Book picks similar to
Failing Faith: When What You Thought You Knew about God Doesn't Work in the Real World by Wade Bearden
Joseph Smith as Scientist
John A. Widtsoe - 1908
The struggle for reconciliation between the contending forces is not an easy one. It cuts deep into the soul and usually leaves scars that ache while life endures. There are thousands of young people in the Church to-day, and hundreds of thousands throughout the world, who are struggling to set themselves right with the God above and the world about them. It is for these young people, primarily, that the following chapters have been written...
Unraptured: How End Times Theology Gets It Wrong
Zack Hunt - 2019
Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always listening to Christian radio. But when the rapture didn't happen, Hunt s tightly wound faith began to fray. If he had been wrong about the rapture, what else about his faith might not hold water? Part memoir, part tour of the apocalypse, and part call to action, Unraptured traces how the church s focus on escaping to heaven has it mired in decay. Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy in a world rocked by refugee crises, climate change, war and rumors of war, the church cannot afford to focus on the end times instead of following Jesus in the here and now. Unraptured uses these signs of the times to help readers reorient their understanding of the gospel around loving and caring for the least of these.
Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick - 2020
Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women offers insights for both women and men as they more fully grasp that truth through the study of Scripture. Bestselling author Elyse Fitzpatrick and pastor Eric Schumacher explore how women fit into the storyline of the Bible, offering a transformative view of women, their Maker, and their essential role in the plan of redemption. Readers will be informed and encouraged as Worthy uncovers how God values, empowers, and works through women.Study questions and a "Digging Deeper" section will help men and women alike discover how to cherish, value, and honor one another for God's glory.
He's Been Faithful: Trusting God to Do What Only He Can Do
Carol Cymbala - 2001
She recounts the stories of people who have been dramatically changed by the power of prayer and worship, her own story of her life and ministry, and her approach to leading music so that every believer can experience God in authentic worship.
To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson
Heidi S. Swinton - 2010
Monson. Beginning with President Monson's family heritage and his early years in Salt Lake City, it included his vocational preparation and his career in the world of journalism. More important, this inspiring book recounts his lifetime of Church service. Called as a bishop at the age of twenty-two, as a mission president at thirty-one, and as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve at age thirty-six, he has traveled the globe to minister to the Saints for more than fifty years. This book shares many of his personal experience, from his visits behind the Iron Curtain to his contributions on the Scriptures Publication Committee and in the missionary and welfare areas; it also provides up-to-the-minute information about his work as Church President.Filled with wonderful photographs and little-known accounts, this biography is a portrait of a leader who ministers both to the one and to the many, and who is completely dedicated to doing whatever the Lord prompts him to do.
Connect: How to Double Your Number of Volunteers
Nelson Searcy - 2012
Now consultant, pastor, and author Nelson Searcy unveils his secret to doubling your volunteer base in as little as one day. Yes, you read that right.This step-by-step guide shows church leaders how to create a culture that attracts, keeps, and grows volunteers. Taking a comprehensive approach to the often frustrating issue of finding and retaining volunteers, Connect gives leaders the practical insight and tools they need to effectively involve people in serving the local church. It details how to help people see the importance of serving, how to continually raise up new volunteers, how to really delegate, and even how to "fire" a volunteer. Every church leader who has struggled with getting and keeping people active in the church (and that's all of them) will love the practical, workable strategies found here.
A Weed in the Church
Scott T. Brown - 2010
This is a well-recognized crisis, but the cause of this crisis will surprise many. In his new book, A Weed in the Church, Scott Brown identifies the problem — age-segregated youth ministry — and says it is a weed growing in the church that needs to be rooted out. Brown argues that Scripture defines and wholeheartedly encourages ministry to youth, but that the premises of modern youth ministry are at odds with biblical teaching and must be reformed. Discover the problem of youth ministry in its historical context, and find hopeful solutions built on Scriptures’ sure foundation.
Jesus Was An Episcopalian (And You Can Be One Too!): A Newcomer's Guide to the Episcopal Church
Chris Yaw - 2008
“It's an amazing time to be an Episcopalian. Our church has a renewed sense of vision and leadership that’s all about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. We’re all about standing up for equal rights and the environment. We’re all about welcoming everybody to the table, preaching repentance and accepting forgiveness. We hold together modern thought and an ancient faith firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. We offer vital communities that help families, singles - countless people make sense of their lives and their places in the world. Jesus Was an Episcopalian (And You Can Be One Too!) is all about letting the world know who we are and who the Lord is calling us to be. Let’s face it, few people today know what an Episcopalian is (be honest – how many people have asked you how to spell it?), yet many of us who have found Christ through this wonderful tradition believe we have an incredible gift to share. That’s what this book is about. It’s an uplifting, breezy, down-to-earth apologia for a new generation. It’s for the church. It’s for the world. It’s one way for the church to love the world.” (Chris Yaw)
Profound Good: See God Through the Lens of His Love
Blake K. Healy - 2019
He sees them with his naked eyes, as vividly and clearly as anything else. Everyplace he goes, every person he meets, every day that goes by, he sees in the spirit.After thirty years of seeing in the spirit, one thing has consistently been the most painful for him to see. It is not when he sees someone trapped in demonic oppression. It is not when he sees the gaping wounds of emotional trauma. It is when he sees the goodness of God go unclaimed by His people.In this book Healy takes readers on a journey of rediscovering the goodness of God. It fills the churches we visit every week. It moves across the sea from nation to nation. All we have to do is learn how to see it and receive it, and then we will watch every corner of the world be completely transformed by the power of His profound good. Other books by Blake Healy include:
The Veil
Pursuing Christ. Creating Art.: Exploring Life at the Intersection of Faith and Creativity
Gary A. Molander - 2011
CREATING ART. is written for people who are living in the intersection of the Christian faith, and the creation of art. By their nature, artists look at a life of faith differently, and that unique journey warrants an exploration of what it means to be a Christ-follower and an artist. The book intentionally veers away from tips and techniques and formulas, while concentrating on the journey, the mystery, and the heart.
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers
David W. Bercot - 1997
The quotes include comments on 700 theological, moral, and historical topics from prominent figures such as Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Clement of Rome, and Hippolytus. Some entr
Madame Guyon: A Short and Easy Method of Prayer
Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon - 2007
This classic book teaches the importance of respectful silence in prayer, seeking God in fidelity in love, patience in prayer, collecting yourself inwardly, and total abandonment of self to God. Shortly after Madame Guyon wrote this book, she was imprisoned for 7 years because her prayer styles unsettled the established church of the time. In her own words, Madame Guyon's goal was to "to induce the world to love God and to serve Him with comfort and success, in a simple and easy manner." Little did she know that after her death in 1717 her little treatise would be published and read all over the world. Today Madame Guyon's book reminds us that God wants us to take time with him and let His word penetrate into our heart, by praying and then silently listening and waiting on God to speak to our hearts.
The Last Archide: Complete Series
Chad R. Odom - 2019
Government titans use sports heroes known as Centauri for political influence. Meanwhile, warriors from another time known as Archides are backed into a corner. The man who brought down their galaxy-spanning empire, is taking advantage of the turmoil and threatens to conquer this world as he did their ancient home. Oryan Jeckstadt is born a slave. His father, a disgraced general raises him alone in the prison he doomed his son to. With the promise of securing his father’s freedom, he is ripped from the Quarter and forced into the Centauri Games. Eleysa Celeste has been orphaned. Loving grandparents do their best but her anger is only flamed by cruelty of the children around her. A local Centauri training facility owner takes her under his wing. She and Oryan are on a crash course that could decide the fate of billions. Desperate for victory, the Archides try to recruit Oryan to their cause yet his only desire is to protect the woman he loves and their young son.
Sober Positive: Happily quit drinking and discover the unlimited possibilities waiting for you beyond alcohol
Julia Carson - 2019
Sober Positive is both the story of her journey over the last two years and a detailed road map for anyone else looking for their own way out of the alcohol maze.You may not believe this now, but it is entirely possible to stop drinking and be completely happy. To achieve true freedom from alcohol. To be sober positive. In this book you will learn how to change your mindset about alcohol, how to assemble your own personal sobriety toolbox and how to cope with sober firsts like social events, holidays and Christmas. You will gain insight into why you might be struggling with alcohol and how you can address other compulsive behaviours which may arise in early sobriety. You will develop detailed strategies for self-care and be guided though the deeper work needed to support your physical and mental wellbeing and truly thrive as a non-drinker. You will be helped to navigate changing relationships with partners, children and friends and learn some surprising truths about our best friend booze.So, if you're drinking too much and it's making you miserable, why not take a chance on being sober and happy?You might just find your best life along the way. Julia did and this book contains everything she has learned in the past two years that helped her get there.