Daily Habit Makeover: Beat Procrastination, Get More Productive, Focus Better, and Become Healthier in Body and Mind (Daily Habit Series Book 1)

Zoe McKey - 2019
    Learn to identify, prioritize, and focus on your most important tasks and get them done. Unlearn bad habits and build powerful, helpful ones. - Learn various ways to increase productivity in your life, - Easily learnable and executable solutions that will make your day more organized and focused, - Why is willpower your enemy when it comes to changes, - Two valuable philosophies to help you maintain your habit changes for the long haul. Living as our best selves depends on our day-to-day habits; the small everyday activities we aren’t always conscious about. Daily Habit Makeover will teach you how to adopt tailor made habits to your lifestyle. Optimize your life: become more productive and less stressed. - Acknowledge and start acting against procrastination, - Learn 5+ scientifically proven ways to increase focus, - Quick methods to rank the importance of your tasks, - Why multitasking sabotages you and better alternatives. Control your habits, own your life. - Finish what you start – every time, - The best habits of three world leaders to enhance motivation, - 15+ signs that help you prevent procrastination, - 50 small, quickly applicable strategies to build a better life today, - The best apps and programs that help you stay productive. Daily Habit Makeover helps you reach your maximal productivity and greatest potential by teaching you how to think in a system that excludes procrastination. Know how to identify your most important tasks following a simple mathematical formula and stay disciplined to build productivity habits. Never feel the numbing pressure of unfinished tasks and threatening deadlines again. Don’t sweat over calling your boss to ask deadline extension. Never again be the excuse maker who can’t divide his time well. Be the most productive version of yourself.

Meeting the Mystery: Exploring the Aware Presence at the Heart of All Life

Nirmala - 2012
    This collection of articles and answers to questions posed by spiritual seekers is a springboard to ever deeper inquiry into the greatest mystery of all—Presence, which is who you really are.

The True INFJ (The True Guides to the Personality Types)

Truity - 2014
    But what drives these idealistic types to change the world? What keeps them motivated to work tirelessly to make all of our lives better, more just, and more humane? This book is for INFJs and the people who know and love them. You'll take an in-depth look at the INFJs values, motivations, and drives. You'll discover how the INFJ approaches work, family life, and relationships, and learn how they set priorities in life. If you're an INFJ, you'll discover how to become the best person you can be. If you know an INFJ, you'll gain a true understanding of the unique character of this sensitive, humanistic personality type.

Healing Neen: One Woman's Path to Salvation from Trauma and Addiction

Tonier Cain - 2014
    In just 15 years, she had been arrested 83 times with 66 convictions. Neen had–and lost–four children, she was a crack addict, a prostitute, and desperately lost. But as long as she had breath, she would still have hope. One day, after 19 years hustling on the streets of Annapolis, Neen's crumb of hope turned into a seed of trust. "Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten…" – Joel 2:25 (NASV) Healing Neen isn't just another story about victims and survivors or recovery and redemption; ultimately, it is a story of Good News and a testament to God's grace and presence. It is the story of a woman's path to salvation and a propitious glimpse into the potential buried deep within some of society's most vulnerable people. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven, their angels always see the face of my Father, who is in heaven." – Matthew 18:10 (ESV) But this story isn't just about Neen; it's about the value of human life, the depth of suffering, and the heights of grace. It is a convincing cri de Coeur for better practices in the way we treat and counsel those caught in the cycles of trauma, addiction, and serial incarceration. Neen brings us face-to-face with the ubiquitous corruption, neglect, and abuse in some of the systems meant to safeguard at-risk women and children, yet she leaves us with hope that things can change for the better. Today, Tonier Cain's calling is to help save thousands of other "Neens" across the nation. She is a leading advocate for trauma-informed care in prisons and mental health facilities. She is a champion for examining and improving the way we help one another toward redemption, and she is the voice of compassion and promise for so many still living on the fringe who need to hear, "where there's breath, there's hope."

Heroic Animals: 100 Amazing Creatures Great and Small

Clare Balding - 2020
    Life-saving canaries, empire-rescuing geese, dogs who can sniff out disease, ships' cats and even a ship's pig.All these animals are heroes to me - whether they risked their lives to pull people out of the ruins of a bombed building, won a race against impossible odds, danced their way to an Olympic gold medal or have been so incredibly badly behaved that they have managed to inspire something good (Stoffel, the honey badger, I'm thinking of you).Writing this book has brought home to me that there is no such thing as an ordinary animal.Every one has a heroic story to tell.

Spanish: 201 Easy Spanish Phrases: Increase Your Vocabulary With New Spanish Phrases & Words Explained. Includes Access to a Spanish Audio Book

J.G. Jimenez - 2015
    These are phrases that you hear almost every day in Spanish speaking countries, on TV, in movies, and when talking with friends in Spanish. Included in this book is FREE Access to Downloadable Mp3's of this book. Spanish Audio book is available by clicking link in book. This book is very basic Spanish. It is for beginning Spanish learners or students that want to review basic Spanish phrases. Some Topics Covered in this book are: Greetings Music What are you doing? Phrases about the Present (right now) Phrases about the Past Hotels Restaurants And Many More! Are you ready to learn some Spanish phrases you can use right away? GREAT! Download the book now and start learning Spanish.

Royal Murder

Marc Alexander - 1978
    . .’ So wrote Shakespeare in Richard II, and in his new book Royal Murder Marc Alexander investigates the sad stories of the victims of royal murders. Ignoring violent death by battle or political execution, this book is devoted to personal acts of jealousy and revenge which has stained the Crown with blue blood down the ages. The subjects range from those murders one may vaguely remember from schooldays without being aware of their backgrounds of intrigue and mystery, to lesser known scandals such as the secret murder of Count von Konigsmarck, the lover of Princess Sophia of Zell, wife of George the First. About the Author… Marc Alexander left Poverty Bay, New Zealand, to become a journalist in London. After four years on Fleet Street, he became the editorial director of a small magazine group, then the organiser of an annual film festival. Four years ago he became a full-time author, his books ranging from fiction to history.

Sociology: A Practical Understanding of Why We Do What We Do: Social Psychology (Applied Psychology, Positive Psychology)

Jonny Bell - 2014
    What exactly makes us tick? For many people, the question may have only popped up in their heads from time to time, though it’s not hard to imagine such a question has also led to many a sleepless night as some naturally curious people are very often compelled to wonder.Whether you belong to the first or the second group of people, wonder no more as this book will provide you the answer to the question “Why do we do what we do?” Through extensive, detailed, and well-researched facts and other information, Sociology: A Practical Understanding of Why We Do What We Do aims to explain the uniqueness of human behavior as well as the tendency of people to act the way they act under different circumstances—either driven by instinct or after much thought—despite the notion of free will which is perhaps the one thing that separates us from all other living creatures.Yes, we human beings are still free to act as we please, but considering the growing influence of our surroundings, it may be surprising to know just how much freedom we get to exercise in any given situation (though that’s not necessarily a bad thing as this book will also explain).

Before You Get Your Puppy

Ian Dunbar - 2011
    "BEFORE You Get Your Puppy" covers the first three developmental deadlines covering the period of puppy selection until your puppy's first week at home. 1st Developmental Deadline: Your Education About Puppy Education - Before you search for a puppy you need to complete your education about puppy education. You need to know how to select a good puppy and how puppies work. Selecting a puppy is similar to selecting a car: Do lots of research beforehand and "test drive" a wide variety. But first, you need to learn how to drive. 2nd Developmental Deadline: Evaluating Your Prospective Puppy's Progress - Before you choose your puppy, you need to know how to assess your prospective puppy's current socialization and educational status. Regardless of breed or breeding, if socialization, housetraining, and basic manners are not well underway by eight weeks of age, the puppy is already developmentally retarded. 3rd Developmental Deadline: Errorless Housetraining & Chewtoy-Training Make certain that an errorless housetraining and chewtoy-training program is instituted from the very first day your puppy comes home.

Quantum Love: Use Your Body's Atomic Energy to Create the Relationship You Desire

Laura Berman - 2016
    . . but what about staying in love? Once the intense excitement of a new relationship starts to fade, you may think your only options are to somehow recapture that early magic or settle for a less than fulfilling love life. Now love, sex, and relationship expert Laura Berman, Ph.D., taps the latest scientific and metaphysical research to offer an inspiring alternative: a higher level of love beckoning you to move forward, not backward.Using the essential truth we’ve learned from the study of quantum physics—the fact that at our molecular core, each of us is simply a vessel of energy—Dr. Berman explains how you can use what’s happening in your inner world to create a level of passion, connection, and bliss in your relationship that you’ve never imagined possible. Drawing on her clinical practice and case studies as well as her personal journey, she guides you to: ·         Plot your unique energetic frequency of love with her Quantum Lovemap ·         Work consciously with the energy of your body, heart, and mind ·         Make four key commitments designed to raise your energetic profile ·         Bring your frequency into harmony with your partner’s so that you can grow together ·         Learn how to have Quantum Sex (which is every bit as good as it sounds)Quantum Love is the best possible experience of love, and it’s available to absolutely everyone, whether you’re seeking a mate, in a relationship that’s struggling, or just finding that love has turned lackluster through the stresses of life. You can’t go back to the honeymoon phase, but there is something so much better within your reach. Quantum Love lets you reach new heights of intimacy as you gain a fuller sense of purpose in life and love.

Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity

Janell L. Carroll - 2004
    Janell Carroll clearly conveys foundational biological and health issues, extensively cites both current and classic research, and addresses all material in a fresh and fun way; her book helps teach students what they need, and want, to know about sexuality. Her focus takes into account the social, religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural contexts of today's students. Dr. Carroll has used feedback from the first edition to add even further value to this popular title-streamlining student pedagogy and providing dynamic learning opportunities through Active Summaries at the end of chapters, a new online student tutorial, new video components, and content for Classroom Response Systems. This continues to be the text most representative of today's students, incorporating new sexual position art, a new pronunciation guide, and (for instructors) a new cross-cultural Slang Guide.

Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

Judith Lewis Herman - 1992
    In the intervening years, Herman’s volume has changed the way we think about and treat traumatic events and trauma victims. In a new afterword, Herman chronicles the incredible response the book has elicited and explains how the issues surrounding the topic have shifted within the clinical community and the culture at large. Trauma and Recovery brings a new level of understanding to a set of problems usually considered individually. Herman draws on her own cutting-edge research in domestic violence as well as on the vast literature of combat veterans and victims of political terror, to show the parallels between private terrors such as rape and public traumas such as terrorism. The book puts individual experience in a broader political frame, arguing that psychological trauma can be understood only in a social context. Meticulously documented and frequently using the victims’ own words as well as those from classic literary works and prison diaries, Trauma and Recovery is a powerful work that will continue to profoundly impact our thinking.

Puppy Training: How To Train a Puppy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Positive Puppy Training (Dog training,Puppy training, Puppy house training, Puppy training ... your dog,Puppy training books Book 3)

Carrie Nichole - 2016
    The best thing is that your new puppy is a blank canvas just waiting to be made into a masterpiece. Adopting a puppy means not only caring for his physical and emotional needs, but you must also train him to be an upstanding member of society. There are unacceptable behaviors, even for puppies. It doesn’t matter how cute and adorable they are when they ruin your carpet and stink up your house all the time. But it’s up to you to teach your puppy where and when to “go.” In this book, you will only learn time-tested strategies from potty training your puppy to, teaching him obedient safety measures, manners and leash walking etiquette to fun and unique tricks. You will learn step-by-step instructions that will help you train your puppy like a pro. Here is a glance of what you will learn in this book.. How to establish boundaries with your puppy Powerful techniques to potty train your puppy Non- Compliance warning signs New House training techniques Best Puppy obedience training techniques Noise control strategies Much much more With this book in your hand, you will learn how to efficiently and without stress conduct puppy training lessons. From hints about setting up the scene and tone of the classroom to learning how to be assertive yet kind, you will see how simple it is to be the best teacher ever. Even better, your dog will be such a good student that he will earn his rightful title as “teacher’s pet.” Did you know that dogs mirror their owners? If you come to class stressed, your pup will pick up on it and act out accordingly. On the same note, if you are positive and ready to roll, he is likely to be as well. If you are still a little shaky, rest assured that I have trained literally hundreds of puppies. I have trained a myriad of nervous puppy owners too. I have successfully trained them, and… I’ll train you too. Without another wag of your pup’s tail, let’s get on with our step-by-step training of your new puppy. Download your copy today.. Go to the top of the page and click the orange “Add To Cart” button on the right to order now!

Dog Love - An Unbreakable Bond: Inspirational Stories of Devotion, Loyalty and Courage

Shelby Cannon - 2014
    Dogs are more than just a pet; they are trusted companions. They help us hunt, guard our homes, look after our livestock and even our children and, over time, do so many useful and wonderful things that it boggles the mind. This compilation of heart-warming dog stories illustrates the pure love of these amazing creatures, including extraordinary instances and first-hand accounts of bravery, friendship, loyalty, devotion and companionship down to their very last breath. There’s a reason we call them man’s best friend. No matter the situation, your dog is happy to see you. You are greeted with the same enthusiasm each and every time you walk in that door. A dog has the ability to live in the present moment. They don’t regret the past or worry about the future. While we often ask so much of them, they require almost nothing in return. You can ask your dog to chase a Frisbee, take a nap on the couch, herd some sheep, or run around a show ring and he’ll do it, happily, for hours on end. He only wants to be fed, and told he’s good, and most of all loved. If a dog has love, he really needs nothing else. In the presence of a dog, somehow, nothing else matters. A dog is handing out pure love, sparing no expense, and asking absolutely nothing in return. Perhaps American Humorist Josh Billings said it best: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

37 Ways to BOOST Your Coaching Practice: PLUS: the 17 Lies That Hold Coaches Back and the Truth That Sets Them Free!

Steve Chandler - 2015
     Remember what coaching's really about. It's about looking for ways to touch the soul, and having someone's life change. Coaching simply can't be sold like other things are sold. And that turns out to be good news. Once you begin practicing true connection, you become successful. In 37 Ways to BOOST Your Coaching Practice, Steve Chandler shows just what steps to take - and the 17 lies to avoid - to give your prospective clients a powerful experience of the work you do. Learn to fill your practice by moving beyond coaching-as-a-concept. Creating clients happens one coaching conversation at a time, one true connection at a time.