The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man

Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1951
    In this brief yet profound meditation on the meaning of the Seventh Day, Heschel introduced the idea of an "architecture of holiness" that appears not in space but in time. Judaism, he argues, is a religion of time: it finds meaning not in space and the material things that fill it but in time and the eternity that imbues it, so that "the Sabbaths are our great cathedrals."

Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits

Wayne W. Dyer - 2009
    Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. Even though you may know what to think, actually changing those thinking habits that have been with you since childhood might be somewhat challenging."If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I’m too old or too young . . . I’m far too busy and tired . . . I can’t afford the things I truly want . . . It would be very difficult for me to do things differently . . . and I’ve always been this way . . ." may all seem to be true, but they’re in fact just excuses. So the business of modifying habituated thinking patterns really comes down to tossing out the same tired old excuses and examining your beliefs in a new and truthful light.In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious crutches employed by virtually everyone, along with ways to cast them aside once and for all. You’ll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of a new paradigm. The old, habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the absurdity of hanging on to them.You’ll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they’ve always been part of your life—and the joy of releasing them will resonate throughout your very being. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you’ll awaken to the life of your dreams.

The Beauty of What Remains: How Our Greatest Fear Becomes Our Greatest Gift

Steve Leder - 2021
    Yet even after having sat beside thousands of deathbeds, Steve Leder the rabbi was not fully prepared for the loss of his own father. It was only then that Steve Leder the son truly learned how loss makes life beautiful by giving it meaning and touching us with love that we had not felt before.Enriched by Rabbi Leder's irreverence, vulnerability, and wicked sense of humor, this heartfelt narrative is filled with laughter and tears, the wisdom of millennia and modernity, and, most of all, an unfolding of the profound and simple truth that in loss we gain more than we ever imagined.

Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN

Tara Brach - 2019
    Each step in the meditation practice (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) is brought to life by memorable stories shared by Tara and her students as they deal with feelings of overwhelm, loss, and self-aversion, with painful relationships, and past trauma--and as they discover step-by-step the sources of love, forgiveness, compassion, and deep wisdom alive within all of us.

Letters from the Dhamma Brothers: Meditation Behind Bars

Jenny Phillips - 2008
    The 38 participants in the first-ever intensive, silent 10-day program inside the walls of a corrections facility—many serving life sentences without parole—detail the range of their experiences, the depth of their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings gained by direct experience, and their setbacks and successes. During the Vipassana meditation program, they face the past and their miseries and emerge with a sense of peace and purpose. This compelling story shows the capacity for commitment, self-examination, renewal, and hope within a dismal penal system and a wider culture that demonizes prisoners.

Daily Office

Peter Scazzero - 2013
    The basic premise is simple: We need to stop intentionally to be with God more than once a day so that "the practice of the presence of God" becomes a real possibility. Each day offers two Daily Offices—Morning/Midday and Midday/Evening.

Nutricide: The Nutritional Destruction of the Black Race

Llaila O. Afrika - 1995
    A Pioneer work in the field of health, Nutricide gives bold insights into holistic health and clearly is a brilliant fire for African nutritional liberation.

Jewtopia: The Chosen Book for the Chosen People

Bryan Fogel - 2006
    It contains the Jewish nursery blueprint, complete with panic room, fireproof wallpaper and guardian ninja, the top-ten list of Jewish 'dont's', the complete timeline of Jewish expulsion, and much more.

Alter Your Life

Emmet Fox - 1950
    Emmet Fox prescribes a powerful remedy based on the life and message of Jesus. In Alter Your Life, Fox explains that these "dreary" problems are actually bad habits of mind -- habits from which we can free ourselves."There is no necessity for anything but success, good health,prosperity, and an abounding interest and joy in life," Fox writesThrough a series of brief meditations, Fox shows us how to exchange our bad habits of mind for the healthy ones demonstrated by Jesus. Based upon biblical texts, Alter Your Life offers a progressive, life-changing course designed for all readers, whether or not they have read a religious book before.

Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality

Judith PlaskowRosemary Radford Ruether - 1989
    The writings presented here deal with a reconceptualization of the central religious categories of theology through a wide range of voices and traditions. Contributors are white, black, Chicana, Asian American, and Native American, and represent Jewish, Christian, Goddess, Native American, Yoruba, Voudou, and other perspectives. “Feminist too often have avoided and denied [our] differences,” write the editors, “but difference is the source of our creativity, the ‘raw and powerful’ connection from which our personal power is forged.”

Angels of Abundance: Heaven's 11 Messages to Help You Manifest Support, Supply and Every Form of Abundance

Doreen Virtue - 2014

Absence from Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of A Course In Miracles

Kenneth Wapnick - 1991
    The book gives a detailed account of Helen's personal experiences of Jesus, her relationship with William Thetford, and her scribing of the Course. The last part contains reminiscences of Helen by Kenneth Wapnick, which draw upon their intimate relationship that spanned the last eight years of her life.

True Red

Tuhoe 'Bruno' Isaac - 2007
    "Because all levels of society hated us we created a new society of hatred symbolised by the bulldog. Its ferocious habits were engraved on our hearts," Tuhoe says, "If you weren't a mobster you weren't worth knowing." He lived this way for 17 years.However, constantly living for the bash, beer, prison and the possibility of dying in a pool of blood eventually saw Tuhoe search for another way of doing life. Leaving the Mob was hard. Not only did he face the rejection of his own and the fierce judgemental prejudices of mainstream society, but with the awakening of his conscience came the realisation of a past filled with inflicting pain on others besides himself, and of a life devoid of any sense of love or hope. This led him down a path of confession, forgiveness and reconciliation.True Red is the essential biography of one man's fascinating journey from the realm of darkness into the world of light.

The Light Shall Set You Free

Norma J. Milanovich - 1996
    Contained within these pages are some of the greatest spiritual teachings from the ancient mystery schools, plus instruction on how to apply these teachings to our everyday lives. Some of the information revealed here has not been made available before now. All of the information, if applied to our everyday lives, has the power to revolutionize the world.In the past, only adept, saints, apostles, mystics, and high priests and priestesses were allowed access to this instruction. With this knowledge, these individuals ruled and empowered themselves and civilizations, using the power that came with this knowledge to create and heal. Common folk leaned heavily on these spiritual elite for solutions to their problems, for the masses had acquired neither the discipline nor the strength of will it took to master the teachings on their own. Learning and applying these truths require lifetimes of discipline and dedication. More importantly, mastering the knowledge demanded that one be accountable for his or her own actions – a responsibility the masses were not ready to accept.The Ascended masters, however, decree that the time has come for everyone to learn these teachings and share in the responsibility for transforming life and the world. Admittance into the Fifth Dimension demands this of all. Therefore, all who read this book must be forewarned that access to this knowledge automatically holds the soul accountable for its part of creation and each will be judged accordingly! The portal now stands open for all to pass through to collectively build the Seventh Golden Age on Earth.

The Forty-Day Word Fast: A Spiritual Journey to Eliminate Toxic Words From Your Life

Tim Cameron - 2015
    Fasting may even be a frequent part of your prayer life. But have you ever fasted from words? The truth is that even if you consider yourself to be a positive person, you still use damaging words that plague your life and rob you of the spiritual growth you desire.Change your words. Change your life.The Forty-Day Word Fast focuses on several biblically sound mechanisms to help you change your words and your life. Not only will your vocabulary change, your heart also will be transformed in just forty days. “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34 nkjv). With this guaranteed effective form of fasting you will be challenged to eradicate from your speech all words of... Judgment Criticism or sarcasm Negativity Complaining Gossip