Llewellyn's 2018 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living
Llewellyn PublicationsJames Kambos - 2017
Inspiring all levels of magical practitioners for more than twenty-five years, this almanac features nearly three dozen compelling articles, exploring a variety of topics, such as creating a well-stocked magical cupboard, dealing with invasive spirits, evolving a ritual circle, and using keys and handkerchiefs as magical objects. Also included is a helpful calendar section—shaded for easy “flip to” reference—featuring world festivals, holidays, and the 2018 sabbats. Filled with practical spells, rituals, astrological information, and incense and color correspondences, this almanac will empower your magical work all year long.
Explore the history and lore of garden creatures
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?Use dowsing in your daily practice to divine helpful information and find items •
? Fuel your inner fire by working with the Goddess of the Eternal Flame
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?Connect with nature and transform spiritually through a ritual for inner healing
Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura
Melita Denning - 1980
However, your psyche is constantly under attack from friends and strangers, advertisers and politicians who want to manipulate you. Luckily, there is a solution--Denning and Phillips' Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense. The best way to overcome attacks on your psyche is through awareness that they are occurring. This requires you to become more awake and alert to this bombardment. Part of the technique is to understand how this attempted manipulation works. By studying this book you will gain that knowledge. The result is that the psychological intimidation that has been used on you in the past will no longer control you.There are two types of psychic attack. The first kind is attack by a person who has not had any occult training. He or she may feel slighted or betrayed by you (based on actual or imagined situations) and hold on to negative emotions. Eventually, unknown to that person, the negative energy can leap out, directed at you.This book reveals that your aura is your best line of defense. By using the exercises in this book to strengthen your aura, any such unintentional psychic attack will easily be dispelled and discharged.Even more rare is the classic psychic attack where a person does some sort of spell or ritual to harm you. Full instructions are given for overcoming such negative magick, both on a practical, physical level (sever any physical connection between you and the attacker) and on a ritual, spiritual level (perform blessings and rites to overcome psychic attack).But what happens if an attack does get through? First, you have to know how to recognize it. Usually, a successful attack strikes at your weak link. That could be your physical health (causing illness) or your mental attitude (causing depression). This book will show you how to recognize the problem and how to deal with it effectively.
Water Witchcraft: Magic and Lore from the Celtic Tradition
Annwyn Avalon - 2019
The water magic and lore in this book focuses on the Celtic tradition, but draws on other water magic traditions as well, and features rainwater, as well as lakes, rivers, oceans, canals, swamps, and other watery locations, together with the folk and magical customs that have been and are still practiced at these places. The book teaches the reader how to set up a water altar at home, how to connect with water spirits, and how to gather or create water witch tools. Readers are encouraged to visit local water sites but will also find an abundance of material to perform at home. Included are practical examples, visualizations, and exercises so any reader can start to take up spell work and establish their spiritual connection to water.
The Book of Tarot: A Guide for Modern Mystics
Danielle Noel - 2018
With both clarity and warmth, seasoned practitioner Danielle Noel instructs readers in using the Tarot as a tool for self-understanding, meditation, and soulful introspection.
Sigils of Power and Transformation: 111 Magick Sigils to Change and Control Your Life
Adam Blackthorne - 2017
When you work with the sigils in this book, you throw out all the confusing magickal garbage and get straight to the power of change. Sigils provide you with a visual code that unlocks the essence of magick. This book does not contain anything to do with witchcraft, spellcasting, kabbalistic ritual, evocation or any other method of magick that you might be familiar with. A sigil is nothing more than a drawing, but in this case, the drawing is so much more than you can imagine. These drawings bypass the conscious mind, connecting you to a stream of pure magick. This is not dark magick, but magick of light. You can do no harm with this magick, to yourself or to others. The magick works because you have access to one hundred and eleven secret sigils, handed down from ancient times. Every one of them can work wonders in the modern world. You will discover: The Magick of the Mind Inspiring Others Extended Perception Fortune Love and Friendship Breakthrough Magick Spiritual Magick Personal Strength Peace Magick Protection Magick Personal Healing Health Magick Wisdom and Education Business and Finance Employment Magick The magick presented here is not bound to any religion, and it requires no magick words. You don't have to learn any difficult pronunciations or say a single word out loud. The magick requires no visualization and no equipment. You won't light a candle or wave a wand. All you need is this book, your own strong desire and the will to carry out the instructions.
HausMagick: Transform Your Home with Witchcraft
Erica Feldmann - 2019
Harness the power of magic to create a beautiful, healing living space with this unique illustrated guide from the founder of HausWitch, the popular Salem, Massachusetts, store and online lifestyle brand.Anyone looking to put together their ideal home—full of beauty, comfort, protection, and positive energy—will gravitate to HausMagick, a simple and striking modern handbook for using witchcraft to bring divine wellbeing into every dwelling.Author and HausWitch founder Erica Feldman teaches you how to transform any space into a sacred sanctuary using the principles of the HausWitch brand, which brings together earth magic, meditation, herbalism, Jungian psychology, tarot, astrology, feminist spirituality, and interior decoration.Organized by six fundamental elements—Manifestation, Clearing, Protection, Comfort, Harmony, and Balance—HausMagick includes herbal recipes for clearing sprays and bath salts, folklore-inspired decorating tips, an overview of tarot, advice on crystals, ancient home healing spells and meditations, and more.Featuring a sophisticated and inviting layout, filled with more than 100 inspiring colorful photographs, HausMagick is the cool modern guide to a transformed living space.
The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)
Baal Kadmon - 2016
She has been called the epitome of all that is evil in the world. She was considered wild, uninhibited, argumentative and sexually deviant. She has been called the temptress, the prostitute from hell and most popularly as the succubus that comes and not only steals the semen of men as they sleep but also killing them in the process. Some of these qualities might very well be true and some not so much. One thing we know for sure is that she is a very powerful and ancient goddess. In this book, we will discuss what we know of her from the Western traditions. I will present the information chronologically; I will start with the earliest known accounts of Lilith to the most recent. I must warn you however, much of the evidence we have about Lilith is very biased but despite this, I think we can learn much about her and put her “reputation” into the proper perspective. Although some may consider her evil, I consider her the quintessential goddess of the left-hand path. In this book, we will discuss the story of Lilith and more importantly; we will learn how to tap into her fierce energy so we too can walk the left hand path with her. She is not for the faint of heart…You have been warned. In this book we will preform 7 rituals: 1. To Place a curse on your enemy. 2. Bind someone to do your will. (It could be for any purpose) 3. To gain Seductive powers 4. To Gain Protection from Lilith (Read carefully) 5. To gain courage and Inner Strength 6. To Gain Occult Power and Wisdom. 7. Sexually Dedicate yourself to Lilith
Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power
Pam Grossman - 2019
When you think of a witch, what do you picture? Pointy black hat, maybe a broomstick. But witches in various guises have been with us for millennia. In Waking the Witch, Pam Grossman explores the cultural and historical impact of the world’s most magical icon. From the idea of the femme fatale in league with the devil in early modern Europe and Salem, to the bewitching pop culture archetypes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Harry Potter; from the spooky ladies in fairy tales and horror films to the rise of feminist covens and contemporary witchcraft, witches reflect the power and potential of women. In this fascinating read that is part cultural analysis, part memoir, Pam opens up about her own journey on the path to witchcraft, and how her personal embrace of the witch helped her find strength, self-empowerment, and a deeper purpose. A comprehensive meditation on one of the most mysterious and captivating figures of all time, Waking the Witch celebrates witches past, present, and future, and reveals the critical role they have played—and will continue to play—in shaping the world as we know it.
Crystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy
Doreen Virtue - 2005
The book is suitable for beginners, and it focuses on crystals that are easily obtainable. Readers learn which crystal to use for particular health or life issues, receive clear explanations of crystal-related terms (such as phantom and record-keeper"), how to choose a crystal that’s been humanely mined, and read fascinating channeled messages from each crystal. The authors discuss how the crystals work with the angels and archangels; and outline the steps for laying particular crystals in your home to build energy grids that help with abundance, romance, a good night’s sleep, protection, and more.
Witchcraft Therapy: Your Guide to Banishing Bullsh*t and Invoking Your Inner Power
Mandi Em - 2021
In Witchcraft Therapy, you will learn how to use the mystical powers of intention, mindful manifestation, divination, and righteous indignation to cope with whatever life throws your way. Author and witchy wellness guru Mandi Em offers advice in her own unique brand of positivity providing spells, rituals, and more that you can do right at home. Complete with wisdom like “Remember that ‘f*ck off’ is a banishing spell,” Witchcraft Therapy will have you feeling more empowered and liberated than ever.
Book of Shadows
Phyllis Curott - 1998
What they don't know is that when you discover the universe is full of magic, you fall in love with the world."When high-powered Manhattan lawyer Phyllis Curott began exploring Witchcraft, she discovered a spiritual movement that defied all stereotypes. Encountering neither satanic rites nor eccentric spinsters, she came to know a clandestine religion of the Goddess that had been forced into hiding over the course of history. Book of Shadows recounts Curott's remarkable initiation into Wicca (meaning "wise one") and shares her insights as a high priestess of an elegant, ancient spirituality that celebrates the magic of being alive.An Ivy-league graduate and promising lawyer, Curott was a typical young woman in her twenties, determined to forge a law career within the burgeoning, male-dominated music industry. But when she began having prophetic dreams and mysterious visions of ancient female figures and unfamiliar symbols, she discovered an unexpected world of magic and began searching for a rational explanation. When her friend Sophia--a practicing Witch--suggested having her cards read by a Wiccan High Priestess, Curott instinctively dismissed the idea, but then forced her natural skepticism aside on the chance that this age-old practice might help her understand the unusual occurrences in her life.Thus begins her journey into the magical world of Witchcraft, a religion originally practiced by priestesses, shamans, and healers that empowers our lives by working with the natural cycles of nature. Fascinated by this pre-Judeo-Christian religion that honors women as the embodiment of the Goddess and emphasizes respect and love for the natural world, Curott began attending a local coven's weekly circle to learn the sacred arts. Her Book of Shadows chronicles her ascent to the position of Wiccan High Priestess and her efforts to reconcile her newfound spirituality with her struggles as a woman rising through the ranks of the corporate world. Along the way, Curott relates the history of Witchcraft and shares many traditional Wiccan practices, such as casting a circle, drawing down the Goddess, harnessing the powers of the natural world, and casting spells for health, prosperity, and love.Engagingly written and rich with detailed rituals and techniques, this inspirational book traces a modern woman's spiritual journey into a realm of extraordinary experience and enlightenment. Book of Shadows provides us with the keys to discover an enchanted world of divine empowerment so as to unlock the power that lies within us all
In Focus Palmistry: Your Personal Guide
Roberta Vernon - 2018
From analyzing palms, fingers, fingerprints, mounts, and nails, find the hidden strengths and weaknesses within yourself and others. Can your hands unveil your future? Author Roberta Vernon explores this question in the introduction. Each chapter address a different aspect of palmistry, including: looking at hands; the fate line; the Apollo line or sun line; marks, colors, and warts; and skin ridge patterns.An 18 x 24-inch wall chart for quick reference contains key information for deciphering palms are included with the book to provide a quick interpretation reference. With practice, and with In Focus Palmistry in hand, readers will be able to decipher the following areas:Love and relationshipsSexualityMoneyBusinessCareerAptitudes and talentsSuccesses and failuresParents and in-lawsChildrenOther people of influenceHome and property mattersHealthTravelPetsThe In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects, using expert authors in their respective fields and featuring relevant visual material to smartly and purposely illustrate key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book is packaged with index cards and/or a poster, to give readers a quick, go-to reference guide containing the most important information on the subject, for easy practice and retention.
The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit
Ralph Waldo Trine - 1917
We realise that we are living below our possibilities. We long for the realisation of the life that we feel should be.Instinctively we perceive that there are within us powers and forces that we are making but inadequate use of, and others that we are scarcely using at all. Practical metaphysics, a more simplified and concrete psychology, well-known laws of mental and spiritual science, confirm us in this conclusion.Our own William James, he who so splendidly related psychology, philosophy, and even religion, to life in a supreme degree, honoured his calling and did a tremendous service for all mankind, when he so clearly developed the fact that we have within us powers and forces that we are making all too little use of - that we have within us great reservoirs of power that we have as yet scarcely tapped.The men and the women who are awake to these inner helps - these directing, moulding, and sustaining powers and forces that belong to the realm of mind and spirit - are never to be found among those who ask: Is life worth the living? For them life has been multiplied two, ten, a hundred fold.
The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You'll Ever Need
Marian Singer - 2012
Starting with a brief rundown of Witchcraft tools and symbols, this book helps you create spells for virtually every aspect of your life. This new edition includes essential information on:The Wheel of the Year: the eight major holidays (or sabbats) in the Witches' calendarKeeping a grimoire or Book of ShadowsMeditation, visualization, and manifestationMagickal correspondences and properties of stonesSpirit animals and totemsHow to join or create a coven Filled with more than 100 Wiccan spells that have simple instructions, this book contains everything you need to know in order to create spells that work.
What Type of Witch Are You?: A Handbook of Over Thirty Types of Witchcraft for New Witches (White Witch Academy Textbook 1)
Julie Wilder - 2020
You are—that is, you are if you want to be. You are inherently powerful. You were plopped down on this big, beautiful planet with a whole bunch of natural abilities, desires, and—I’m just going to say it—magical powers. Maybe you’ve known you were a witch for awhile, or maybe you are brand new to this whole witchcraft thing. Either way, this book is meant to introduce you to over thirty different types of witches and show you where you fit in! Each entry breaks down what each type of witch is, what kind of magic they typically practice, and what their greatest strengths are. Many witches find that they are a unique combination of these types, and this versatility will allow them to explore a variety of magical paths throughout their lives. You change—so will your witchcraft. That’s why this book includes exercises to pinpoint what kind of magic you gravitate toward by looking at things like where you live, what you do for fun, and even what TV shows you watch. There’s also a section with simple spells created to show you what kind of witch you are using magical tools like tarot cards, candle magic, and crystal magic. You are a living, growing, magical being, and these spells and exercises will give you the tools you need to keep you thriving as you explore your witchcraft.What Type of Witch Are You: A Handbook of Over Thirty Types of Witchcraft for New Witches is an approachable, inclusive, witchy guide designed to open your mind to the many forms of magic that exist, and to give you actionable tools to get you started on your magical journey of self discovery. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lunar witch, a tech witch, or a combination of every sort of witch in this book—you are totally welcome to get in on this witch life. Are you ready to discover your inner-witch? Order What Type of Witch Are You?, the first book in the White Witch Academy Textbook Series.