Book picks similar to
Life of Joseph F. Smith by Joseph Fielding Smith
Who Shall Be Able To Stand: Finding Personal Meaning In The Book Of Revelation
S. Michael Wilcox - 2003
However, S. Michael Wilcox assures us that the Lord has provided a key to help us, "a key that works by a combination of notches and valleys that correspond to the inner workings of the lock. All are needed to open the door. Some symbols will require drawing upon all the elements of the key to produce the greatest understanding." In the opening chapter, he identifies the notches on the key and reminds us that we must use this key with the help of the Holy Spirit. The balance of the book provides commentary on each chapter in Revelation. This book stands apart from others on the topic because it focuses on the application of Revelation's teachings and symbols to our lives. No one who reads Who Shall Be Able to Stand will ever feel the same about that prophetic book.
The Bruce R. McConkie Story: Reflections of a Son
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 2003
McConkie is painted on the canvas of faith in colors as bold as the sermons he preached. In the pages of this biography, written by Elder McConkie's son Joseph, the reader is invited to become acquainted with the man as he was known to his family and closest friends. The book captures something of his humor, the depth of his faith, his love of life and of his dear Amelia, his devotion to the gospel, his discipline, the extent of his suffering, and his endless efforts to mentor his children. No one in the history of the Church has written more by way of testimony of Christ than Bruce R. McConkie. In this work the members of the Church are invited to meet the man whom they have quoted so often.
The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
N.B. Lundwall - 1952
In the Strength of the Lord: The Life and Teachings of James E. Faust
James P. Bell - 1999
Unlike most of our conversations, which deal with family updates and the like, he began this call with a rather firm declaration. "I know what your next book should be," he said. I had recently completed a book with two dear friends, the late Rex E. Lee and his wife, Janet-and I responded that I did not have plans to write another book. He continued, undeterred, "No, you need to write a biography of James E. Faust." Though still half asleep, I knew immediately that he was right, but I asked him anyway why he would make this suggestion. His answer was simple: "Because he's a good man, and the members of the Church don't know enough about him." Not knowing President Faust, but feeling a need to act on my father's suggestion, I passed the idea along to Sheri Dew, who is the vice-president of publishing at Deseret Book and a long-time friend. She, in turn, discussed it with Ron Millett, president of Deseret Book, and the two of them arranged to meet with President Faust and discuss the idea with him. He listened politely and said he would consider their proposal and then let them know of his decision. Having read, some months later, his journal entry for that day, I know that his initial reaction was a preference that such a book not be done. But after several weeks of discussion with his wife, family members, and a few close associates, he informed Ron and Sheri that he would agree to have a book done-but with two conditions: First, that the biography be brief; and, second, that a selection of his teachings be included in the same volume.
Defender of the Faith: The B. H. Roberts Story
Truman G. Madsen - 1980
Roberts, a man well recognized in the church and the author of many beloved books, was one that could fill countless pages. The son of a “ne’er-do-well,” his life in England reads as if it were straight from a Charles Dickens novel. His family was torn apart when his mother joined the Church and emigrated to America. Left to struggle alone in England with his sister, his life was one of severe trials. Finally, they were able to emigrate and join the other saints gathering in Utah.His tremendous impact in the church comes through his voluminous writings on Church subjects. Interestingly, he was eleven years old before he learned to read, and the discovery of what lies within printed words opened a deep love for knowledge. This passion eventually led to him becoming one of the foremost scholars, writers and religious leaders in the Church.For both the general reader as well as the specialist, this biography of B.H. Roberts will fill a long-standing gap as they come to better know this outstanding man.
To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson
Heidi S. Swinton - 2010
Monson. Beginning with President Monson's family heritage and his early years in Salt Lake City, it included his vocational preparation and his career in the world of journalism. More important, this inspiring book recounts his lifetime of Church service. Called as a bishop at the age of twenty-two, as a mission president at thirty-one, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve at age thirty-six, he has traveled the globe to minister to the Saints for more than fifty years. This book shares many of his personal experience, from his visits behind the Iron Curtain to his contributions on the Scriptures Publication Committee and in the missionary and welfare areas; it also provides up-to-the-minute information about his work as Church President.Filled with wonderful photographs and little-known accounts, this biography is a portrait of a leader who ministers both to the one and to the many, and who is completely dedicated to doing whatever the Lord prompts him to do.
Joseph Smith as Scientist
John A. Widtsoe - 1908
The struggle for reconciliation between the contending forces is not an easy one. It cuts deep into the soul and usually leaves scars that ache while life endures. There are thousands of young people in the Church to-day, and hundreds of thousands throughout the world, who are struggling to set themselves right with the God above and the world about them. It is for these young people, primarily, that the following chapters have been written...
Wilford Woodruff's Witness: The Development of Temple Doctrine
Jennifer Ann Mackley - 2014
Understanding its origin and development through the experiences of Wilford Woodruff will answer questions posed by individuals inside and outside of the Church. What is the relationship of temple ordinances and Old Testament rituals? Why have some ordinances been discontinued? Why did married women choose to be sealed to Joseph Smith? What is priesthood adoption? When were proxy ordinances introduced?Many books and articles address a specific temple ordinance or a period of time in Mormon history, but the development of all temple ordinances has never been included in a single volume - until now.Jennifer Mackley's meticulously researched biographical narrative chronicles the development of temple doctrine through the examination of Wilford Woodruff's personal life. The account unfolds in Woodruff's own words, drawn from primary sources including journals, discourses, and letters. Mackley elucidates the doctrine's sixty-year progression from Old Testament practices of washings and anointings in the 1830s, to the endowment, sealings, and priesthood adoptions in the 1840s, through all of the vicarious ordinances for the dead in the 1870s, to the sealing of multigenerational families in the 1890s. Her narrative is enhanced by 120 archival images (some previously unpublished), as well as extensive footnotes and citations for the reader's further study. More information can be found at
Ezra Taft Benson: A Biography
Sheri Dew - 1989
Not a perfect man, nor a man who hasn’t faced and even struggled with mortality’s challenges. But a man of conviction and courage. A man who has remained true to the principles in which he deeply believes. A man who has responded to assignments within the gospel kingdom that have demanded total commitment and faith in the Lord. This is a man who has faced hardships, has worked to overcome personal shortcomings, has had triumphs, and through it all, has turned his life completely over to the Lord.” —Sheri DewThis is the story of Ezra Taft Benson, thirteenth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.It is the saga of a farm boy who loved the land and the Lord – a plough boy who became a prophet. It tells of his romance and marriage to a “city girl,” Flora Amussen, a young woman who had more faith in him than he had in himself. He is a family man, the father of six and the eldest of eleven brothers and sisters.This is the story of the most formally educated president of the Church. He received a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University, a master’s degree from Iowa Sate University, and did post-graduate work at the University of California. He subsequently wrote several books, received many honorary degrees, and delivered thousands of addresses.It is the story of a man who, after working with rural people in various capacities, became the first Latter-day Saint to serve in the cabinet of the president of the United States – eight years as Secretary of Agriculture in the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower. His fight to help the farmers of America be free and prosperous marked him as a man of conviction who stood by his principles despite enormous political pressures.Ezra Taft Benson is a man of God. Twice he served as a stake president and twice as president of the European Mission. At the close of World War II he served a mission of mercy, ministering to the spiritual and temporal needs of destitute Latter-day Saints in Europe.When he came to the office of president of the Church in November 1985, he had known more heads of state and was perhaps the most widely traveled of any prophet in this dispensation. He had served forty-two years as an apostle, including twelve years as president of the Quorum of the Twelve.The Lord tutored him well for his call as a prophet. There was divine design in his life that prepared him for the new and heavy tasks that lay ahead.
Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball
Edward L. Kimball - 2005
Kimball, from 1973 to 1985, spanned years of remarkable growth and dramatic developments in the Church. In that time, Church membership grew from 3.2 million to 5.9 million, the number of full-time missionaries serving grew from 17,000 to nearly 40,000 and temples in operation increased from 15 to 36. This book focuses exclusively on President Kimball's ministry as Church President, describing such landmark events as the revelation extending the priesthood to all worthy males, the publication of new editions of the LDS scriptures, and the reorganization of the quorum of the Seventy. The accompanying CD-ROM (created by BYU Studies) contains a wealth of additional information, including a longer version of the biography, photos not included in the book, some audio clips of President Kimball (including a sample before the surgery on his throat), as well as copies of other books written by or about President Kimball.
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary: Volumes 1-3
Bruce R. McConkie - 1972
"How can I," came the answer, "except some man should guide me." Jesus said: "Search the scriptures," and gave the promise, "Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived." Today the Lord's command is: "Teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom." This Doctrinal New Testament Commentary is designed to enable gospel students to learn and live the doctrines of the New Testament; to grasp the greatness and glory of our Lord's mortal ministry; to comprehend the doctrines of the Master Teacher and of those commissioned by him to reveal pure religion to the world. Salvation centers in Christ. He is the Creator and Redeemer; the Way and the Truth; the Light of the World; the One Man who could say: "Follow thou me." Most of our knowledge of his earth-bound ministry is contained in the four Gospels. It is devoutly hope that this Commentary will help make the Gospels a living reality in the lives of gospel scholars, that it will help them understand what they read. Jesus himself is real; the Gospels are his life story; of him they teach and testify; and a knowledge of them is essential to salvation.
Heroic Mormon Women: True Stories from the Lives of Sixteen Amazing Women in Church History
Ivan J. Barrett - 2012
"As he has recorded the events of history, man has often forgotten to mention the hand that rocked the cradle." These remarkable Mormon women gave their all for the gospel of Christ. With drama and emotion stronger than that found in any work of fiction, the inspirational stories in Heroic Mormon Women will bring to light the incredible strength, virtue, and faith of the heroic women of the restoration. Some women included in this book are: Rachel Ivins Grant Jane Grover Jane Elizabeth Manning James Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball Heroic Marys Elizabeth Claridge McCune Sarah Pea Rich Aurelia Spencer Rogers Amanda Barnes Smith Eliza Roxey Snow Amanda Barnes Smith Lucy Mack Smith Emma Hale Smith
Holy Places: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from Latter-Day Temples
Chad S. Hawkins - 2006
Holy Places includes more than sixty faith promoting stories with accompanying artwork from temples around the world, including the most recent temples in Ghana, Manhattan, Newport Beach, and Nigeria. Based on more than a decade of personal interviews and in-depth research, each story in this beautiful volume conveys a sense of God's hand in the important work of temples and the faith of Church members as they seek to perform that work. Families will love this treasured collection of stories documenting the faith and miracles associated with the most holy places on Earth.