The New Hot: Cruising Through Menopause with Attitude and Style

Meg Mathews - 2020
    Rejecting the idea that we should live in fear, suffer silently, or medicate ourselves unnecessarily through this hormonal shift, Mathews set out to get answers and advice from the medical establishment, alternative therapists, and her many friends in the midst of "the change." When she launched the Megs Menopause website, it quickly became the trending online destination for pre- and menopausal women all over the world.Now, in The New Hot, Mathews offers the results of all her research and discussions: the latest information about hormone treatments (hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy), her best tips and techniques for coping with menopausal symptoms (there are officially thirty-four possible symptoms; Mathews has dealt with thirty-two!), and dishy, girlfriend-to-girlfriend advice about what to really expect when you're aging. Entertaining, stylish, and informative, The New Hot will be the resource women everywhere are talking about, learning from, and recommending to one another.

THE FITNESS CHEF: Eat What You Like & Lose Weight For Life - The infographic guide to the only diet that works

Graeme Tomlinson - 2019
    You just need this book. Graeme Tomlinson, a.k.a. The Fitness Chef, has amassed over half a million instagram followers thanks to his myth-busting health-and-diet infographics.In his first book, this simple visual guide, you will discover: how to lose weight and keep it off forever; why you don’t need a complicated new diet, slimming-club rules or a personal trainer; How you can still eat everything you love and feel great about it.The good news is: you don’t need to ban foods (you can still eat your favourite biscuits) or stop eating food groups (enjoy carbs, fats and sugar). After reading this book you will be able to make informed food choices for the rest of your life and succeed at any weight-loss goal.Forget the confusing diet myths – carbs don’t make you fat! You don’t need intermittent fasting, keto or special diet foods!Understand the facts and empower yourself to make informed food choices for the rest of your life.Enjoy Graeme’s quick, low-calorie meal ideas and affordable food swaps and get to know the calorie counts for commonly consumed foods and drinks.You already have a diet, you just need to get to know it better.

The DIY Spud Fit Challenge: A how-to guide to tackling food addiction with the humble spud.

Andrew Taylor - 2016
    In this Spud Fit Challenge DIY guide, featuring twelve super simple (and cheap!) recipes and a variety of mindfulness techniques to help you reset your body and mind, he shows you the how's, what's and why's of his unusual regime - the tale of which went viral and captivated people across the globe. It's a scenario that will be depressingly familiar to all 'experienced dieters': towards the end of 2015, the former elite junior kayaker found himself more than 120 pounds (55kgs) overweight and feeling helpless, frustrated and in despair after yet another failed attempt at losing weight. With a lifetime of fad diets that only ever aimed to treat symptoms behind him, and armed only with the advice of 'the experts' whose discussion always began and ended with the message 'simply' to practise moderation, he had reached an impasse. Why couldn't he do moderation, like 'normal' people seemed to be able to? Sitting on the couch that day having reached his lowest point and not knowing the way out of the black hole that was swallowing his ability to enjoy life, he had that lightbulb moment: he was addicted to food. His mind raced - no other addict would ever be told to practise moderation, they would be told to quit their vice entirely. In that moment he realised that quitting food - or coming as close to it as possible - was the answer. Weeks of research told him that the humble potato, the food that has allowed vast populations to not only survive but to thrive over generations, was the perfect vehicle for his experiment: The Spud Fit Challenge was born! Good health is way more simple than we've been led to believe. There is a food that you can eat in abundance and that food provides you with all the nutrition your body needs to thrive for a long time. A good diet should not involve obsessing over every detail about what you put in your mouth - this does nothing to treat the underlying cause of your troubled relationship with food. This is the Spud Fit Challenge in a nutshell: let simplicity set you free. This guide will provide you with both the mental techniques that have helped Andrew to power through cravings without looking back as well as some ‘Spud Fit approved’ recipes to pique your interest - everything you need to successfully complete your own Spud Fit Challenge.

The Eagle and the Dragon: A Story of Strength and Reinvention

Chris Duffin - 2019
    The story of his unconventional life will take you from gripping tales of murder, trauma, heartbreak, and survival deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness all the way to an idealization of the self-made man--still flawed, but never broken.
In The Eagle and the Dragon, you'll follow one man's journey into the darkness of his own heart and witness the transformation of alcoholism, pain, and defeat into vision, character, and victory. Through Chris's powerful self-realization, you'll see how the human spirit can be either shackled by circumstance or freed from it.Strength and Reinvention: the Eagle and the Dragon. Are you ready to walk through the fire and make your vision a reality?This book will show you how.

HOW TO IMPROVE EGG QUALITY: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant

Darja Wagner - 2013
    Written by a Ph.D. cell biologist, dedicated to the most special kind of cells: your eggs. The book is full of real-life examples and gives you a toolbox necessary to improve your egg quality in easy-to-follow steps and within a realistic time frame of three to six months.Do you hear your biological clock ticking? If you care about your fertility or are waiting impatiently to get pregnant, How to Improve Egg Quality: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant contains the information you need to be aware of. If you are over 30 OR undergoing fertility treatments, it might be the best investment you will ever make in your future family. The author of the blog on improving fertility for women over 35 and a scientist specializing in vitamins and hormones, Darja Wagner Ph.D. presents to you a book packed with tons of cutting-edge research from recent years, but written in simple English and in an easy to read format. Did you know that the quality of a woman’s eggs is the single largest factor contributing to delays in getting pregnant as women become older? Missing facts on how to slow down your biological clock and improve your chances to get pregnant can destroy your dreams. Which foods are scientifically proven to be the best for increasing fertility? How exactly can you employ CoQ10, vitamin D, and DHEA to improve egg quality? How do you find out how many eggs you have left? How to deal with emotional and communication issues while you are waiting to get pregnant? Which lifestyle interventions are most likely to improve your chances of conceiving? What are the important things you must know about conception, implantation, and the aging of your ovaries, which only a scientist can help you understand? What is it that women don’t know and doctors don’t tell? Reading How to Improve Egg Quality: The Smart Way to Get Pregnant is likely to save you a lot of time. The author combines her personal experience with research from various scattered sources: scientific journals, the Internet, fertility forums and books, to give you the essence and essential facts in a way which is easy to understand and to act upon. This book is written for women who don’t have much time to waste. It gets straight to the point, putting scientific vocabulary in plain language. Even those who are familiar or dealing professionally with this topic are sure to learn new specific facts and get advice on how the reproductive potential of aging women can be developed to its full potential. Instantly available to read on your Kindle or PC. Biography: Darja Wagner, Ph.D. is a scientist specializing in vitamins and hormones. She is the author of the blog, where she addresses fertility and getting pregnant for women of advanced reproductive age.

Drinking Custard: The Diary of a Confused Mum

Lucy Beaumont - 2021
    From TV's award-winning comedy mum, Lucy Beaumont, comes her hilarious debut on the trials and tribulations of motherhood.

Scotland Yard's Ghost Squad: The Secret Weapon Against Post-War Crime

Dick Kirby - 2011
    It was the age of austerity and criminal opportunity. Thieves broke into warehouses, hijacked trucks and ransacked rail yards to feed the black market; others stole, recycled or forged ration coupons. Scotland Yard was 6,000 men under strength but something dramatic had to be done and it was.Four of the Yards best informed detectives were summoned to form the Special Duties Squad and were told: Go out into the underworld. Gather your informants. Do whatever is necessary to ensure that the gangs are smashed up. We will never ask you to divulge your sources of information. But remember you must succeed.They did. Divisional Detective Inspector Jack Capstick, a brilliant thief-taker and informant runner, Detective Inspector Henry Clark, who knew the south London villains as few other detectives did and in addition, possessed a punch like the kick of a mule, and Detective Sergeants Matt Brinnand and John Gosling, who topped the Flying Squad wartime arrests, both individually and collectively. In under four years they arrested 789 criminals, solved 1,506 cases and recovered stolen property valued at 250,000 or 10 million by todays standards, with the aid of their informants, undercover officers and their own, unsurpassed ability.The Special Duties Squad was a one-off. How the four officers accomplished their task is divulged in this thrilling book, using hitherto unseen official documents and conversations from people who were there.

"I'm just an ordinary girl." The Sharon Kinne Story

James C. Hays - 1997
    husband, her boyfriend's wife and a man in Mexico. All this before her twenty-fifth birthday.Sentenced to thirteen years in Mexican prison, she escaped and is still at large with an active murder warrant biting at her ass.This story has been featured on Unsolved Mysteries and Discovery I.D.'s Deadly Women series. (Episode-"Born Bad").

The Forgotten Prince William: The House of Windsor's First Modern Prince

Parker Healy - 2012
    A young page in Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding, in thirty short years William became the House of Windsor's first modern prince but has been largely forgotten. He tested the limits of royal convention in work and love by pursuing a career in business and diplomacy and dating women who could never be accepted as a royal bride. William also lived an adventurous life, escaping several near death experiences during travels around the world, witnessing one of the most tragic periods in American history, and becoming a competitive pilot before his life was cut short in a tragic accident.Based on personal accounts by the family and friends who knew William best, extracts from his own reflections on his life and family, and photographs at different stages of his life, this book provides a unique glimpse into a prince’s coming of age and what growing up in the British royal family is really like.

The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide

Kayla Itsines - 2017
    Drawing on more than 40,000 survey responses from her global online community, as well as extensive research and her experience as a trainer, Kayla addresses what stops us from following through on our health and fitness goals. In her second book, The Bikini Body Motivation & Habits Guide, Kayla explores how you can overcome those obstacles, set goals and stick to a long-term plan for better health. Inside, you'll find helpful checklists and templates, a 28-day meal plan, more than 200 simple and delicious recipes, shopping lists and a downloadable 28-day workout poster. Let global fitness phenomenon Kayla show you how YOU can stick to a plan for long-term health."In this book, I give you the keys to achieving your goals and show you how to use motivation to create healthy habits that will stick." This is a specially formatted fixed-layout ebook that retains the look and feel of the print book.

Diet Rehab: 28 Days to Finally Stop Craving the Foods That Make You Fat

Mike Dow - 2011
    In March 2010, The Scripps Research Institute released a study showing how rats on a junk-food diet had just as difficult a time-if not more so-giving up excess fat and sugar as the rats who were struggling to recover from cocaine dependence. The results showed that certain foods actually alter the brain's chemistry, making our consumption of these foods less like an indulgence and more like an addiction.Our brains require two key neurotransmitters to maintain proper mood and function, serotonin and dopamine. We get a rush of the two when we eat junk food, but the converse is also true: If we stop eating them cold turkey, we go through serotonin and dopamine withdrawal. This is what causes so many dieters to ultimately fail. In order to successfully lose weight, explains Dr. Mike Dow, dieters should be sensitive both to their emotional and physical needs. Dr. Dow, a psychologist who specializes in addictive behavior and eating disorders, introduces a four-week program for breaking the hold that food has over the body, mind, and spirit by gradually decreasing the amount of "bad" foods while increasing activities and foods that boost serotonin and dopamine levels. Sensible and uniquely effective, Diet Rehab eliminates the withdrawal pains of most diet plans, and provides the structure for a sustainable, healthy, and happy lifestyle.

The Vikings: Raiders, Explorers And Seafaring Warriors

Lance Hightower - 2016
    Their achievements, rich culture and craftsmanship contributed greatly to our world today, and their explorations helped make up the boundaries of nations. The Vikings: Raiders, Explorers, and Seafaring Warriors by author Lance Hightower will give you a glimpse of the battles that raged for more than 300 years, sparked by the cultural and religious differences that were the trigger for warring with the Franks, England and Ireland, and for trade and exploration into the Muslim empire, the Byzantine Empire, as far as Russia, Spain and North America.They came from Sweden, Norway and Denmark, not as one army, but as separate tribes who assaulted their way through Christendom as retaliation for the destruction of their holy icon. They came from the sea in a way that ingeniously allowed them to go where no conventional ship dared, and they were able to navigate waters without benefit of the sun to guide them. They used boats that made ship-building history – light, fast, and equally efficient in shallow rivers and mighty oceans.They terrorized, traded, bartered, took slaves, colonized, fought and died all in the name of Odin, god of the battle-slain. Perhaps in the end, they fought more for territory and riches than principle, but the history of the Vikings will always remain as one of the most enthralling of all Ages, where honor was crucial, death on the battlefield was preferred to idleness, and the stormy pantheon of their gods still held the greatest influence in their lives.The brilliant sagas come to life with snippets of modern translations, told like tales of old should be told, with dread, heroics and excitement. Lance Hightower combines his own expertise with the latest archeological findings and information given to us from ancient text to present a first-rate portrayal of the Vikings in an easy-to-read format that is a refreshing change from the usual dry delivery of history.

The Gospel of Bernie Sanders

Sam Frizell - 2015
    He seeks conversions, not just votes. This Spotlight Story from TIME explores the Gospel of Bernie Sanders.

Letters to Sarah - A Child Lost Forever, A Mother's Grief and a Love That Will Never Die

Sara Payne - 2017
    It has been twenty-five years since you were born. There have been too many Christmases without you . . . 'In the summer of 2000, schoolgirl Sarah Payne went missing from a beach where she played with her siblings. The nation waited with her whole family as the search for the little girl touched the hearts of everyone in the country. After Sarah's body was found, abducted and murdered by convicted paedophile Roy Whiting, her mother, Sara, spoke of how she had survived those terrible times.Now, seventeen years later, Sara wants to tell the full story of how she coped then, and how she has survived. Through a series of letters to her beloved daughter, she takes the reader on a heart-breaking but uplifting journey through every parent's worst nightmare in a moving account of the ultimate emotional survival. It is a story for the little girl who was taken, but a reminder to us all that hope never dies – and love never ends.

The Untold Story of Kim

Ed Robinson - 2014
    It will lead you to hate doctors, lawyers, and insurance companies. By the time you finish, you’ll have fallen in love with Kim. This deeply inspiring tale is destined to become the most important book ever written about chronic pain and pain management in today’s healthcare environment.