Book picks similar to
Bone and Cinder by Scott Nicholson


A Father's Quest

Kirk Allmond - 2011
    After convincing himself that they really were zombies, he makes a trip from his house in Pennsylvania to his family home in Virginia, battling zombies all the way. His three and a half year old son was bitten on the leg, but doesn't turn into a zombie. Instead, he turns into something more than human.Victor and his friends discover that not all zombies are created equal, some of them are smarter than others. Some of them are even able to pass for human.


Rod Little - 2017
     Two students return from a mountain camping trip to find an empty city. Everyone in every metropolis has gone. Only a few living souls remain in the countryside. And then the lizards came. The size of men, they flooded the city and attacked the few remaining people. When these mutated creatures are confronted by giant spiders, the two species fight each other for the remaining food supply...with the humans caught in the middle. A teenage boy with electric powers, a college student who can communicate with animals, a scientist with a dark secret, and a band of psychopaths with their own agenda... all come together. Defending each other from the evils of men and creatures alike, the last humans form separate camps and race against each other to unravel the mystery of the deserted cities, the swarming creatures, and the threat to humankind. While fighting off the giant monsters that sprang from nowhere, they search for clues that lead to alien devices and the possibility of a deeper reason for the world's transformation. But the mystery of the human disappearance remains. Sam, a boy born with powers able to generate electric charges, teams up with a boy who can understand the language of birds and spiders, and together they set out to find the answers. Another camp led by a mad scientist is racing to find the same answers, but for a very different reason. A post-apocalyptic novel and science fiction adventure blending together elements of monsters, survivalists, and science fiction. Earthweeds is Volume 1 in the Sons of Neptune series.

Dead Things

Matt Darst - 2011
    And the rise of the church to fill the void. Nearly twenty years since Ian Sumner lost his father. And the dead took to the streets to dine on the living. Now Ian and a lost band of survivors are trapped in the wilderness, miles from safety. Pursued by madmen and monsters, they unravel the secrets of the plague ...and walk the line of heresy. Ian and this troop need to do more than just survive. More than ever, they must learn to live.

Loss of Reason

Miles A. Maxwell - 2015
     Enter the nightmare. A nuclear bomb is detonated in New York. Banker, wife, mother, Cynthia lives in New York. And her brothers are determined to find her.


M.D. Massey - 2016
    And to do it, he'll need to traverse half the state of Texas while dealing with out-of-control military units, violent redneck looters, and all manner of evil things that go bump in the night...


Robin Crumby - 2016
    Hiding behind the imposing walls of a medieval fortress, they struggle against all the odds to rebuild in a wasteland without electricity or government. Scraping a living, far away from the smoking ruins of the cities, they wait in hope, trying to make sense of what happened.Hurst Castle stands alone. Its seventy-four occupants united in a daily struggle, scavenging for food and supplies. The Millennial Virus is the least of their concerns. When the arrival of outsiders threatens to tip the balance of power, the people of Hurst are faced with a desperate choice: set aside their differences and join an alliance that promises new hope or unite against the newcomers and their plans for reconstruction. Who can be trusted? Only time will tell.The battle for Hurst has begun.

I Zombie I

Jack Wallen - 2008
    All he wanted was a Pulitzer.It took only one bite for journalist Jacob Plummer to find the story of a life time -- his own downward spiral into the zombie abyss.As Jacob slowly transforms into one of the undead, he discovers a truth that could spare the world from extinction.While Jacob struggles to reveal the conspiracy behind the virus, he must fight off his own inner zombie and the undead masses to save the human race, the woman he loves, and a planet ripped apart by the Mengele Virus.

Infection Z

Ryan Casey - 2015
    A jobless layabout in his mid-twenties, his only worry is whether he'll be able to contact his parents quickly enough to help pay his long-due rent installment.But when his landlord finally does come knocking soaked in blood, Hayden fast realises that something is not right. People are butchering one another in the streets. Internet and television signals are down. And the police are non-existent.With his parents at the other side of town, Hayden must step up for the first time in his adult life on a treacherous adventure through a crumbling world. As he meets new friends and encounters dangerous foes, Hayden is forced out of the comfort of his bedsit and onto an unpredictable journey of survival and self-discovery.And the infected are never far behind...Infection Z is a gripping new post apocalyptic novel from Ryan Casey, the author of Dead Days. Packed with the author's trademark page-turning suspense, complex characters and unpredictable twists and turns, Infection Z is sure to delight fans of all things apocalyptic.

Through Glass: The Dark

Rebecca Ethington - 2013
    Fighting monsters to save the world was not part of my five-year plan.I had it all figured out. Graduate high school and head to college. It was just icing that my college of choice also happened to be where my lifelong crush and the gorgeous boy next door, Cohen, was already attending. I had already been accepted. Everything was working out perfectly. The only problem was that ‘perfect’ didn’t involve a freakin’ invasion. So, when everything went dark and monsters, literal monsters, fell from the sky, I had no idea what to do.Hey, I’m not your perfect dystopian heroine. Hell, I’m not even your everyday human. It took some time, and a bit of work, but now instead of graduating and following Cohen to college I am now hunting massive winged demon... things. Worse yet, any chance of a happily-ever-after goes to pot when my demon hunting turns into boyfriend rescuing, and I have to risk it all and go into the Dark. Boys, am I right? One minute everything is on track, and the next… well, it’s the end of the world. My name is Lex, and I guess I hunt monsters now. Perfect.

Danger's Halo

Amanda Carlson - 2017
    And, as a rule, she doesn’t turn down currency. Her job as a salvager keeps her fed and clothed above the norm, which isn’t saying much.The norm in this city is a scrape-by existence in a post-apocalyptic world, where the rain never stops, food is always scarce, and the elite have deserted the ranks in search of something better. Picking up this urchin won’t take much time, even if he’s located outside city limits. Her craft is fast, her weapons deadly, and her tech has been optimized as well as it can be for a climate clogged with iron dust. But things take a big turn when she decides to become the boy’s guardian instead of hand him over. Outskirts have descended on the city, and their plans don’t include playing nice. When her crew is backed against a graphene wall, it’s a good thing her Gem is primed and ready to go. It’s almost as deadly as she is…

Prophet of Doom

Derek Murphy - 2016
    That was all awful enough, but it was more than that. I remember being young and thinking, when I grow up, I'll have a nice big house. I'll get an exciting, interesting job. I'll meet the man of my dreams and we'll fall in love and stay together forever.But that all disappeared the first time I tripped 20 years into the future and found the houses burned, the handsome boys dead, and the only jobs were the ones young girls gave hairy old survivors in tents in exchange for a little food and water. Nobody asked little girls what they wanted to be when they grew up anymore. Nobody wanted to draw attention to the fact that most of them wouldn't live that long.There was no hope, no peace for anyone. At least I had it better than they did. When my trip was over, I would get to go back. Back to the normalcy of 2015. Back to iPhones and Twitter and buying so much food it went bad before you could eat it. Back to laughing over foamy cappuccinos and iced lattes at the mall, window shopping and flirting with hot guys (not that I ever did that, mind you - but I always wanted to). And I still could. That was the point. Unlike everybody else, for whom 2015 was 20 years ago - long before humanity was destroyed - it was my reality. At least, it was some of the time.But after seeing the future; after struggling to make it to the end of the day; after my first kill - none of those other things were the least bit enjoyable. All I could think when I got back to the real world, is how can I stop what's coming?Prescient is a young adult time-travel dystopia, this is Part One of the first book in the series.

Hot Zone

Steven Konkoly - 2017
     Dr. Lauren Hale, a new hospital resident, is nearly killed by a raving mad emergency room patient, in a senseless, unprovoked attack. Officer David Olson, veteran cop and former Marine, returns from a father-son camping trip to discover that his ex-wife has vanished under bizarre circumstances, and his police department is on the verge of collapse. Jack and Emma Harper, a young, upwardly mobile couple, find their hip city neighborhood rapidly descending into madness. Dr. Eugene Chang, a research scientist for a major pharmaceutical company makes a shocking discovery that might explain the spreading wave of illness and violence gripping the city. Eric Larsen, leader of a top-secret, rapid-response unit, circles high above the Midwest, in an unmarked military transport. Mission still unknown, his team waits to parachute into the night. WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, complete strangers from different walks of life will be forced to join together to survive the LIVING NIGHTMARE that has been unleashed on their city—AND THEIR COUNTRY. This is their story. WELCOME TO THE HOT ZONE!

Run from Ruin: A Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Thriller

Allen Kuzara - 2018
    But a programming glitch in the final update causes billions of users to experience uncontrollable rage and aggression. Nick, an ordinary high school senior in Fairbanks Alaska, is suddenly thrust into this life or death arena. He and his brother must escape the zombie-like hordes of blood-thirsty maniacs and seek refuge north of the arctic circle. The four-hundred-mile journey tests the boys, their wits, and their trust in each other. They think they’re fighting to stay alive; but little do they know, they’re fighting to save mankind.


Dirk Patton - 2013
    Nuclear bombs destroy cities and the widespread release of nerve gas sends the majority of the surviving population into a murderous rage. Rescuing a woman who survived the attacks he must lead her to safety as Atlanta burns, raging infected roam unchecked and society disintegrates into savagery.


Aaron Hodges - 2017
     For centuries our evolution has stagnated. Surrounded by technology, we ceased to adapt. Until now... When eighteen year old Chris is accused of treason, his world is changed forever. Abducted in the night, he wakes in a facility hidden deep in the Californian mountains. There he is subjected to the depraved experiments of the Praegressus Project – a government led initiative to enhance the human race. Unfortunately for Chris, the chances of survival are slim. But only the lucky get to die. Don't forget to check out Book 2 - Renegades!