Book picks similar to
Truth & Revelation by Nikolai A. Berdyaev


The Poem Of The Man God

Maria Valtorta - 1979

The Essential Augustine

Augustine of Hippo - 1964
    Came to the Episcopacy (Serm. 355, 2); A. Chooses Eraclius as His Successor (Letter 213, 1, 5f); A. on His Own Writings (Retractations Prol. I, 1-3)2 FAITH & REASON: Belief is Volitional Consent (On the Spirit & Letter 21, 54; 34, 60); To Believe Is to Think w/Assent (Predestination of the Saints 5); Believing & Understanding (On Free Choice II, 2, 4-6); Authority & Reason (Against the Academics III, 20, 43); Two Ways to Knowledge (On Order II, 9, 26f); Reason & Authority in Manicheism (Value of Believing 1-4); The Relation of Authority to Reason (True Religion 24, 45--25, 47); If I Am Deceived, I Am Alive (City of God XI, 26); I Know that I Am Alive (The Trinity XV, 12, 21f); Knowledge & Wisdom (The Trinity XII, 14, 21--15, 25); Error & Ignorance (Enchiridion 17)3 THREE LEVELS OF REALITY: Creator, Human Soul, Body (Questions for Simplicianus I, 2, 18); Natures on Three Levels (Letter 18, 2); Soul, Ruled by God, Rules Its Body (On Music VI, 5, 12f); Soul: Above the Sensible, Below God (True Religion 3. 3); God, Mutable Spirits, & Bodies (Nature of the Good 1-25); Divine, Psychic & Bodily Nature (City of God VIII, 5f); Causality: Divine, Psychic & Bodily (City of God V, 9); Divine Ideas as Prototypes (83 Different Questions 46, 1f); God Set Spiritual Creation Above the Corporeal (Literal Commentary on Genesis VIII, 20, 39; 25, 46; 26, 48); Evil: the Privation of the Good (Enchiridion 10-12)4 MAN’S SOUL: Existence, Life, Sense & Reason (On Free Choice II, 3, 7f, 10); Sensation as an Activity of the Soul (On Music VI, 5, 9f); Memory, Understanding & Will (The Trinity X, 11, 17f); The Wonders of Memory (Confessions X, 8-26); Three Levels of Vision (Literal Commentary on Genesis XII, 6, 15--11, 22; 30, 58--31, 59)5 THE WORLD OF BODIES: All Bodily Natures Are Good (City of God XII, 4); Invisible Seeds in the Elements (The Trinity III, 8, 13); The Elements Contain Seminal Reasons (Literal Commentary on Genesis IX, 17, 32); Measure, Number, & Weight (Literal Commentary on Genesis IV, 3, 7); Concerning Formless Matter (Confessions XII, 3. 3--9, 9); Place, Time & the Physical World (City of God XI, 5-6); The Wonders of Nature (City of God XXI, 4-5); God Works Thruout Nature (The Trinity III, 5, 11--6, 11); Man’s Natural Endowments (City of God XXII, 24); The Physical World & the Xian (Enchiridion 9)6 APPROACHING GOD THRU UNDERSTANDING: Creation is a Great Book (Serm., Mai 126, 6); The Journey of the Soul to God (On Free Choice II, 12, 33f; 15, 39f; 16, 41f); The Soul’s Ascent to God (Confessions VII, 10, 16--17, 23); The Whole World Proclaims Its Maker (On Psalm 26, Serm. 2, 12); Ascending to the Supreme Truth (True Religion 29, 52--31, 58); Plato’s View of God (City of God VII, 4); How to Think About God (The Trinity V, 1f--2f); The Problem of Speaking About God (The Trinity VII, 4, 7-9); God Is the Selfsame (On Psalm 121, 3, 5); A Divine Invocation (Soliloquies I, 2-6); Late Have I Loved Thee (Confessions X, 27, 38--28, 39)7 MORAL & RELIGIOUS LIFE: All Men Desire Happiness (On Psalm 32, Serm. 3, 15f); Man’s Greatest Good (Moral Behavior of the Catholic Church 3-8); Good Love & Bad Love (City of God XIV, 6f); Moral Evil Stems from Bad Will (City of God XII, 6); Two Precepts of Love (City of God XIX, 14); On Diversities of Local Customs (Letter 54, 1-4); Doing Good to Body & Soul (Moral Behavior of the Catholic Church 27f); The Evil of Telling a Lie (Enchiridion 18f, 22); Lying & Concealing the Truth (On Psalm 5, 7); Faith, Hope & Charity (Enchiridion 8); No Virtues Apart from God (City of God XIX, 25); Our Reward Is Not in This Life (On Psalm 48, Serm. 2)8 DIMENSIONS OF GRACE: What the Grace of God Is (On Admonition & Grace 2f); A. Was Never a Pelagian (Retractations I, 9, 2-4); What True Grace Is (On the Grace of Christ 26f); The Work of Grace (City of God XXI, 15f); How Freedom Is Restored by Grace (Enchiridion 30-32); God’s Foreknowledge & Human Willing (City of God V, 10); Grace Before & After the Fall (Enchiridion 104-106); Grace & Good Works (On Psalm 31, Serm. 2, 6-8); Prevenient Grace (On Psalm 18, Serm. 2); Grace & Human Miseries (City of God XXII, 20-22); The Beatific Vision (On Psalm 36, Serm. 2, 8)9 THE TWO CITIES: A.’s Analysis of the City of God (Letter to Firmus); How the Two Cities Differ (City of God XIV, 1); Two Loves Make Two Cities (Literal Commentary on Genesis XI, 15, 20); Two Cities Formed by Two Loves (City of God XIV, 28); The Unimportance of Externals (City of God XIX, 19); Relation of the Heavenly & Earthly Cities (City of God XIX, 17); Jerusalem & Babylon (On Psalm 64, 2); Summary of the Two Cities (City of God XVIII, 1); All Nations Are in the City of God (On Psalm 86, 5); The Church & the City of God (On Psalm 98, 4); The Foundation of the Holy City (On Psalm 121, 4); Religion & Human Destiny (True Religion 7, 13--8, 14); The Meaning of a People (City of God XIX, 23f); Peace: the Tranquility of Order (City of God XIX, 11-13); Two Kingdoms After the Resurrection (Enchiridion 111)10 PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Belief & Historical Events (83 Different Questions 48); The Universality of Providence (City of God V, 11); Meaning in History (True Religion 50, 98f); Six Ages in Biblical History (On Psalm 92, 1); Symbolic Meaning of Jewish History (On Psalm 64, 1); Christ in History (Letter 137, 4, 15f); The Two Cities in History (On Catechizing the Uninstructed 21, 37); What Is Time? (Confessions XI, 14, 17--30, 40); Critique of Cyclicism (City of God XII, 13-15)APENDIXES: 1 Selected, Annotated Bibliography 2 Alphabetical List of A.’s Writings 3 Glossary of TermsINDEX

Going Hard For The Love Of A Trapstar

Ro Monique - 2018
     The night before their big celebration or “retirement party” as some call it, they go out to celebrate amongst themselves when they run into best friends Tommi and Rue. They are almost immediately smitten by the ladies, due to the fact of them not being the regular sack chasers that they’re used to coming across and they like it. Then something pops up and causes some problems making them realize getting out the game isn’t as easy as they thought it would be. Asheesh is the brothers’ best friend and he plans on staying in the game a little longer, there are a couple of things he needs to address which are more of a personal problem than anything else. Never being the type to leave their friend hanging the twins may have to put in a little more work before they can consider themselves completely done. Get ready to go through the up and downs of this crew and see if they can get everything together before it ends!

The Gangsta That Stole My Heart

Nique Luarks - 2019
    Her quirky attitude and sunny disposition all come naturally on her quest to find inner peace. The only forcing drive that can seem to knock her off her square is True Jones. Violent, egocentric, and just plain inconsiderate, he’s the only man she’s ever been in love with, and he has been her BFF since grade school. One night of selfish passion changes things dramatically, causing a crack in the foundation they’ve built on trust and understanding. True continues with his womanizing ways, leaving Chance to question his loyalty. Unsure of where their spiraling friendship is headed, they find themselves lost in love. Holding onto the little hope she has left, Chance must decide if giving her all to a gangsta is worth the risk.

Switched at Marriage Episodes 7 & 8

Gina Robinson - 2018
    If you haven’t read the other books, now’s a good time to go back and see what you missed. Start with SWITCHED AT MARRIAGE EPISODES 1 & 2. Fate seems to be scheming against us. Things are looking dark for Justin and me. Nothing is as it seems. What is real? Our love? Or has that been an illusion, too? Scroll up and grab your copy today!

The Signal: The Signal Series Book 1

Toby Neighbors - 2021

Retribution (The Brotherhood Series Book 7)

Vivian Rose Lee - 2021

Desperate Measures (A Changed World Book 5)

Alice Sabo - 2018
    They made it through the winter, but now it’s flu season. Every year the virus changes just a little. Tillie and Angus are trying to prepare for every scenario, even the possibility that they will be the first to go. Nick is working to bridge the gap in supplies until the spring crops come in. Wisp and Bridget are preparing for the birth of their child. But there are changes coming that no one expected.

Love and War 4: A Gangsta's Last Ride

Latoya Nicole - 2017
    Just as things seem to be going good for the Hoover brothers, all hell breaks loose. Someone from their past has come back and is trying to force them back into the street life. When they decline, they do the unthinkable and forces the brothers to retaliate. Realizing that their enemy is too much for them to take down, they have to call in unlikely allies for help. A group of retired King Pins, Gangstas, and Bank Robbers must try to work together to take down a common enemy all while dealing with their own issues within. Will these brothers finally meet their demise or will they make it out one more time as they go on one last ride???

Meesh Unleashed: The Finale

Shelli Marie - 2013
    Just when one tragedy passes, there is some unknown person that ensures that another is right behind it. There comes a time when enough is enough, and things have to be handled the best way known how. Straight Street… Both Me’Shellay and Justine manage to keep love alive through all the drama. Times get tough, but that is when they toughen up. Loyalty will be tested, and only the faithful will survive…

The Hidden Price: Ethan Price Book Two

Malcolm Murdock - 2020

Return To The Outback

Suzanne Brandyn - 2021
    They set up operations at River Glen, his mother’s property, not far from the Hardy property, Avonlea.Fourteen years earlier, an accident tore them apart, and she blames Grant for the tragedy. When she meets up with him, her mind is determined to replay the past as though it were a new release.As they work together, their love is rekindled until another incident tears them apart. With the case concluded, Ella hands in her resignation with intentions to help her parents’ out at Avonlea but wealthy grazier, Dylan Burns offers a new romance.As Ella faces danger and disaster, it’s up to her to save herself but can she still hope for a future with Grant or any future at all?

The Rock - Rites of Betrayal (Fallen Earth Book 7)

Michael R. Stark - 2016
    The nights are dark, the days a stumbling venture from one horror to the next. In one place, William Hill stands in the center of a town where the scattered remains of the dead lie next to the road like litter tossed from passing cars, where the search for the living fails to turn up even one soul. Infected by a parasite destined to steal his mind, hunted by the Chosen, and dogged by a beautiful woman who claims to be an elf, he sometimes wonders if life can get any stranger. Then Daniel offers a glimpse of the coming world, a place where cavorting beasts feast upon the dead, where dragons haunt nearby forests, where the hordes crawl from the ground by the millions and sweep across the earth. The elf says she needs his blood to repair the rift between worlds, to finally put an end to the madness. He doesn't mind donating a little to the cause, but the more he hears, the more he doubts her intentions and the more the ceremony sounds like a full-scale sacrifice. In the end, William discovers that he can count on nothing, not even his sanity.

The Magelands Epic (Books 5-8) An epic fantasy series

Christopher Mitchell - 2020

Outta Her League

Charae Lewis - 2019
    Unfortunately, this chance includes a risk, and after careful consideration, Rhyon throws caution to the wind. What she didn’t anticipate was encountering Santana. An entertainment lawyer, who has a cocky personality that leaves her in a trance. He was someone that she didn’t foresee entering her world, and after experiencing the very essence of him, she can’t seem to let go. But there’s one person with her eyes on the very same prize Rhyon possesses, waiting to throw her shot. Rhyon is at her wits end with balancing her “new life” and trying to keep up with Santana. But with new experiences comes new problems and she’s not sure if she’s capable of dealing with them on her own. She needs an outlet, but what she doesn’t expect is her new outlet causing her more stress than she could ever imagine.