Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You

Deborah King - 2006
    Truth Heals is a fascinating read – a combination of juicy personal memoir, fun celebrity examples, and solid information that connects the dots between your emotions and your health and happiness.

Kriya Yoga Exposed: The Truth About Current Kriya Yoga Gurus, Organizations & Going Beyond Kriya, Contains the Explanation of a Special Technique Never Revealed Before

SantataGamana - 2017
    It is something you've never seen before. This is for those who are sick of the secretiveness of Kriya Yoga and all the taboos. They just want the end of misery and are sick of this human-ego-game played by most Kriya Gurus and Kriya organizations. This is not a publication with cliché yoga theory and no practice instructions. It gives very powerful direct teachings and actual instructions. Even if you know nothing about Kriya Yoga, you will learn something profound and inspiring, since the whole book is filled with high-level teachings of yoga, non-duality, and spirituality. These themes will be addressed: Current Kriya Yoga Masters and organizations will be exposed without any biased filter; The often misunderstood "Inner Guru" and its nature will be revealed; The whole Spiritual Process of Kriya Yoga and Spirituality, in general, will be explained; The sharing of a discovery regarding the Higher Kriyas, the Final Special Kriya, never shared before in the literature of Kriya, will boost your practice beyond belief; It also includes the techniques of the First Kriya, with an in-depth explanation on how to quickly achieve Kechari Mudra that is not found anywhere else; The most powerful Kundalini awakening technique that Gurus and organizations rarely teach will be given at the end of the First Kriya; The ultimate question whether Kriya Yoga can lead you all the way to True Enlightenment will be answered; Lahiri Mahasaya and other True Masters' words will be used throughout the book to support what is written; And much more. This book will help you become free from the dogmas and beliefs created by the Kriya Gurus, organizations and Kriya literature, and also help you awaken the essential discernment needed to take that very important step forward, toward yourself, toward your True Self, the Infinite Consciousness within you. By exposing the truth about some organizations and Gurus, I'm sure their followers will want to give bad reviews to this book. Either that or their newly awakened discernment will help them make a huge breakthrough toward True Enlightenment. I will take that risk. And so should you.

Walking the Walk: Putting the Teachings Into Practice When It Matters Most

Pema Chödrön - 2014
    But it's another thing to walk the walk--or to put into practice the good advice we've been given. What does it mean to walk the walk in our everyday lives? According to Pema Ch�dr�n, it means being down-to-earth, genuine, and perhaps most importantly, it means engaging in the teachings in order to actively confront anything and everything we've heretofore rejected in our attempts to find happiness. Created to help us respond with compassion and authenticity when our spiritual ideals are put to the test, Walking the Walk brings you four inspirational sessions with Pema Ch�dr�n, as you explore:Stabilizing the Mind--awareness, presence, and the foundation of the spiritual path- Unconditional Friendship with Yourself--getting unstuck from the patterns that create our own misery- Freedom from Fixed Mind--how to release biases and prejudices to revitalize your everyday experiences- Taking Care of One Another--essential guidance in the ability to truly be there for othersThe teachings in these sessions are not about perfection or unrealistic standards. Baby steps are okay when learning to walk the walk, explains Pema. No matter the situation you find yourself in, here is a program for remaining true to the values we seek to live by, and staying open to the kindness and love that is always available to support us.Course objectives: Discuss how the practice of Stabilizing the Mind, through awareness and presence, is the foundation of the spiritual path.- Define and practice Unconditional Friendship with Yourself as a way to get unstuck from the patterns that create suffering, while opening to the kindness and love that is always available to support us- Summarize how the practice of Freedom from Fixed Mind invites you to release biases and prejudices to revitalize your everyday experiences- Discuss the practice of Taking Care of One Another as essential guidance in the ability to truly be there for ourselves and others

Stay Tuned: Conversations with Dad from the Other Side

Jenniffer Weigel - 2007
    Stay Tuned is Jenniffer"s story of a father and daughter's journey from materialistic journalists to spiritually attuned spiritual beings--a journey that continues even after his death.During his illness, while Tim turns to alternative treatments like chi gong and reiki sessions, Jenniffer reads Neale Donald Walsch, starts a spiritual diet plan and uses the law of attraction to find free parking spaces. The book takes you on a witty, irreverent trip through popular spiritual beliefs and insights of masters and celebrities, including Don Miguel Ruiz, James Van Praagh and Russell Crowe, as this intelligent, award-winning broadcaster transforms from "cynical daughter" to "spiritual woman."

The Perfume of Silence

Francis Lucille - 2010
    Based largely on actual dialogues between Francis Lucille, a spiritual teacher of non-duality, and some of his disciples, the music of freedom that it conveys resonates between the words, and gives the reader an inkling of the peace and happiness that are experienced in the presence of an authentic master. Francis Lucille was for over twenty years a close friend and disciple of Jean Klein, a well recognized French teacher of non-duality. They both belong to a lineage of Advaita Vedanta teachers stemming from India. (Advaita Vedanta is the main nondualist Hindu spiritual tradition). Jean Klein's guru, Pandit Veeraraghavachar, was a Professor at the Sanskrit College in Bengalore. Their teachings, despite some superficial similarities, are quite different from those of most contemporary western neo Advaita teachers.They emphasize for instance the importance of the direct transmission from guru to disciple, through presence, beyond words, and they recognize that the same universal truth was expressed by various saints, philosophers and teachers throughout history and across the world. That which matters here is not the form of the teaching, direct or gradual for instance, as much as the authenticity of the teacher, the vibrancy of his realization, the outpouring of his love, the freedom of his humour, the brilliancy of his intelligence, the splendor of his poetry, the spontaneous sharing of his peace. Nonduality is the common ground of Buddhism (especially Zen and Dzogchen), Advaita, Sufism, Taoism, the Kabbalah, the Gnosis and the teachings of Jesus in the Thomas Gospel, the teachings of Parmenides, Plotinus, Gaudapada, Abinavagupta, Meister Eckhart, Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Ananda Mai and many others.

The Relaxed Mind: A Seven-Step Method for Deepening Meditation Practice

Dza Kilung Rinpoche - 2015
    Meditators relax! An esteemed modern Tibetan Buddhist teacher presents a system of meditation instructions he devised especially for those affected by the too-fast-paced Western world (i.e., most all of us)—to help them relax, as a way of deepening their meditation practice.In the late 1990s, shortly after arriving in the United States, it became clear to Dza Kilung Rinpoche that his Western students responded to traditional meditation instructions differently from his students back in Asia.  The Westerners didn't know how to relax  -- our pressured, fast-paced lifestyles carried over into meditation.  The Relaxed Mind contains instructions for the seven-phase meditation practice Dza Kilung Rinpoche developed for students in the West.  It's adapted from traditional instructions to counteract the overwhelming distraction that is becoming a global culture these days, not only in the West.  Experienced meditators may be surprised to find their practice deepening through letting go of tension.  This is also an excellent meditation manual for any beginner.

Living Tao: Timeless Principles for Everyday Enlightenment

Ilchi Lee - 2015
    But Tao cannot fully be explained in words; it can only felt and experienced. Tao is something you live, day by day, moment by moment. It s the omnipresent oneness beyond ephemeral phenomena that expresses itself in everything. New York Times bestselling author Ilchi Lee, an enlightened Tao master from South Korea, has laid out a path to living Tao everyday. Along this path, he guides you to an understanding of the meaning of birth, death, and everything in between, building a foundation for living a complete and whole life. The universal principles contained in "Living Tao: Timeless Principles for Everyday Enlightenment" stem from the Korean practice of Sundo, an ancient tradition of mind-body training, as well as Lee s own life experience. With these tangible principles, Ilchi Lee makes this profound topic simple and accessible. "Living Tao" has an unparalleled depth in its simplicity that anyone can absorb and immediately apply. * 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award Winner, Bronze, Body, Mind & Spirit"

The Reiki Bible: The Definitive Guide to Healing with Energy

Eleanor McKenzie - 2009
    For this reason, it has quickly spread across the globe as people use it to cure ills, soothe emotions, and live the life they want. The Reiki Bible provides a comprehensive, stunningly designed guide to this ancient spiritual system. It covers Reiki’s origins and development; the energy and body systems; and the three levels of Reiki. All the hand positions appear in easy-to-follow captioned photographs, and there’s advice on using Reiki for friends and family; at all life stages; for health and well-being; for alleviating common conditions; and in tandem with other therapies.

The Afterlife is Real

Theresa Cheung - 2013
    A collection of true-life accounts of near death experiences or glimpses of the afterlife by one of the UK's best-loved experts in the paranormal.

Messages from Above: What Your Loved Ones in Heaven Want You to Know

Monica the Medium - 2019
    It's for anyone who's ever struggled with unresolved questions and feelings such as guilt or disbelief after losing a loved one. It's for people who've wondered: What happens when we die? Do dogs go to Heaven? What are soul contracts? Can the dead watch us have sex?Monica Ten-Kate, star of Freeform's Monica the Medium, answers your burning questions while sharing Spirit's most profound insights to help you heal in the midst of grief. Different types of loss are addressed, including: the death of a child, tragic accidents, terminal illness, suicide, overdose, miscarriage, and more.Additionally, Monica weaves in uplifting channeled messages, jaw-dropping stories of past readings, and candid anecdotes of what life's like as a twenty-five-year-old medium.You'll feel more connected to your departed family, friends, and pets. You'll learn how to spot the signs they send from the Other Side. More than anything, you'll be able to move forward with peace, comfort, and clarity knowing that love never dies.

Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep

Kamini Desai - 2017
    In Yoga Nidra you enter a state of non-doing in which transformation happens from beyond the mind rather than through the mind. In this highly regenerative meditative state you can restore and rejuvenate your body, heal and recover from illness and re-wire your brain for greater mental and emotional balance and resiliency. This comprehensive guidebook explores the core of Yogic philosophy and modern applications of Yoga Nidra backed by scientific research - affirming what Yogis have known for thousands of years. You will receive instruction on the practice of Yoga Nidra and the use of intention. You will discover how unconscious thinking patterns and resulting biochemical states contribute to ill health, stress, insomnia, depression, anxiety, bad habits, trauma and addictions and most importantly, how to neutralize them with the Six Tools of Yoga Nidra.

Thoughts From the Seat of the Soul: Meditations for Souls in Process

Gary Zukav - 2002
    Slip this lovely little book into your purse or bag and take it with you wherever you go. Turn the pages as you are drawn -- you can be inspired every day or once an hour, or you can meditate on your favorite thought all month. Use it as an oracle, or to stimulate deeper insight, joy, and appreciation of your life and the lives of others. This powerful volume is for those who are growing in consciousness and for those who want to. It is the perfect gift for someone you love or for yourself.

Touching the Earth: Intimate Conversations with the Buddha

Thich Nhat Hanh - 1994
    According to many of his students who are deeply touched by this practice, it can help to renew our faith and develop our compassion as it presents an opportunity to heal our relationships through forgiveness and embrace our ancestors, parents, teachers and ourselves.

The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance: Align Your Higher Self & You Shall Arrive

John Paul Khoury - 2014
    The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance is an easy-to-follow guide that leads you straight to the life you are meant to live. Each of us has a special purpose, and learning our own unique truth opens us up to receiving the three things we most want and need in life: Health, Wealth, and Love. Many self-help books zero in on one area: how to get rich, or how to get fit, find love, or be happy. But they fall short of the mark simply because of their narrow focus. For, as The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance clearly illustrates, it is in achieving a balance of love, health, and money that true happiness and plenty are found. Avoiding the usual fluff, this book dives right into the heart of its message. It's straight to the point and offers up substantial information from the very first page to the very end. The truth is that the power lies within each one of us to create our own abundance. So, before we can achieve success in the outside world, we must begin by bringing balance to our inner world. Start your journey today.

A Burning Desire: Dharma God and the Path of Recovery

Kevin Griffin - 2010
    Taking a radical departure from traditional views of God, Western or Eastern, author Kevin Griffin neither accepts Christian beliefs in a Supreme Being nor Buddhist non-theism, but rather forges a refreshing, sensible, and accessible Middle Way. Griffin shows how the Dharma, the teachings of the Buddha, can be understood as a Higher Power. Karma, mindfulness, impermanence, and the Eightfold Path itself are revealed as powerful forces that can be accessed through meditation and inquiry.Drawing from his own experiences with substance abuse, rehabilitation, and recovery, Griffin looks at the various ways that meditation and spiritual practices helped deepen his experience of sobriety. His personal story of addiction is not only raw, honest and engrossing, but guides readers to an inquiry of their own spirituality. In doing so, he poses profound questions, including:·         How can I understand God from a Buddhist perspective?·         How can I “turn my will and my life over” as a Buddhist?·         How can this idea of God “remove my shortcomings”?·         How do I learn this God’s “will”?