A Witch's Grimoire: Create Your Own Book of Shadows

Judy Ann Nock - 2005
    A Witch's Grimoire helps serious practitioners explore their love of the Craft, deepen their study of magick and walk their personal pathway to the Divine. It is part workbook, part guidebook—an essential reference as well as a personal recording of original spells. The book includes:A brief history of the grimoireOptions for the creation of a grimoireSpecial book blessingsTraditional and personal invocationsCommonly used gemstones and magickal herbs/herb blendsSpells, recipes and rituals for every holidayWriting space for readers to keep their own recordsA Witch's Grimoire encourages readers to create unique personalized journals that will last for generations to come.

Crone's Book of Charms & Spells

Valerie Worth - 2002
    It teaches how to concoct herb brews for mental vigour and to strengthen passion as well as how to inscribe talismans and amulets to gain wealth, happiness or relief from pain.

A Little Bit of Tarot: An Introduction to Reading Tarot

Cassandra Eason - 2015
    Cassandra Eason opens a window onto the world of tarot, from choosing the right pack to interpreting the cards. She lays out the most important spreads, suggests intuitive methods for choosing cards, reveals what psychic protections to take when doing divination, and more.

Hereditary Witchcraft: Secrets of the Old Religion

Raven Grimassi - 1999
    The association of the pentagram with Witchcraft goes back at least 2,500 years. The idea of the four elements goes back to a philosopher named Empedocles of Sicily in around 475 B.C.E. The practice of many covens today of having a Priestess, Priest, and Maiden can be traced back over 2,000 years to ancient Pompeii.This book is filled with history, myth, and folklore. But it is also filled with rituals and techniques that you can do. On these pages you will learn how to prepare and banish a magic circle. You'll learn rituals you can do by yourself, including those for the Solstices, Diana's Day, and Cornucopia. With this information you can become a follower of the Old Ways!Of course, one of the most famous aspects of Witchcraft is magick. Grimassi doesn't disappoint here, either. You'll learn runic magick and divination; you'll learn about doing magick with the Moon and stars; you'll learn secret symbols and the powers of herbs.If you are a Witch--or you're thinking about becoming a Witch--this is one of the most important books you could possibly have. You'll find the documentation to support the antiquity of your beliefs and the way Witchcraft is practiced today. This book is both a guide for everyday life and a resource to discover Wiccan origins. If you don't have a copy of this book, get one today. You'll use it for the rest of your life.

The Witch's Guide to Manifestation: Witchcraft for the Life You Want

Mystic Dylan - 2021
    Learn how to combine magic and manifestation to get what you want from your life, with The Witch’s Guide to Manifestation. It’s full of insight, instructions, and spells that help you tap into self-awareness and self-love to achieve your deepest desires, no matter how big or small.Demystify manifestation—Explore what manifestation is, how to accomplish it, and how to use it alongside witchcraft to transform your life.Focus on self-discovery—Dive deep into your own internal world, find your most magical self, and manifest the changes you want to see.Learn practical spells—Discover how to construct an Elemental Power Charm, cast a Lady of the Lake Leadership Spell, and concoct a Witch’s Magic Manifestation Brew—as well as how to customize spells and create your own.Take a magical approach to manifestation with this practical choice in witchcraft books.

Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells

Arin Murphy-Hiscock - 2020
    Make your own magic! Spellcrafting is a step-by-step guide to writing your own spells and timing them for the best effect. From different types of spells to the intentions and powers of different ingredients, you will have everything you need to create unique magic that works best for you. Spellcrafting goes beyond basic spell books to explore how and why your magic works, what you can do to improve and strengthen it, and how to troubleshoot when things don’t go as planned. Now you can take your magic into your own hands and create a completely personalized spell for wherever life may take you.

Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice

Deborah Blake - 2007
    No matter what kind of Witch you are, High Priestess Deborah Blake's guide to ritual has something for you.Part instruction manual, part personal journal, and part Book of Shadows, this all-in-one ritual handbook is an ideal tool for busy Witches, new covens, and new priestesses, priests, or coven leaders. Celebrate the Wheel of the Year with original group rituals that can be used as written, personalized to reflect your coven's unique style, or modified for solitary practitioners. Along with practical tips on ritual basics, there are beautifully written New Moon rituals, Full Moon rituals, and Sabbat celebrations for each month and season.Circle, Coven & Grove presents basic correspondences for magickal practice and coven work essentials such as circle etiquette. With seasonal spells, blessings, and rituals for celebrating holidays, increasing energy, giving thanks, healing, and more, this friendly book has everything you need.

Divination for Beginners: Reading the Past, Present & Future

Scott Cunningham - 2003
    You don't need to be psychic, or believe that a higher power controls the cards. Anyone can learn to predict the future using the methods described in this book. Learn how to choose the methods that works best for you, and ask the right questions so you get accurate answers. Discover the secrets of a wide variety of methods, from Tarot cards and the I Ching to crystal gazing, palmistry, and even reading signs and omens in the world around you.The real value of divination is in planning and prevention. If you like the answers you receive, continue on. If it looks like trouble ahead, adjust your course of action and see how your new plan affects the outcome. In this way you can use divination to fine tune your future and start living the life you've always dreamed of.

The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery

Gillian Kemp - 1999
    She has compiled a practical collection of good spells, drawn from time spent with some of Europe's dwindling Romany groups, which are easy to follow and use everyday ingredients such as candles, flowers, ribbons and string.From love charms to spells for money, health and happiness, this fun and attractive spell book keeps alive the colorful traditions of the Romany people and promises great luck in the future for true believers.

Traditional Wicca: A Seeker's Guide

Thorn Mooney - 2018
    This book explores structured, coven-based styles of Wicca, in which the practitioners typically trace initiatory lineages back to Wicca's early founders. Discussing covens, initiations, lineages, practices, ethics, and more, Traditional Wicca shares tips and ideas on how to get the most from this profound approach to Witchcraft. Discover how to recognize healthy, reputable covens. Learn how to navigate the process of asking for training and succeeding in an outer court. Explore the spiritual strength of lineages, hierarchies, and initiation. This book also includes contributions from several practitioners, providing valuable first-person perspectives on what it's like to be on the traditional Wiccan path. Praise : "Like the bristles of a besom, Thorn Mooney's Traditional Wicca sweeps through the subject of Witchcraft removing the dust and dirt of ignorance and prejudice to reveal the true heart of Wicca. Thorn writes with obvious sincerity, with feeling, and from experience. Her book covers everything from defining Witchcraft, through the workings of a coven, to actual initiation and beyond. She warns that Wicca is not for everyone and—I am personally delighted to see—includes a chapter on recognizing 'Red Flags' when first contacting others...especially those who might claim to be more than they actually are. This book is the quintessential guide for the true, sincere seeker."—Raymond Buckland, author of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft "Traditional Wicca is a unique and important book. It's amazing to me that in over 70 years of publishing on the subject of Wicca, nothing like this book has ever been written! I'm kind of jealous I didn't think to write it myself. The chapter on initiation is, by itself, worth the cover price. If you want to understand what people mean by 'traditional Wicca,' whether or not you're seeking it, this is the one book you must read."—Deborah Lipp, Wiccan high priestess and author of Merry Meet Again "Traditional Wicca is a topic that few actually understand despite its long and distinguished history. With passion and skill, Thorn delivers a book that many familiar with Wicca will wish they had had when they were studying it, and those who find themselves on the path for the first time will rejoice at having found. Whether you intend to seek initiation or not, this book is full of valuable gems that will enhance any practice at any level. Traditional Wicca is an all-inclusive tour through the history, practices, and lore of traditional Wicca that weaves voices from all over the tradition and challenges everything you think you know about it."—Devin Hunter, author of The Witch's Book of Power "A masterful gem of insight and wisdom,Traditional Wicca reveals the time-honored practices of initiatory Wicca, thought all but lost by many, but hidden like so many occult secrets in plain sight. Drawing a clear and respectful distinction between eclectic Wicca and its older more traditional sibling, Thorn Mooney takes us on a personal journey exploring the powers and the pitfalls of the initiatory inner court, revealing the persistence of a thriving and dynamic Craft that is at once orthopraxic and changing, traditional and experimental.

Hekate: Her Sacred Fires

Sorita d'EsteTinnekke Bebout - 2010
    It brings together essays, prose and artwork from more than fifty remarkable contributors from all over the world. Their stories and revelations are challenging, their visions and determination in exploring the mysteries are inspirational, and their enthusiasm for the Goddess of the Crossroads is truly entrancing and sometimes highly infectious. Hekate is a Goddess of great antiquity. She is primordial, powerful and sometimes animalistic - and yet, she is also sophisticated, modern and capable of adapting to different cultures. She is the Torchbearer, the Cosmic World Soul, the Guide and Companion. She is Mistress of the Restless Dead, who rules over the Heavens Earth and Sea. She is the Keybearer and so much more. Her devotees today, as throughout the ages, include philosophers, poets, sorcerers, theurgists, witches, root-cutters, enchantresses and ordinary people. In her introduction, the author and priestess Sorita d'Este brings together an exciting wealth of material on the history and development of how the goddess Hekate has been seen through the ages. As well as a fascinating discussion of her possible origins and mythological connections, the introduction also includes a timeline providing glimpses into her portrayal through the ages, with extracts from literature and examples of amulets, coins and art. The spectrum of material covered in this anthology is as diverse as the forms of Hekate herself, emphasising her role as lightbearer, keybearer, initiatrix, world soul, child's nurse, mistress of crossroads and serpent mysteries. Her devotees describe her role in traditional witchcraft and initiatory Wicca, healing and paganism, her approachability through her angels and trance oracles, her assistance in overcoming traumas and helping the dead continue their journeys. From the reestablishment of the ancient worship of the great mother goddess as Hekate in Thrace (Bulgaria) to meteorites and pilgrimages, Hekate's presence around the world and beyond is vividly described and illustrated by her torchbearers.

Charms, Spells, and Formulas: For the Making and Use of Gris Gris Bags, Herb Candles, Doll Magic, Incenses, Oils, and Powders

Ray T. Malbrough - 1986
    You are given detailed instructions for making and using the gris-gris(charm) bags only casually or mysteriously mentioned by other writers. Malbrough not only shows how to make gris-gris bags for health, money, luck, love and protection from evil and harm, but he also explains how these charms work. He also takes you into the world of doll magick to gain love, success, or prosperity.

The Sacred Wheel

Momma White Cougar - 2012
    Come on a journey through the Wheel of the Year, joining in the celebration of the Gods, Goddesses and festivals that have been a part of mankind since the Dawn of Time.Although aimed at beginning Solitary Practitioners, the original Heartsongs would add depth to the workings of even the most seasoned Pagan.

Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living

Dorothy Morrison - 1999
    Everyday Magic updates the ancient arts to fit your busy lifestyle. It promotes the use of modern convenience items as viable magical tools, and it incorporates the use of easy-to-find spell ingredients--most of which are already in your kitchen cabinet. It discusses the items and forces that boost magical work, as well as offering a multitude of time-saving tips and a large assortment of recipes for creating your own incenses, potions, and powders. More than 300 spells and rituals cover the everyday concerns of the modern practitioner.Set your spell into motion and speed up the results with "magical boosters" Magnify your focused intent and energy flow with herbs, flowers, trees, and stones Learn how to perform ancient arts with modern tools: your coffee maker, blender and crock pot Make your own magical powders, sachets, bath salts, potpourris, incenses and oils Discover the secret to success in magical workings Practical spells for more than 300 purposes 1999 COVR Award Winner

Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows

Ann Moura - 2003
    This ready-made, authentic grimoire is based on family tradition and actual magical experience, and is easily adaptable to any tradition of Witchcraft.Grimoire for the Green Witch offers a treasury of magical information--rituals for Esbats and Sabbats, correspondences, circle-casting techniques, sigils, symbols, recitations, spells, teas, oils, baths, and divinations. Every aspect of Craft practice is addressed, from the purely magical to the personally spiritual. It is a distillation of Green practice, with room for growth and new inspiration.2004 COVR Award First Runner Up