Book picks similar to
Grow Your Marriage by Leaps and Boundaries by Jerry L. Cook


The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want To Leave

Bob Grant - 2005

Getting Ready For Marriage

Jerry D. Hardin - 1992
     Our families have shaped our views on everything from religion to finances to sex, and, whether helpful or harmful, these views are brought to our marriage and can unknowingly affect it. Getting Ready for Marriage Workbook helps engaged couples and newlyweds:learn what "ghosts' they bring to marriageexamine their family backgroundsdetermine guidelines for their own marriageThrough interactive exercises, couples discover the roots of their beliefs, sight potential problem ares, and learn how to successfully through problems.  Couples are then encouraged to make their own covenants in specific areas such as financial matters, resolving conflict, religious orientation,. and family planning & children-essential in building a strong marriage partnership.

There Is More!: The Secret to Experiencing God's Power to Change Your Life

Randy Clark - 2011
    But the greatness of God's grace and his salvation are far more than what most of us have come to expect Here Randy Clark shares what that "more" is--more love for God and others, more power, more joy, more faith, more results in prayer--and how believers can experience God's empowering presence in their lives to do more than they ever imagined. "More" is not only biblical, explains Clark, but essential for greater fruitfulness in ministry and for serving in the kingdom of God with joy and effectiveness.

People Patterns: A Modern Guide to the Four Temperaments

Stephen Montgomery - 2002
    Stephen Montgomery presents a fresh new look at the four temperaments, the four ancient "people patterns" that are the key to personality types. In this updated and expanded 2nd edition, Dr. Montgomery cites over 250 characters from well-known movies and TV shows The Wizard of Oz, Sex and the City, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Fantastic Four, The Incredibles, The Lord of the Rings, Ghost Busters, and many more to help bring the temperaments alive for a modern audience.People Patterns features an easy-to-score personality quiz, and easy-to-read chapters on dating & mating, parents & children, and talent & career (with over 750 job suggestions grouped according to type). The book begins with a brief history of the four temperaments (tracing the idea back to Hippocrates), and it ends with port

Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Lasting Relationship

Stephen Snyder - 2018
    With a click of the mouse you can learn the names for sex acts your grandparents never knew existed. But are people any happier in bed? Probably not. Research from the Kinsey Institute suggests that 25% of American women in heterosexual relationships are markedly distressed about their sex lives.There’s no shortage of books these days on sex technique. But that’s not what most people are interested in. What they really want is to have great sex in a committed relationship, in which case all the technical expertise in the world won’t help you very much. For that, you need to understand sexual feelings—how they operate, what rules they follow, and how they connect to the rest of who you are.Dr. Stephen Snyder's unique approach has helped over 1,500 individuals and couples master the erotic challenges of long-term relationships. Integrating the latest research on human sexuality with compelling stories from his 30 years of experience working with over 1,500 individuals and couples, Love Worth Making will help people of all ages and backgrounds master the erotic challenges of long-term relationships, understand their sexual feelings, and enjoy them for life.

Charisma: How To Be Charismatic (Be More Charismatic, Charisma Skill Building, How To Win Friends)

Gary Marshall - 2014
    Regularly priced at $9.99. Do you want charisma superpowers? This book will change your life...if you let it! Have you ever met a really charismatic person? They just seem to have so much energy and life in them. They seem to have a light in their eyes that exudes warmth and friendliness. They seem to have the world at their feet and be surrounded by people that love and admire them. They seem to have the ability to achieve any goal they set themselves, and usually do. They live in the homes that other people admire, and go on the holidays that most people can only dream of. In general, life seems to move out of the way for them, and open all kinds of doors for them that don’t open for normal people. If there is one character trait a person can have, that can enhance their lives in a powerful and positive way, and literally sky rocket them to success, then this trait has to be charisma. Whichever way you look at it, being charismatic will change your life, no matter who you are right now! This book is going to take you by the hand and show you how to become one of the most charismatic people that has ever walked this planet. Are you ready to get started? Here's What You Will Learn From This Book... The Magic Of Charisma And How It Will Change Your Life Real Life Charisma Exercises At The End Of Each Chapter You Can Take Into The Real World What Is Charisma And How You Can Get It What Charisma Is NOT And How To Avoid These Things! The Simple Rules Of Charisma That Will Skyrocket Your Charisma Levels Instantly How To Make People Feel Incredible When They Are Around You How To Build Your Confidence So That You Can Easily Interact With Anyone How The Right Body Language Can Boost Your Charisma How Charisma Will Help You Achieve Any Goal You Set Yourself How To Shine The Spotlight On Others How To Increase Your Power So That People Respect And Admire You How To Influence People Positively How To Be Dynamic And Light Up The Room Hundreds Of Other Tips And Tricks How To Use This Book In The Real World To Develop Your Charisma Levels Charisma Is A Set Of Simple Rules That Anyone Can Learn Are you ready to take your life to the next level? The truth is that charisma is a set of simple rules that anyone can learn and master over time. All you need to do is learn these rules and then apply them to your life. In this book you will hold a manual that shows you how each of these rules work, and what you need to do to use them each and every day. Once you know and understand the rules of charisma, you simply have to practice them until they will become a part of who you are. Gradually you will find your charisma levels increasing so dramatically that the people in your life won't believe the incredible person you have transformed into. Charisma is not a magic gift that only the lucky few have. It is a skill anyone can learn and it will change your life for the better if you take the time to learn it. This book will change your life...if you let it. Make sure you download your copy today! Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $2.

Submissive Training: 23 Things You Must Know About How To Be A Submissive. A Must Read For Any Woman In A BDSM Relationship (Women's Guide to BDSM)

Elizabeth Cramer - 2013
    Submissive training isn’t just a “good idea” when it comes to creating a BDSM relationship. It is essential. "Submissive Training: 23 Things You Must Know On How To Be A Submissive" is designed to help you know what to expect when you go through training with a new Dom. Every couple is unique and every Dom may have different ways of teaching you the systems of service he prefers. However, these are the basics all trained subs and slaves learn and employ in daily life. Rushing into a relationship or service contract with a Dom without training puts the future of your time together at risk. All of the arguments, resistance, misunderstandings and hurt feelings that go with a new submissive’s experiences can be eradicated by a period designated for learning, listening, trial and error. Even if you have been with a previous Dom you will need to go through an abbreviated training time to ensure your patterns and understandings match one another. Training is a way to "get in the same rhythm” and find the perfect groove. If you are a Dom, this guide is the perfect gift to give to your new sub. If you are a sub, this guide will teach you how to go through your submissive training. As you go through these things on the journey to become the woman you were made to be, you will be tested but you will also be proud, joyful and, perhaps for the first time in your life, you will be at peace.

The Instant Genius

Tanya Slover - 1998
    This compendium is bursting with little-known gems such as: the Bible is the most stolen book in America; humans and giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their necks (seven); and the first thermometer was filled with brandy, not mercury (and was quite accurate). Presented with humor and precision, The Instant Genius is an engrossing battery of over 200 facts sure to settle at least one thorny question in everyone's mind.

On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

Gary Ezzo - 1993
    On Becoming Babywise brings hope to the tired and bewildered parents looking for an alternative to sleepless nights and fussy babies. The Babywise Parent Directed Feeding concept has enough structure to bring security and order to your baby's world, yet enough flexibility to give mom freedom to respond to any need at any time. It teaches parents how to lovingly guide their baby's day rather than be guided or enslaved to the infant's unknown needs. The information contained within On Becoming Babywise is loaded with success. Comprehensive breast-feeding follow-up surveys spanning three countries, of mothers using the PDF method verify that as a result of the PDF concepts, 88% breast-feed, compared to the national average of only 54% (from the National Center for Health Statistics). Of these breast-feeding mothers, 80% of them breast-feed exclusively without a formula complement. And while 70% of our mothers are still breast-feeding after six months, the national average encourage to follow demand feeding without any guidelines is only 20%. The mean average time of breast-feeding for PDF moms is 33 1/2 weeks, well above the national average. Over 50% of PDF mothers extend their breast-feeding toward and well into the first year. Added to these statistics is another critical factor. The average breast-fed PDF baby sleeps continuously through night seven to eight hours between weeks seven and nine. Healthy sleep in infants is analogous to healthy growth and development. Find out for yourself why a world of parents and pediatricians utilize the concepts found in On Becoming Babywise.

The Greatest Secret of All: Moving Beyond Abundance to a Life of True Fulfillment

Marc Allen - 2007
    The Greatest Secret of All clearly explains this law of manifestation but then takes it a quantum leap further, revealing what is truly important in life. We have what we need within us to do what we love, to be the people we dream of being, and to become completely fulfilled along the way — to become, as Abraham Maslow put it, self-actualized. We also have the capability, here and now, to create a world that works for everyone. In these pages, you will find the secret to a life of happiness, inner peace, ease, and fulfillment, and the secret that lets each of us contribute to making the world a better place for all.

How to Develop Your Family Mission Statement

Stephen R. Covey - 2001
    This family mission statement kit will help you: Unite your family around a common sense of purpose and mission Develop more patience and the capacity to solve problems proactively Strengthen you children and family members in a turbulent world Eliminate ineffective family habits Transform family life from a desperate, miserable, day-to-day grind to a family life rich with meaningful relationships

Hidden Credit Repair Secrets

Mark Clayborne - 2010
    How To Increase Your Credit Score and Repair Your Credit With The Number 1 Book In The Country. 204 Positive Reviews Can't be Wrong. "The most complete credit repair book I ever read. This book will teach you how to increase your credit score. - Sam Park." What if you had the knowledge in the palm of your hand that could help you improve your credit report and as a result, you may qualify for the following: Your dream house, Your dream car, That new apartment, Your dream job, Start a new business, Increase your credit score and get into that new home or car. If you had this knowledge, would you use it to start living the life you want? What if you knew a handful of strategies that will allow you to do the following: Avoid embarrassing moments when applying for credit. Sleep at night because of no more abusive collection calls. Spend what you want at the mall and your favorite restaurants because you saved due to settlements. Avoid frustration and family fights due to money. Open your mail freely because you know it's not a bill collector or a lawsuit. Take control of your credit in the comfort of your home. If you knew these strategies, would you take action to get inaccurate, misleading and questionable items off of your credit report? What if I showed you the same techniques and strategies credit repair companies and consultants use to challenge inaccurate and questionable items for their clients.? Would you take action? What if this book could give you the following: An easy step-by-step 6 letter campaign that will allow you to challenge any inaccurate, unverifiable and questionable information on your credit report? Over 15 sample letters ready to go. Easy to read and easy to follow chapters detailing credit repair information. Easy to understand, actionable steps that could save you money. Up-to-date and relevant information that match the economic conditions. What if you had more tools that would allow you to change your credit situation, would you act? What if you had these tools: Step-by-step game plan for rebuilding your credit. A comprehensive understanding of how to remove inaccurate, unverifiable and questionable judgments, collections and charge-offs. Easy to follow strategies on how to stop debt collectors in their tracks. Step-by-step instructions on how to raise your credit score. Step-by-step process to settling your debts even when the collector does not want to settle. Easy to read material that could read in one day. Clear instructions on what to do if the credit bureaus refuse to remove inaccurate, unverifiable and questionable information. Techniques on how to increase your credit score. If you had all of the tools listed above, would you take action? If the answer is yes, start repairing your credit today by clicking the add to cart button.

You Had Me at "Hello, World": Mentoring Sessions with Industry Leaders at Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Zynga and more!

Dona Sarkar - 2015
    Instead they shared with me their "career acumen" secrets, things they wished they had learned at school, but instead have had to learn the hard way..through years of experience. In this book, you will hear these leaders' secrets around: -Finding and using your superpowers , the qualities that make you completely unique and memorable - A script for how to negotiate your salary (in a non-aggressive way) and influence your managers and peers from day one - How to do that infamous "networking" thing everyone talks about, especially if you're not a networking event kind of person - How to have professional presence that sets you apart from everyone else - How to hit the ground running in the first 100 days and be the "rockstar" employee everyone talks about and wishes they could hire more of I've had all kinds of adventures during my 10 years of engineering at Microsoft but my absolute favorite thing has been building relationships, speaking to, and mentoring people (both in and out of the tech industry) on how to achieve their career goals while still being themselves. When I interviewed 25 tech leaders for advice on the questions I get over and over, I wanted to share it with more than just my mentees. This book is full of practical, do-today things as well as "scripts" and email templates that we have all actually used. Read the book and let's talk. I love reaching and meeting new people and you can now consider me “in your network” and I hope I can do the same for you. My best always, Dona

No-Fail Communication

Michael Hyatt - 2020
    What if communication was your superpower? What if every member of your team had perfect clarity about your intentions and expectations? And what if you had perfect insight into theirs? What if you and your team said yes only to things that moved your business forward and were skilled at saying no to everything else? What if every meeting, every email, and every project plan left no doubt about about the intended outcome? What if you and your team could communicate as effectively when working remotely as you do in person?How would that change the culture of your business? What would it do for the morale of your team?That's a picture of clarity that will transform your workplace, and No-Fail Communication can make that a reality for you and your team.

Socks for Christmas

Andy Andrews - 2005
    In the late 1960s, New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews thought he was having a very good Christmas… until he got socks from his Aunt Ruth--unarguably a very lousy gift. How could he know that those lousy socks would change Christmas and him forever!Socks for Christmas is great for all ages and will give your family an instant Christmas tradition. This timeless holiday book:Teaches lessons on gratitude, giving, and understanding others during the seasonInspires hearts and brings families togetherStirs nostalgia, tradition, and joy in any heart at Christmas timeSocks for Christmas is a:Safe gift for a boss, co-worker, or employeeThoughtful gift for a family member or loved oneA great option for gift exchangesWhether you read it yourself or listen to Andy on the CD (included with your purchase), Socks for Christmas is a great way to kick off the season.