Getting Back Out There: Secrets to Successful Dating and Finding Real Love after the Big Breakup

Susan J. Elliott - 2013
    Based on years of research and work with her own clients, Susan Elliott offers a proven plan that will help you to:Examine past relationships for unfinished business and negative patternsIdentify warning signs and red flagsKeep your standards and boundaries high, even when you're head over heelsWork through rejection, rebounding, and other bumps in the roadDecide when to take a relationship to the next level and when to say goodbyeWith practical rules, strategies, and self-assessments—including tips for dating as a parent and dating online—Getting Back Out There will help you transition from your split to a happy, healthy new relationship.

The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine

Rollo Tomassi - 2015
     Rational and pragmatic, the book explores the intergender and social dynamics of each stage of women's maturity and provides a practical understanding for men in dealing with women in those phases. Preventive Medicine also provides revealing outlines of feminine social primacy, Hypergamy, the 'Hierarchies of Love' and the importance of understanding the conventional nature of complementary masculinity in a world designed to keep men ignorant of it. The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine seeks to help men who "wish they knew then what they know now." The book is the first in of series complements to The Rational Male, the twelve-year core writing of author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in the globally growing, male-focused online consortium known as the “Manosphere”.

The Little Book of Calm: Tame Your Anxieties, Face Your Fears, and Live Free (The Little Book of Series)

Aaron Balick - 2018
    From exercises to help you put your worries into perspective, to relaxation methods for when anxiety attacks, Dr Aaron Balick shows you how to feel more at ease and sustain a sense of calm

Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse

Gary Roe - 2015
    She was your partner. Now your heart is broken. What do you do with all the pain, confusion, and anger? What will life be like? Who are you now? Your heart needs answers. Heartbroken can help. Bestselling author, hospice chaplain and grief specialist Gary Roe has walked with hundreds of spouses through this painful valley. From their stories he has composed this incredibly practical work that will touch your heart and comfort your soul. In this deeply personal, easy-to-read book, you will learn the following: - How to better manage the up and down, roller-coaster emotions of grief. - How to manage being misunderstood and navigate all the relationship changes that occur with the loss of a mate. - How to think about and face the future with hope. As you read, you will discover that you are far from alone, you’re not crazy, and that you will make it through this. The loss of a husband or wife is traumatic. Healing from loss is challenging. Open this book, and let the healing continue.

The Message Game: A Guide To Dating At The Touch Of A Button

Ice White - 2020
    It's not just a dating guide for men to get dates quickly and efficiently through dating apps like Tinder, or social media. It's about becoming a good communicator, knowing how to lead conversations and being able to set up genuinely fun activities that maximize your sexual results and relationships. With hundreds of analyzed screenshots collected from dedicated Message Game followers and Ice White himself, this is a visual guide with real stories of sex and adventures, and real conversations that have provided an understanding of successes and failures. All the learning has been done for you and compiled into a structured guide that can answer all your possible questions. From maximizing how many contacts and phone numbers you get to setting up dates quickly, from getting dates to getting laid, and from logistics to escalation. The book also features special sections that are especially useful, such as:The Situation Index - A table of common situations with references to every single page that has explained or showed the given situation. She isn't responding? She doesn't want anything serious? She says she is busy? She is only visiting your town or city? She thinks you just want sex? Whatever it is, we have the pages. Frequently Asked Questions - A summary of many common questions, such as how long you should wait to reply, how iften you should message someone, if you should use Tinder superlikes, if you should swipe a certain way on Tinder, and SO MUCH MORE. Without hesitation, this book is your own personal guide to getting the dates you want as frequently as possible.

Irresistible Attraction: Secrets of Personal Magnetism

Kevin Hogan - 2000
    Being experts in hypnotherapy and body language they use their skills together with extensive research, to look at what the irresistible ideals are in both men and women before laying out a detailed plan on how to make yourself instantly attractive. People form their first impressions of us in the first four seconds and this title looks at areas ranging from flirting, confidence, body language, charisma and magnetism to help us maximise our hidden and natural attributes to create that initial dazzling impression. Sexy, intelligent and instantly irresistible.

Capsule Wardrobe Essentials: How to Pack Light with a 10 Piece Packing List

Alexandra Jimenez - 2013
    An invaluable resource to women who travel for leisure, for business, or for both, the book highlights the most versatile pieces and packing strategies for carry-on travel around the globe using only ten pieces of clothing. The book is the culmination of the author’s experience traveling the world since quitting her corporate job in 2008. Traveling 365 days a year, carry-on only, Alexandra has gained vast knowledge and experience to impart to women travelers who want to choose the best travel clothing while packing light. Combining a fashion-focused approach with the practical experience of world travel, Alexandra's unique vision and insight is unparalleled in the travel world. She shows women how they can create a capsule wardrobe for travel and never check a bag again. Featuring universal packing lists, tips to choose the most versatile travel wardrobe pieces, practical packing advice, and much more, "Capsule Wardrobe Essentials" gives women travelers everything they need to know to pack smarter and more fashion-consciously for every trip they take.

As You Are: Ignite Your Charisma, Reclaim Your Confidence, Unleash Your Masculinity

Nick Sparks - 2015
    Around the women who intimidate you most you struggle to think of what to say, sabotage yourself in ways you don't fully understand, and feel confused about when and how to express your sexuality. You worry that you'll have to settle for someone who you're not all that excited to be with (if you're lucky enough to find anyone) and/or face a messy divorce when it inevitably doesn't work out. That's why I wrote this book. I've coached men on improving their social and dating lives for over a decade, charging thousands of dollars for a weekend program, appearing on national news outlets, and amassing millions of views on youtube. I have a success rate with my clients that puts the rest of the industry to shame, and this book represents the very best of what I teach. I want to make this knowledge available now because I know what it's like to feel as though you'll have to settle for whatever comes along... like the women you really want to be with are speaking a different language. I wrote this book because I wish I had it back in middle school. This isn't a collection of pickup lines or tricks. Let's face it - if those worked, you wouldn't be reading this right now. Simply put, this book teaches you to be that person you are when you're "in the zone" all the time. It's about stripping away all the things that are keeping you from being naturally attractive. You've always known that, "just be yourself," was good advice, otherwise it wouldn't be repeated so often. This is the book that finally explains how to do it. In this book you're going to learn: - How to eliminate "rejection" - Why the words you say don't really matter - The action to take that will always get you "in the zone" - How to identify the women that really want you to approach them - Understanding what flirting means, and how to become a master at it - What to text if she doesn't respond - How to know exactly when she wants you to make the move - What to say to start a conversation in any situation - How to make conversations with people who intimidate you flow as smoothly as chats with your best friends - How to get her to contribute equally to the conversation so you don't do most of the talking and run out of things to say - How to easily overcome awkward silences - The secret to being funny - How to move an interaction forward sexually without ever worrying about being called "inappropriate" or "creepy" - How to get a phone number that turns into a date 90% of the time - How to ensure your dates are charged with sexual tension rather than ending in an awkward kiss attempt - The way sexual attraction actually works, and why the lessons you've learned your entire life are wrong - How to turn a friendship into something more - How to build a social circle so you'll always have a "wingman" or someone to hang out with - How to always look great, even if you're shopping on a budget - How to scream confidence with your body language instead of insecurity - The difference between "He was ok" and "He's awesome" - How to develop yourself into the man who naturally attracts the woman (or women) you really want Don't expect anything overly-complicated.

The Emotionally Unavailable Man/Woman: A Blueprint for Healing

Patti Henry - 2004
    It details why men become emotionally unavailable and specifies the actions that can be taken by both men and women to realize improvement.The Emotionally Unavailable Man helps men get their "power," stop avoiding difficult situations, calm their partner's anger, learn how to say "No," set and maintain appropriate boundaries, be more effective at work, increase and enhance the sex in their relationship, and feel personal freedom and happiness.It helps women determine if their partner is capable of being emotionally available, decide what they can -- and cannot -- do to help, discover how to lose their anger, exercise mutuality and safety, learn how to recognize and confront their own resistances, restore hope about long-term change, and gain clarity about their future.

The Masculine in Relationship: A Blueprint for Inspiring the Trust, Lust, and Devotion of a Strong Woman

G.S. Youngblood - 2019
     In this book is a model of Masculine groundedness that you can manifest in your relationship with a strong and capable woman. Such a woman doesn’t settle for mediocre. She needs you to consistently follow through on your word, have purpose in life, remain grounded in the face of her intense emotion, make her feel safe, and provide leadership in the relationship. When that doesn’t happen, she may start to drift. Things between you will start to feel flat, contentious, or even toxic. To you, she will seem to nag and criticize more, and have less interest in sex. When she gets really angry, you’ll label it as “crazy” and blame her. But, in truth, she’s just expressing the pain of you not stepping up. It is a relationship arc that is all too common. Fighting or defending yourself doesn’t resolve anything. Withdrawing into work or your phone just makes it worse. And contorting yourself to avoid conflict just kills her respect for you. The answer is to develop and live from your Masculine core. This book shows you how in an actionable three-part framework: Respond vs. React, Provide Structure, and Create Safety. This is not the old model based on control, but a modern model based in clarity and leadership. This is not a manual for Alpha Dogs, nor a fuzzy spiritual guide. Rather, it is a clear set of principles that help you develop your Masculine leadership. And it doesn’t take anything away from Feminine power. It is a blueprint for inspiring your woman’s trust, lust, and devotion.

The Good Divorce

Constance Ahrons - 1900
    Dr. Ahrons shows couples how they can move beyond the confusing, even terrifying early stages of breakup and learn to deal with the transition from a nuclear to a "binuclear" family--one that spans two households and continues to meet the needs of children.The Good Divorce makes an important contribution to the ongoing "family values" debate by dispelling the myth that divorce inevitability leaves emotionally troubles children in its wake. It is a powerful tonic for the millions of divorcing and long-divorces parents who are tired of hearing only the damage reports. It will make us change the way we think about divorce and the way we divorce, reconfirming our commitment to children and families.

Eight Dates: To keep your relationship happy, thriving and lasting

John M. Gottman - 2019
    Within 10 minutes of meeting a couple, they can predict who will stay happily together or who will split up, with 94% accuracy. Based on their findings on the ingredients to a happy, lasting love life, they have now created an easy series of eight dates, spanning:- commitment & trust - conflict resolution- intimacy & sex - fun & adventure- work & money- family values - growth & spirituality- goals & aspirationsEight Dates draws on rigorous scientific and psychological research about how we fall in love using case studies of real-life couples whose relationships have improved after committing time to each other and following the dates. Full of innovative exercises and conversation starters to explore ways to deepen each aspect of the relationship, Eight Dates is an essential resource that makes a relationship fulfilling.'Can a marriage really be understood? Yes it can. Gottman shows us how' Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink

Fierce Intimacy: Standing Up to One Another with Love

Terrence Real - 2018
    It’s something you do," teaches Terry Real. "It’s a minute-by-minute practice of connecting to others through empathy, vulnerability, and accountability." With Fierce Intimacy, this renowned author offers a revolutionary way of living in connection—one that allows you to cherish your partner, yourself, and your relationship in equal measure.How to Communicate with Love and Respect—Even When You Argue Terry’s approach to relationship is called "full-respect living"—to skillfully and honestly assert your needs while also honoring your partner’s needs. In these six sessions, he presents invaluable training for individuals and couples on developing the skills necessary for this authentic way of connecting. You’ll begin by learning how to clear away the outdated beliefs and habits that keep you from developing healthy self-esteem. Then Terry will help you and your partner transform the Five Losing Strategies that sabotage relationships into the Five Winning Strategies that lead to clear communication, trust, and mutual support. "When we dare to be more vulnerable and open and honest, we are forging new territory," says Terry Real. Whether you’re still seeking a partner or want to breathe new life into your existing relationship, Fierce Intimacy brings you essential tools for connecting with true respect, uncompromising honesty, and ever-deepening love.HIGHLIGHTS • The adaptive child—how to recognize and defuse self-sabotaging habits • Unhealthy self-esteem traps for men and women • Identifying your CNI (Core Negative Image)—a key to making arguments constructive instead of destructive • The Feedback Wheel—a four-step approach to revolutionize your communication • The Five Losing Strategies: our impulses to control, retaliate, and be right all the time • The Five Winning Strategies for shared happiness, connection, and success

Discipline Your Mind: Control Your Thoughts, Boost Willpower, Develop Mental Toughness

Zoe McKey - 2017
     Dreaming day and night doesn’t create the life you want – disciplined action does. Where you end up in life is determined solely by a number of times you fall and get up, and how much punishment you can withstand along the way. The path to an extraordinary accomplishment and a life worth living is not innate talent, but rather focused perseverance, and willpower. Maximize your brain power and keep in control your thoughts. . In Discipline Your Mind you will find unique lessons through which you will learn those essential steps and qualities that are needed to reach your goals easier and faster. Researched and proven, with scientific studies and examples aplenty. Take control over your life - Learn about 3 types of stress and how can you turn stress into your greatest ally - Learn how to be patient and self-disciplined - The method for focused action and maximum productivity - How to dump the fear of failure - Get the results you want and reach your goals You will learn: - How to develop higher self-respect - How to let go and let live - How to be brave in reclaiming your life - An 8-step method to identify and handle challenges easily How will your life improve if you discipline your mind? - You will be able to live a more stress-free, well-balanced life - Attract inspiring people and avoid those who hinder you from your goals - Learn to prioritize to get the most productive results - Know how to stay productive on those days when you are not in a good mood If you want to learn how to persevere steadfastly until success is reached… Scroll up and click BUY NOW.

For Single People Who Still Understand the Value of Relationships

Rob Hill Sr. - 2012
    This book gives vital insight on the different dynamics of relationships and love in an uncanny fashion. Relationship expert, Rob Hill, is setting a new standard for singles, new couples, as well as seasoned lovers. Not only will they value relationships more, they’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to date, relate, and grow as individuals to better their chances of finding, enjoying, and sustaining a healthy relationship in today’s times. This book is fun, energetic, and filled with wisdom. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime.Courtesy of