate and imbibe the original work by Peterson. This book is not meant to replace the original book but to serve as a companion to itContained is anExecutive Summary of the original book Key Points of each chapter and Brief chapter-by-chapter summariesTo get this book, Scroll Up Now and Click on the "Buy now with 1-Click" Button to Download your Copy Right Away!Disclaimer: This is a summary, review of the book 12 Rules For Life and not the original book.

EATING ONE MEAL A DAY: THE INTERMITTANT FASTING REVOLUTION FOR BEGINNERS: Lose weight, beat disease and fight ageing! (OMAD Diet Series - One Meal A Day)

Eric Blackburn - 2014
    It was the diet plan which empowered people to lose weight quickly. The Daily Mail called it “The biggest diet revolution since the Atkins” and their parent paper, the Mail on Sunday said it’s “The only diet plans you'll ever need”. For the Radio Times it was simply “The diet that works”. The Guardian noted that 5:2 is "A modern sometimes seems as if every other person you meet is following [it]" The 5:2 diet was lauded by the media as the final answer to the western world’s dietary challenges and obesity epidemics. It was the diet to end all diets. Simple, part-time, flexible, hugely healthy and massively effective. But what if there is a way to upgrade the diet which received such plaudits? What if there is a way to make it work better?What if there was a way to ratchet up the health benefits, the anti-aging benefits, the weight loss benefits and the overall effectiveness of the diet? In this book, Eric Blackburn introduces the revolutionary eating protocol which is set to be the breakout diet of 2015. In this short guide, you’ll learn Why the 5:2 and other Intermittent Fasting techniques are not actually fasting at all – and why the benefits are thus overplayed How eating one large meal a day better mimics how our ancestors lived Learn why OMAD has been ‘secretly’ used by Hollywood diet gurus, cover models and athletes as a weapon for getting in shape fast Learn the 7 principals to make the OMAD diet effortlessly work for you Why you don’t need to count calories or macro nutrients on the OMAD diet – making it a simple lifestyle choice Vs. a yoyo diet plan The myth of ‘three meals a day’ and how it was cooked up by marketing men to sell you breakfast cereal Learn how OMAD can help you reduce aging, by down regulating ‘bad’ cell proliferation Learn how OMAD can help you avoid or beat some of the biggest ‘killer’ diseases in the western world Learn how OMAD helps boost your mental clarity

Coconut Oil Breakthrough: Boost Your Brain, Burn The Fat, Build Your Hair

B.J. Richards - 2016
     The first thing to go is our waistline. Then our skin starts to become dry, cracked and wrinkled, with less elasticity. Eventually, even our hair will become thin, dry, dull and lifeless. Looking at ourselves in the mirror each morning becomes more and more painful, especially when we compare what we have become to what we once were. Then our memory begins to slip, and we start to forget the little things in life. There was once a time when our memory was sharp as a tack, but now we makes jokes about those things we have forgotten. We joke to alleviate the pain of growing old and realizing that one day, we might not even be able to remember the important people in our lives. We make do by leaving notes for ourselves in the form of little sticky notes placed all around the house. Age, it seems, is going to leave us all as a shell of the human beings we once were. I know how you feel. I was once in the same position myself. For years, I struggled with my weight and the fat that just wouldn't leave my body, no matter how healthy I tried to eat and how much exercise I did to knock off the unwanted pounds. No matter how well I ate or what shampoos I used, my hair was breaking and the weight just stared back at me. Learning about the health benefits of coconut oil was a game-changer for me, and it could be for you too. I've been involved in natural healing for over 30 years, in my personal life, as a researcher and a practitioner. But, even with all of the advanced knowledge I had on the subject, I was unable to escape the symptoms I described previously. When I started hearing stories about the traditional health benefits of this wonder fruit, I dug in and started doing all of the necessary research to understand how adding the coconut to my daily regimen could change my life in a very positive way. You might just be surprised at how powerful this plant really is in addressing the health problems you might be facing in your daily life. There are literally more than 30 ways we can use the coconut to improve the quality of our lives. You can use coconut oil, milk and water to: • Rehydrate your skin, and make your skin look and feel healthy again. • Reduce bad breath, plaque and gingivitis to improve your oral health and your social life. • Burn off the fat and the unwanted pounds, so that you can fit in your skinny jeans again, and perhaps even turn a few heads your way.Triple your metabolism, providing you the energy levels of someone half your age. • Enhance your memory and sharpen your mind, so that you won't have to worry again about forgetting those important details in your life. Kate recommended, “I, personally, have experienced the benefit to my skin that this book teaches, and have found that coconut oil has become a staple in my home in many of the ways that BJ recommends in her book. If you are looking for that one stop resource on all things coconut oil, then this is the book to buy!!” Agi added more to the story of this book. “I am a Personal Trainer and a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and I have been using and recommending coconut oil for some time and researched a lot of its uses, but learned more from reading this book. I will recommend this book to my clients.” The bottom line is that coconut oil, milk and water – used in the right ways – can be very beneficial to one's health.

Pace: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution

Al Sears - 2006
    It’s already practiced by thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world. PACE overturns years of failed ideas and exercise advice. PACE upends current exercise trends by revealing their flaws and offering a more effective, more natural way of moving our bodies. This book will show you how to replace the flawed and ineffective theories the have been mistakenly accepted without proof with what really works. Join the PACE revolution and your body will soon become naturally strong and resilient. You’ll join the cutting-edge group of thousands who now feel energized, motivated, and ready to take on any challenge. And the best news is that joining the PACE revolution takes on average only twelve minutes per day.PACE is the ONLY doctor-designed program proven to help you reclaim a young, lean and energetic body in as little as 12 minutes—Guaranteed!

Triphasic Training: A Systematic Approach to Elite Speed and Explosive Strength Performance

Cal Dietz - 2012
    That's not hype. Cal Dietz, strength coach at the University of Minnesota, has the results to back up this claim - a Hobey Baker Award winner, two Big Ten Athletes of the Year, over 400 All-Americans, 28 Big Ten/WCHA championship teams, 7 NCAA National Team Champions, and 13 teams that finished in the top four in the nation.Over the past decade, Coach Dietz has worked with thousands of collegiate and professional athletes, incorporating the latest scientific research into developing his Triphasic Training method. His approach breaks down athletic movements into their three components -- eccentric, isometric, and concentric -- allowing for the continuous development of athletes, maximizing their strength, speed, and power.In this easy-to-understand book, Coach Dietz has teamed up with exercise physiologist, Ben Peterson, to explain the physiological foundations of Triphasic Training and how they can be applied to training, making athletes bigger, stronger and faster than ever before. The authors give examples of complete programs, as well as examples of how to incorporate the Triphasic method into existing programs, with descriptions on adapting it to virtually any scenario.The digital edition of this book contains over 3,000 hyperlinks to video clips that demonstrate how to properly perform every exercise, as well as six hours of video lectures by Coach Dietz from his national speaking tour. In this book, these hyperlinks are indicated by words or phrases that are underlined. In order for you to take advantage of these features, included in the book is a web link to a downloadable PDF that contains the hyperlinks and videos from the original digital book.Included in the book: - 5 complete 24-week training programs designed for 6-day, 5-day, 4-day, 3-day, or 2-day training models.- Over two dozen tables showing when and how to modify exercises to ensure continuous improvement in athletes.- Peaking programs for football lineman and skill players; swimmers; baseball, volleyball, and hockey players (among others).- A complete 52-week training program for football."Awesomeness! Finally someone has done it right. If you want to challenge yourself, open your mind and just get better at your craft, I suggest you read this book." - Kevin Ziegler Former NHL Strength Coach for the Phoenix Coyotes and Tampa Bay Lightning"Triphasic Training is a down-to-earth, raw, bare bones book on training. No B.S., just honest facts. It gives you methods and ideas that have been proven to make athletes better. A must have book for any coach's or athlete's library."- Buddy MorrisWorld Renown Performance Coach"Triphasic Training is a game-changer! I integrated the Triphasic Method with many collegiate and professional athletes at IMG. The results were outstanding! It's a "must have" for anyone trying to get better!"- Jeff DillmanDirector of Strength and ConditioningUniversity of Florida Football"Amazing book! One of the best books I have read on strength and conditioning. You two have touched upon so many key topics and principles that few discuss to any extent. Awesome work!"- Jonas SahratianStrength and Conditioning CoordinatorUniversity of North Carolina Basketball"I have to congratulate you as Triphasic Training is one of the best books in strength and conditioning I have read. Extremely practical with very well-presented arguments and logic behind your practical tools and templates. A good blend of innovation, science/research and experience throughout."- Scott WilliamsExercise PhysiologistGolf Australia and PGA of Australia

The Renaissance Diet

Mike Israetel
    Mike Israetel, PhD in Sport Physiology and professor of Exercise Science at the University of Central Missouri, handles the nutrition of top athletes in strength and physique sports and created The Renaissance Diet to help you perform better and get the body that you want.Along with Dr. Mike’s expertise, Dr. Jennifer Case and Dr. James Hoffmann lend their expertise to create a comprehensive guide on how much to eat, what to eat and when to eat it, to maximize your performance and have a physique to match your strength.The Renaissance Diet will help you…-Understand how many calories you need to eat to maximize performance and burn fat.-Correctly balance your macronutrient intake for your training and physique goals.-Time your meals to get the most out of your nutrition.-Select optimal foods to fuel performance.-Understand which supplements actually work and why.-Improve your health with proper micronutrient intake and hydration.-Periodize your diet for long term effectiveness.-Dispel common diet myths and fads-Improve your training with the included ‘Trinity Powerlifting Templates’-Understand your nutritional priorities from Dr. Mike's hour long video presentation from Juggernaut's Become Unstoppable Seminar 3With so much information and misinformation available now about nutrition, you need sources you can trust. The authors of The Renaissance Diet combine scientific expertise with practical knowledge.Dr. Israetel, Dr. Case and Dr. Hoffman not only have PhDs and are actively serving as professors and researchers, they are also high level competitors and coaches in powerlifting, bodybuilding, rugby, and combat sports. This combination of scientific knowledge and practical experience is the best in helping you achieve your goals.The Renaissance Diet: A Scientific Approach to Getting Leaner and Building Muscle is your ultimate guide to learning how to more effectively and efficiently fuel your body for improved performance and a better physique. Let these experts take the guesswork out of your nutrition and starting reaching your goals now.

Personal Trainer Pocketbook: A Handy Reference for All Your Daily Questions

Jonathan Goodman - 2015
    For the first time ever, these 48 invaluable answers have all been compiled into one handy reference – no stone is left unturned. Amongst other things, you’ll finally know how to: Market, sell, and keep clients (pg 33) Get your career started right (pg 13) Deal with all possible objections (pg 65) Deal with difficult client types (pg 79) Become more organized and efficient every day (pg 91) Turn your job into a career by making more money both in-training, and beyond (pg 139). With the Personal Trainer Pocketbook by your side, you’ll never be alone again.

True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness

Eric Goodman - 2016
    Eric Goodman’s visionary approach to mindful movement corrects the complacent adaptations that lead to back and joint pain, and teaches us to harness the body’s natural movement patterns into daily activities to make us fit, healthy, and pain free.Our sedentary lifestyle has led to an epidemic of chronic pain. By adapting to posture and movement that have us out of balance—including sitting all day at a keyboard, tilting our heads forward to look at our phones—we consistently compromise our joints, give our organs less room to function, and weaken our muscles. How we hold and live in our bodies is fundamental to our overall health, and the good news is that we all hold the key to a healthier body.Dr. Goodman has spent years studying human physiology and movement. He has trained world-class athletes for better performance, and has healed people of all ages and occupations of lifelong debilitating pain. His theory of self-healing is now available to everyone. His practical program trains the posterior muscle chain—shoulders, back, butt, and legs—shifting the burden of support away from joints and putting it back where it belongs: into large muscle groups.Filled with helpful diagrams and sixty color photographs, True to Form shows readers how to successfully integrate these powerful movements into everyday life—from playing with the kids to washing dishes to long hours in the office—transforming ordinary physical actions into active and mindful movements that help to eliminate pain, up your game, or simply feel more energetic. True to Form shows you how to move better, breathe better, and get back to using your body the way nature intended.

The MAF Method: A Personalized Approach to Health and Fitness

Philip Maffetone - 2020

I Can Run: Your Empowering Guide to Running Well Far

Amy Lane - 2020
    In 12 chapters, you will discover that you can. You will dig deep to find your inner athlete. You’ll learn how to train smart, recover well, sync your runs to your menstrual cycle and fuel right. I CAN RUN will ensure you never again wait until you’re thin enough, fast enough, athletic enough, whatever-next enough to call yourself a runner, because if you put one foot in front of the other, repeatedly, you are a runner.I CAN RUN recognises that this is hard and that committing to consistent training is often more of an accomplishment than the 10KM, half marathon or marathon race itself. You will find comfort and encouragement in Amy’s experience of cramps, chafing and the occasional little sick, while learning from leading experts about how to set yourself up for success and get the very best from your runs both physically and mentally. This book is real talk about the keys to going well far. We’re all in it for the long run, together. We CAN do this!

Bodyminder Workout and Exercise Journal (a Fitness Diary)

Frances E. Wilkins - 2007
    What is a BodyMinder Workout & Exercise Journal? The BodyMinder is a compact and portable notebook/diary for keeping track of all your exercise experiences. The BodyMinder goes beyond the cards or sheets of paper typically used for workouts with its organized and convenient journal format. In addition to workout details and other exercise, it has room for daily dietary notes and other related items.2. Who can use the BodyMinder? Anyone just starting a fitness program as well as those who already work out can benefit by keeping written track of goals and progress. Personal trainers and teachers can better evaluate progress as their students strive to reach tangible goals. 3. What are the benefits of using a BodyMinder? You'll stay more focused on your's a proven fact. Writing things down is a subliminal way to strengthen commitment that really works! You'll see your strengths and weaknesses and discover where you need to improve. Have you been avoiding those ab crunches? No more fooling's there in black and white! You'll be motivated to reach your workout goals. The weekly progress charts will inspire you to keep on keepin' on. Soon, good exercise habits will become automatic. You'll see your diet from a new prospective. Just a few days or weeks of jotting down the foods you eat can open your eyes to amazing revelations. You'll create a personal reference for the future and be amazed at how much you have improved since you started. If you get off track for a while, that's OK, your BodyMinder will contain the information you need to reset your goals and get you going again!4. What special features does the BodyMinder have? All-inclusive format works for every type of exercise; it's roomy and easy to use, too! Durable leatherette cover in black or burgundy (8" x 6") Spiral binding for writing ease 224 pages for 91 ...

Fix Tight Hip Flexors: The Ultimate At Home Cure

Lauren Bertolacci - 2013
    This means that they are involved in basic movements that we do every day like walking, running and leaning forward while sitting down, just to name a few. When this group of muscles get’s tight you are at a high risk for a lot of different problems. The great news is once you have identified the cause of your problem, you can get rid of the pain and tightness quickly. This book will take your through four key steps to ensure that you get rid of your tight hip flexors and keep them loose. The reasons may not be as simple as you think as this complex group of muscles does a lot of work in every day tasks. Bad posture, repetitive movements and weak muscles will also contribute to your issues. I'll teach you how to release your hip flexors and re-train your body effectively, no matter what the cause of your tight hips.Included are:Key stretches to release the hip flexors.Self massage on important areas to get a deeper release.Exercises that will take your hip flexors through a dynamic range of motion and stretch them actively.Postural exercises that will retrain your body so your hip flexors aren't working when they shouldn't.An understanding of what you need to do during the day to help your cause.A guide on how to put it all together effectively for your situation.