The Trigon Rituals

Angelia Whiting - 2005
    Men who have invaded her night time musings, learned her innermost fantasies, what erotic pleasures she seeks ... come to claim her ... while she's awake. This is no dream.

An Office Alien Christmas: Ro

V.C. Lancaster - 2019
    They've had their difficulties with Ro's health, but with Christmas coming once again, they couldn't be happier. Get Ro's point of view for the first time as he and Maggie plan the next party for their colleagues, including Kez and Bia, Zir and Lois, and Khy and Anna! This is the first in a series of four shorts, each 20,000 words, designed to be little seasonal episodes in the lives of the Office Aliens couples. Ro's story is told in The New Guy, which should be read first.

Conquering His Queen

Viki Storm - 2019
    But it’s mine—including the feisty young queen who’s in way over her head. Because once I see her run out onto the battlefield, about to risk it all for her people, I have to save her. I have to conquer her. I have to own her. She thinks she’s using me, thinks she can strut around and wrap me around her little finger. How wrong she is. Conquering this planet is just a job for me. Subdue and evacuate the human population. And that includes her, no matter how bad I want to keep her… BRYN I’m not sure how I ended up the queen of this isolated planet, but here I am. One problem after another. When I think it can’t get any worse, we’re invaded by huge, savage aliens. The ship descends and I see him—their leader. He claims me for his own. I need his help if I want to save my people. But I have nothing to offer him. Nothing to give him that he couldn’t just take. Except my body. My virginity. But he wants more. He wants my heart. And that’s something I vowed never to give away. A queen can’t trust anyone, even if he’s my only hope... This is the first book in the new Zalaryn Conqueror's Trilogy and can be enjoyed without having read any of my previous books! And as always, HEA guaranteed!

Binding Krista

Jory Strong - 2005
    The Council scientists have found a match in Krista Thomas—a genetically compatible human. By Council rules Krista must be willing and the binding must be done immediately before she is brought back to their world, because once she accepts the bond, she will know that Adan and Lyan are not natives of Earth. For the warriors, it's a simple quest—go to Earth, bind their mate to them, then return home.There's only one catch—Krista is on the run and she's afraid to involve anyone else in her life.

Alien Overnight

Robin L. Rotham - 2007
    Not particularly excited by human anatomy, he seeks nothing more for himself than the occasional slaking of his needs with some anonymous female - which shouldn't be a problem, since she'll have to face the other way to accommodate his special anatomical needs.Dr. Monica Teague is thrilled with her ten-year assignment caring for Garathan's sexual recruits. Her quirky looks and childish excuse for a body guarantee she'll never be expected to put out - which is kind of a bummer, now that she's up to her armpits in horny alien beefcake.But, when an overdose of alien pheromones makes Monica drunk off her ass, Kellen quickly claims the odd little doctor before another Garathani realizes what she is. The overdose sparks a violent chain reaction in her, and when Monica finally wakes, she's got the body of a porn star - and two sexy alien mates who are determined to tame her.If only she were as determined not to let them.Reader Advisory: Contains menage a trois sexual scenes.

Touched by an Alien

Gini Koch - 2010
    When she stepped out of the Pueblo Caliente courthouse, all she was thinking about was the work she had to get caught up on. Then her attention was caught by a fight between a couple that looked like it was about to turn ugly. But ugly didn't even begin to cover it when the "man" suddenly transformed into a huge, winged monster right out of a grade Z science fiction movie and went on a deadly killing spree. In hindsight, Kitty realized she probably should have panicked and run screaming the way everyone around her was doing. Instead she sprinted into action to take down the alien. In the middle of all the screeching and the ensuing chaos, a hunk in an Armani suit suddenly appeared beside her, introduced himself as Jeff Martini with "the agency," and then insisted on leading her to a nearby limo to talk to his "boss." And that was how Kitty's new life among the aliens began...Touched by an Alien is the thrilling first installment of the Alien novels.

Exodus: Extinction Event

Kaitlyn O'Connor - 2017
     There were a lot scenarios that danced through her head but being captured by a couple of the feline-like warriors that had survived the event certainly wasn't one of them. Nor did it occur to her, at all, that she might find herself stranded on the dying world with her two warrior heroes all that stood between her survival and death of a horrible kind.

His To Take

Selina Coffey - 2019
    So is Rex. She’ll be forever grateful for her father’s bunker. They would never have made it otherwise. There might only be one man her age left in this world… And she’s lucky that it was Rex. Her high school crush, the man she’s loved for such a long time. She couldn’t help but giggle at the thought that they might have to repopulate the human race. The thing is, Rex isn’t completely human anymore. Her sweet Rex has an animal side now - a wolf side. He can be dangerous, vicious, violent. Ann wants to love him, unconditionally. Besides, who else could love her back? Then he came to her, in her dreams… the man with the orange eyes. Author’s Note: This book contains mature language and adult scenes that will make you blush! Intended for adults only.

Her Savage Mate

Kallista Dane - 2018
    Lost in a jungle. Captured by a savage. Now I have a choice. Mate with their prince - or die.It’s been a rough day.Except I don’t have a choice. Not really. The High Priest threatens to put my entire crew to death unless I agree. So I make him a deal. I’ll mate with the future king and give him an heir – in exchange for their freedom.Turns out my new mate is a mouth-watering, seven foot tall bronze hunk. He’s so hot he could be the star of one of the tacky romance novels I’m secretly addicted to.Unfortunately this planet requires females to obey their mates or be disciplined. I’m not the submissive type, so I get punished by my new mate. A lot. But I’m determined this alien alpha will never break me. Night after night I defy him.As time goes on, his stern discipline and passionate lovemaking are awakening dark desires in me. Wicked desires I’ve never felt before. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.A note from the author: Her Savage Mate is based on the characters in my story in the USA TODAY bestselling box set Alien Alphas. I’ve added lots of steamy hot new scenes to make it a full-length standalone novel.


Lea Kirk - 2016
    One normal day turns into horror when Earth is attacked. Now ER nurse Alexandra Bock is imprisoned aboard an alien slave ship with no way out. She deems all aliens untrustworthy, including the handsome blue-skinned Matiran captain who shares her cell. A betrayal from within... One night of treachery leaves Senior Captain Gryf Helyg a prisoner of his enemies. Because of him, Earth’s inhabitants face extinction and his home world is threatened. But his plans for escape are complicated by his inexplicable draw to the Earth woman imprisoned with him. A chance to save both their peoples... One ancient prophecy holds the key to free Alexandra and Gryf’s war-ravaged worlds. Can two wounded souls who have lost everything learn to trust and forgive in order to fulfill the prophecy, and find a love that will last for eternity?


H.E. Trent - 2016
    Lobbyists standing to profit from off-world colonisation hinted that the Jekhans were preparing to declare war! Nearly twenty years after Owen’s supposed death, his granddaughter Courtney wants to learn the truth - even if she has to travel to the far-flung colony to do it! Court soon learns that not only was her grandfather right about the Jekhans, but that conditions on their world are far more hostile than she feared. Terran forces decimated the population of the resident human-alien hybrids, and the people who remain seem to be all out of fight. That is, except for the pair of men Court finds hiding in her basement... Fugitives Murki and Trigrian see a future in Court. On a planet where so few women remain, she has the potential to be the mate the lovers need. And more, she could become the advocate for their people that her grandfather didn’t get the chance to be... When the corrupt local government seeks to punish Court’s friends and family for her actions, she has no choice but to make a stand. If it takes a riot to make the people on Earth see that they were misled about Jekh, she’s more than willing to start one. After all, her reputation couldn’t possibly get any worse! ERSTWHILE is a romantic adventure set in the near future that contains dark humour, some violence, and a very needy pair of extraterrestrials.

The Challenge

Susan Kearney - 2004
    Kahn offers her proof she can't refute: Tessa has been brought forward through time to save Earth by winning an intergalactic challenge. Kahn only has a few weeks to train Tessa to use the psi-abilities he insists she has. He is confident in the success of a time-honored method that uses sexual frustration to bring out her powers, but Tessa is dubious. She's a martial arts expert and can fight her way through anything, but she's never had much luck with emotions.Luckily for Earth, Kahn can be very convincing...

Celestial Mates Box Set

C.J. Scarlett - 2017
    Crowded in huge underground cities, they’ve finally come to the end of the line and they must decide whether or not they will trade the only valuable resource Earth has left... Women.Being the daughter of a wealthy diplomat, Rose is blissfully ignorant of how the less fortunate live. Desperate to escape to a planet where she can enjoy the sun on her face and swim in clear unpolluted oceans, she vows to make herself the first bride to be mated to off-worlders.When the Krylon delegation arrives, she realizes that in addition to being good stewards of their planet, eager for female companionship, and polite to a fault, the Krylon males are also drop dead gorgeous. Unfortunately, Earth’s population is vehemently opposed to the galactic mate’s treaty... will Rose and her soon to be Hot Alien Husband be able to make their escape from Earth? Fire Princess Returns (Celestial Mates #1.5) Clone's Bride (Celestial Mates #2) Few people in the verse understand or have a genuine liking for the Shardon. They see clones as expendable since they are so easy to replace. Some are even under the mistaken impression clones aren’t real people and they share a hive mind.Lar Shalon is one such clone. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to combat all the irrational beliefs about his kind. Being a physician he understands the critical need to breed humans in order to save his dying race. What he can’t quite get his head around is how they are going to lure human females to them. As he sets about learning their breeding habits, one won’t seem to leave him alone. She can’t seem to keep from touching him. It’s disconcerting and he doesn’t know quite what to make her behavior.Madison and her twin sister are dying. The doctors on Earth have no idea what’s wrong with them. Their one hope of survival is signing up for the alien brides program. Aliens have spaceships and technology, right? They must have advanced medical knowledge as well. The desperate pair risk everything on one last wild gamble at staying alive, landing gorgeous alien husbands in the bargain. Imperial Bride (Celestial Mates #3) Hating her isolated, sheltered life in the Japanese Imperial Family Maiko longs for action and adventure among the stars. When her opportunity come, she grabs it with both hands and risks everything to protect her new home world when a temporal anomaly threatens to swallow everything in its path.Little does she know her father has made an exception to the longstanding rule that no Imperials leave Earth, only because he plans to have her fitted with new husband from the Krylon Imperial House. There are two brothers. She has her heart set on the scarred one with curious eyes. Unfortunately, arrangements were made for her to be courted by the one with a smirking face, snarky attitude, and reputation for running around the galaxy chasing women.No thank you dies on her lips about the time he hits her with their very first kiss. A handsome clone from a nearby world seems mesmerised by her intelligence and charm. He would be a much better fit, since he’s not been caught cavorting in the harems but something is missing when they are together. It all may become a moot issue unless they can figure out how to stop the darkness from swallowing their world. Warrior's Bride (Celestial Mates #4) Keiko and her brother are the last surviving members of the Japanese imperial line. Their struggle to save the last remaining humans on Earth from an invasion by an insectoid race is curtailed when Keiko is sucked into a temporal anomaly and ends up in a parallel dimension. Finding herself flung from one catastrophe to another, she clings to the one man who makes her feel safe.Shar Jalon rules over a clone army and has been tasked with locating human brides for his dying people. Trying to balance his desire for the beautiful Japanese princess against his need to complete his mission, he treads softly. When insectoids invade his ship, all bets are off as this warrior kicks it into high gear.Trying to sort friend from foe and keep a step ahead of their enemies, Keiko and Shar Jalon grow closer. Shar worries that he isn’t individualised enough to capture and keep her affection. Meanwhile, Keiko worries that she’s just a stand-in for the woman who once rejected him. The constant feeling of being a person out of place plagues her, until one big, beautiful, blue world welcomes her with open arms. Will embracing her future cost her the man she loves? Content Warning: Explicit love scenes. Intended for mature audiences only.


L.H. Whitlock - 2016
    The Renegade, a loose-knit band of thieves, warriors, and refugees, are the only force standing in his way. Lily is a commander in the Renegade and leads a small team that focuses on relocating civilizations before their planets are destroyed. During an ambush Lily comes face to face with Ulrick, one of Golan’s strongest generals, and a fire ignites inside her that threatens to consume her. Ulrick has lived his life trying to redeem himself; to ensure that his sacrifices were not for nothing. He has grown tired of the fear he sees in people’s eyes, and of the destruction, but the time has come when he will finally make his move. Ulrick had long ago given up on the idea that his match existed, until one day the stagnant markings on his arm begin to churn. While ancient Hilian rituals demand that the two are meant to be together, time and war have dirtied what may have once been a whirlwind romance.


Ella Blake - 2020
     Desperate for money to continue her brother’s expensive medical treatment, Anna Baker signs the contract to enter herself in the running to produce an heir for one of these alien males. It doesn’t sound so bad, and hey, she’s always wanted to travel. To Anna’s surprise, she is chosen out of hundreds of qualifying women, but she doesn’t expect to be tossed in a transport ship, shuttled to a disreputable space station on the other side of the galaxy, and dropped off in a stranger’s bedroom. Her match is swaggering scoundrel Trak Letu, Prince of the Virilian fleet Exir, who turns out to be as infuriating as he is sexy. All she has to do is have his child and she can go home a rich woman, but the easier time passes with Trak, the harder it is to imagine leaving him, or the child he is desperate for. Prince Trak’s people are heading for extinction, and honestly, mail-ordering a female from a distant planet isn’t his ideal way of meeting the mother of his future child. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his species’ survival, but the female chosen for him isn’t just beautiful, she’s opinionated, intelligent, and more passionate than he could have imagined. As time passes, he begins to dread the day Anna does have his baby, for he does not look forward to sending her back to Earth. However, Trak isn’t the only alien who desires her. When a trade deal goes badly and Anna, herself, becomes the currency, Trak must navigate a deadly path that unveils a frightening and dangerous face that all Virilian males strive to keep hidden. Even if he saves her, he could still lose her. This story can be read alone with no cliffhangers and no cheating. I write what I love to read, so there is always consent and always a happy ending.