Bên nhau trọn đời

Cố Mạn - 2007
    Tác phẩm đăng liên tục trên mạng bắt đầu từ tháng 9 năm 2003 cho đến nay vẫn là tác phẩm được bạn đọc trong và ngoài mạng yêu thích bởi lối viết dung dị và chan chứa yêu thương. Tình yêu là chủ đề muôn thuở, có bao nhiêu chuyện tình trong cuộc đời thì có bấy nhiêu diễn biến thăng trầm. nhưng hạnh phúc nhất vẫn là được nắm tay nhau đến đầu bạc răng long. Điều mà Bên nhau trọn đời muốn nói. Không dùng lời hoa mỹ, không dùng những chi tiết câu khách tầm thường, mà bằng văn phong đơn giản, từng lời thoại nhẹ nhàng nhưng đi vào lòng người đọc tự bao giờ... Toàn bộ câu chuyện là một cảm giác thú vi, lâng lâng, mang đến cho người đọc những xúc cảm ngọt nàgo…English description:A young love leads to a lifetime of entanglements. Zhao Mo Sheng is a university student with a sunny disposition. The bright and cheerful Mo Sheng fell in love at first sight with He Yi Chen, one of the top students from the Law Faculty. However, his poor communication skill, makes her depart sadly for overseas. Seven years later, Zhao Mo Sheng returned home and spotted him immediately in a crowded supermarket, …….This is a very short and sweet story about two college sweethearts, who separated on a bitter note but fate tosses them together again seven years later. (Description borrowed from Shushengbar)

微微一笑很倾城 (A Slight Smile is Very Charming)

顾漫 - 2009
    Soon after basketball player, swimmer, all-around excellent student, and game company president, Xiao Nai, uses both tactics on and off-line to take this beauty’s heart. Therefore this romance slowly bloomed. (Description borrowed from Shushengbar)

蜜汁炖鱿鱼 (Stewed Squid with Honey)

Mo Bao Fei Bao
    When she said her screen name (fish playing behind closed doors)*, he still did not understand. She continued to explain, this name is from “HunterXHunter” Phantom Troupe’s leader’s attack. He… did not want to keep listening.She thought she was chasing a 3D hottie, but who knew this person was a legend in the gaming circle.Teaser: Main girl is a high IQ + low EQ Mary Sue cover singer goddess (anime-loving cosplayer), main guy is a high EQ and IQ legend of the gamer world (too high so not much interest in females…)Cr: Shushengbar

To the Sky Kingdom

Tang Qi - 2009
    In its journey across worlds and time, it delves into the powerful forces that drive mortals and gods alike toward revenge, loyalty—and love.

天官赐福 [Tiān Guān Cì Fú]

墨香铜臭 - 2017
    Unsurprisingly, he ascended to the Heavens at a very young age. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock of all three realms. On his first task as a god, he meets a mysterious demon who rules the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens……yet unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this demon king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time. (-novelupdates.com)

Silent Reading 默读

Priest - 2016
    It’s not to put ourselves in their shoes and sympathize, or even forgive them; it’s not to find some reasons to exculpate their crimes; it’s not to kneel down before the so-called “complexity of human nature”; nor to introspect social conflicts, much less to alienate ourselves into monsters.We just want to have a fair trial – for ourselves and for those who still have hope for the world.

The Miracles of the Namiya General Store

Keigo Higashino - 2012
    This seemingly simple request for advice sets the trio on a journey of discovery as, over the course of a single night, they step into the role of the kindhearted former shopkeeper who devoted his waning years to offering thoughtful counsel to his correspondents. Through the lens of time, they share insight with those seeking guidance, and by morning, none of their lives will ever be the same.By acclaimed author Keigo Higashino, The Miracles of the Namiya General Store is a work that has touched the hearts of readers around the world.

千秋 [Qian Qiu]

Meng Xi Shi - 2019
    Even more so, he did not believe that there could be someone with great kindness and sense of justice, who would be so considerate of others without asking anything in return.One day, Shen Qiao, who was the sect leader of Mount Xuandu, the number one Daoist sect under the heavens, was challenged to a duel but somehow fell off the cliff.Yan Wushi happened to pass by down there.Seeing Shen Qiao who was seriously injured to the point of dying, he suddenly came up with a perfect idea…After thousands of autumns, who could stay eternal?(-novelupdates.com)Unofficial English Translationsnowycodex.com/translations/novels/ta/

黄金台 Golden Stage

苍梧宾白 (Cang Wu Bin Bai) - 2018
    Who could have foreseen the unexpected change in the winds of heaven: the general injured on the battlefield, both legs disabled, and even forced by the emperor to marry his nemesis.With one marriage edict, two people with mutual hostility are forced to marry and live under the same roof. Yet after these long days together, they come to the realization that the other is not truly devoid of any saving grace nor is high out of reach.

某某 A Certain Someone

木苏里 - 2019
    盛望搬进了白马弄堂的祖屋院子,一并搬进来的还有他爸正在交往的女人。他爸指着那个女人的儿子对他说:叫哥。桀骜不驯吃软不吃硬的制冷机(攻)x自认很金贵的懒蛋小少爷(受)盛望:我笔直。江添:我恐同。校园文,1v1+heSheng Wang moved into his ancestral home at White Horse Lane, along with the woman that his father was presently seeing.His dad pointed at that woman’s son and said to him: Call him ge (older brother).Unyielding, amenable to coaxing but not coercion cold generator Gong x Regards himself as something precious lazy young master ShouSheng Wang: I’m super straightJiang Tian: I’m homophobic

Three Lives Three Worlds, The Pillow Book, Upper Volume


One Life, One Incarnation: Beautiful Bones

墨宝非宝 - 2014
    He had long forgotten her already, but what she remembers felt like yesterday. Thus, in order to be together, in this heaven-sent second chance, Shi Yi decided to take charge and move fast. No matter if many things have changed and if their feelings are being challenged, to be together is all that matter.

Ms Ice Sandwich

Mieko Kawakami - 2013
    He is in awe of her aloofness, her skill at slipping sandwiches into bags, and, most electric of all, her ice-blue eyelids. Every day he is drawn to the supermarket just to watch her in action. But life has a way of interfering – there is his mother, forever distracted, who can tell the fortunes of women; his grandmother, silently dying, who listens to his heart; and his classmate, Tutti, no stranger to pain, who shares her private thrilling world with him.Tender, warm, yet unsentimental, Ms Ice Sandwich is a story about new starts, parents who have departed, and the importance of saying goodbye.

Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

板栗子 - 2017
    Rich heir, Song Nanchuan, appears elegant and disciplined, but is the kind who just takes kisses without a word!…Madness!

刺青 Tattoo

不问三九 - 2018
    The person he shared the table with was a cool man who fit all of his aesthetic desires. It was practically love at first sight.He was thirty; he had reached that age where he was no longer the awkward twenty-something youth. He would pursue the one he liked without hesitation, no questions asked.“I want you to give me a tattoo. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”