Book picks similar to
Sonic Recovery: Harness The Power of Music to Stay Sober by Tim Ringgold
Jennifer Place - 2011
My withdrawal/delirium tremens (DTs) were terrifying and excruciating.My story takes the reader through my experiences of late stage alcoholism, two arrests by my new husband of three months and my subsequent adventures through and between five inpatient treatment centers for alcohol abuse.
Drop the Rock: 2-Book Bundle: Drop the Rock, Second Edition and Drop the Rock, The Ripple Effect
Bill P. - 2016
It's companion piece, Drop the Rock . . .The Ripple Effect has already sold thousands of copies. Now it's easy for you to get both of these essential recovery books in a convenient e-book bundle. About Drop the Rock, Second Edition Resentment. Fear. Self-Pity. Intolerance. Anger. As Bill P. explains, these are the "rocks" that can sink recovery--or at the least, block further progress. Based on the principles behind Steps Six and Seven, Drop the Rock combines personal stories, practical advice, and powerful insights to help readers move forward in recovery. The second edition features additional stories and a reference section. About Drop the Rock. . .The Ripple Effect In this follow-up to Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects, Fred H. explores "the ripple effect" that can be created by using Step 10 to practice Steps 6 and 7 every day to avoid picking up "the rock"—also known as resentment, fear, and self-pity—again. Drawing on his years of lecturing on the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Fred H. reveals Step 10 as the natural culmination of working the previous Steps, providing a crash course on renewing your recovery program through the daily practice of Twelve Step principles. Drop the Rock. . .The Ripple Effect provides multiple perspectives from people successfully working a Twelve Step Program and shows Step 10 as a key to a sober life free of fear and resentment, and filled with serenity and gratitude.
Bottled: A Mom's Guide to Early Recovery
Dana Bowman - 2015
Author of the popular, she leads and presents workshops on both writing and addiction, with a special emphasis on being a woman in recovery while parenting young children.
Cry Purple
Christine McDonald - 2013
She has survived brutality and discrimination with astonishing resilience and optimism. "Horrifying, heartbreaking, informative and inspiring." "A story from the heart...a riveting memoir." "An eye-opening view of life on the streets and beyond." "Cry Purple chronicles a shattered life, rebuilt through sheer determination, courage and faith." "The most inspiring story I've ever read. A must-read filled with hope."
A Walk In His Shoes: One family's struggle. A son's battle with addiction.
Dustin John - 2015
With a lucrative job, a wife, and a home of his own, he was destined for a life of fortune, prosperity and comfort. That was before heroin. This unique and gripping tale is the first of its kind to tell the story of addiction through the eyes of both father and son. Together, Dustin and Dallas shine a blinding light on the dark life of a junky. As Dustin decides to travel across the western states in search of a safe haven, Dustin wanders within a few footsteps of his own demise. Instead of finding freedom, however, his addiction cascades into corruption, deceit, and evil. As alcohol and drug abuse continues to ravage every community in America, this groundbreaking memoir offers important insight into the inner workings of an active user, as well as the pain of those loved ones who must helplessly stand by as the family structure disintegrates from addiction.
Shine On You Crazy Junkie (Sweet Melissa, #6)
Susan Segovia-Munoz - 2017
I searched for many years only to find that what I had been searching for, had been right in front of me all along.
Mommy Doesn't Drink Here Anymore: Getting Through the First Year of Sobriety
Rachael Brownell - 2009
The loving mother of twins and a newborn, Brownell used alcohol to maintain a sense of her adult self and be more than "just mommy." It didn't take long before her drinking spiraled out of control, consuming her life and marriage, and she realized that she needed serious help. Both heartwrenching and inspiring, this is Brownell's truelife story, from the first thirty days to the year mark. Mommy Doesn't Drink Here Anymore is not a book that preaches or simply takes the reader through the Twelve Steps. It provides hope and motivation to get into a program and balance your life as a mother and a recovering alcoholic.
Tweaking the Dream: A Crystal Meth True Story
Clea Myers - 2009
She goes from an Ivy League College to Los Angeles Women's Penitentiary in 3 years, emaciated and addicted to crystal meth. How could things go so wrong and in such a short space of time? Myers shares her descent into the hell of crystal methamphetamine dependence. Her story is of An English girl from a privileged background whose addiction journey brings her from an Ivy League College to Los Angeles Women s Penitentiary in only three years, emaciated and addicted to crystal meth. Myers description of her rapid demise is a sometimes uncomfortable read, as she holds nothing back. The lights of Hollywood twinkled briefly but, once introduced to crystal meth, she became addicted. Dumpster diving became a regular pastime: grovelling in large rubbish containers, diving for articles of value or fascination to her hugely disturbed mind. She was reduced to an animal existence, surrounded by dangerous and sometimes violent people. Arrested and jailed, she hit rock bottom and was offered a chance to leave LA immediately or stay in the drug offenders Programme. Helped by a family member, she returned to England still unable to stop completely. Finally, she did get help and discover a recovery path which combined her buddhist faith and reassures her relationship with the 12-step programme. Crystal meth in England has been reported only on the gay club scene. Part of the reason Myers wrote this book is to warn young people of its dangers. This book could be well used as part of a schools drug education programme.' Review from ADDICTION TODAY Magazine
Final Approach - Northwest Airlines Flight 650, Tragedy and Triumph
Lyle Prouse - 2011
He was fired by his airline, stripped of his FAA licenses, tried, convicted, and sent to Federal prison. This was a first. It had never occurred before. Lyle Prouse came from a WWII housing project in Kansas and an alcoholic family where both parents died as a result of alcoholism. He rose through the ranks of the United States Marine Corps from private to captain, from an infantryman to a fighter pilot. He made his way to the pinnacle of commercial aviation, airline captain...then lost it all. Today he is a recovering alcoholic with nearly twenty-two years sobriety. This story describes his rise from the ashes of complete destruction from which he was never to fly again. It is full of miracles which defy all manner of odds. In a long and arduous journey, he eventually regained his FAA licenses. He never fought his termination; he considered it fair and appropriate. Miraculously, after nearly four years, the President/CEO of his airline personally reinstated him to full flight status in spite of all the adverse publicity and embarrassment. In effect, the President/CEO gambled his own career by taking such a risk on a convicted felon and publicly acknowledged alcoholic pilot. In another stunning event, the judge who tried, sentenced, and sent him to prison watched his journey and reappeared eight years after the trial. He became the driving force behind a Presidential pardon although he'd never supported a petition for pardon in all his years on the bench. Lyle retired honorably as a 747 captain for the airline he'd so horribly embarrassed and disgraced. He lives with his wife of nearly forty-nine years and has five grandchildren. He continues to work with all the major airlines in their alcohol programs. He is also active in his Native American community, and he provides hope to those struggling with the disease of alcoholism, no matter who they are or where they are.
Needle Too: Junkies in Paradise
Craig Goodman - 2014
As far as heroin addiction is concerned, I’m not sure there really is such a thing. And of course, I never intended to write a sequel, but after NEEDLE was published it wasn’t long before I realized a number of readers, many of them addicts or family members and friends of addicts, were eager to learn how I recovered from a decade of opiate abuse. But again, regardless of what the “experts” say, I’m not sure there is such a thing—at least beyond what is often a precarious state of abstention—because “recovery” implies something different, or at least something more complete and comprehensive than the reality of the situation should suggest. Indeed, it implies the “recapturing of something that was lost, or the process by which one attempts to do so.” However, regardless of my own opinion, my own non-medical industry opinion, although I had cast a few lines out to gage reader interest, I never truly expected to write another NEEDLE-related account of my life. But ironically, ANY account of my life post-NEEDLE would inherently have to address my addiction because regardless of my continued state of abstention—I’m constantly reminded of it: an old friend, fallout from the past, a song, a famous overdose, a suddenly gentrified street and of course, my long-lost innocence has a haunting potential and so...I’m not sure there is such a thing. In any event, spurred on by my activist efforts and my readers’ interest, while in the midst of fostering a 15 year-old Himalayan cat that was rescued from an empty apartment where it was holed-up in a bird cage for three years and was now ready to rip my face off (perhaps as some sort of Karmic comeuppance for failing felines in the past), I decided to give it my best effort. After all, at the very least it might shed some insights for addicts and provide additional help for the homeless animals which, of course, is my new addiction—though it’s far more distressing and devastating than the old one. It is, in fact, the same part of my life which, prior to writing NEEDLE TOO, I briefly discussed and published at back in 2012, and though I’m loath to regurgitate material—even if it was just a few pages shared with a very small percentage of readers—it was too important to do without in the most recent context because it detailed an event that was pivotal in how I got to where I am. And though I still question the realistic possibility of a complete recovery, after almost twenty years I'm still somehow here to tell the tale. So here it is…and thanks for being a Needle user.
Addict Chick: Sex, Drugs & Rock 'N' Roll
Amanda Meredith - 2016
At 34, Amanda Meredith had it all - A successful career, a home, a child, and everything that should have made her happy. She was also crazy in love; his name was Cage, and their love would become her first addiction—but not her last. Some would say that love destroyed her, but what she let ravage her mind, body, and soul had nothing to do with love and everything to do with a deep-seated need to destroy herself. With the prick of a needle, and a shot of methamphetamine, she lost everything- her child, her career, and she lost Cage. Her story is not for the faint of heart. Addict Chick: Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘N’ Roll is her heartbreak, her sorrow, and the story of how she fought like hell to save herself, with a little help from the Man above. In this memoir, one woman proves that no matter who you are, and no matter how far you have fallen, nobody is beyond redemption.
Tired of Thinking About Drinking: Take My 100-Day Sober Challenge
Belle Robertson - 2019
If you wake in the morning, plan to quit, and by 6 p.m. you're drinking again, then this book is for you. I'm not only saying that because I wrote the book :) I also knew I was drinking more than I wanted to, and so I did a sober 'trial' to see how things would be different. In this book I walk you through all the things: what to expect, what to do instead, WHY be sober, who to tell and what to say, and I answer a lot of common questions like "how long until the voice in my head stops yelling at me?" Sign up for free daily emails > http://www.tiredofthinkingaboutdrinki... Anonymous support to quit drinking. See you soon :) hugs, Belle xo The e-book extra content that I couldn’t fit into the print edition because of length: Recipe for Banana Bread, recipe for Tiramisu (made without alcohol). And the divine recipe for Fuck You Wolfie Lemonade.
Suburban Junky: From Honor Roll to Heroin Addict
Jude Hassan - 2012
Louis. For most of his life, he was an all-around normal kid. He excelled in sports and academics, and cherished his time at home with his family. It wasn’t until he turned fifteen that things went seriously wrong. While attending his first high school party, he was introduced to pot and alcohol. Needless to say, he gave in to the pressure. A month after that, he discovered heroin. The drug had just made its way into the suburban party scene, and Jude was sure that he could get away with doing it only once. He was sadly mistaken. Within a few short months, his entire life was in shambles. His fate appeared certain, but it was just the beginning.In a series of events that leaves you grasping for the next page, Jude spares no amount of detail in his account of his near-decade long struggle with drug addiction, and the horrors he witnessed along the way.
Black Tar: For the Love of Heroin
Stephen E. Crockett - 2012
Please understand one critical feature of this book. It is a biography, hand written by the junkie in question about his life and his alone. As such it is not a piece of literary perfection. It has not been polished to perfection by a team of editors, nor was it published by a major publishing company. Black Tar: For The Love of Heroin was originally written on a legal pad as part of a twelve step program. It made its way to me, its ultimate editor, and I was amazed by the details Stephen was able to remember and capture on paper. Once I got to know him I asked him if he would work with me on his life story and he reluctantly agreed. Sensing his hesitancy I told him we would not use his name and focus on the day to day existence of a junkie as he experienced it living from fix to fix. But Stephen could be a hard person to track down and his never ending thirst for the needle made his story a hard one to tell. I spent days upon weeks crawling the downtown streets looking for him and a lot of times when I did find him I would have to buy him heroin just to get him to work with me. So, I made a deal with him, like making a deal with the devil, that if he would help me drag his biography into existence, I would buy him enough heroin to get through each and every day we worked together.One day's worth of heroin for one day's worth of storytelling. This made it easy for him to make himself available for the writing of his biography. By the time I met Stephen he was almost fifty years old and in full blown heroin psychosis. How he managed to live as long as he had was always a miracle to me. Over the course of a year and several months I pulled every story Stephen could remember from his heroin-addled brain and preserved them on paper. But I never wanted this story to be an autobiography. I wanted it to be Stephen telling his story, in his words, no matter how it might look like in the end.With these rules in place I gave him his first computer and at first he slaved over his 'hunt and peak' computer skills. But the more he wrote the more he remembered and slowly, after three long years of exchanging one day of heroin to entice him to work one day of writing, Stephen declared himself finished with the project. I read what he had written and quickly realized that active heroin junkies make terrible writers. What he had produced was basically unusable. To make a three-year writing stint something of literary value I set myself to editing what he had written. I didn't want to strip it of the style of writing that made it junkie. More than anything else I wanted to preserve his perspective, sense of pain, his defeat, his single-minded approach to heroin and to the fact he knew it was going to kill him. I think that fatalistic view of life is what hit me the hardest.To make the book easy to digest I divided it into five segments and then spread his life between the points. And that is what we ended up with. The biography of a drug addict; barely touched by an editor's pen, and filled with the dirt, muck and blood that is a junkies life.