Meeting Your Goliath (Timeless Talks)

Thomas S. Monson - 1997
    Jet-powered aircraft streaked toward specified targets, cannons roared, tanks lumbered, men fought and died, women wept, and children cried. The Holy Land, once the personal province of the Prince of Peace, was engulfed by war. This troubled land has witnessed much conflict throughout its history; its peoples have suffered terrible trials and tribulations. No single battle is better remembered, however, than occurred in the Valley of Elah during the year 1063 B.C. Along the mountains on one side, the feared armies of the Philistines were marshalled to march directly to the heart of Judah and the Jordan Valley. On the other side of the valley, King Saul had drawn up his armies in opposition. Historians tell us that the opposing forces were about evenly matched in number and in skill. However, the Philistines had managed to keep secret their valued knowledge of smelting and fashioning iron into formidable weapons of war. The sound of hammers pounding upon anvils and the sight of smoke rising skyward from many bellows as the smiths went about the task of sharpening weapons and fashioning new ones must have struck fear into the hearts of Saul's warriors, for even the most novice of soldiers could know the superiority of iron weapons to those of brass. As often happened when armies faced each other, individual champions challenged others from the opposing forces to single combat. There was considerable precedent for this sort of fighting; and on more than one occasion, notably during the tenure of Samson as judge, battles had been decided by individual combat. Now, however, the situation was reversed as far as Israel was concerned, and it was a Philistine who dared to challenge all others-a veritable giant of a man called Goliath of Gath. Old accounts tell us that Goliath was ten feet tall. He wore brass armor and a coat of mail. And the staff of his spear would stagger a strong man merely to lift, let alone hurl. His shield was the longest ever seen or heard of, and his sword a fearsome blade.

Nephilim; The Truth About Genesis 6 Giants,Fallen Angels, Ancient Evil And The Days Of Noah (The Watchers,Mystery Babylon, Trans Humanism, The Illuminati And The Occult Agenda)

Alan Fawcett - 2015
    The Nephilim. Does the bible really talk about Giants? Did they really exist?The Truth and The Lie series. There are so many interesting things in the Bible that much of our modern world doesn’t even realize are there. We are going to explore many of these areas in this series. We will search for the truth and the reality of what the word of God really says, as well as addressing the misconceptions that are held about it in our modern days. The word of God contains the reality of the scientific creation that is extravagantly miraculous and still completely understandable. We will be Exploring The truth about biblical giants. The reality of fallen angels. Who is Lucifer really? Is there really good and evil? What did Jesus (Yeshua) tell us to be watching for? Can we actually know what is “truth?” If The Word Of God Is True… That Changes Everything!What if the Bible isn’t just a seemingly quaint collection of myths and self-righteous moral codes? What if it isn’t an antiquated tribal religious document like any other primitive myth? And what if it isn’t a simplistic story of primitive people trying to understand their world, a people who we judgingly suppose were without the benefit of our modern science and unable to have our modern insight? And what if this modern insight is not what it is supposed to be? We Need To Know! Where did everything come from? Who is really in charge? How old is the earth? Is there more in the bible than I’ve been told? What about the other ancient cultures?” Modern atheistic science freely admits that there is so much about the universe we don’t know, and yet can’t even conceive that there is something beyond us that is responsible for all this. Our modern science is beginning to take a peek into the unseen like never before. Quantum and dimensional physics shows us that there is indeed a supernatural realm - other dimensions of existence! The further science explores, the more it becomes apparent that the universe is more like a grand thought than a grand thing. All we see is made from what we cannot see - exactly as the Bible has maintained from the beginning. The reality of every new discovery points more and more towards a highly complex interwoven dimensional reality that is closer to a digital hologram than is comfortable to admit. We know that time is part of the space time matter realm we occupy and that it has a beginning and an end, that there is more beyond time. YHVH, Elohim God, exists outside of time. Yet science isn’t likely to offer any forthcoming admission to this possibility anytime soon.Yes, if it is true, if there is one creator God, the God of the Bible, then that changes everything! We will explore the fascinating reality that the word of God is true. It explains everything and brings our world - back - into a perspective that makes sense. It is scientifically accurate, it is realistically possible, and it is an amazing reality! You Will Learn The Truth. The truth about world history! What we have been taught isn’t all there is. The truth about ancient culture, Their legends and myths. The truth about how everything really got here The reality about the players behind world events The true existence of a supernatural world, proven by science.

Heroic Mormon Women: True Stories from the Lives of Sixteen Amazing Women in Church History

Ivan J. Barrett - 2012
    "As he has recorded the events of history, man has often forgotten to mention the hand that rocked the cradle." These remarkable Mormon women gave their all for the gospel of Christ. With drama and emotion stronger than that found in any work of fiction, the inspirational stories in Heroic Mormon Women will bring to light the incredible strength, virtue, and faith of the heroic women of the restoration. Some women included in this book are: Rachel Ivins Grant Jane Grover Jane Elizabeth Manning James Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball Heroic Marys Elizabeth Claridge McCune Sarah Pea Rich Aurelia Spencer Rogers Amanda Barnes Smith Eliza Roxey Snow Amanda Barnes Smith Lucy Mack Smith Emma Hale Smith

How to Meditate on God’s Word: Fast and Easy Ways to Practice Intentional Bible Meditation and Grow in Faith, Worship and Prayer

Daniel C. Okpara - 2017
     Meditation is the way to develop your spirit man. It helps get our minds better prepared for prayer. We are better able to focus and worship God in spirit and in truth. As you meditate on God’s word, you help your spirit, soul, and body become more detached from the influences of the world; you detach your affections from what’s not necessary and re-channel them to the most important things of life. You open yourself up to divine encounters that will establish your destiny. When you “meditate” on God’s words, they become “His sayings.” That is, God begins to talk to you through them. The Holy Spirit amplifies the Words inside of you and gives you details that could have only come from God. You gain direction. This small booklet will show you: =>What is bible meditation? =>10 benefits of meditating on the word of God. =>The 7-step method for effective Bible meditation. =>Biblical meditation techniques. =>How to meditate and talk to God. =>How to meditate on the word of God daily. =>Meditate on God's word day and night scriptures. If you desire to grow in the knowledge of God and enrich your prayer life, then this book will certainly guide you on that path.

Spiritual Plateaus

Glenn L. Pace - 1991
    Sometimes we stay on one plateau thinking that is all we need to do, but if we can move forward toward the next plateau we would find that there is more to learn and more to do.

You Are More Than Enough: You Are Magnificent

Ganel-Lyn Condie - 2019
    Featuring lessons taught through scripture, Church leaders, and personal experience, this inspirational book highlights the eternal strength inherent in and available to every woman. Readers will laugh, cry, and feel supported as they live their earthly missions with renewed peace and confidence. From the innate beauty of daughters of God to the gift of self-acceptance to the transcendent power of Christ's grace, sisters in every stage of life will be inspired to live more freely and fearlessly by learning to embrace their eternal potential and realize they are already more than enough--they are magnificent."--

The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism

Greg Trimble - 2018
     The evolution of church culture has been something that has needed to happen for a long time. Culture, traditions, oral laws, and the status quo can be a good thing... but it can also be a bad thing. Do you remember what was happening in Israel around the time that Christ came on to the scene? Israel started to live by their own set of oral laws and traditions, or what we might refer to today as "culture." The "culture" in Israel when Christ showed up was one of the most judgmental and hypocritical cultures the world had ever seen. It was a very isolated and unaccepting culture. But Christ showed up and cast a net over all types of people. The Greeks, the Romans, the Samaritans, and every other nation across the globe. His net covered even the worst of repentant sinners. The only people that were excluded or "damned" were the unrepentant elite, the "scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites" who "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel" (Matthew 23:23-24). Christ took the existing covenants and commandments and simplified them. He brought an evolution of love, empathy, and compassion. He built a culture that was geared toward the lowly of heart and revolted against those who spent their lives pointing out the flaws in others. "For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness" (Matthew 23:27). The bulk of Israel was living according to their culture and their superstition instead of their religion. This has been the bane of each and every covenant society, which caused Joseph Smith to say, "What many people call sin is not sin; I do many things to break down superstition, and I will break it down." The doctrine of the LDS church doesn't lose people. It's the culture and superstition that causes unnecessary strife. This book, The Cultural Evolution Inside of Mormonism addresses the changing culture, the unprecedented changes that are taking place in the church, and the historical transparency. The Table of Contents explains where this book will take you: 1. More Extended Hands 2. Fewer Wrecking Balls 3. The Cultural Evolution 4. Not Customizing Christ 5. The Three Types of Mormons 6. A Place Where Doubters Are Welcome 7. The Kindness of Christ 8. Embracing Intellectuals and Scholars 9. Change in The Church Comes Slowly For A Reason 10. The Humble Few 11. Millennial Mormons 12. Making Rash Decisions 13. Giving Volunteers A Break 14. Logical Evidence For The Church Is Mounting 15. From Which All Others Are Derived 16. Temple Workers Galore 17. No Other Religion Provides A Better Hope 18. People Throwing The Book of Mormon Out The Window 19. The Bible That Needed To Be Rescued 20. Looking For Just One Reason To Believe 21. Liberal Conservatives 22. Pageantry In The Church 23. Peeling Back Polygamy 24. Looking At Tithing A Little Differently 25. Not Judging Others Sabbath Day Worship 26. The Place For Gays Inside The Church 27. What I Really Believe 28. Why I Love The Church

Know Brother Joseph: New Perspectives on Joseph Smith's Life & Character

Various - 2021
    These pages are filled with insights into Joseph, but most have not yet been shared in a way that makes the accessible to a broader audience. This collection of short essays will help close this gap and bring insights into Joseph to Latter-day saints, both those who are struggling with questions about Joseph and those who simply want to understand the founding Prophet of the Restoration better. These essays look at Joseph Smith's life, character, personality, and relationships with others. Know Brother Joseph, is an accessible and faith-promoting look at Joseph Smith, his life, and its relevance to us in our daily walk.

Days of the Living Christ (Volume 1)

W. Cleon Skousen - 1992
    Over Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Skousen had concluded that just about everything connected with the life and mission of Jesus Christ had been written. Then he began to find some scriptural treasures that had been missed. Before long he was deep into a comprehensive study of the life and mission of the Savior that finally culminated in these two volumes. Volume 1 covers the birth of Christ, His early years, the Sermon on the Mount and much of His ministry here on earth. The reader will grasp a new concept of the love Jesus had for the Jewish people and also discover a whole new scriptural basis for Peter's denial of the Christ. It is believed these two volumes will provide a new, dynamic, three-dimensional appreciation of the Savior and those who labored with Him.

The Final Confrontation

Ralph Martin - 2015
    John Paul II said, “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced…the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the Antichrist. The confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence. It is, therefore, in God’s Plan, and it must be a trial which the Church must take up, and face courageously...” In this booklet, Ralph Martin takes a look at what Scripture says about the final confrontation and the work of the Evil One. He exposes the lies of the enemy and the truth about Divine Mercy. He also identifies what we must do to face the present trials with courage.

Catholicism For Dummies®, Mini Edition

John Trigilio Jr. - 2010
    Whether you're a Catholic or not, you may be totally clueless or just unaware of some aspects of Catholic traditions, history, doctrine, worship, devotion, or culture. If so, then this book is right for you!Open the book and find: What it means to be a Catholic Who's who in the Catholic hierarchy How Catholics worship The origins and importance of the Sacraments of Initiation

Living on the Lords Side of the Line

Sheri Dew - 2001
    She uses that frightening personal experience to encourage listeners to stand well back from the line that separates the Lord’s territory from Lucifer’s. Plus, in a special bonus second talk, she reflects on the good that resides in the sisters of the Church. Includes bonus talk, "If We Build It, They Will Come."

Faith in the Service: Inspirational Stories from Latter-Day Saint Servicemen and Servicewomen

Chad S. Hawkins - 2008
    In their own words, these men and women describe feeling the Lord's blessings as they have served in some of the most harsh and difficult circumstances imaginable. Their experiences range from leading armed combat and air rescue missions to saving lives in a makeshift hospital tent. Also included are stories of much-needed help and support received by families of those who are serving away from home. These life-changing stories, recorded in on-site personal interviews by bestselling author and artist Chad Hawkins, are reminders that the Lord does watch over and protect His children during troubling times. Featured black-and-white photographs throughout.

Where the Soul Hungers: One Doctor’s Journey from Atheism to Faith

Samuel Morris Brown - 2021
    Brown was an atheist from an early age and proud of it. Yet, by his own account, God became an undeniable presence in his life. Now a faithful Latter-day Saint, this practicing research physician narrates some of the waypoints on his journey into believing and belonging. Some are dramatic—his wife’s cancer diagnosis or working in a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic—while many are simple yet profound: being mistaken for a homeless person while a student at Harvard, growing to like little children and opera, and learning to bake cookies for others. With gentle, self-critical humor and a generous regard for those who have accompanied him on his way, Brown’s book is an offer to walk with you a while on your own journey of faith.

Happiness, Finders' Keepers

Mary Ellen Edmunds - 1999
    What is it, and where can it be found? Is it an ideal to be hoped for in the next life, or a reality to be sought here and now? "To me there was never a time when we had a greater need for happiness and for the peace, contentment, serenity, hope, gratitude, and joy that are part of it," writes Mary Ellen Edmunds. In Happiness: Finders, Keepers, she offers a wealth of practical, cheery, spirit-filled suggestions for living a happier life. Since our Father in Heaven's plan is "the great plan of happiness," and since one of the reasons for our very existence is that we "might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25), it's clear that we're meant to be happy right now, here, today! We can do so, even in the midst of trials, if we understand the true nature of this heavenly gift. "I am convinced that even with the heavy burdens, the awful injustices, and the tragedies in the world, there is happiness all around us," writes the author. "We must be the finders and the keepers — those who are aware of and who cherish this holy, abundant blessing." Overcoming stress, maintaining a sense of humor, remembering our blessings, feeling gratitude — these are just some of the paths to happiness discussed in this delightful book. Warm personal stories and solid insights from the scriptures and the words of Church leaders help shape our perspective. The message is one of hope: There are things we can do and feel that will make us almost instantly happier. As Mary Ellen says: "May we remember that we already chose the great plan of happiness, but we need to choose it again, hour after hour and day after day, through all our earthly experiences. . . . If we will, we can live happily ever after!"