Book picks similar to
Obadiah: A Ghost's Story by Robert Spearman


The Wild Adventure of Jasper Renn

Kady Cross - 2013
    So when the group's mechanical genius Emily is abducted, he'll plunge into England's darkest places to rescue her….But his old flame Wildcat is turning London town upside down to find her missing sister, and Jasper finds the attraction between himself and the fierce beauty as tempting and dangerous as ever. Their trail leads deep into the city's most unusual circus. Soon, Jasper will find his loyalties—and future—tested more than he could ever imagine….And don't miss Jasper's continuing exploits in The Girl with the Iron Touch by Kady Cross, available now from Harlequin TEEN.

The Seer Renee

C.R. Daems - 2013
    But her life is about to be turned upside-down and inside-out when her grandmother commits suicide, leaving her alone and vulnerable, confused and overwhelmed, and surrounded by danger. And her grandmother's wonderful gift maybe be a curse and the ruination of her life. The one future see can't see—her own.

The Familiar

Benjamin E. Sawyer - 2015
    He was not the first.Now a whole town lives in a state of fear.Single parent Emma is worried. Nuisance calls in the early hours. Her daughter, Caitlin’s obsession with an imaginary friend. A man she calls Mr. Pig. Drawings begin to appear all over the house, on windows and place that Caitlin cannot reach. Each drawing telling the tale of Mr. Pig. Of his strange, animal features and his promise to take Caitlin away with him, whilst her mother sleeps…Soon events conspire to make Emma believe that her daughter’s friend may be all too real. She cannot escape the fear, is Caitlin next? From the past has risen a dark evil. The Tall Man is coming. The Familiar. Right hand of vengeance. The devourer of children. Within the walls of a secure hospital is the only person who might be able to stop it…Age old Fear. Brand new terror…..


Walt Socha - 2016
    His confusion is intensified when he realizes that the girl, Alta, has crossed over from another time and place. And the only way to reunite her with her family is to cross back with her. Accompanied by a few friends, Joe crosses into Alta's world only to find her home destroyed by a savage war chief. Then the gate closes behind them. Stranded in the Eleventh Century, on the present day Susquehanna River, Joe and his band fight to create a safe home for the refugee they've gathered. And to prepare for future European contact.

Where the Secret Lies

Malika Gandhi - 2013
    A sealed door. A spirit.And a secret.A secret only the spirit knows - and only nineteen-year-old Arianna can set free. Arianna and her family travel to India from London, for a splendid wedding. Excitement soon turns secondary when strange happenings transpire within the Haveli walls. Hitherto, a sealed door opens and Arianna is given Anjali’s diary.And so begins a paranormal experience that leaves her stunned. Arianna wants answers. Who is Anjali? Why did the door unseal for her? Is there something the spirit wants to show her?What?

The One That I Want

Allison Winn Scotch - 2010
    Perfect.  In fact, on the surface you might never know how tough things used to be. At seventeen, Tilly lost her mother to cancer, her father drowned his grief in alcohol, and she played parent to her two younger sisters more often than being a kid herself. Still Tilly never let tragedy overtake her belief that hard work and good cheer could solve any problem. Of course she’s also spent a lifetime plastering a smile on her face and putting everyone else’s problems ahead of her own. But that relentless happiness has served her well—her sisters are grown and content, her dad is ten years sober, and she’s helping her students achieve all their dreams while she and her husband, Tyler, start a family. A perfect life indeed.Then one sweltering afternoon at the local fair, everything changes. Tilly wanders into the fortune teller’s tent and is greeted by an old childhood friend, now a psychic, who offers her more than just a reading. “I’m giving you the gift of clarity,” her friend says. “It’s what I always thought you needed.” And soon enough, Tilly starts seeing things: her father relapsing, staggering out of a bar with his car keys in hand; Tyler uprooting their happy, stable life, a packed U-Haul in their driveway; and even more disturbing, these visions start coming true. Suddenly Tilly’s perfect life, so meticulously mapped out, seems to be crumbling around her. And she’s not sure what’s more frightening: that she’s begun to see the future or what the future holds . . .  As Tilly furiously races to keep up with—and hopefully change—her destiny, she faces the question: Which is the life she wants? The one she’s carefully nursed for decades, or the one she never considered possible?


DeWayne Kunkel
    A time of legends that nearly destroyed the world. Out of the chaos Mankind has struggled, and from the ashes of destruction civilization has once more returned to the land.But unknown to man a forgotten evil stirs in the west, for generations it has worked its foul craft in the shadows. Growing stronger, no longer content to lurk in the darkness consumed by hatred and gnawing on its own ambitions. It has grown powerful and in its might it seeks to throw down what remains of the old world and destroy the petty kingdoms of man.The last of the immortals has returned from his self-imposed exile. He has seen the danger and seeks a Talisman lost for three thousand years. Only the sword Aethir, forged by the immortals can save the world. Old legends have come to life, and the age of man is on the brink of destruction. Now he must convince an outlaw and a fugitive to aid him in its recovery or all is lost.

The Ballad of John MacLea

A.J. MacKenzie - 2019
    Tasked with routing out enemy agents and thwarting an elaborate espionage ring, which includes beautiful American double agent Josephine Lafitte, MacLea’s mission is betrayed. Now, trapped in a dramatic showdown aboard a captured American warship headed for the breach at Niagara Falls, battle-hardened MacLea finds himself fighting not just for freedom, but for his life.

The Origins of Constantine

D.C. Gomez - 2019
    When the god Anubis needed a friend, the universe sent him the most unlikely companion: a feisty little cat.Discover how the infamous five-thousand-year-old talking cat, Constantine of the Intern Diaries, became a permanent fixture in the life of Death.This fast-paced, action-packed Novella will have you turning the page and falling in love with the most unlikely of duos.

Witching Hour

Bradford Bates - 2017
    School was almost over, and that meant she would start training to take over her mother's coven. That didn't mean she wanted to, but she had years of brutal training to endure before she would be shackled by that responsibility. Hopefully, years where she wasn't forced to live at home like she was now. That no boys in the house rule was the worst. No boys allowed seemed like the worst that could happen, but that was before her family was attacked. Now Rebecca would give anything to be part of her family's drama again, but that wasn't possible, not with Ash on her tail. Staying two steps in front of Ash's torturous pursuit had become her life's only goal. Each day was a chance to bury the past. Nothing else mattered except keeping her mother's grimoire safe. Finding sleepy little Salem, Oregon might just be the key to her salvation. Although, Salem was harboring a few secrets of its own, and one of those secrets hated when witches stepped foot inside her city unannounced. What happens when Salem's dirty little secret and the new witch in town collide?

Time Visitor: Time Travel Romance

Elyse Douglas - 2021

The Black Mountains

Janet Tanner - 1981
    Charlotte, James and their seven children are independent spirits, united by strong family values.Living in a mining community is never easy, and when the shadow of impending war threatens, they must pull together to face the hardship to come. Can this close-knit family overcome whatever tragedy life throws at them?The Black Mountains, a moving saga of love, happiness and heartbreak, is perfect for fans of Rosie Goodwin and Katie Flynn. ‘Sensitive and exceptionally polished’ Manchester Evening News The Hillsbridge Sagas The Black Mountains The Emerald Valley The Hills and the Valley A Family Affair

The Mage Craft Series, Books 1-3

S.M. Reine - 2016
    Now it's time for her to take her father's place in the world - and pay for his sins. Seth is a doctor as good with a gun as he is with a scalpel. He knows a lot about the preternatural, but he's not saying why. And he's the new Voice of God's only chance of survival. This collection contains the first three books of The Mage Craft Series, amounting to over 210,000 words. About Cast in Angelfire As a half-angel, half-human mage, Marion Garin is the most powerful witch in the world. She’s been embroiled in preternatural politics since childhood and navigates the factions with ease. Or so she’s been told. Unfortunately, she’s lost her memory, and now Marion doesn’t know much of anything. Casting magic? Forget about it. It’s not an accident, either. Someone powerful wanted to take Marion out of preternatural politics, and they succeeded. She’s told that a man named Seth Wilder could help, but she’ll have to find him first. He’s been missing for years. Marion needs to track Seth down and fix her memory before her unknown enemy finishes the job… * * * About Cast in Hellfire Marion Garin is the teenage daughter of Metaraon, the former Voice of God. Now she's also the steward of the Winter Court, which has been in anarchy since a revolution five years earlier. Problem: Marion still doesn't remember anything that happened before two weeks ago. Seth Wilder has a lead on her memories. Whoever stole them and sold Marion's essence to a demon lord in Sheol. Marion wants to help steal them back, even though that means abandoning the Winter Court to war. And Seth can't seem to tell Marion no. He wants Marion nearby. Very nearby. Possibly in his teeth. See, Seth has this little problem where he's developing a killing urge, and it seems to be centered primarily on the half-angel girl who adores him. It conflicts with everything Seth believes himself to be: a moral man, a doctor who heals instead of hurts. Yet he's obsessed with Marion. She wants her memories, and he wants her to have them as much as he wants her blood. They'll work together to make Marion whole, come hell or high water. Even if it means war. Even if it means Seth might hurt Marion. And damned be the consequences... * * * About Cast in Faefire Marion Garin, the Voice of God, is due to marry the Prince of the Autumn Court by the end of the week - assuming that the world's preternatural leadership doesn't have anything to say about it. They plan to strip Prince ErlKonig of his title, ensuring that Marion can't form a god-forbidden treaty with the angels. Still injured from his final fight in Sheol, Seth Wilder is seeking a way to stay alive. If he dies, he'll lose more than his life - he'll be slave to the gods' whims for all eternity. He's ready to take drastic steps. Maybe even make a bargain with the vampires. But what the gods want, they get. And they don't appreciate being defied.

A Broom with a View

Rebecca Patrick-Howard - 2015
    Just a down home girl, she enjoys driving her truck, listening to country music and, oh yes, the occasional brew.This witch just wants to enjoy the quiet life. When her no-good, hipster husband cheats on her with a trombone player, she moves back to take over the family farm in rural Eastern Kentucky. Here, she's expecting some peace, content to play in her garden, restore the dilapidated farmhouse, and throw her money away at the town auction house every Friday night.But the town of Kudzu Valley just won't let a witch rest. From the high school basketball coach looking for a charm to help the team win the big game to Lola Ellen Pearson who wants to hex the local Pizza Hut for giving her food poisoning the night before her fourth wedding, everyone wants SOMETHING from the town's resident witch!When Cotton Hashagen's dead body is found, though, all eyes turn to Liza Jane. After all, hadn't she JUST accused the local librarian of a terrible crime? With the townspeople and police turning their eyes to Liza Jane, it's going to take a lot for her to prove that she didn't put a "whammy" on him AND solve the mystery to find the real culprit!

666 (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 4)

Drac Von Stoller - 2013
    It was Halloween and Samantha`s contractions were unbearable so her husband rushed his pregnant wife to the hospital to deliver their new bundle of joy. Mike told the doctor and nurse to take great care of his wife. The doctor and nurse reassured Mike they would take very good care of her and not to worry. Mike waited patiently in the waiting room as the doctor and nurse delivered their beautiful baby. After a few hours the baby finally arrived and the doctor entered the waiting room and told Mike to come in the room and see his new baby. Mike entered and his wife was all smiles and said "Honey, it`s a boy!" "I think he looks like a Johnny. What do you think?" asked his wife. "Johnny sounds fine to me," replied Mike. Mike was so excited and held his baby boy in his arms as tears rolled down his cheeks and said "Darling, I think he likes me." Mike stayed the night in his wife's room with their new baby, but as they were both sleeping, an unforeseen force came in their room that was about to change their lives forever, when they both woke in the morning. Morning came, and Samantha was discharged from the hospital, and time for their new baby to be raised in their new home. It wasn't until after little Johnny turned 6 years of age that things around the Delany Estate turned deadly. The first sign that Johnny had the mark of the beast was June 6. It was the 6th month, 6th day, and Johnny was 6. All the numbers represented 666.