Conflicted Innocence (The Cold Case Files #2)

Netta Newbound
     Lee Barnes, James’ best friend and neighbour, is awaiting the imminent release of his wife, Lydia, who has served six years for infanticide. But he’s not as prepared as he thought. In a last ditch effort to make things as perfect as possible his already troubled life takes a nose dive. Geraldine and James combine their wits to investigate several historical, unsolved murders for James’ latest book. James is impressed by her keen eye and instincts. However, because of her inability to keep her mouth shut, Geri, once again, finds herself the target of a crazed and vengeful killer.

Cruising the Mediterranean

Al Lockwood - 2016
    Entertaining, informative, filled with wit and wonder, this day-by-day sightseeing memoir is an easy and enjoyable read. When Al and Sunny Lockwood registered for a 12-day Mediterranean cruise, they envisioned wandering narrow stone streets in Venice, standing on the Acropolis watching morning sun paint its marble columns gold, listening to the Muslim call to prayer chanted from Turkish minarets. Their travel experience surpassed by far their expectations. Climb aboard Amsterdam canal boats to explore the city from its historic waterways. Gaze across the red roofs of Venice from the city's tallest structure: St. Mark's Bell Tower. Check out the the oldest neighborhood in Athens, and the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, and stunning Greek islands. Sink your teeth into mouthwatering meals, and hold your breath while riding the rickety cliffside Acropolis lift. Immerse yourself in the book's beautiful photographs. Although not a guide book, readers will find a banquet of digestible details on history and culture within this warm and personal travel tale. Grab your reading glasses and come along for a trip you won't forget.

Stand Your Ground

David Leadbeater - 2016
    When their hotel is attacked by gunmen they are forced to flee blindly with no phones, no ID, and no money. It gets worse when Dahl realizes his wife, two daughters and himself are being singled out and hunted down by a dangerous army that includes corrupt local authorities.As the chase continues through Barbados's darkening streets, aboard a pirate cruise ship, and amidst a festive carnival parade, Dahl realizes there are even deeper nightmares abroad tonight. The island's prime minister is under threat. The leader of one of the world's most violent drug cartels has arrived.And though instincts say run, hide, just survive, there is only one thing a man like Dahl will do when his wife and daughters come under direct threat.Stand His Ground.


Robin Roughley - 2017
    For over five years Abe Mathews has been hunting the white-haired assassin. Obsession and vengeance drives him and at last he is close to bringing the man named Plymouth to justice. Though Plymouth is playing a deadlier game. One in which he is putting his life in the crosshairs in order to bring the guilty forward and he will stop at nothing to inflict his own horrific brand of retribution. However, as Mathews draws closer to his quarry he is forced to question the truth about the man with the blue eyes and savage smile. There are others who will cross any line to kill Plymouth those who have suffered beyond imagining at his hands. As the noose tightens and people start to die, Mathews must decide who he can trust before the clock stops ticking. Meanwhile, Plymouth relentlessly draws out those who want to see him dead in an electrifying game of life and death that will have a devastating impact on those unwittingly pulled into the vortex of violence.

Trying to Survive (Part 1)

C.J. Crowley - 2016
    Crowley brought me to my knees with this trilogy. And when an author can make me hold my breath, I'm reading a book that stretches my emotions and imagination to the point where I felt like I ran far and fast." "Great series. Now in my top five zombie stories. Up there w/ Mark Tufo, RR Hayward to name just a couple." "Loved this series. The author is not afraid to lose characters so be prepared, but it is realistic and well written." They hunt like wolves. Their speed and strength tear away at any hope for survival, just as their teeth do flesh. The few cursed to maintain their humanity will need more than weapons and clever ideas to escape the gruesome fates attached to even a single mistake. The night it began, all we could do was listen to the chaos. The sirens, car crashes, gunshots and never ending cries for help resonated throughout the neighborhood like a symphony of evil – rising up from hell itself. There was no warning. “Why couldn’t it be like it is in the movies?” *Now professionally edited/proofed* *Paperback now available* 18+ Only - Gore/Violence/Language - Aprrox. 36,000 Words - 150 Pages in print form.

Pretty Things Don't Break: A Memoir

Lauren Jayne - 2016
    Her father was charming, but a monster. Lauren Jayne’s riveting memoir transports you into her roller-coaster life from page one. Travel with Lauren from her parents’ topless jazz club in Australia to her wild-child years growing up in the heart of Seattle’s grunge scene in the 1990s. She was a girl on a mission: ditching the chaos-filled life she was born into to find love In Seattle, Lauren finds the family she has always longed for in her tight group of friends. Here she experiences her first love, first loss, and finally, through a deeply rooted internal strength, a boundless determination to have the life she has always longed for and deep faith. She finds that what she has been looking for was closer than she ever knew. Dealing with life head-on, she fights her way through abandonment and self-loathing, a debilitating eating disorder and suicide. You cannot escape this addictive memoir without being personally affected - you will feel as if you are right by her side the whole way through, rooting for her. Sydney, Rome, and Israel: a lifelong journey of pain, loss and learning This captivating memoir will transport you into Lauren Jayne’s bizarre and larger-than-life world. You will journey around the world ping-ponging from Vegas where you will fall in love with her zany Mafia-drenched grandparents, Israel where she will discover a deeper faith, Rome where her love of culture is ignited, and back to Seattle where a suicide crumbles her world, only to finally bring it back together. You cannot read this evocative and beautifully written true story without gaining a new perspective on life. Scroll up to grab your copy of Pretty Things Don't Break: A Memoir now

A Siberian Winter's Tale: Cycling to the Edge of Insanity and the End of the World

Helen Lloyd - 2015
     In the depth of winter, Helen Lloyd spent three months cycling solo across one of the most remote, coldest inhabited regions of the planet - Siberia. In temperatures down to -50°C, she battled against the cold, overcoming her fear of wolves and falling through the ice of a frozen lake. Alone in a hibernating land with little to stimulate the senses, the biggest challenges were with her mind as she struggled with the solitude. With flashes of humour and riveting, graphic descriptions that will have you living each moment with her, Helen Lloyd describes the fear, uncertainty and joy of riding through a frozen, icy world. Yet, A Siberian Winter’s Tale is a touching story full of warm-hearted moments that are gifted to Helen by strangers along the Road of Bones.

Grave Games

James Hunt - 2016
    Millions of citizens have been thrust into the unknown, breeding fear into the minds and souls of those seeking to survive. Wren Burton, an architect from Chicago, has been engulfed by the chaotic aftermath of an EMP blast. Her family is injured. The enemy is unknown. And help is nowhere to be found. Exiled How far will a mother go to protect her family? Limited water. Limited resources. No help. Brooke Fontanne has to find a way to cross the massive sea of sand that is the Mojave Desert. And with the Southwestern United States now exiled from the Union in wake of the water crisis the entire area is in chaos. Brooke is forced to battle not just the desert elements, but gangs and marauders looking to take whatever they want. Agent Hill  Two years have passed since the GSF nearly collapsed. The mole responsible may have escaped, but he was never forgotten, especially by Agent Sarah Hill. Now, the mole has resurfaced as a mercenary for the world's most dangerous terrorist groups. And when Hill discovers what his next job is, it's a race against time to stop him before a nuclear weapon falls into the wrong hands. But if she has to choose between stopping the bomb, or stopping him, will she be able to keep her finger off the trigger? Terror Rising Texas Border Patrol Agent Angela Gannon discovers a terrorist plot by an ISIS sleeper to unleash a devastating attack. After her partner goes missing, the FBI shows up wanting answers, and Angela must convince her superiors that everything is connected. The clock is ticking, and the terrorists are on the move. Will Angela be able to stop them, or will ISIS succeed in delivering massive carnage to America? In "Terror Rising," everything is at stake.

Judge. Jury. Torturer.

Sea Caummisar - 2019
    A successful realtor with a special hobby. He follows a specific set of rules to aid in his serial killing hobby. If you ever buy or sell a house, beware of who might have a spare key to your home. Each chapter in this book demonstrates how Sly applies his 'rules' to his special hobby of killing people that he deems unworthy. The 'rules' are in place to keep his identity a secret. But when a member of a policeman's family goes missing, Sly's rules don't protect him as much as he thought they would. WARNING 18+. This book is full of blood and gore. Not for the faint of heart. Proceed with caution. If you don't like extreme horror, then this book is not for you.

A Murderous Valentine (Admiral Shackleford Mystery #1)

Beverley Watts - 2021
    Having been instrumental in improving the lives of so many (his words - others might be inclined to call it something slightly different...), he was struggling to reignite the spark in his own love life with the feisty Mabel. Short on ideas, he decides to gatecrash his much put upon former Master At Arms and best friend Jimmy Noon's Valentine idea and ends up in the middle of a murder mystery weekend... where real murder is on someone else's script. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with a hotel full of potential murderers, the unstoppable duo embark on a series of blundering escapades in an attempt to uncover the Murderous Valentine... The Admiral and Jimmy may be more Laurel and Hardy than Holmes and Watson, but can they catch a murderer...? This humorous cozy mystery short read is the first in The Admiral Shackleford Mysteries.

Four Years in the Rockies -- the Adventures of Isaac P. Rose--Hunter and Trapper in that Remote Region (1884)

James B. Marsh - 2010
    Rose (1815-1899) was a Rocky Mountain trapper and mountain man. No novel was ever written depicting more thrilling encounters with Indians or hair-breadth escapes than were experienced by Isaac Rose and his companions. These are fully recounted in a volume entitled, "Four Years in the Rockies," the authorship of which is accredited to James B. Marsh. It is a work full of interest for all readers. He was nineteen years old when he left his plough and, in company with a companion, Joe Lewis, he made his way to Pittsburg. The boys had cherished the hope of securing employment as stage drivers but, as they found no opening in that direction, they accepted berths at $15 per month as deck hands on a steamboat that was then loading for St. Louis. When they reached the latter city, Rose found employment as a hack driver in a livery stable, and Lewis a job of attending to the horses. Here the boys became acquainted with a number of "Rocky Mountain Boys," as they were called, and became fascinated with their stories of mountain life, of fights with bear and adventures in buffalo, elk and deer hunting, together with skirmishes with the Indians. Soon after this he joined a company formed by Nathaniel Wyeth, which started from Independence for the Rocky Mountains, with an outfit worth $100,000, sixty men and 200 horses and mules heavily loaded with goods. At the Gallatin River Isaac Rose and his party were joined by some trappers belonging to the American Fur Company, one of whom was Kit Carson. For years this noted trapper and Mr. Rose were closely associated in their adventurous life. Later, Mr. Rose became so expert a trapper himself that he won a prize of $300 as a trapper of beaver. In 1836 he had a thrilling experience with Indians, which almost caused the loss of his arm. The author writes: "The hunters and trappers of the far west, at the time when the incidents I am about to relate occurred, were a brave, hardy and adventurous set of men, and they had peculiarities in their characters that cannot be found in any other people. From the time they leave civilization they—metaphorically speaking—carry their lives in their hands. An enemy may be concealed in every thicket or looked for behind every rock. They have not only the wild and savage beasts to contend with, but the still more wily and savage Indian, and their life is one continual round of watchfulness and excitement. Their character is a compound of two extremes— recklessness and caution—and isolation from the world makes them at all times self-reliant. In moments of the greatest peril, or under the most trying circumstances, they never lose their presence of mind, but are ready to take advantage of any incident that may occur to benefit themselves or foil their enemies. "As, in the course of this narrative, we may have occasion to describe some of the trappers who were comrades of Mr. Rose, and who took part in many of his adventures, I wish my readers to be fully aware of the character of these men, and that their camp stories are not all idle boasting. A more hardy, fearless, improvident set of men can nowhere else be found." This book originally published in 1884 has been reformatted for the Kindle and may contain an occasional defect from the original publication or from the reformatting.

Into the Sunrise: Cycling the World, Part Two: Sydney to Mori

Chris Pountney - 2018
    Can he find a way to recover from the setback and complete his mission to return to the little Chinese town of Mori, and in so doing complete a full circumnavigation of the planet using only his bicycle and boats? Join Chris and his girlfriend Dea as they travel across four continents and more than thirty countries in the second part of this epic tale of adventure, romance, and outright silliness. A hell of a lot of things happen as they make their way back towards China, but will there be a happy ending? Will the odd sculpture in Mori be reached without the aid of motor vehicles? You’ll have to read the book and find out, it’s not going to be revealed in the Amazon description.

Trail Magic and the Art of Soft Pedaling: Mountain biking 3,000 miles along the Continental Divide

Scott Thigpen - 2014
    Twenty-five years later, he was sedentary and rapidly gaining weight. Hello Couch, meet Potato. It was time for a change, for both his body and his mind. Determined to start moving again, Scott climbed on a bicycle one summer afternoon and started pedaling. By the end of the driveway, he was gasping for breath. A year later, Scott was still trying to stay upright on a mountain bike when he watched Ride The Divide, a movie about an event so daunting, so exhilarating, so tough that few attempt it. But Scott couldn’t stop thinking about it. The Tour Divide, a nearly 3000-mile mountain bike race along the spine of the Continental Divide, was his new dream. Known as one of the toughest races in the world, the Tour Divide is an unsupported off-road event. If your tire is flat, you fix it. If you run out of water, you must find more. If you’re caught in the middle of nowhere, exhausted and blurry-eyed? Find a spot to nap amidst nature and try not to bother the Grizzlies. Starting from zero, Scott trained for two years while maintaining a busy family life and career. Scott was preparing for the ride of his life. In June of 2013, he climbed on that bicycle again, this time to race against 167 other people from all over the world on a trek that would take him from Canada to Mexico in 22 days. Captured through Scott’s vivid words and wondrous illustrations, this is the tale of one man’s quest to break free of the typical life and conquer his wildest dream.

George Washington: First Guardian Of American Liberty

Michael Crawley - 2016
    But where did he get his military experience? Why was picked to take command of the army? Why was he the only American president ever to be elected unanimously (twice!), and did he really chop down that cherry tree as a kid?In this book entitled George Washington: First Guardian of American Liberty by author Michael Crawley, you'll follow the course of George Washington's life, from his birth at Ferry Farm in Virginia in 1732, to his death at his Mount Vernon estate in 1799. You'll learn how his early fame as a hero of the French and Indian War, and his illustrious marriage to a wealthy widow, led to this farm boy becoming one of the most important men in Virginia, a delegate at the Continental Congress where the Founders of America gathered to decide the nation's fate. The first guardian of American liberty looks serene in his portraits, but he didn't always rise above the fray. Washington fought for what he believed in, and his political convictions shocked contemporaries like Thomas Jefferson. Do you know what kind of country George Washington wanted America to be?

The Size of Your Dreams

Dave Mason - 2018
    Dive into the most transformative year in the lives of Kelvin, Christy, Darnell and Jarod as they manifest the seemingly impossible and prove that an activated mind is capable of making dreams of any size a reality. The Size of Your Dreams is not just a story, it’s a book that teaches you the tools to manifest your own dreams.