The God Formula: A simple scientifically proven blueprint that has transformed millions of lives (The Path of Freedom Series)

Jeffery A. Martin - 2011
     The research (conducted by the Center for the Study of Intent) uncovered a new dimension of human development and has revolutionized the way personal growth, meaning, happiness, and ultimately advanced spiritual topics such as ‘enlightenment’ are understood. The results, if you let them, will transform the quality of your life in ways you currently cannot even imagine as possible. During the research a formula was uncovered that is so effective at producing what seems like miracles in people’s lives it began to be referred to as the “God Formula” among participants and researchers. This book outlines that formula, and is the final version of the highly successful training material that was used with research participants. These researchers became the first scientists to successfully experiment with this new developmental continuum. The result has been the discovery of a series of techniques that lead from everyday consciousness to increased daily happiness and satisfaction, and finally to enlightenment and beyond (yes, there is a beyond!). This book covers the first stages of this process. You can view a summary of the results from the research phase that related to it, and later ones at: This book covers three primary components that combine to form a complete system of person growth, and an assortment of techniques for each component. While it provides the components, how they need to come together for maximum effectiveness will be unique to you. You’ll need to experiment with various combinations of these techniques until you find the one that works best for you. This may sound unusual. You’re probably used to reading books where the authors assert they have the one answer for everyone. The researchers at the Center tested an enormous number of techniques but didn’t find a single one that was helpful to more than a handful of individuals…when it was beneficial for anyone at all. However, they learned that there are a relatively small number of techniques that can be combined in ways that are incredibly effective. You just have to find the unique combination of these techniques that works for you right now. This book provides the distilled down wisdom from all of that testing. They were able to successfully identify core components from the methods that proved themselves. However, no one can tell you how to combine those components to get them to work best for you. People are simply too different for that to be possible. So, you’ll have to join the team, be your own scientist, and experiment! The good news is that the researchers spent an enormous amount of time and money narrowing down the possibilities for you. Most of the research participants were able to use this book to find the combination that worked for them quite quickly. It is likely the same will be true for you.It’s important that you not take the information this book contains lightly. Unlike other personal growth and self help books, this one is driven by a vast amount of actual research into what works. It was revised continually based on research participant feedback, so it’s very simple and easy to understand and use. But don’t let this simplicity fool you. Every line is there for a reason. This material has changed a lot of lives, if you’ll let it…yours can be next.

Time is not infinite: 12 principles to make the best use of your time

Paolo Ruggeri - 2019
    I saw them spending more and more time with their team in the office until their week became highly laborious. They would only leave the office to eat and sleep. I don’t mean to say that we should only work from 9 to 5, 5 days a week and then completely ignore our work on weekends. I know that sometimes we have to put in the extra hours to meet our deadlines and achieve our targets; however, when this becomes the norm, it means that we need to consider alternatives such as working smarter rather than harder. This is the reason why I am writing this book Dedicated to all Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, CEOs, Managing Directors and Company Managers who think that every working day should be 48 hours, during which the need to eat, sleep and socialize is nonexistent.  To all those who wait for the weekend just to rest...I, too, was one of them so many years back!

Procrastination: Why You Do It, What To Do About It

Jane B. Burka - 1982
    Burka and Lenora M. Yuen offer a probing, sensitive, and sometimes humorous look at the problem that troubles everyone. Revealing the reasons we put off tasks-fears of failure, success, control, separation, and attachment-the authors outline a practical, tested program to overcome procrastination. Candid and understanding, Procrastination is a must-have today for anyone who puts everything off until tomorrow.

Self Discipline: A How-To Guide to Stop Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals in 10 Steps Including 10 day bonus online coaching course to master self-discipline ... and build daily goal-crushing habits

Gemma Ray - 2018
    Life feels more fun, free and fruitful when you learn to love the power of discipline.Read the book.Sign up for the FREE online coaching course.Join the accountability Facebook group for that extra injection of goal motivation and support. It might change your life!I was struggling being the woman I wanted to be. Health, finance, habits. I realized I lacked self-discipline and that was the cause of all the issues. I searched for a book on Self-Discipline, and found a gem in Gemma’s book. Since January I am down 19 pounds, killed $5500 in debt, and more organized than ever. I track my progress on my Facebook page and am inspiring so many friends, giving credit to Gemma and her easy to follow plan to get your act together. - ★★★★★Perfect book for someone who struggles with discipline and Organization like I did before reading this book, This was the 3rd self discipline book I’ve read and by far the best gemma has made the book as straight forwarded as possible and if you really give her practices a go it will change your life for the better. Enjoy:) - ★★★★★

Full Gas: How to Win a Bike Race – Tactics from Inside the Peloton

Peter Cossins - 2018
    Now a minute’s delay thanks to a puncture could ruin a rider’s chances over a three-week race and the sport is described as nothing less than chess on wheels. The intricacies and complexities of cycling are what makes it so appealing: an eye for opportunity and a quick mind are just as crucial to success as a 'big engine' or good form. So how do you win a bike race? How do you cope with crosswinds, cobbles, elbows-out sprints, weaving your way through a teeming peloton? Why are steady nerves one of the best weapons in a rider’s arsenal and breakaway artists to be revered? Where do you see the finest showcase of tactical brilliance? Peter Cossins takes us on to the team buses to hear pro cyclists and directeurs sportifs explain their tactics: when it went right, when they got it wrong – from sprinting to summits, from breakaways to bluffing.Hectic, thrilling, but sometimes impenetrable – watching a bike race can baffle as much as entertain. Full Gas is the essential guide to make sense of all things peloton.

Daily Habit Makeover: Beat Procrastination, Get More Productive, Focus Better, and Become Healthier in Body and Mind (Daily Habit Series Book 1)

Zoe McKey - 2019
    Learn to identify, prioritize, and focus on your most important tasks and get them done. Unlearn bad habits and build powerful, helpful ones. - Learn various ways to increase productivity in your life, - Easily learnable and executable solutions that will make your day more organized and focused, - Why is willpower your enemy when it comes to changes, - Two valuable philosophies to help you maintain your habit changes for the long haul. Living as our best selves depends on our day-to-day habits; the small everyday activities we aren’t always conscious about. Daily Habit Makeover will teach you how to adopt tailor made habits to your lifestyle. Optimize your life: become more productive and less stressed. - Acknowledge and start acting against procrastination, - Learn 5+ scientifically proven ways to increase focus, - Quick methods to rank the importance of your tasks, - Why multitasking sabotages you and better alternatives. Control your habits, own your life. - Finish what you start – every time, - The best habits of three world leaders to enhance motivation, - 15+ signs that help you prevent procrastination, - 50 small, quickly applicable strategies to build a better life today, - The best apps and programs that help you stay productive. Daily Habit Makeover helps you reach your maximal productivity and greatest potential by teaching you how to think in a system that excludes procrastination. Know how to identify your most important tasks following a simple mathematical formula and stay disciplined to build productivity habits. Never feel the numbing pressure of unfinished tasks and threatening deadlines again. Don’t sweat over calling your boss to ask deadline extension. Never again be the excuse maker who can’t divide his time well. Be the most productive version of yourself.

Upgrade Yourself: Simple Strategies to Transform Your Mindset, Improve Your Habits and Change Your Life

Thibaut Meurisse - 2018
    Do you want more from life? Have you ever thought you’re capable of so much more, but don’t know how to get there?  Do you feel overwhelmed with an ever-increasing flow of information? Are you unable to identify what can really improve your life? In Upgrade Yourself, you’ll learn simple habits and strategies to transform your mindset and change your life for the better. You’ll be introduced to the core of what you need to know to become the best version of yourself—nothing less!You’ll discover:  how to reprogram your mind to overcome self-defeating behaviors  what a holocaust survivor and a man without arms or legs have in common, and what you can learn from them how an anonymous call changed Tim Ferris’s life, and how this information can change yours, too how to sharpen your skills the Benjamin Franklin way  how a simple strategy can turbocharge your productivity, and  much, much more  By the time you reach the end of Upgrade Yourself, you’ll have a stronger mindset, you’ll develop better habits, you’ll have more discipline and a more exciting vision, and you’ll be able to design a better life for yourself.So, if you want to become the best possible version of yourself, don’t hesitate, scroll to the top of this page, click the download link, and start today.

Put Your Big Girl Panties on and Deal with It: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting What You Want

Roz Van Meter - 2007
    Rife with deeply personal, perhaps slightly embarrassing and often hysterical personal stories from the author herself, Put Your Big Girl Panties On and Deal With It is the guidebook for real women ready to take charge of their own lives.Inside, discover:--How to shuck those procrastination panties: Action Antidotes to the Top 10 Procrastination Perpetuator--How to untwist your knickers: Stressbusting for the rest of us--Aunties in your panties: What we can learn from the Big Girl Panty-Wearers who have gone before us--Big girl Valentine panties: Plenty of romance revivers and passion primers--Bodacious Beauty Britches: How to celebrate your unique gorgeousness

What To Do When You Are Stuck and Nothing Seems to Work?

Richard Dotts - 2014
    He ran out of ideas - moneymaking ideas, business ideas, problem-solving ideas, book ideas, marketing ideas, product ideas. Nothing he came up with seemed to work for himself or his clients. For the next two years, he would read one creativity or idea-generation book after another, trying to "get unstuck". But nothing worked. Whether you are an entrepreneur, author, coach, consultant or even an employee, your livelihood depends on you generating good ideas that other people will pay for. Your employers pay you for the ideas you generate, so do your clients. You get promoted or hired based on them. But what happens if you suddenly find yourself unmotivated, procrastinating and unable to come up with any good, profitable ideas? Looking back at those two darkest years, Richard Dotts realized that what he needed back then wasn't "more ideas" or "more creativity". That's why all of the books he read in those days did not work for him those are already for people with lots of creative juices flowing! But what about a person whose creative juices have stopped flowing completely, and nothing seems to even remotely work? In his latest work What To Do When You Are STUCK?, bestselling spiritual author and teacher Richard Dotts adopts a practical approach to ideas and solutions generation in life. Whether you are stuck in business, your career, or just life in general, unable to find the motivation and strength to move on after a setback, this book contains 6 quick jabs that will jolt and shock you into action in no time even before you finish reading! These are the very same techniques that Dotts has used for himself to build 4 successful and separate careers from scratch, in 4 distinct fields. Discover: ■ How to generate a stream of creative ideas and solutions when you have run out of steam and nothing seems to work. ■ How to jolt yourself back into action after suffering a setback or negative event. ■ How to deal with chronic procrastination or laziness, or that feeling of apathy in life. And more... This is not a theoretical book filled with theories and ideas. This is an ACTION book specially designed and written to JOLT you into positive action, even before you finish reading the book and set it down!

You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: A Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder

Kate Kelly - 1993
    This work focuses on the experience of adults with the disorder, combining practical information and moral support. It explains the diagnostic process and distinguishes ADD symptions from normal lapses in memory, lack of concentrations, and impulse behaviour, and addresses: how to achieve balance by analyzing one's strengths and weaknesses; how to get along in groups, at work, and intimate and family relationships - including how to decrease discord and chaos; mechanical aides and methods for getting organized and improving memory; and professional help, including medication and therapy.

Stop Being Lazy: How to Overcome Laziness, Defeat Procrastination, Increase Productivity, and Break Through Barriers Like an Unstoppable Bulldog

John Z. Sonmez - 2018
    Extremely lazy. But, just this last week, I ran 50 miles, did 3 weight training workouts, attended kickboxing classes and got a ton of work done, making a nice big fat paycheck. You see, I learned how to overcome laziness--and you can too. This book is a nice short read (just 54 pages), designed for you to learn the secrets of going from lazy to self-disciplined and productive. It's the book that I wish I had when I was younger. The one that could have saved me so many hours of frustration, and helped me retire and become financially free much earlier. Oh, and also to get those 6-pack abs I finally have. (I was fat too once.) Deep down, you know that you are meant to live a life better than the one you’re living right now. You know that you are capable of doing, having, and being so much more—but you’re too damn lazy to experience who you truly are at your core and having what you’re really worth. I know how you feel because 8 years ago, I was in your shoes. I was lazy, overweight, filled with fear, and living WAY below my potential. This book takes you into my personal journey out of laziness and into a life of empowerment and self-discipline. In this book, I will share with you: The mindset that had me trapped in laziness, fear, and procrastination and how I broke free How I created a new mindset of a tenacious, unstoppable bulldog What the bulldog mindset is all about and why you must have it Why I do hard shit Why I became a finisher, and more If you’re really ready to give up laziness, I’ll show you how I did it and how you can too.

The Growth Quotient: How to achieve sustainable professional growth and development (Growth Engineering Master Series, #1)

Subbarao Mukkavilli - 2020
    Most of the skillsets we use today will be irrelevant very soon. Several jobs that exist today will be extinct. AI-powered apps and robots will replace all of them. Corona Pandemic has fast-tracked most of these developments. COVID is rewriting the rules of the game, and AI is automating them. Acute talent deficiency is another pandemic all of us will face very soon. Ok. Let us park the pandemics for some time and talk about our eyesight. The average human eyesight is around 20 by 20. People with 20/30 vision don’t get a driving license in most countries. Anything around 20/1000 is considered blindness. What about our mindsight? Is it 20/20? Much lesser. This book teaches you how to improve your mind-sight. This book introduces four different lenses. These lenses improve the mind-sight significantly. Let's talk about hunger now. Whenever we are hungry, our tummy sends multiple signals to the whole body. Immediately, our eyes start the search operation, and our tongue joins the mission with the taste sensors. The nose filters out the smells, and the mouth begins to secrete the saliva. The whole body works in tandem until we finish a plate or two—most of the time, over-cooperation results in super binging.What about our brains? Is it endowed with all these facilities? How do you know when the brain is hungry? How do you sense if someone feeds it toxic food?All successful leaders in the world have a Mind Position System™ fitted to their brains. The mid positioning system helps them to navigate through any tough and uncomfortable situation. You can also get this if you want. This book teaches you how to install one. Three aspects define your personality:What you haveWhat you dropWhat you pickThe foundational qualities you need to have:High AmbitionA strong Belief systemClarity on goals and ambitionsUndeterred DisciplineABCDs™ in short.The thoughts you need to drop:Unrealistic ExpectationsUnfounded FearGreedHatredEFGH in short.You need to pick four quotients (or lenses):1. Consciousness Quotient 2. Environmental Quotient 3. Digital Quotient4. Number QuotientThat's not all. You will learn to apply the following time tested methods at your workplace:GRIT method to achieve your goalsOPEN method for better communication SIMPLE method to for effective communication and presentation PATH method to get customer delightHEAL method to heal the wounded clients and team membersSUIT method to resolve team conflictsCALM method to overcome fear★★★★★ Jose Cornelio for Readers' FavoriteThe author has the gift of communicating complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner. In a world filled with distractions, Suram teaches leaders how to thrive and successfully accomplish work that matters. This is a book that anyone who wants to be an effective leader should read.

Sikhs: The Untold Agony Of 1984

Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay - 2015
    She claimed the police had inserted a stick inside her… Swaranpreet realised that she had been cruelly violated; He spoke a single sentence but repeated it twice in chaste Punjabi: ‘Please give me a turban? I want nothing else…’ These are voices begging for deliverance in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination in October-November 1984 in which 2,733 Sikhs were killed, burnt and exterminated by lumpens in the country. Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay walks us through one of the most shameful episodes of sectarian violence in post Independent India and highlights the apathy of subsequent governments towards Sikhs who paid a price for what was clearly a state-sponsored riot. Poignant, raw and most importantly, macabre, the personal histories in the book reveal how even after three decades, a community continues to battle for its identity in its own country.

The Power of Responsibility: Six Decisions That Will Help You Take Back Happiness and Create Unlimited Success

Joelle Casteix - 2015
    What's holding you back? Successful and authentically happy people have one thing in common: Personal responsibility. Based on the blockbuster TEDxPasadenaWomen talk ... Do you want to be happy, but just don’t know how? Are you trapped by the people, events, or attitudes of your past? Are you “stuck” at work or school? Do you look at the mirror and wonder, “Why do I sabotage my chances for success?” It's time to do something drastic: put aside every other self-help or business book you own and read this book. Whether the other personal development books you’re reading are about finding wealth, defeating depression, flipping houses, succeeding as a woman in business, doing well in college, seeking inspiration, making money on the Internet, or coping with addiction, all of these books are USELESS until you learn the power of responsibility. In this book, you will learn the six simple decisions that will help you: Take control of your career Rebuild damaged relationships Let go of the toxic people in your life Find joy in the people and events around you Let go of co-dependency  Become stronger, happier, and more successful This fast-track plan for success has worked for thousands—from Fortune 500 executives to parents to college students. It WILL work for you. The six decisions are your key to unlimited success. If you are ready to change your life for the better, scroll up and click "Buy Now." Why wait any longer? For free child safety materials and to learn when books are free, visit

Insane Energy for Lazy People: A Complete System for Becoming Incredibly Energetic

Andrii Sedniev - 2018
    It is based on 10 years of research and experiments to figure out what can increase the personal energy of an average lazy person several times. Elements of this system are used by the most energetic people in the world including entrepreneurs, athletes and children. You will gain numerous insights and learn energy techniques accompanied by engaging stories, scientific researches and real-life examples. The concepts of the system are aimed at changing your mindset, maximizing your personal energy and increasing the amount of happy moments in your life. Once you become more energetic you may feel like you have a jet engine inside and can accomplish within a day more than an average person can within a week.