
Angel Lawson - 2015
    If he doesn’t, she and her mother must find her sister, over three hundred miles away, in one of the states under quarantine. A virus is infecting the healthy, turning them into raging, cannibalistic versions of their former selves. Dr. Ramsey has spent months studying the E-TR virus, including Alex in his trials. Before he leaves he hands Alexandra what may be the most valuable information in existence. Information that more than one powerful group would go to great lengths to possess. Alexandra is no match for this world—one where men and women crave the taste of flesh and the weak are a liability, but she made her father a promise. One she intends to keep no matter how many lives are lost on the way.

The Fall of Man

Jeff DeGordick - 2016
    Hordes of mindless, flesh-hungry zombies ravaged the world and left a bloody trail of death and ashes in their wake. Sarah survived that nightmare eight years ago with her son who was born on that fateful day. Now as they struggle to eke out a living in the apocalyptic ruins of Virginia, they hear word of a safe haven in the next state over. A place where she'll no longer have to wonder if her son will live to see tomorrow. There's just one problem. Standing between them and paradise is over a hundred miles of more than just the undead. Cannibals, lunatics, and murderous bandits prowl the landscape, searching for their next victims. But facing an impossible journey, Sarah may just have the ace that they need to make it: an unexplainable and frightening power her son possesses that will either turn the tide and deliver them to salvation or bring about their destruction and leave them to join the ranks of the dead...

Plague Land

Alex Scarrow - 2016
    Within a week the virus hits London. The siblings witness people turning to liquid before their eyes, and they run for their lives. A month after touching Earth's atmosphere, the virus has assimilated the world's biomass.