Book picks similar to
The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy (Women in the Political Economy) by Kathy E. Ferguson
The Research Methods Knowledge Base
William Trochim - 1999
It can be used in a variety of disciplines and is ideal for an introductory comprehensive undergraduate or graduate level course. Through its conversational, informal style it makes material that is often challenging for students both accessible and understandable. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3e covers everything from the development of a research question to the writing of a final report, describing both practical and technical issues of sampling, measurement, design and analysis.
Reading Women: How the Great Books of Feminism Changed My Life
Stephanie Staal - 2011
She set out on a quest: to reenroll at Barnard and re-read the great books she had first encountered as an undergrad. From the banishment of Eve to Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble, Staal explores the significance of each of these classic tales by and of women, highlighting the relevance these ideas still have today. This process leads Staal to find the self she thought she had lost—curious and ambitious, zany and critical—and inspires new understandings of her relationships with her husband, her mother, and her daughter.
Theories of the Policy Process
Paul A. Sabatier - 1999
The first edition contained analyses of Institutional Rational Choice (Ostrom), Multiple Streams (Zahariadis), Punctuated Equilibrium (Jones et al.), Advocacy Coalition Framework (Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith), and Policy Diffusion (Berry and Berry). The second edition revises these and adds new chapters on Social Construction and Policy Design (Schneider et al.) and Policy Networks (Adam and Kriesi). It also contains a much more serious analysis of the European literature relevant to each of the frameworks. Finally, the new edition contains a revised chapter by Edella Schlager, presenting a comparative analysis and evaluation of the relevant frameworks, and a concluding chapter by the editor suggesting a number of strategies for improving the state of theorizing in this field.
Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty
Nancy L. Etcoff - 1999
Etcoff, a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and a practicing psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, skewers the enduring myth that the pursuit of beauty is a learned behavior.Etcoff puts forth that beauty is neither a cultural construction, an invention of the fashion industry, nor a backlash against feminism, but instead is in our biology. It's an essential and ineradicable part of human nature that is revered and ferociously pursued in nearly every civilizatoin--and for good reason. Those features to which we are most attracted are often signals of fertility and fecundity. When seen in the context of a Darwinian struggle for survival, our sometimes extreme attempts to attain beauty--both to become beautiful ourselves and to acquire an attractive partner--become understandable. Moreover, if we come to understand how the desire for beauty is innate, then we can begin to work in our interests, and not soley for the interests of our genetic tendencies.
Pink Think: Becoming a Woman in Many Uneasy Lessons
Lynn Peril - 2002
Attaining feminine perfection meant conforming to a mythical standard, one that would come wrapped in an adorable pink package, if those cunning marketers were to be believed. With wise humor and a savvy eye for curious, absurd, and at times wildly funny period artifacts, Lynn Peril gathers here the memorabilia of the era — from kitschy board games and lunch boxes to outdated advice books and health pamphlets — and reminds us how media messages have long endeavored to shape women's behavior and self-image, with varying degrees of success.Vividly illustrated with photographs of vintage paraphernalia, this entertaining social history revisits the nostalgic past, but only to offer a refreshing message to women who lived through those years as well as those who are coming of age now.
The Feminist Papers: From Adams to de Beauvoir
Alice S. Rossi - 1973
Her introductions to each section are informative and written with nonpolemical grace. -- Doris Grumbach, New RepublicIntroduction : analysis versus action --"Remember the Ladies": Abigail Adams vs. John Adams --Selected letters from the Adams family correspondence --Away from puddings and garments : Judith Sargent Murray (1751-1820) --On the equality of the sexes / Judith Sargent Murray --Champion of womankind: Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) --A vindication of the rights of woman / Mary Wollstonecraft --Woman of Action: Frances Wright (1795-1852) --Education ; Of free enquiry / Frances Wright --The first woman sociologist: Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) --Society in America / Harriet Martineau --The making of a cosmopolitan humanist: Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) --The great lawsuit. Man versus Men. Woman versus women / Margaret fuller --Prestige from the other sex: John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) --The subjection of women / John Stuart Mill. Introduction: social roots of the woman's movement in America --From abolition to sex equity: Sarah Grimké (1792-1873) and Angelina Grimké (1805-1879) --Appeal to the Christian woman of the South / Angelina Grimké --Letters on the equality of the sexes and the condition of women / Sarah Grimké --Letters to Catherine Beecher / Angelina Grimké --The Blackwell Clan --Medicine as a profession for women / Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell --Sex and evolution / Antoinette Brown Blackwell --A feminist friendship: Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) and Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) --Motherhood / Elizabeth Cady Stanton --Introduction to The Woman's Bible / Elizabeth Cady Stanton --Along the Suffrage Trail --Selections from the History of Woman Suffrage --Seneca Falls convention --Reminiscences of Emily Collins --The Akron Convention --The Newport convention --The Kansas Campaign of 1867 --Political equality for women. Introduction: feminism and class politics --Marriage and property: Friedrich Engles (1820-1895) --The origin of the family / Friedrich Engels --Working-class socialist: August Bebel (1840-1913) --Woman and socialism / August Bebel --Red Emma on women: Emma Goldman (1869-1940) --The tragedy of woman's emancipation / Emma Goldman --the right to one's body: Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) --My fight for birth control : Birth Control- a parent's problem or woman's? / Margaret Sanger --Beware the State: Suzanne LaFollette (b. 1893) --Concerning Women / Suzanne LaFollette --The "Militant Madonna": Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) --Women and Econommics / Charlotte Perkins Gilman --Pioneer on the urban frontier: Jane Addams (1860-1935) --Utilization of women in city Government / Jane Addams --Introduction: Feminism and intellectual complexity. Guineas and locks: Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) --A room of one's own / Virginia Woolf --Cultural stretch: Margaret Mead (b.1901) --Sex and temperament / Margaret Mead --A not-so rebellious "other": Simone de Beauvoir (b. 1908) --The second sex / Simone de Beauvoir
Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace
Jessica Bennett - 2016
Every month, the women would huddle in a friend’s apartment to share sexist job frustrations and trade tips for how best to tackle them. Once upon a time, you might have called them a consciousness-raising group. But the problems of today’s working world are more subtle, less pronounced, harder to identify—and, if Ellen Pao is any indication, harder to prove—than those of their foremothers. These women weren’t just there to vent. They needed battle tactics. And so the fight club was born.Hard-hitting and entertaining, Feminist Fight Club blends personal stories with research, statistics, infographics, and no-bullsh*t expert advice. Bennett offers a new vocabulary for the sexist workplace archetypes women encounter everyday—such as the Manterrupter who talks over female colleagues in meetings or the Himitator who appropriates their ideas—and provides practical hacks for navigating other gender landmines in today’s working world. With original illustrations, Feminist Mad Libs, a Negotiation Cheat Sheet, as well as fascinating historical research and a kit for “How to Start Your Own Club,” Feminist Fight Club tackles both the external (sexist) and internal (self-sabotaging) behaviors that plague today’s women—as well as the system that perpetuates them.
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
John W. Creswell - 1997
Five actual journal articles are reproduced in the appendix as examples of the different research designs.
Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace
Pun Ngai - 2005
The dagongmei are women in their late teens and early twenties who move from rural areas to urban centers to work in factories. Because of state laws dictating that those born in the countryside cannot permanently leave their villages, and familial pressure for young women to marry by their late twenties, the dagongmei are transient labor. They undertake physically exhausting work in urban factories for an average of four or five years before returning home. The young women are not coerced to work in the factories; they know about the twelve-hour shifts and the hardships of industrial labor. Yet they are still eager to leave home. Made in China is a compelling look at the lives of these women, workers caught between the competing demands of global capitalism, the socialist state, and the patriarchal family.Pun Ngai conducted ethnographic work at an electronics factory in southern China’s Guangdong province, in the Shenzhen special economic zone where foreign-owned factories are proliferating. For eight months she slept in the employee dormitories and worked on the shop floor alongside the women whose lives she chronicles. Pun illuminates the workers’ perspectives and experiences, describing the lure of consumer desire and especially the minutiae of factory life. She looks at acts of resistance and transgression in the workplace, positing that the chronic pains—such as backaches and headaches—that many of the women experience are as indicative of resistance to oppressive working conditions as they are of defeat. Pun suggests that a silent social revolution is underway in China and that these young migrant workers are its agents.
Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Mock, and Fear... and Why
Sady Doyle - 2016
She’s Britney Spears shaving her head, Whitney Houston saying, “crack is whack,” and Amy Winehouse, dying in front of millions. But the trainwreck is also as old (and as meaningful) as feminism itself. From Mary Wollstonecraft—who, for decades after her death, was more famous for her illegitimate child and suicide attempts than for A Vindication of the Rights of Woman—to Charlotte Brontë, Billie Holiday, Sylvia Plath, and even Hillary Clinton, Sady Doyle’s Trainwreck dissects a centuries-old phenomenon and asks what it means now, in a time when we have unprecedented access to celebrities and civilians alike, and when women are pushing harder than ever against the boundaries of what it means to “behave.” Where did these women come from? What are their crimes? And what does it mean for the rest of us? For an age when any form of self-expression can be the one that ends you, Sady Doyle’s book is as fierce and intelligent as it is funny and compassionate—an essential, timely, feminist anatomy of the female trainwreck.
The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America
Ruth Rosen - 2000
Interweaving the personal with the political, she vividly evokes the events and people who participated in our era's most far-reaching social revolution. Rosen's fresh look at the recent past reveals fascinating but little-known information including how the FBI hired hundreds of women to infiltrate the movement. Using extensive archival research and interviews, Rosen challenges readers to understand the impact of the women's movement and to see why the revolution is far from over.
Nancy Friday - 1985
A new edition of Nancy Friday's classic book makes available, once again, this searingly honest analysis of the deeply rooted, often hidden, human emotion that distorts our most intimate relationships.
Everyday Sexism
Laura Bates - 2014
Astounded by the response she received and the wide range of stories that came pouring in from all over the world, she quickly realised that the situation was far worse than she'd initially thought. Enough was enough. From being leered at and wolf-whistled on the street, to aggravation in the work place and serious sexual assault, it was clear that sexism had been normalised. Bates decided it was time for change. This bold, jaunty and ultimately intelligent book is the first to give a collective online voice to the protest against sexism. This game changing book is a juggernaut of stories, often shocking, sometimes amusing and always poignant - it is a must read for every inquisitive, no-nonsense modern woman.
Ladies Who Launch: Embracing Entrepreneurship & Creativity as a Lifestyle
Victoria Colligan - 2007
All the tools you need to ignite a fire under a long smoldering dream, catapult a lifestyle, relationship, or career to a higher level are right here. Women tend to think of dreams as bigger than themselves, pies in the sky, morsels of imagination saved for a rainy day…in other words, out of reach. Well, guess what? Ladies Who Launch will reprogram how you think about your dreams so that they are as real as the coffee you drink each morning. They're real and they're all yours! To be truly happy and inspired by the life you're living, you can take steps to wake up and launch your dreams right now. It is time to start believing that you can have what you really want. With the help of Ladies Who Launch, you will." --Victoria Colligan & Beth Schoenfeldt VICTORIA COLLIGAN and BETH SCHOENFELDT, co-founders of Ladies Who Launch, created their company as a blend of on-line social networking and offline support system. The offline support system takes the form of Incubators - inventive, supportive, networking workshops that take place in more than 30 cities across the country. They also act as a marketing, public relations, and distribution channel for the thousands of women who are members of Ladies Who Launch. They have been featured in women's and business publications including Fortune, the LA Times, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, Working Mother, and much more. AMY SWIFT has been a close and early collaborator with Ladies Who Launch as a brand communications strategist, writer and as the leader of the Los Angeles and Orange County Ladies Who Launch Incubators.
Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change
William R. Miller - 1991
William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick explain current thinking on the process of behavior change, present the principles of MI, and provide detailed guidelines for putting it into practice. Case examples illustrate key points and demonstrate the benefits of MI in addictions treatment and other clinical contexts. The authors also discuss the process of learning MI. The volume’s final section brings together an array of leading MI practitioners to present their work in diverse settings.