Book picks similar to
VBA Developer's Handbook by Ken Getz


Developing Backbone.js Applications

Addy Osmani - 2012
    You’ll learn how to create structured JavaScript applications, using Backbone’s own flavor of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.Start with the basics of MVC, SPA, and Backbone, then get your hands dirty building sample applications—a simple Todo list app, a RESTful book library app, and a modular app with Backbone and RequireJS. Author Addy Osmani, an engineer for Google’s Chrome team, also demonstrates advanced uses of the framework.Learn how Backbone.js brings MVC benefits to the client-sideWrite code that can be easily read, structured, and extendedWork with the Backbone.Marionette and Thorax extension frameworksSolve common problems you’ll encounter when using Backbone.jsOrganize your code into modules with AMD and RequireJSPaginate data for your Collections with the Backbone.Paginator pluginBootstrap a new Backbone.js application with boilerplate codeUse Backbone with jQuery Mobile and resolve routing problems between the twoUnit-test your Backbone apps with Jasmine, QUnit, and SinonJS

Raspberry Pi User Guide

Eben Upton - 2012
    And now you can learn how to use this amazing computer from its co-creator, Eben Upton, in Raspberry Pi User Guide. Cowritten with Gareth Halfacree, this guide gets you up and running on Raspberry Pi, whether you're an educator, hacker, hobbyist, or kid. Learn how to connect your Pi to other hardware, install software, write basic programs, and set it up to run robots, multimedia centers, and more.Gets you up and running on Raspberry Pi, a high-tech computer the size of a credit card Helps educators teach students how to program Covers connecting Raspberry Pi to other hardware, such as monitors and keyboards, how to install software, and how to configure Raspberry Pi Shows you how to set up Raspberry Pi as a simple productivity computer, write basic programs in Python, connect to servos and sensors, and drive a robot or multimedia center Adults, kids, and devoted hardware hackers, now that you've got a Raspberry Pi, get the very most out of it with Raspberry Pi User Guide.

Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel

Gordon S. Linoff - 2007
    This book helps you use SQL and Excel to extract business information from relational databases and use that data to define business dimensions, store transactions about customers, produce results, and more. Each chapter explains when and why to perform a particular type of business analysis in order to obtain useful results, how to design and perform the analysis using SQL and Excel, and what the results should look like.

Learning PHP and MySQL

Michele E. Davis - 2006
    When working hand-in-hand, they serve as the standard for the rapid development of dynamic, database-driven websites. This combination is so popular, in fact, that it's attracting manyprogramming newbies who come from a web or graphic design background and whose first language is HTML. If you fall into this ever-expanding category, then this book is for you."Learning PHP and MySQL" starts with the very basics of the PHP language, including strings and arrays, pattern matching and a detailed discussion of the variances in different PHP versions. Next, it explains how to work with MySQL, covering information on SQL data access for language and data fundamentals like tables and statements.Finally, after it's sure that you've mastered these separate concepts, the book shows you how to put them together to generate dynamic content. In the process, you'll also learn about error handling, security, HTTP authentication, and more.If you're a hobbyist who is intimidated by thick, complex computer books, then this guide definitely belongs on your shelf. "Learning PHP and MySQL" explains everything--from basic concepts to the nuts and bolts of performing specific tasks--in plain English.Part of O'Reilly's bestselling Learning series, the book is an easy-to-use resource designed specifically for newcomers. It's also a launching pad for future learning, providing you with a solid foundation for more advanced development.

Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface

David A. Patterson - 1993
    More importantly, this book provides a framework for thinking about computer organization and design that will enable the reader to continue the lifetime of learning necessary for staying at the forefront of this competitive discipline. --John Crawford Intel Fellow Director of Microprocessor Architecture, Intel The performance of software systems is dramatically affected by how well software designers understand the basic hardware technologies at work in a system. Similarly, hardware designers must understand the far reaching effects their design decisions have on software applications. For readers in either category, this classic introduction to the field provides a deep look into the computer. It demonstrates the relationship between the software and hardware and focuses on the foundational concepts that are the basis for current computer design. Using a distinctive learning by evolution approach the authors present each idea from its first principles, guiding readers through a series of worked examples that incrementally add more complex instructions until they ha

The Modern Web: Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

Peter Gasston - 2013
    When users can browse the Web on a three-inch phone screen as easily as on a fifty-inch HDTV, what's a developer to do?Peter Gasston's The Modern Web will guide you through the latest and most important tools of device-agnostic web development, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. His plain-English explanations and practical examples emphasize the techniques, principles, and practices that you'll need to easily transcend individual browser quirks and stay relevant as these technologies are updated.Learn how to:Plan your content so that it displays fluidly across multiple devices Design websites to interact with devices using the most up-to-date APIs, including Geolocation, Orientation, and Web Storage Incorporate cross-platform audio and video without using troublesome plug-ins Make images and graphics scalable on high-resolution devices with SVG Use powerful HTML5 elements to design better formsTurn outdated websites into flexible, user-friendly ones that take full advantage of the unique capabilities of any device or browser. With the help of The Modern Web, you'll be ready to navigate the front lines of device-independent development.

PHP Pocket Reference

Rasmus Lerdorf - 2000
    The quick reference section organizes all the core functions of PHP alphabetically so you can find what you need easily; the slim size means you can keep it handy beside your keyboard for those times when you want to look up a function quickly without closing what you're doing.This valuable little book provides an authoritative overview of PHP packed into a pocket-sized guide that's easy to take anywhere. It is also the ideal companion for O'Reilly's comprehensive book on PHP, Programming PHP.The PHP Pocket Reference an indispensable (and inexpensive) tool for any serious PHP coder.

Understanding Computation: From Simple Machines to Impossible Programs

Tom Stuart - 2013
    Understanding Computation explains theoretical computer science in a context you’ll recognize, helping you appreciate why these ideas matter and how they can inform your day-to-day programming.Rather than use mathematical notation or an unfamiliar academic programming language like Haskell or Lisp, this book uses Ruby in a reductionist manner to present formal semantics, automata theory, and functional programming with the lambda calculus. It’s ideal for programmers versed in modern languages, with little or no formal training in computer science.* Understand fundamental computing concepts, such as Turing completeness in languages* Discover how programs use dynamic semantics to communicate ideas to machines* Explore what a computer can do when reduced to its bare essentials* Learn how universal Turing machines led to today’s general-purpose computers* Perform complex calculations, using simple languages and cellular automata* Determine which programming language features are essential for computation* Examine how halting and self-referencing make some computing problems unsolvable* Analyze programs by using abstract interpretation and type systems

Agile Software Development with Scrum

Ken Schwaber - 2001
    The Agile software process allows a company to implement eXtreme Programming quickly and immediately-and to begin producing software incrementally in as little as 30 days! Implementing eXtreme Programming is easier said than done. The process can be time consuming and actually slow down current software projects that are in process. This book shows readers how to use SCRUM, an Agile software development process, to quickly and seamlessly implement XP in their shop-while still producing actual software. Using SCRUM and the Agile process can virtually eliminate all downtime during an XP implementation.

Hacking Linux Exposed: Linux Security Secrets & Solutions

Brian Hatch - 2001
    Hacking Exposed Linux provides the most up-to-date coverage available from a large team of topic-focused experts. The book is based on the latest security research and shows you, in full detail, how to lock out intruders and defend your Linux systems against catastrophic attacks.Secure Linux by using attacks and countermeasures from the latest OSSTMM researchFollow attack techniques of PSTN, ISDN, and PSDN over LinuxHarden VoIP, Bluetooth, RF, RFID, and IR devices on LinuxBlock Linux signal jamming, cloning, and eavesdropping attacksApply Trusted Computing and cryptography tools for your best defenseFix vulnerabilities in DNS, SMTP, and Web 2.0 servicesPrevent SPAM, Trojan, phishing, DoS, and DDoS exploitsFind and repair errors in C code with static analysis and Hoare Logic

jQuery in Action

Bear Bibeault - 2008
    Developers of every stripe-hobbyists and professionals alike-fall in love with jQuery the minute they've reduced 20 lines of clunky JavaScript into three lines of elegant, readable code. This new, concise JavaScript library radically simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.jQuery in Action, like jQuery itself, is a concise tool designed to make you a more efficient and effective web developer. In a short 300 pages, this book introduces you to the jQuery programming model and guides you through the major features and techniques you'll need to be productive immediately. The book anchors each new concept in the tasks you'll tackle in day-to-day web development and offers unique lab pages where you immediately put your jQuery knowledge to work.There are dozens of JavaScript libraries available now, with major companies like Google, Yahoo and AOL open-sourcing their in-house tools. This book shows you how jQuery stacks up against other libraries and helps you navigate interaction with other tools and frameworks.jQuery in Action offers a rich investigation of the up-and-coming jQuery library for client-side JavaScript. This book covers all major features and capabilities in a manner focused on getting the reader up and running with jQuery from the very first sections. Web Developers reading this book will gain a deep understanding of how to use jQuery to simplify their pages and lives, as well as learn the philosophy behind writing jQuery-enhanced pages.

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture

Douglas E. Comer - 1988
    Discover how the basic TCP/IP technology has survived and evolved over two decades of exponential growth, and understand the TCP/IP protocols and technical advances. This edition explains emerging technologies such as Mobile IP, Virtual Private Networks, resource reservation with RSVP, and Ipv6. Comer reveals how to master TCP/IP and how the Internet works. The reader is required to have a modest background in the fundamentals of computer systems, but does not need sophisticated mathematics. As with previous editions, this edition provides an introduction to physical networks and then shows how they are combined to form an internet. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. THIS NEW EDITION OF VOLUME 1: *Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates *Describes Mobile IP (a technology that allows a computer to move fr

Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL

Hugh E. Williams - 2002
    Anyone with a modest knowledge of HTML and web site management can learn to create dynamic content through the PHP programming language and the MySQL database. This book gives you the background and tools to do the job safely and reliably.Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, Second Edition thoroughly reflects the needs of real-world applications. It goes into detail on such practical issues as validating input (do you know what a proper credit card number looks like?), logging in users, and using templates to give your dynamic web pages a standard look.But this book goes even further. It shows how JavaScript and PHP can be used in tandem to make a user's experience faster and more pleasant. It shows the correct way to handle errors in user input so that a site looks professional. It introduces the vast collection of powerful tools available in the PEAR repository and shows how to use some of the most popular tools.Even while it serves as an introduction to new programmers, the book does not omit critical tasks that web sites require. For instance, every site that allows updates must handle the possibility of multiple users accessing data at the same time. This book explains how to solve the problem in detail with locking.Through a sophisticated sample application--Hugh and Dave's Wine Store--all the important techniques of dynamic content are introduced. Good design is emphasized, such as dividing logic from presentation. The book introduces PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 features, while providing techniques that can be used on older versions of the software that are still in widespread use.This new edition has been redesigned around the rich offerings of PEAR. Several of these, including the Template package and the database-independent query API, are fully integrated into examples and thoroughly described in the text. Topics include:Installation and configuration of Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Unix®, Windows®, and Mac OS® X systems Introductions to PHP, SQL, and MySQL administration Session management, including the use of a custom database for improved efficiency User input validation, security, and authentication The PEAR repository, plus details on the use of PEAR DB and Template classes Production of PDF reports

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications

Niels Ferguson - 2010
    Cryptography is vital to keeping information safe, in an era when the formula to do so becomes more and more challenging. Written by a team of world-renowned cryptography experts, this essential guide is the definitive introduction to all major areas of cryptography: message security, key negotiation, and key management. You'll learn how to think like a cryptographer. You'll discover techniques for building cryptography into products from the start and you'll examine the many technical changes in the field.After a basic overview of cryptography and what it means today, this indispensable resource covers such topics as block ciphers, block modes, hash functions, encryption modes, message authentication codes, implementation issues, negotiation protocols, and more. Helpful examples and hands-on exercises enhance your understanding of the multi-faceted field of cryptography.An author team of internationally recognized cryptography experts updates you on vital topics in the field of cryptography Shows you how to build cryptography into products from the start Examines updates and changes to cryptography Includes coverage on key servers, message security, authentication codes, new standards, block ciphers, message authentication codes, and more Cryptography Engineering gets you up to speed in the ever-evolving field of cryptography.

Adventures In Raspberry Pi (Adventures In ...)

Carrie Anne Philbin - 2013
    Written for 11- to 15-year-olds and assuming no prior computing knowledge, this book uses the wildly successful, low-cost, credit-card-sized Raspberry Pi computer to explain fundamental computing concepts. Young people will enjoy going through the book's nine fun projects while they learn basic programming and system administration skills, starting with the very basics of how to plug in the board and turn it on. Each project includes a lively and informative video to reinforce the lessons. It's perfect for young, eager self-learners—your kids can jump in, set up their Raspberry Pi, and go through the lessons on their own. Written by Carrie Anne Philbin, a high school teacher of computing who advises the U.K. government on the revised ICT Curriculum Teaches 11- to 15-year-olds programming and system administration skills using Raspberry Pi Features 9 fun projects accompanied by lively and helpful videos Raspberry Pi is a $35/£25 credit-card-sized computer created by the non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation; over a million have been sold Help your children have fun and learn computing skills at the same time with Adventures in Raspberry Pi.