Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation: 31 Healing Bible Verses - To Keep You Healthy, Healed & Whole! (Daily Devotional)

Gloria Coleman - 2012
    This essential Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation tool will help you to experience God's healing in your body if you are sick and enable you to continually walk in divine health - starting with 31 Key portions of Scripture featured in full text in 4 popular translations (The King James Version, The Message, The Amplified Bible and The New American Standard Bible).It includes my personal testimony in the introduction, a note of encouragement,what is scripture meditation and the benefits of scripture meditation.From Day 1 to Day 31 you have your Daily Scripture Readings in 4 translations, Thought for Today and Prayer for today! There is one set of Biblical Meditation Tips that has been included on each day's page for ease of reference.This kindle book has been written to provide the motivation,framework and confidence you need to begin and continue the journey of healing and health using scripture.It works for every kind of disease and sickness including cancer!

Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God

Joanna Weaver - 2011
    As we consider our inadequacies or grieve our shattered dreams, we find it difficult to believe that God cares for us personally.  In this life-giving book, Joanna Weaver shows you how to embrace the truth that Jesus loves you apart from anything you accomplish, apart from anything you bring. Just as He called Lazarus forth to new life, Jesus wants to free you to live fully in the light of His love, unbound from the graveclothes of fear, regret, and self-condemnation.  Love is calling your name.  Combining unforgettable real-life illustrations with unexpected biblical insights, Joanna Weaver invites you to experience a spiritual resurrection that will forever change your understanding of what it means to be the one Jesus loves.  Includes 10-week Bible study (adaptable for 8 weeks) for both individual reflection and group discussion.


Jennie Allen - 2012
    But if we are all honest, it feels like trying to catch the wind.God has carved out a space in each of us that only He can fill. God is invisible, and yet He is the only thing we can chase that won’t leave us feeling more empty. Chase, a seven-session, video-based study by Jennie Allen, looks at David’s life as it weaves throughout the pages of Scripture to reveal that he was a man who spent his life chasing after God. Chase explores the events that defined David’s life and the Psalms that flowed out of those experiences. Through David’s example we’ll discover what God really wants from us. Whether you are running from God or working your tail off to please Him, David’s journey will challenge your view of God. This video download can be used for personal reflection or for group discussion with the accompanying participant's guide.

The Difficult Words of Jesus: A Beginner's Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings

Amy-Jill Levine - 2021
    But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers then and now have found difficult. He instructs disciples to hate members of their own families (Luke 14:26), to act as if they were slaves (Matthew 20:27), and to sell their belongings and give to the poor (Luke 18:22). He restricts his mission (Matthew 10:6); he speaks of damnation (Matthew 8:12); he calls Jews the devil's children (John 8:44).In The Difficult Words of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine shows how these difficult teachings would have sounded to the people who first heard them, how have they been understood over time, and how we might interpret them in the context of the Gospel of love and reconciliation.Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Dr. Levine and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

Mornings with Jesus 2020: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul

Guideposts - 2019
    He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)Spend the year following Jesus, reflecting on daily devotions that show us His unchanging love and faithfulness.In Mornings with Jesus 2020, you can read one all-new devotion each day that will encourage you to embrace Jesus's love, to lay down your worries and abide in Him, and to focus on Him as Redeemer, Friend, and Faithful One. Lifting up their voices in heartfelt gratitude, thirteen writers consider the character and teachings of Jesus and share how He enriches and empowers them daily and how He wants to do the same for you. Every day you will enjoy a Scripture verse, reflection on Jesus's words, and a faith step that inspires and challenges you in your daily walk of living a Christ-like life.In just five minutes a day, Mornings with Jesus 2020 will help readers experience a closer relationship with Jesus. It’s full of inspiring and lasting motivation and spiritual nourishment that fill readers with hope and direction.

Life After Heaven: How My Time in Heaven Can Transform Your Life on Earth

Steven R. Musick - 2017
    He returned from his near-death experience with new eyes to see the kingdom of heaven in this life. Now he wants to help you experience heaven on earth today. For years Steve Musick kept his amazing story to himself, afraid no one would believe or understand it. A major allergic reaction had stopped his heart, hurling him into a five-week coma and powerful experience of heaven. After returning to life, he couldn't forget the memory of that vibrant place--and, most of all, the loving words and touch of Jesus. But that was only the beginning. An amazing series of miracles, dreams, and other supernatural events had been set in motion, showing Steve that heaven was close, even in this life. God was calling him to discover echoes of heaven in the here and now--echoes that can happen at any moment, to anyone--that bring overwhelming joy. At last Steve is ready to tell the story of his journey of a lifetime--two lifetimes. In it you'll learn the secret of bringing heaven to earth in your everyday world, and how to nurture a relationship with God so real and intimate that you'll feel his nearness as strongly as Steven did. Experience one man's incredible vision of heaven--and learn how to live in God's presence and power in your own life now.

Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits

Wayne W. Dyer - 2009
    Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. Even though you may know what to think, actually changing those thinking habits that have been with you since childhood might be somewhat challenging."If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I’m too old or too young . . . I’m far too busy and tired . . . I can’t afford the things I truly want . . . It would be very difficult for me to do things differently . . . and I’ve always been this way . . ." may all seem to be true, but they’re in fact just excuses. So the business of modifying habituated thinking patterns really comes down to tossing out the same tired old excuses and examining your beliefs in a new and truthful light.In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious crutches employed by virtually everyone, along with ways to cast them aside once and for all. You’ll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of a new paradigm. The old, habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the absurdity of hanging on to them.You’ll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they’ve always been part of your life—and the joy of releasing them will resonate throughout your very being. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you’ll awaken to the life of your dreams.

Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

John Ortberg - 2014
    It’s the hinge on which the rest of your life hangs. It’s the difference between deep, satisfied spirituality and a restless, dispassionate faith.In an age of materialism and consumerism that tries to buy its way to happiness, many souls are starved and unhealthy, unsatisfied by false promises of status and wealth. We’ve neglected this eternal part of ourselves, focusing instead on the temporal concerns of the world—and not without consequence.Bestselling author John Ortberg presents another classic that will help you discover your soul—the most important connection to God there is—and find your way out of the spiritual shallow-lands to true divine depth. With characteristic insight and an accessible story-filled approach, Ortberg brings practicality and relevance to one of Christianity’s most mysterious and neglected topics.

Buddhism for Beginners

Thubten Chodron - 2001
    It will be of much benefit to its readers." —The Dalai LamaThis user’s guide to Buddhist basics takes the most commonly asked questions—beginning with “What is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings?”—and provides simple answers in plain English. Thubten Chodron’s responses to the questions that always seem to arise among people approaching Buddhism make this an exceptionally complete and accessible introduction—as well as a manual for living a more peaceful, mindful, and satisfying Life. Buddhism for Beginners is an ideal first book on the subject for anyone, but it’s also a wonderful resource for seasoned students, since the question-and-answer format makes it easy to find just the topic you’re looking for, such as:    • What is the goal of the Buddhist path?    • What is karma?    • If all phenomena are empty, does that mean nothing exists?    • How can we deal with fear?    • How do I establish a regular meditation practice?    • What are the qualities I should look for in a teacher?    • What is Buddha-nature?    • Why can't we remember our past lives?

Bonhoeffer Study Guide: The Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Eric Metaxas - 2014
    Pulling themes from all of his major books, Metaxas helps us understand why these spiritual truths meant so much to Bonhoeffer and how they can be an inspiration and challenge to our faith.This study guide will lead you and your group deeper with session-by-session discussion topics, personal reflection, and between-session studies to enhance the group experience.Sessions include:What is the Church?Living in Christian CommunityReligionless ChristianityCome and DieDesigned for use with the Bonhoeffer Video Guide (sold separately).

Settle My Soul: 100 Quiet Moments to Meet with Jesus (Pressing Pause)

Karen Ehman - 2019
    You're not alone. If days filled with obligations and never-ending to-do lists leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed, you can find the peace your soul longs for. In Settle My Soul, authors Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk invite you to carve out a few moments in your day to deepen your relationship with the Lord through 100 encouraging devotions. Whether you're a working professional, a wife, a mom, a sister, an aunt, a daughter-in-law, or any combination of these, your life is busy. And no matter what stage of life you may find yourself in, what your hurried and overcrowded heart needs most is rest. Beyond time-management skills or tips for worrying less, you need a few minutes to connect with God's heart.Karen and Ruth are women who understand all that you're juggling, and they desire for you to experience the refreshment that comes only from the Lord. In just a few minutes out of your day, you can connect with God, set aside your busyness and worries, center your thoughts on Him and His Word, and restore your peace of mind. Each of the 100 devotions in Settle My Soul includes a brief but meaningful devotional message, applicable scripture, guided prayer, and reflection questions. Throughout the book you'll also find journaling pages for deeper reflection. Your life is loud. But if you will just press pause for a few minutes each day, you can discover what Jesus longs to give you: His peace.

From Poop To Gold: The Marketing Magic of Harmon Brothers

Chris Jones - 2018
    You've laughed along with millions of others. And you've learned new euphemisms for poop, which can come in handy if you're ever apparated back to junior high. But who creates all these ads? Glad you asked. It's Harmon Brothers. Author Chris Jones pulls back the curtain and reveals the behind-the-scenesmagic including their innovative business model, one of the biggest secrets behind their success. With awards from AdAge, Unruly, ADWEEK, and a WEBBY for Best Writing, Harmon Brothers, and their revolutionary model, transform poop into gold, and can do the same for you and your company.


Eric Wilson - 2008
    Yet at home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules.Growing up, his wife Catherine always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter . . . just like her father.Now, after seven years of marriage, she wonders when she stopped being "good enough."Countless arguments and anger have them wanting to move on to something with more sparks.As they prepare for divorce, Caleb's father challenges him to commit to a 40-day experiment: "The Love Dare." Wondering if it's even worth the effort, Caleb reluctantly agrees, not realizing how it will change his world forever.Surprised by what he discovers about the meaning of love, Caleb begins to see his wife and marriage as worth fighting for.But is it too late? His job is to rescue others.Now Captain Holt must face his toughest job ever. . . rescuing his wife's heart."

Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion

Alain de Botton - 2011
    Religion for Atheists suggests that rather than mocking religions, agnostics and atheists should instead steal from them – because they're packed with good ideas on how we might live and arrange our societies. Blending deep respect with total impiety, Alain (a non-believer himself) proposes that we should look to religions for insights into, among other concerns, how to:- build a sense of community- make our relationships last- overcome feelings of envy and inadequacy- escape the twenty-four hour media- go travelling- get more out of art, architecture and music- and create new businesses designed to address our emotional needs.For too long non-believers have faced a stark choice between either swallowing lots of peculiar doctrines or doing away with a range of consoling and beautiful rituals and ideas. At last, in Religion for Atheists, Alain has fashioned a far more interesting and truly helpful alternative.

The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible

Scot McKnight - 2008
    We cage them or clip their wings to keep them where we want them. Scot McKnight contends that many, conservatives and liberals alike, attempt the same thing with the Bible. We all try to tame it. McKnight’s The Blue Parakeet has emerged at the perfect time to cool the flames of a world on fire with contention and controversy. It calls Christians to a way to read the Bible that leads beyond old debates and denominational battles. It calls Christians to stop taming the Bible and to let it speak anew for a new generation.In his books The Jesus Creed and Embracing Grace, Scot McKnight established himself as one of America’s finest Christian thinkers, an author to be reckoned with. In The Blue Parakeet, McKnight again touches the hearts and minds of today’s Christians, this time challenging them to rethink how to read the Bible, not just to puzzle it together into some systematic theology but to see it as a Story that we’re summoned to enter and to carry forward in our day. In his own inimitable style, McKnight sets traditional and liberal Christianity on its ear, leaving readers equipped, encouraged, and emboldened to be the people of faith they long to be.