Free Agent Lifestyle: Men's Guide To Peace, Quiet and Freedom

Greg Adams - 2019
    This lifestyle can be a temporary sabbatical from the plantation of expectation, commitment and pursuing women or it can be a lifetime change. There is no greater form of empowerment to have than to realize that this life has so much more to offer those that live free.

The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage

Shawn T. Smith - 2017
    The right woman can be the best part of a man’s life, and the wrong one can lead to personal and financial ruin. In today’s climate, no man should venture into romance without a reliable risk-management strategy. The Tactical Guide to Women delivers a solid plan for allowing the right women into your life, and keeping the wrong ones at a safe distance. You’ll discover how to: • Identify good women of low drama and high character • Reduce your vulnerability to women who seem perfect for you—but aren’t • Spot the early warning signs of emotional instability You’ll also learn: • Critical techniques for seeing women clearly • The most common mistakes that lead men into disastrous relationships • How to reduce the odds of a good relationship going bad Impeccably researched and backed by the author’s decade of clinical experience, The Tactical Guide to Women provides men with desperately needed, rarely discussed strategies for finding sanity, joy, and companionship. This is not another book about getting laid. This book is about not getting screwed.

Sex God Method

Daniel Rose - 2008
    These sex secrets are so powerful that even women who never experienced orgasms can finally achieve consistent orgasms every time. Mastering these sexual concepts will literally make your woman sexually addicted to you and only you.

The Book of Pook

Pook - 2008
    Basically, if you haven't come across it, its a collection of psychological techniques for pressing women's buttons in order to get them to be attracted to you.A couple of years ago there was a man who posted on a PUA forum called So Suave and had his own blog called Pook's Mill. His basic message was that the PUA techniques were too simple, and focused on external manipulations, and focusing on others rather than focusing on yourself and your own masculinity.Sadly Pook disappeared from the scene, but someone managed to collect Pook's posts from So Suave into an ebook (PDF) that is freely downloadable.

The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011

Athol Kay - 2011
    The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011 cherry picks the best ideas of books like "The Mystery Method," "No More Mr. Nice Guy," and the volatile online world of the Pickup Artist a.k.a. "Game" community and merges them with a solid grounding in evolutionary psychology, sociology, biology and behavior modification. The result is a simple, effective plan for men to create sexually exciting marriages for themselves and their wives. The opening covers the underlying ancient "hard-wired" biological and modern social reasons women find men attractive. Athol pulls no punches here and the sexual motivations of women are laid bare. Though rather than framing women as sexually devious and seeking to advantage themselves over men, he explains how their sexual behavior is entirely rational in nature and once understood as such, it becomes very useful information. The second part of the book takes the framework developed in the first part and offers a wealth of tools to put it to practical use. The most important tool is The Male Action Plan, which charges the husband with the task of becoming a better, sexier man and thereby leveraging his increased attractiveness for a better sex life with his wife. As Athol says, "whoever is the most attractive in the relationship is in charge." The third part of the book is a treasure trove of playful sexy and romantic moves women will find charming and engaging. It's clear that Athol could have a harem of young ladies, but here he displays an endless variety of playful instigation to continually charm just one. The final section is a catchall of serious topics on what not to do, how to choose a wife, the current state of marriage law and a crushingly simple approach to dealing with being cheated on. (Want a better man? Leave it where he can find it.)

The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want

Richard La Ruina - 2012
    Now he shows you how to do the same. So move over Mystery, and tell Neil Strauss that The Rules of the Game are about to be rewritten. Every element of the winning pickup is right here, from discovering confidence to exuding charm, learning conversation starters to mastering body language, to much more. And as you move from daydreaming to flirtation to passion to romance to love, The Natural will show you how it’s done.

Bang: More Lays in 60 Days

Roosh V. - 2007
    It contains simple but powerful techniques, moves, and lines that offer a direct line to casual sex. Bang includes... • The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male.• The 5 critical components of the "vibe," an optimal attitude women find most attractive.• Tons of natural, high-impact opening lines that work just about anywhere women can be found.• Best answers to a girl's common questions that heighten the tension and build attraction.• A technique to get her phone number without asking for it.• Detailed text messaging strategy that shows you word-for-word how to get dates in the shortest amount of time possible (no need to make voice calls).• The one text messaging mistake 95% of guys make that kill the interaction.• A simple trick for the first date that will make her feel like she has known you longer than she actually has.Bang goes into explicit detail on how to escalate to intimacy...• "Four key moves" to the kiss that are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won't even recognize them as moves.• A comprehensive dating strategy so you bang her no later than the third date.• The 5 magic words to say when you want to get inside her place • How to make a smooth transition to the bedroom.• 7 detailed steps to taking off her clothes.There is also an appendix that covers unique situations you may face...• How to approach girls in coffee shops, the gym, and foreign countries.• How to prevent a girl from seeing you as too young or too old.• A bonus "cheat sheet" that contains six of the most crucial points you need to remember when it's time to pickup girls.Dozens of additional topics are logically organized into five chapters...• Internal Game. How to build your confidence and adopt the correct beliefs that maximize your notch count.• Early Game. How to meet women, have good conversations, build attraction, and get either numbers, kisses, or one-night stands. • Middle Game. How to set up a date along with what to do and say while out on them.• Late Game. How to seal the deal and plan for future dates.• End Game. How to take your results to the next level.The lessons taught in this no-nonsense, no-fluff textbook aim to help men reach their sex potential based on their existing look and status.

The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships

Neil Strauss - 2015
    The book jump-started the international “seduction community,” and made Strauss a household name—revered or notorious—among single men and women alike.But the experience of writing The Game also transformed Strauss into a man who could have what every man wants: the ability to date or have casual sex with almost every woman he met. The results were heady, to be sure. But they also conditioned him to view the world as a kind of constant parade of women, sex, and opportunity—with intimacy and long-term commitment taking a back seat. That is, until he met the woman who forced him to choose between herself and the parade. The choice was not only difficult, it was wrenching. It forced him deep into his past, to confront not only the moral dimensions of his pickup lifestyle, but also a wrenching mystery in his childhood that shaped the man that he became. It sent him into extremes of behavior that exposed just how conflicted his life had become. And it made him question everything he knew about himself, and about the way men and women live with and without each other.He would never be the same again.Searingly honest, compulsively readable, this book may have the same effect on you.

Why Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality (Science Masters)

Jared Diamond - 1997
    Here is a delightfully entertaining and enlightening look at the unique sex lives of humans.

Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough

Lori Gottlieb - 2010
    So what if you haven't found The One just yet. Surely he'll come along, right? But what if he doesn't? Or even worse, what if he already has, but you just didn't realize it? Suddenly finding herself forty and single, Lori Gottlieb said the unthinkable in her March 2008 article in "The Atlantic" Maybe she and single women everywhere, needed to stop chasing the elusive Prince Charming and instead go for Mr. Good Enough. Looking at her friends' happy marriages to good enough guys who happen to be excellent husbands and fathers, Gottlieb declared it time to reevaluate what we really need in a partner. Her ideas created a firestorm of controversy from outlets like the "Today" show to "The Washington Post," which wrote, "Given the perennial shortage of perfect men, Gottlieb's probably got a point," to "Newsweek" and NPR, which declared, "Lori Gottlieb didn't want to take her mother's advice to be less picky, but now that she's turned forty, she wonders if her mother is right." Women all over the world were talking. But while many people agreed that they should have more realistic expectations, what did that actually mean out in the real world, where Gottlieb and women like her were inexorably drawn to their "type"? That's where "Marry Him" comes in. By looking at everything from culture to biology, in "Marry Him" Gottlieb frankly explores the dilemma that so many women today seem to face--how to reconcile the strong desire for a husband and family with a list of must-haves so long and complicated that many great guys get rejected out of the gate. Here Gottlieb shares her own journey in the quest for romantic fulfillment, and in the process gets wise guidance and surprising insights from marital researchers, matchmakers, dating coaches, behavioral economists, neuropsychologists, sociologists, couples therapists, divorce lawyers, and clergy--as well as single and married men and women, ranging in age from their twenties to their sixties. "Marry Him" is an eye-opening, often funny, sometimes painful, and always truthful in-depth examination of the modern dating landscape, and ultimately, a provocative wake-up call about getting real about Mr. Right.

The Alabaster Girl

Zan Perrion - 2013
    I will sing you the song of women.What women? you ask.All women, I answer.Even me? you ask.Especially you, I answer.And what will you sing to me? you ask.Ah, my love, I will sing to you of hidden truthsYes, hidden truths and secret secrets..."On a nameless train somewhere between here and nowhere, a woman and a man sit facing each other. She is a journalist there to interview him. He is the world’s greatest seducer. Thus begins “The Alabaster Girl,” the new novel by Zan Perrion. We get to join the two on this train ride, a fly on the wall, as the seducer recounts his life, philosophy and startling insights, interspersed with excerpts from his new book: “The Alabaster Girl.” The book within the book...

Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations--From Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between)

Cindy M. Meston - 2009
    Meston, a clinical psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, and evolutionary psychologist David M. Buss joined forces to investigate the underlying sexual motivations of women, what they found astonished them.Through the voices of real women, Meston and Buss reveal the motivations that guide women's sexual decisions and explain the deep-seated psychology and biology that often unwittingly drive women's desires-sometimes in pursuit of health or pleasure, or sometimes for darker, disturbing reasons that a woman may not fully recognize. Drawing on more than a thousand intensive interviews conducted solely for the book, as well as their pioneering research on physiological response and evolutionary emotions, Why Women Have Sex uncovers an amazingly complex and nuanced portrait of female sexuality. The authors delve into the use of sex as a defensive tactic against a mate's infidelity (protection), as a ploy to boost self-confidence (status), as a barter for gifts or household chores (resource acquisition), or as a cure for a migraine headache (medication).Why Women Have Sex stands as the richest and deepest psychological understanding of female sexuality yet achieved and promises to inform every woman's (and her partner's) awareness of her relationship to sex and her sexuality.

Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined

J.J. Bola - 2019
    In Mask Off, JJ Bola exposes masculinity as a performance that men are socially conditioned into. Using examples of non-Western cultural traditions, music and sport, he shines light on historical narratives around manhood, debunking popular myths along the way. He explores how LGBTQ men, men of colour, and male refugees experience masculinity in diverse ways, revealing its fluidity, how it's strengthened and weakened by different political contexts, such as the patriarchy or the far-right, and perceived differently by those around them. At the heart of love and sex, the political stage, competitive sports, gang culture, and mental health issues, lies masculinity: Mask Off is an urgent call to unravel masculinity and redefine it.

The Art of Seduction

Robert Greene - 2001
    Now Greene has once again mined history and literature to distill the essence of seduction, the most highly refined mode of influence, the ultimate power trip. The Art of Seduction is a masterful synthesis of the work of thinkers such as Freud, Ovid, Kierkegaard, and Einstein, as well as the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history. From Cleopatra to John F. Kennedy, from Andy Warhol to Josephine Bonaparte, The Art of Seduction gets to the heart of the character of the seducer and his or her tactics, triumphs and failures. The seducer's many faces include: the Siren, the Rake, the Ideal Lover, the Dandy, the Natural, the Coquette, the Charmer, and the Charismatic. Twenty-four maneuvers will guide readers through the seduction process, providing cunning, amoral instructions for and analysis of this fascinating, all-pervasive form of power. Just as beautifully packaged and every bit as essential as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction is an indispensable primer of persuasion and offers the best lessons on how to take what you want from whomever you want or how to prevent yourself from being taken.

Stand By Your Manhood: An Essential Guide for Modern Men

Peter Lloyd - 2014
    Except for penile dysmorphia, circumcision, paying the bill, becoming a weekend father, critics who've been hating on us for, well, pretty much fifty years - oh, and those pesky early deaths. Fortunately, Peter Lloyd is here to tackle the controversial topics in this fearless - and frequently hilarious - bloke bible, which was a Daily Mail Book of the Week. Part blistering polemic, part politically incorrect road map for the modern man, Stand By Your Manhood answers the burning questions facing the brotherhood today: Should we fund the first date? Are we sexist if we enjoy pornography? Is penis size a political issue? And do feminists secretly hate us? Frank, funny and long overdue, this is the book men everywhere have been waiting for.