Book picks similar to
Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics and Integral Equations by Ronald B. Guenther
Tweeting the Universe: Very Short Courses on Very Big Ideas
Marcus Chown - 2011
Marcus Chown and Govert Schilling set themselves the challenge to describe the biggest theories in science - each in just 140 characters.
A First Course in Abstract Algebra
John B. Fraleigh - 1967
Focused on groups, rings and fields, this text gives students a firm foundation for more specialized work by emphasizing an understanding of the nature of algebraic structures. KEY TOPICS: Sets and Relations; GROUPS AND SUBGROUPS; Introduction and Examples; Binary Operations; Isomorphic Binary Structures; Groups; Subgroups; Cyclic Groups; Generators and Cayley Digraphs; PERMUTATIONS, COSETS, AND DIRECT PRODUCTS; Groups of Permutations; Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups; Cosets and the Theorem of Lagrange; Direct Products and Finitely Generated Abelian Groups; Plane Isometries; HOMOMORPHISMS AND FACTOR GROUPS; Homomorphisms; Factor Groups; Factor-Group Computations and Simple Groups; Group Action on a Set; Applications of G-Sets to Counting; RINGS AND FIELDS; Rings and Fields; Integral Domains; Fermat's and Euler's Theorems; The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain; Rings of Polynomials; Factorization of Polynomials over a Field; Noncommutative Examples; Ordered Rings and Fields; IDEALS AND FACTOR RINGS; Homomorphisms and Factor Rings; Prime and Maximal Ideas; Gr�bner Bases for Ideals; EXTENSION FIELDS; Introduction to Extension Fields; Vector Spaces; Algebraic Extensions; Geometric Constructions; Finite Fields; ADVANCED GROUP THEORY; Isomorphism Theorems; Series of Groups; Sylow Theorems; Applications of the Sylow Theory; Free Abelian Groups; Free Groups; Group Presentations; GROUPS IN TOPOLOGY; Simplicial Complexes and Homology Groups; Computations of Homology Groups; More Homology Computations and Applications; Homological Algebra; Factorization; Unique Factorization Domains; Euclidean Domains; Gaussian Integers and Multiplicative Norms; AUTOMORPHISMS AND GALOIS THEORY; Automorphisms of Fields; The Isomorphism Extension Theorem; Splitting Fields; Separable Extensions; Totally Inseparable Extensions; Galois Theory; Illustrations of Galois Theory; Cyclotomic Extensions; Insolvability of the Quintic; Matrix Algebra MARKET: For all readers interested in abstract algebra.
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur
Tom Lancaster - 2014
Unfortunately, the subject has gained a notorious reputation for difficulty, with forbidding looking mathematics and a peculiar diagrammatic language described in an array of unforgiving, weighty textbooks aimed firmly at aspiring professionals. However, quantum field theory is too important, too beautiful, and too engaging to be restricted to the professionals. This book on quantum field theory is designed to be different. It is written by experimental physicists and aims to provide the interested amateur with a bridge from undergraduate physics to quantum field theory. The imagined reader is a gifted amateur, possessing a curious and adaptable mind, looking to be told an entertaining and intellectually stimulating story, but who will not feel patronised if a few mathematical niceties are spelled out in detail. Using numerous worked examples, diagrams, and careful physically motivated explanations, this book will smooth the path towards understanding the radically different and revolutionary view of the physical world that quantum field theory provides, and which all physicists should have the opportunity to experience.To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit http: //
The Extravagant Universe: Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Cosmos
Robert P. Kirshner - 2002
One of the world's leading astronomers, Robert Kirshner, takes readers inside a lively research team on the quest that led them to an extraordinary cosmological discovery: the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a dark energy that makes space itself expand. In addition to sharing the story of this exciting discovery, Kirshner also brings the science up-to-date in a new epilogue. He explains how the idea of an accelerating universe--once a daring interpretation of sketchy data--is now the standard assumption in cosmology today.This measurement of dark energy--a quality of space itself that causes cosmic acceleration--points to a gaping hole in our understanding of fundamental physics. In 1917, Einstein proposed the cosmological constant to explain a static universe. When observations proved that the universe was expanding, he cast this early form of dark energy aside. But recent observations described first-hand in this book show that the cosmological constant--or something just like it--dominates the universe's mass and energy budget and determines its fate and shape.Warned by Einstein's blunder, and contradicted by the initial results of a competing research team, Kirshner and his colleagues were reluctant to accept their own result. But, convinced by evidence built on their hard-earned understanding of exploding stars, they announced their conclusion that the universe is accelerating in February 1998. Other lines of inquiry and parallel supernova research now support a new synthesis of a cosmos dominated by dark energy but also containing several forms of dark matter. We live in an extravagant universe with a surprising number of essential ingredients: the real universe we measure is not the simplest one we could imagine.
Hidden In Plain Sight 2: The Equation of the Universe
Andrew H. Thomas - 2013
Enjoy a thrilling intergalactic tour as Andrew Thomas redefines the force of gravity and introduces a brave new view of the universe!
Andrew Fraknoi - 2012
The book begins with relevant scientific fundamentals and progresses through an exploration of the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. The Astronomy textbook builds student understanding through the use of relevant analogies, clear and non-technical explanations, and rich illustrations. Mathematics is included in a flexible manner to meet the needs of individual instructors.
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications
Nouredine Zettili - 2001
It combines the essential elements of the theory with the practical applications. Containing many examples and problems with step-by-step solutions, this cleverly structured text assists the reader in mastering the machinery of quantum mechanics. * A comprehensive introduction to the subject * Includes over 65 solved examples integrated throughout the text * Includes over 154 fully solved multipart problems * Offers an indepth treatment of the practical mathematical tools of quantum mechanics * Accessible to teachers as well as students
Linear Algebra
Georgi E. Shilov - 1971
Shilov, Professor of Mathematics at the Moscow State University, covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, unitary spaces, quadratic forms in Euclidean and unitary spaces, finite-dimensional algebras and their representations, with an appendix on categories of finite-dimensional spaces.The author begins with elementary material and goes easily into the advanced areas, covering all the standard topics of an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course. The material is presented in a consistently clear style. Problems are included, with a full section of hints and answers in the back.Keeping in mind the unity of algebra, geometry and analysis in his approach, and writing practically for the student who needs to learn techniques, Professor Shilov has produced one of the best expositions on the subject. Because it contains an abundance of problems and examples, the book will be useful for self-study as well as for the classroom.
Introduction to Algebra
Richard Rusczyk - 2007
Topics covered in the book include linear equations, ratios, quadratic equations, special factorizations, complex numbers, graphing linear and quadratic equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, functions, polynomials, exponents and logarithms, absolute value, sequences and series, and much more!The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas. Each section starts with problems, giving the student a chance to solve them without help before proceeding. The text then includes solutions to these problems, through which algebraic techniques are taught. Important facts and powerful problem solving approaches are highlighted throughout the text. In addition to the instructional material, the book contains well over 1000 problems.This book can serve as a complete Algebra I course, and also includes many concepts covered in Algebra II. Middle school students preparing for MATHCOUNTS, high school students preparing for the AMC, and other students seeking to master the fundamentals of algebra will find this book an instrumental part of their mathematics libraries.656About the author: Richard Rusczyk is a co-author of Art of Problem Solving, Volumes 1 and 2, the author of Art of Problem Solving's Introduction to Geometry. He was a national MATHCOUNTS participant, a USA Math Olympiad winner, and is currently director of the USA Mathematical Talent Search.
Enrico Fermi - 1956
Based on a course of lectures delivered by the author at Columbia University, the text is elementary in treatment and remarkable for its clarity and organization. Although it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the fundamental facts of thermometry and calorimetry, no advanced mathematics beyond calculus is assumed.Partial contents: thermodynamic systems, the first law of thermodynamics (application, adiabatic transformations), the second law of thermodynamics (Carnot cycle, absolute thermodynamic temperature, thermal engines), the entropy (properties of cycles, entropy of a system whose states can be represented on a (V, p) diagram, Clapeyron and Van der Waals equations), thermodynamic potentials (free energy, thermodynamic potential at constant pressure, the phase rule, thermodynamics of the reversible electric cell), gaseous reactions (chemical equilibria in gases, Van't Hoff reaction box, another proof of the equation of gaseous equilibria, principle of Le Chatelier), the thermodynamics of dilute solutions (osmotic pressure, chemical equilibria in solutions, the distribution of a solute between 2 phases vapor pressure, boiling and freezing points), the entropy constant (Nernst's theorem, thermal ionization of a gas, thermionic effect, etc.).
Spacetime Physics
Edwin F. Taylor - 1966
Written by two of the field's true pioneers, Spacetime Physics can extend and enhance coverage of specialty relativity in the classroom. This thoroughly up-to-date, highly accessible overview covers microgravity, collider accelerators, satellite probes, neutron detectors, radioastronomy, and pulsars. The chapter on general relativity with new material on gravity waves, black holes, and cosmology.
Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition
James M. Gere - 2002
They are converted to metric units using realistic data to help students grasp what is feasible in engineering practice.