Prayers for Forgiveness

الحسن البصري - 2004
    Forgiveness means a way out, a second chance, a feeling of hope with which to turn a new page in life. It is through the seeking of forgiveness that we begin to understand that there is no reason whatsoever to despair of the mercy of God. Islam encourages us to not run away in fear of Allah but rather to turn toward God the same way a baby would run into its mother's lap. So lovingly does God, Most High, address His sinful servants: "Say (to humanity, O Muhammad): O My servants—those (of you) who have committed (sins in great) excess against their own souls—never despair of the mercy of Allah! For, indeed, Allah forgives sins, one and all. Indeed, it is He who is the All-Forgiving, the Mercy-Giving. So turn in penitence to your Lord. And submit yourselves to Him." (The Qur'an 39:53-54) This collection of seventy prayers for forgiveness [istighfarat] is attributed to one of the greatest spiritual luminaries of the past, Hasan al-Basri, and it has been presented here to offer a way for us to navigate through the complications and pitfalls of this life. Set out in Arabic script, with adjoining translation in English, this edition also includes transliteration of the prayers to facilitate reading for those who are not so well-versed in Arabic.

The Life of Mohammed: The Sira

Bill Warner - 2010
    He was an orphan who rose from poverty to become the first ruler of all of Arabia. He created a new religion, new methods of war and a new political system including a legal code, the Sharia. Mohammed was the world's greatest warrior. Today no one wages war in the name of Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon or any other military leader. However, every year many people die because of Mohammed. After 1400 years, Islam is more powerful than it has ever been. Mohammed said that one day all of the world would live under his rule of law.To understand Islam, you must know the life of Mohammed. Every Muslim's desire is to live a life identical to his. His every word and deed are the perfect model for being a Muslim. Every Muslim is a Mohammedan. The religion of Islam is not about worshiping Allah; it about worshiping Allah exactly as Mohammed did. This book is unique. It is concise, but it is completely authoritative. The reference system allows you to verify all information.

The Life of Muhammad

Muḥammad Ibn Isḥāq
    No book can compare in comprehensiveness, arrangement, or systematic treatment with Ibn Ishaq's work.

What You Seek Is Seeking You

Brian Tracy - 2015
    On a crisp winter morning, Richard, a successful, self-made CEO runs into Zoya, a quirky, free-spirited artist. The meeting leaves them struggling to find a balance between what they believe about life, and what is actually out there.What You Seek is Seeking You is a heart-warming tale about what happens when you are forced to question everything you ever knew to be true. Refreshingly honest, it helps you rethink some of your most fundamental beliefs – the ones that hold the very canvas of your life in place, but which in fact may be limiting you.Setting the scene with a lively fable, Azim & Brian share insightful and tangible ways to:• Invite Positive Coincidences and Attract What You Seek• Set Goals, Remain Focused and yet Stay Detached from the Outcome• Enhance Your Business AcumenBrian Tracy is one of the finest self-help speakers of all times, a bestselling author of 70 books and a human potential expert. He has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and has spoken to 5,000,000 people in 65 countries. Brian is the Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International and his goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined.Azim Jamal is one of the finest inspirational life altering speakers who has spoken to more than 1,000,000 people worldwide in 26 countries and his various media messages have been heard by more than 5,000,000 people. He is the CEO and founder of Corporate Sufi Worldwide whose mission is to inspire individuals and corporations to unleash their power within and find harmony between Business, Balance and Beyond.

The Divine Office: A Study of the Roman Breviary

Edward J. Quigley - 1970
    For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare s finesse to Oscar Wilde s wit, this unique collection brings together works as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim s Progress and Othello. As an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any library.

What is Islam (Goodword)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan - 2013
    And it is in submission to God and living a God­oriented life that man finds complete fulfilment and purpose of life. When he discovers God and worships Him, when he remembers Him, when his mind is turned towards Him with full concentration, when he makes a request or a plea, he establishes a contact with his Creator. In the words of the Hadith, at that particular moment he comes to whisper with his Lord. He has the tangible feeling that he is pouring his heart out to God and that God in turn is answering his call. He starts receiving inspiration from God. This is the beginning of living a God­Oriented Life and the development of a positive personality.

Apocrypha [illustrated] [translated]

Matthew A. Misbach - 2009
    We did our best to take advantage of all the features of the kindle to maximize your reading experience with this book.This book contains the following apocryphal books:The First Book of EsdrasThe Second Book of EsdrasThe Book of TobitThe Book of JudithThe rest of the chapters of the Book of EstherThe Book of the Wisdom of SolomonThe Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach, or EcclesiasticusThe Book of BaruchEpistle of JeremyThe Song of the Three ChildrenThe History of SusannaBel and the DragonThe Prayer of ManassesThe First Book of the MaccabeesThe Second Book of the MaccabeesThe word Apocrypha comes from a Greek word meaning "those having been hidden away".Apocrypha generally means those sacred books of the Jewish people which were not included in the Hebrew canonized Bible.These books are valuable as forming a link connecting the Old and New Testaments, and are regarded as useful reading, although not all the books are of equal value.The apocryphal books in this Kindle book are considered of "special value" and are mostly correct, but with many interpolations by man.The Roman Church regards as part of the canon the books of Tobit, Judith, Wisd., Ecclus., Baruch, 1 and 2 Macc., and the additions to Daniel and Esther. Besides these books, there are other Jewish apocryphal writings. The chief are the Psalms of Solomon, the Book of Enoch, the apocalypse of Baruch, the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Assumption of Moses, the Book of Jubilees, and the Sibylline Oracles

A Joy-Filled Life: Lessons from a Tenant Farmer's Daughter...Who Became a CEO

Mo Anderson - 2015
    Strong, principled and compassionate, Mo’s personal integrity and unending drive are touchstones that have made Keller Williams one of the most successful franchises in real estate history. Originally a music teacher, Mo taught for 14 years before entering the real estate field. Partnered with Jerry Brown and Ruth Honeycutt, she established her first real estate office, a Century 21 franchise, in Edmond, Okla., in 1975. It became the third top-producing office out of 7,500 Century 21 locations in North America. In 1986, the company was sold to Merrill Lynch Realty, where she served as a district vice president until December 1989. In 1992, Mo partnered with Gary Keller, co-founder of Keller Williams Realty, and became the regional director for Oklahoma. In January 1995, she was offered the executive roles of president, chief executive officer, and co-owner.In 2005, Mo assumed her current role as vice chairman of the board of Keller Williams Realty. After decades of success, which earned her innumerable professional accolades and awards, Mo is focused on the future. She continues to nurture the Keller Williams culture through training, coaching and consulting with Keller Williams associates and leaders. Her most recent and exciting endeavor has been writing this book: A Joy-filled Life, which she is currently touring North America and speaking about. In 2014, she also launched Through this online mentorship platform, Mo shares life-changing principles to a rapidly growing community of members and all profits generated are contributed to charity. In every way, Mo is committed to leaving a legacy: the higher purpose of business is to give, care and share.

Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women

Na'ima B Robert - 2021
    A personal story of the author reflecting on her journey of life with references to quotes from the Qur'an, Hadith and contemporary thinkers.

Sea Without Shore: A Manual of the Sufi Path

Nuh Ha Mim Keller - 2011
    At the core of every heart it reaches it creates a desire to lift the veil between the human and the Divine, not merely to believe and worship and practice, but to see, know, and be with the One who is greater than all. Sufism is a way of worship of the Divine through such direct knowledge, in the Prophetic phrase, “as though you see Him.”Sea Without Shore describes five remarkable men the author met and knew in his own Sufi path, and what he heard and learned from them first hand while living in the Near East over several decades. It is a Sufi manual taken from hearts, because God looks at them first, and they matter to the work of the Sufis more than books or literature. It offers a window upon a living tradition of experiential knowledge of the highest Reality. It is a handbook as valuable for its inside view of a centuries-old Islamic mystical order, as for its solution to the greatest mysteries at the heart of human existence: you, God, and your fate beyond the grave." -Nuh Ha Mim KellerSea Without Shore is a practical manual for those travelling the path of Sufism or Islamic mysticism, which strives, in Junayd's words, "to separate the Beginninglessly Eternal from that which originates in time," in a word, to be with the Divine without any relation.The Book opens with narratives of Sufis met by the author in Syria, Jordan, and Turkey whose lives exemplified the knowledge and practice of the Sufi path.The second part is a complete handbook of the method and rule of the Shadhili order of Susifm, transmitted to the author by his spiritual mentor, Sheikh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghouri - from devotions, dhikr or 'invocation,' and metaphysical doctrine, to how a Sufi lives, marries, and earns a living in the modern world.A third part treats wider theological questions such as other faiths and mysticisms, universalism and the finality of Islam, the promise of God to Jews and Christians, evolution and religion, and divine Wisdom and Justice in the face of human suffering.The book provides an indelible portrait of a vibrant mystical tradition spanning seven and a half centuries of endeavor to know the Divine without any other.

Perished Nations

Harun Yahya - 1999
    Here are the true stories of these nations... Many societies that rebelled against the will of Allah or regarded His messengers as enemies were wiped off the face of the earth completely... All of them were destroyed-some by a volcanic eruption, some by a disastrous flood, and some by a sand storm. Perished Nations examines these penalties as revealed in the verses of the Quran and in light of archaeological discoveries. Preface These are some of the stories of communities which We relate unto thee: of them some are standing, and some have been mown down (by the sickle of time). It was not We that wronged them: They wronged their own souls: the deities, other than Allah, whom they invoked, profited them no whit when there issued the decree of thy Lord: Nor did they add aught (to their lot) but perdition! (Surah Hud: 100-101) Allah creates man, and gives him a spiritual and physical form, lets him lead a certain course of life, and then will take him into His presence by bringing about his death. Allah creates man and according to the verse ?Should He not know,- He that created?? (Surat al-Mulk: 14), He is the One Who knows and recognises him, who educates him and meets his needs. Therefore, the only real purpose man has in life is to praise Allah, supplicate Him and worship Him. For the same reason, the pure message, and the revelation of Allah communicated to people through His messengers is the so! le guidance for man. The Qur?an is the last book of Allah and His only unaltered revelation. This is why we are responsible of assuming the Qur?an as our true guide, and for being extremely meticulous about all its judgements. This is the only way for salvation both here in this world and beyond. Therefore, we need to explore very carefully and attentively what the Qur?an relates to us and contemplate it. In the Qur?an, Allah states that the purpose of the Qur?an?s revelation is to lead people to think: Here is a Message for mankind: Let them take warning therefrom, and let them know that He is (no other than) One Allah: let men of understanding take heed. (Surah Ibrahim: 52) The news of previous peoples which constitutes a great part of the Qur?an, is certainly one of the matters we ought to contemplate. A majority of these people rejected the prophets sent to them and, moreover, showed animosity towards them. Because of their audacity, they brought Allah?s wrath upon themselves and have been wiped off the face of the earth. The Qur?an tells us that these cases of destruction should be a warning for succeeding generations. For instance, right after the description of the punishment given to a group of Jews who rebelled against Allah, it is said in the Qur?an; ?So We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity, and a lesson to those who fear Allah.? (Surat al-Baqara: 66) In this book, we will review some past societies that have been destroyed because of their rebellion against Allah. Our purpose is to highlight all these incidents, each of which is an ?example to their own time?, so that they can set a "warning". The second reason we are examining these destructions is to show the manifestations of the verses of the Qur?an externally in the world and show the authenticity of the Qur'an's account. In the Qur'an, Allah certifies that His verses are observable in the external world "Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His Signs, so that ye shall know them" (Surat an-Naml: 93), and to know and identify them is one of the primary ways leading to belief. Nearly all the incidents of destruction related in the Qur?an have become ?observable? and 'identifiable' thanks to the current archive studies and archaeological finds. In this study, we will deal with the traces of some of the cases of destruction mentioned in the Qur'an. (It should be noted that some of the communities

In the Mystic Footsteps of Saints: 1

Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani - 2002
    Seekers learn ancient spiritual practices to overcome the destructive characters such as anger, jealousy, malice, laziness, stinginess, greed, cowardice, and more. Through this training: one’s ego is subdued, the heart is filled with light, and dark thoughts and tendencies are eradicated. In this new state, one learns the hidden secrets reserved for very few about their true self, the life of this world and all creation, and existence in the Eternal Reality, where one is blessed beyond imagination.

Understanding the Four Madhhabs

Abdal Hakim Murad - 1995
    Basing itself on the realisation that it is binding on every Muslim to follow the Qur'an and Sunna, it explains the scholars' view that this is best achieved by following great Mujtahids, and that amateur efforts to derive the Shari'a from the revealed sources will lead to distortions of the Revelation.Divided into two sections, one giving the main argument in straightforward terms, and the other providing detailed notes to back up the argument, this book is necessary reading for every Muslim who wishes to follow the Qur'an and the Sunna accurately and completely [From the book cover].

Sufi Comics - The Wise Fool of Baghdad

Mohammed Ali Vakil - 2012
    Bahlool who lived in Baghdad, circa the 8th century AD, feigned madness to escape the oppression of the ruling class. Now free of the burden of normalcy he dispensed wisdom in strange and amusing ways.The Wise Fool of Baghdad is a collection of these true stories, richly illustrated in the Turkish-Iranian miniature style. Every story is followed by sacred verses of the Qur'an and traditional sayings, inscribed in Arabic By Muqtar Ahmed, one of India's finest Islamic calligraphers.Get the book. In the crazy times we live in, you'll probably need a fool to make sense of it all.

Victory Favors the Fearless: How to Defeat the 7 Fears That Hold You Back (Sports for the Soul Book 5)

Darrin Donnelly - 2019
    Whenever you find yourself worrying, procrastinating, or questioning your potential -- FEAR is getting the best of you.Specifically, there are seven common fears you must learn to defeat if you want to live a happy and successful life:1) The fear of what other people think.2) The fear of change.3) The fear of making the wrong decision.4) The fear of missing out on something better.5) The fear of not being good enough.6) The fear of failure being permanent.7) The fear of being "due" for a setback.Every major worry and self-destructive thought is rooted in one of these seven fears.In this inspirational fable, Mickey McGavin is a pro boxer struggling to overcome the seven fears that are holding him back--in the ring and in life. With the help of a former world champion who becomes his trainer and mentor, McGavin learns he must defeat the fears in his mind before he can defeat his opponents in the ring.Boxing is the metaphor for life in this story, but the techniques used for defeating fear are universal.No matter your goal, FEAR is your ultimate opponent and this book will show you how to defeat the fears that hold you back from living the life you were born to live.Read this life-changing book and discover why victory -- in sports, in business, and in life -- always favors the fearless.