The Queen's Pirate: Sir Francis Drake

Kevin Jackson - 2016
     But Drake’s exploits in his earlier years, though less well known, are even more remarkable. Born into a poor, obscure family, he worked his way rapidly up in the maritime world to his first captaincy. Before long, he was the most successful of all English pirates, admired by his countrymen, hated and feared by the Spanish. Queen Elizabeth and her ministers saw the potential in this rough-mannered but enterprising young man, and gave him their blessing for the first British venture into the Pacific Ocean. This success of this voyage, which lasted for three years, exceeded their wildest hopes. Not only did Drake come home with a vast treasure of captured gold, silver and jewels; he became the first man ever to circumnavigate the globe in a single mission, and bring most of his crew home alive and well. Soon after his triumphant return, Elizabeth knighted this newly rich adventurer, and gave her blessing to his acts of pillage. It was a gesture that made war with Spain inevitable. And Drake’s part in the coming war changed the course of world history. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE: THE QUEEN’S PIRATE tells the extraordinary story of Drake’s early years and his journey around the world on his famous ship, the Golden Hind.

WordPress Websites Step-by-Step - The Complete Beginner's Guide to Building a Website or Blog With WordPress

Caimin Jones - 2013
    You won't need to learn any web programming or turn yourself into a computer geek.What is WordPress?WordPress is a powerful publishing tool that's the single most popular way of publishing websites and blogs. It's used by Fortune 500 companies, startups, small businesses, bloggers and non-profits alike to build a professional presence on the web.Because WordPress lets you add and edit content through a web-based admin area, it's easier to use then you might imagine. In fact, you can build a great-looking site without being a web designer or computer geek. You can edit your website design as much as you like and add new features with a few clicks of the mouse, or you can use the default design for an equally professional-looking site.In plain English, this step-by-step book, written by a WordPress expert, helps you buy a domain name, get web hosting and set up WordPress so you can make a beautiful website or blog.Clear explanations and over 55 images of the admin screens and tools mean you can see exactly how to do all this.What you'll learn in WordPress Step-by-Step*How to choose a great domain name and get professional, reliable hosting * How to install WordPress in a few mouse clicks* How to publish posts and pages with correctly formatted text* How to give your website a professional touch by using images and videos* How to customize the design of your site without needing to be a programmer* How to extend your site even further with "plugins" * How to structure your site so you'll get found by Google* How to keep your website secure * How to solve the most common WordPress problems...and more.There's also a free bonus chapter on getting the first visitors to your site.Plus, the book is packed with links to additional resources and free design themes and plugins to help you build a website on a budget.By the time you've read the book you'll have a unique, professional and easy-to-use website to be proud of - and you'll have created it yourself!Important: This book is currently the most up-to-date WordPress book available on Amazon. Some of the older WordPress books were published more than a year ago - a lot has changed since then. This guide describes how to use the latest version of WordPress (3.5).Whether you want to build a simple website for your company or organization, make money with a blog or a full online store, this non-geek guide will get you online quickly.

Shadow People: How Meth-Driven Crime Is Eating at the Heart of Rural America

Scott Thomas Anderson - 2012
    He spent 18 months - between May of 2010 and October of 2011 - working as an embedded reporter with law enforcement agencies, partnering with officers on night patrols, accompanying detectives on warrant searches and probation sweeps, observing SWAT operations and spending hundreds of hours with attorneys and victims' advocates in small-town courtrooms. The result is "Shadow People," a stark and sometimes brutal exploration of America's modern methamphetamine crisis.

A Camino of the Soul: Learning to Listen When the Universe Whispers

Katharine Elliott - 2016
    Don’t ask what or why...just start” My sister Jeannie, deceased 7 years earlier, wrapped her angel arms around me that September day on the Camino Santiago de Compostela and guided me to my purpose. What is it that magically draws us to step outside our normal realm of existence? That unexplainable energy that sings a calling to our soul? A knowing which came in the late summer of 2011, my pilgrimage was the culmination of several years in which I began learning to listen to the energies of the Universe. Listen to the knowledge my soul cradles deep within. Listen to the love and guidance of my guardian angels. Believe that all I need to know, all I need to understand, is available to me if I simply remain open to the forces of the Universe ...and listen. In September 2014 I followed my soul knowledge and embarked on the Camino Santiago de Compostela, an ancient pilgrimage path some 500 miles crossing the French Pyrenees and west across the north of Spain. A Camino of the Soul - Learning to Listen When the Universe Whispers shares my Camino story and, more importantly, a lesson of growth and transformation.

Daughter of Catalonia

Jane MacKenzie - 2014
    Not everything is easy to discover.' In war-torn France, charismatic Spaniard Luis elopes with high-born Elise from Paris and takes her to live in a small village in Catalonia. Little do they know that war will rip them apart, sending Elise into unhappy exile in England, and Luis to his death in the Resistance. Many years later their daughter Madeleine returns to France to seek out her roots and the truth of her parents' story. But her arrival in the Catalan village of her childhood unleashes more than she had bargained for, as Madeleine confronts the secrets of war and learns the shocking truth behind her father's death. And as her own love story begins, she must come to terms with her past, and learn to forgive and to believe in the legacy of love her parents left behind.

The Sword Master

I.J. Parker - 2012
    Even the selfless physician who saves him cannot soften the boy's hardened spirit. Angry with the world and desiring vengeance against those who caused his parents' suicides, Hachiro feels rejection almost everywhere and reacts in kind. This anger he forges into an amazing skill with a sword. He becomes the most famous swordsman in the city. Many deaths are due to Hachiro’s reputation, until he seeks solitude and redemption by leaving the capital.The love of women proves even less kind than the cut of a sword. His obsession with a forbidden passion forces Hachiro to join the war between two powerful clans where he finds another dangerous woman and treachery.When at last he returns home, he finds Kyoto in ruin and his beloved master dead. In the midst of the tragedy of this ravaged city, he discovers his redemption, something he had given up hoping for. But first he must face the danger of losing all when a secret enemy sets his trap.

A Kiss Behind the Castanets: My Love Affair with Spain

Jean Roberts - 2019
    Her glorified image of life abroad is crushed as she battles rogue tradesmen and vicious local wildlife.From stalking a neighbour to encountering trees with testicles, will she weather the storms of expat life or wish she had never left the UK?A Kiss Behind the Castanets is the first instalment of Jean Roberts's lighthearted and uplifting tale in her Moving to Spain series.Perfect for fans of Victoria Twead, Chris Stewart, and Alan Parks.

Travels with My Donkey: One Man and His Ass on a Pilgrimage to Santiago

Tim Moore - 2004
    Armed only with a twelfth-century handbook to the route and expert advice on donkey management from Robert Louis Stevenson, Moore and his four-legged companion travel the ancient five-hundred-mile route from St. Jean Pied-de-Port, on the French side of the Pyrenees, to the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela which houses the remains of Spain's patron saint, St. James.Over sun-scorched highways, precipitous bridges, dirt paths shaded by leafy trees, and vineyards occasionally lashed by downpours, Moore and Shinto pass through some of northern Spain's oldest towns and cities in colorful company. Clearly more interested in Shinto than in Moore, their fellow walkers are an assortment of devout Christian pilgrims, New Age--spirituality seekers aspiring to be the next Shirley Maclaine, Baby Boomers contemplating middle age, and John Q Public just out for a cheap, boozy sun-drenched outdoor holiday.As Moore pushes, pulls, wheedles, cajoles, and threatens Shinto across Spain, the duo overnights in the bedrooms, dormitories, and---for Shinto---grassy fields of northern Spain. Shinto, a donkey with a finely honed talent for relieving himself at the most inopportune moments, has better luck in the search for his next meal than Moore does in finding his inner pilgrim. Undaunted, however, Man and Beast finally arrive at the cathedral and a successful end to their journey. For readers who delighted in his earlier books, Travels With my Donkey is the next hilarious chapter in the travels of Tim Moore, a book that keeps the bones of St. James rattling to this day.

This Game Has No Loyalty

Brooklyn June - 2010
    It quickly became the most sought out employment for street kids who learned how to distribute, package and sell it for a profit. What no one anticipated was the havoc and destruction it would bring to their hood because of the unlimited potential of stacks of money they stood to make. Murder, betrayal and disloyalty surfaced without prejudice and took young lives almost immediately. Welcome to Bushwick and Bed-Stuy Brooklyn where Junior catapults you into life in the drug dealer game and takes you on an up close and personal voyage that will have you smelling gun smoke and running for your life. Being a kingpin in a hood you're not from is usually unheard of but for Junior it wasn't. He's the boss of Baptiste projects and believes there are two reasons he's avoided drama from the locals. For one, he hired dudes from Baptiste to help him and the second was because his girl Shondra was born and raised in Baptiste and had mad love and respect in her hood. Junior enjoyed getting money relatively with no consequences but nothing remains the same for long. He gets his first taste of disloyalty from within his camp and that compromises his once solidly run drug empire. Junior's first instinct is impulsive and he rushes to deal with the betrayal with lethal intentions, but his premeditated move proves to be the wrong move and he finds himself in a deadly gun battle with KB and his crew. He barely escapes and flees Baptiste to Bed-Stuy to plan his next strategic move. He turns to Shondra to give him inside information on what is happening in Baptiste in his absence while he temporarily turns over the reins of his business to one of his trusted workers who was with him during his gunfight with KB's crew. Shondra finds out some information that will help him eliminate his enemies but it jeopardizes her relationship with her best friend Gloria. While Junior is plotting his revenge he runs into Muffin, a girlfriend from his past. He decides to use her as a part of his team but their emotions cause romantic turmoil that eventually leads to a love triangle although he tells Muffin he's in a relationship with Shondra. Muffin plays as if she respects the boundaries placed in front of her but has her own plans on taking Shondra out of the picture so she can claim her place as Junior's main girl. Junior's goal is to change the way the drug game is played but after being set up he's on a mission to stay alive and make everyone involved pay for their disloyalty. He also tries to find a balance between his love for Shondra and his business/love relationship he developed with Muffin. When Shondra finds out about Junior's affair with Muffin her anger is temporarily derailed when they find themselves in the middle of a deadly shootout. The massacre affects everyone's life in a dramatic way, spilling all secrets out in the open. Junior and Muffin's infidelity is revealed, Gloria discovers Shondra's disloyalty to her and KB's life hangs in the balance. Junior's empire, life and relationship are at stake as he executes his deadly plan of revenge. One Brooklyn neighborhood tells a gangster love story that is fueled by murder, betrayal, unfaithfulness, revenge and remarkably, love. To live the so called drug life, don;t try to find loyalty in something you believe in if you are not willing to commit to it completely.

Oh Great, Now I Can Hear Dead People!

Deborah Durbin - 2011
    Someone however doesn't share Sam's joy and it's only when they set out to destroy her reputation does Sam really need help from the other side...Follow Sam's hilarious journey of self-discovery as she adjusts to being a grown up version of the kid from The Sixth Sense and discovers that love can often be right under your nose.

Sinning Across Spain

Ailsa Piper - 2012
    Aside from 10 kilograms of practicalities, she also lugged a load of sins in her swag.In the tradition of medieval believers, or scammers, who paid others to carry their sins to holy places, and so buy forgiveness, Ailsa asked her colleagues and friends to donate a sin. She then shouldered them across country, being taunted and tempted by them along the way, and trying to discover the mysteries of faith. What is faith? Did she have it? Could she get it? Would she know it if she saw it?Sinning across Spain celebrates the call of the road, the possibilities for connection, and the simple act of putting one foot down – and then the other, and repeat – for more than a thousand kilometres of dusty road.

No eye has seen

Graham Carter - 2007
    Mother of three, Sarah Glen, loses her life under unusual circumstances when her car is forced from the road in what appears to be a random act of road rage.What follows is a breathtaking story of adventure and excitement as Sarah explores the limitless wonder of her new home, Paradise.The Throne Room, New Jerusalem, departed loved ones, all these and more are unveiled in this thought provoking tale.While Sarah's remaining family and friends struggle to come to terms with the passing of the popular mom, angels, good and evil, fight for supremacy in the age-old battle between the kingdoms of darkness and light.

Dogs and Love - Stories of Fidelity

Ferris Robinson - 2013
    Each short story is about a dog, love and the special bond that can form between dogs and people. Love stories for all ages, almost any of these short stories could be a bedtime story for children, although they run the emotional gamut from absurdity to poignancy. The language is clean, and although the loss of a pet is always sad, the idea of dressing a chihuahua in a red corduroy coat is funny, quickly bringing a smile. Almost every true story in this collection is either about a chihuahua or a mix thereof, and/or the abandoned hound that claimed a family as his own. One is about a lost mother dog who depended on the kindness of strangers after delivering her puppies in a cave on the side of a cliff. Another is about a little dog's grief when her master died; although he was important enough to be mourned by an entire city, Mopsy's sorrow was heartbreaking. Most of the dogs in these stories came from an animal shelter, and the fidelity that each rescue dog demonstrates, from utter loyalty to pure devotion, makes a master humble.Perhaps you will recognize and remember some of the dogs you have loved over the years as you read these stories, and realize how important dogs truly are in the emotional lives of humans


Barnaby Conrad - 1952
    The city of Sevilla waits, heavy with anticipation. But Pacote finds he is afraid, and fears disgrace in the ring. Time, once his friend, now presses him on to the moment when the gate opens and the first bull enters the ring. You are there in the stands with the screaming crowd and in the lonely emptiness at the center of the arena with only a red cap and a slender sword. You are there for one of the most magnificent passages ever written on bullfighting. "Conrad, himself a veteran of the bull ring, knows the sport even better than Hemingway. And he writes about it magnificently...a tale of high courage, throbbing with excitement." (B-O-M-C News)

Australia's Strangest Mysteries #2

John Pinkney - 2012
    Someone [the murderer?] had covered him with a small strip of carpet.Nearby, in a ditch,lay Mrs Chandler - her face and torso bafflingly blanketed in beer cartons.The discovery made international headlines. It swiftly emerged that Dr Bogle, a brilliant specialist in solid state physics, had recently accepted a research post in Washington – and had been preparing to fly there, with his wife and children. Mrs Chandler, who’d worked as a nurse before her marriage, had been at the same New Year’s party with Gilbert Bogle the evening before. They had left separately.Scientists found that the pair had died of acute heart failure – but they could suggest no cause. There were no signs of violence: no smothering or strangulation; no hypodermic marks; no evidence, in the body tissues, of poisons, or radioactive substances of any kind.From the morning the bodies were found, the Bogle-Chandler conundrum would perplex the law’s keenest forensic minds...