2014 Magnificat Lenten Companion
Magnificat - 2013
A perfect way to live Lent to the full this year - Lent is a time to refocus our hearts and revive our love of the Lord and one another.A Companion for the Forty Days of Lent, featuring original meditations on the Gospel reading of each day by fifteen gifted authors.Each issue of the Lenten Companion is never the same as the last and contains these one-of-a-kind extras that you won’t find anywhere else:- Inspiring reflections from some of the most gifted Catholic writers for each day- Faith-filled essays- Prayers, poetry, and devotions- Meditations for the Way of the Cross- A treasury of spiritual insights
3:16 - Bible Texts Illuminated
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1991
Donald E. Knuth so loved the Bible that he dedicated five years of his life to creating this masterpiece. With it, you will learn about each 3:16 verse of the Bible, how it came to be written, and how it contributes to the wholeness of the Bible.
Introduction to the Bible
Christine Hayes - 2012
Professor Christine Hayes guides her readers through the complexities of this polyphonous literature that has served as a foundational pillar of Western civilization, underscoring the variety and even disparities among the voices that speak in the biblical texts. Biblical authors wrote in many contexts and responded to a sweeping range of crises and questions concerning issues that were political, economic, historical, cultural, philosophical, religious, and moral. In probing chapters devoted to each of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, Hayes reconstructs the meanings and messages of each book and encourages a deeper appreciation of the historical and cultural settings of ancient biblical literature.
The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters
Elaine Pagels - 1975
Drawing upon evidence from the gnostic exegesis of Paul, including several Nag Hammadi texts, the author examines how gnostic exegetes cite and interpret key passages in the letters they consider Pauline-1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Hebrews. Besides offering new insight into controversies over Paul in the second century, this analysis of gnostic exegesis suggests a new perspective for Pauline study, challenging students and scholars to recognize the presuppositions-hermenuetical and theological-involved in their own reading of Paul's letters. Elaine H. Pagels is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. She is the author of The Gnostic Gospels, which won the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, The Johannie Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, and the best-selling Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas.
The Future of the Past
Alexander Stille - 2002
Stille explores not simply the past, but our ideas about the past—and how they will have to change if our past is to have a future.
The Exodus
Richard Elliott Friedman - 2017
Millions read it, retell it, and celebrate it. But did it happen?Biblical scholars, Egyptologists, archaeologists, historians, literary scholars, anthropologists, and filmmakers are drawn to it. Unable to find physical evidence until now, many archaeologists and scholars claim this mass migration is just a story, not history. Others oppose this conclusion, defending the biblical account.Like a detective on an intricate case no one has yet solved, pioneering Bible scholar and bestselling author of Who Wrote the Bible? Richard Elliott Friedman cuts through the noise — the serious studies and the wild theories — merging new findings with new insight. From a spectrum of disciplines, state-of-the-art archeological breakthroughs, and fresh discoveries within scripture, he brings real evidence of a historical basis for the exodus — the history behind the story. The biblical account of millions fleeing Egypt may be an exaggeration, but the exodus itself is not a myth.Friedman does not stop there. Known for his ability to make Bible scholarship accessible to readers, Friedman proceeds to reveal how much is at stake when we explore the historicity of the exodus. The implications, he writes, are monumental. We learn that it became the starting-point of the formation of monotheism, the defining concept of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Moreover, we learn that it precipitated the foundational ethic of loving one’s neighbors — including strangers — as oneself. He concludes, the actual exodus was the cradle of global values of compassion and equal rights today.
Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels
Michael Grant - 1977
Who their authors, the evangelists, were cannot now be determined; the Gospels themselves probably reached their final form between thirty-five and sixty-five years after Jesus' death. The essential "riddle of the New Testament" is the problem of deciding which portions of the Gospels refer authentically to the career and teaching of Jesus, and which, on the other hand, are subsequent additions or inventions by the evangelists.... Here Michael Grant looks at these Gospels with an historian's eye, treating them in exactly the same way as he would any other works of ancient literature capable of yielding historical information. The picture of Jesus which emerges is in some respects a new and unfamiliar one. There was no "gentle Jesus, meek and mild," says Dr. Grant--nor was Jesus a political revolutionary, as is often claimed. Jesus, although readily touched to compassion and anger by the sufferings he witnessed, ruthlessly subordinated his every act and thought to the success of his great mission. His admonishments to turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor, welcome sinners, and render unto Caesar did not so much indicate a love of peace or a sentimental affection for humanity, or a respect for the imperial government, as a desire to deal quickly with what he considered to be matters that were subordinate and secondary to the main issue, thus enabling his disciples to concentrate wholly on the dawning and imminent realization of the Kingdom of God. Jesus' mission to the Jews in Galilee, followed by his very brief ministry in Jerusalem, was a complete failure, as he evidently knew and admitted. But Michael Grant ends his book with an explanation of the strange course of events by which this failure was converted, after Jesus' death, into triumph.---------------------Michael Grant, author of St Paul & numerous earlier works on the ancient Mediterranean world, set out to write a secular historian's account of Jesus using "methods that make belief & unbelief irrelevant." Any such study is something of an imaginative reconstruction. This one comes across as very middle-of-the-road, skeptical of the sources & of the skeptics, touching base unobtrusively with recent literature & building a picture of background & event in the life of a man whose models were Hebrew prophets, rather wild Galilean holy men, & (to an extent) the Qumran community memorialized by the Dead Sea scrolls. His conviction that he was especially required to inaugurate a new era of obedience to God among fellow Jews ("the Kingdom") led inevitably to Roman execution. When Grant comes to account for the subsequent influence of this "most important person who ever lived," he points to resurrection talk in the air in those times & to Jesus' overwhelming personality. It doesn't sound much more convincing than the alternatives. But overall this is the best recent book of its kind, accessible to the general reader, with no traces of condescension or "biography under church bells."--Kirkus (edited)
Zenith 2016: Did Something Begin in the Year 2012 That Will Reach Its Apex in 2016?
Thomas Horn - 2013
The power at work behind global affairs and why current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos is exposed. Most incredibly, one learns how ancient prophets foresaw and forewarned of this time. ZENITH 2016 REVEALS FOR THE FIRST TIME: Unveiled! It started in 2012--the secret Freemasonic countdown for a Global World Leader circa 2016. Disclosed! How recent US Presidents and other global leaders are--and have been--deeply involved in the scheme to enthrone the Man of Sin. Found! The hidden connection between the years 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2019. Is it really the end!? Revealed! What the world has never heard about the End of the Mayan Calendar. The role that Pope Francis--the FINAL POPE--may play in the year 2016 during the installation of the King of the NWO. The eight-hundred-year-old prophecy of Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel and what it says about the timeframe 2012-2016. What Protestant Reformers believed about the years 2012-2016. Discover what they expected to happen...and predicted. Blood Moons and 2014, 2015, Feast days, and the comet of the century. Is God, Himself, preparing to light the first real candle of Chanukah!? The return of the Watchers and the mysterious, worldwide connection between these angelic NEPHILIM creators and the numbers 33, 2012, and 2016. Internationally acclaimed investigative author Thomas Horn uncovers what you can expect to unfold in the coming days, and, more importantly, what you can do to be prepared for the arrival of the kingdom of Antichrist.
Egypt of the Pharaohs: An Introduction
Alan H. Gardiner - 1961
This volume provides a comprehensive history of this fascinating land from its earliest days to the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. Sir Alan Gardiner presents background on the Egyptian language, writing, land, its neighbors, and its resources, with a special section devoted to the Egyptian method of determining chronological dates. He then follows with a concise history of Egypt from the time of the Old Kingdom, through the Ramesside period, up to the last days of Egyptian independence around 323 B.C. Authoritative and meticulously researched, Egypt of the Pharaohs is an enticing introduction to the study of this ancient civilization.
Real Christianity
Dale Partridge - 2019
But the reality is, the lives of many Christians look a lot more like the culture than like Christ. The question the devout are seeking today is, what does it really look like to follow Christ in a culture of darkness? In this short book, Dale Partridge assaults the watered-down, lukewarm Christianity that is harbored in many modern churches and replaces it with the raw, biblical Gospel found in the New Testament.
The Baptist Heritage/Four Centuries of Baptist Witness
Leon H. McBeth - 1987
Leon McBeth's 'The Baptist heritage' is a definitive, fresh interpretation of Baptist history. Based on primary source research, the book combines the best features of chronological and topical history to bring alive the story of Baptists around the world.
The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries
Mark Lehner - 1997
In this fully work on the major pyramids of Ancient Egypt, the author surveys the history, building and use of the pyramids. He examines both the practicalities and logostics of their construction and their conceptual aspects - their cosmology and iconography and their intriguing texts.
The Hittites
Oliver Robert Gurney - 1952
This Folio edition follows the revised edition from 1990, with further revisions by the author. Illustrations by Simon Noyes. Map by Reginald Piggott
Pagan Celtic Britain
Anne Ross - 1967
Dr. Anne Ross writes from wide experience of living in Celtic-speaking communities where she has traced vernacular tradition. She employs archaeological and anthropoligical evidence, as well as folklore, to provide broad insight into the early Celtic world.
The Art of Ancient Egypt: Revised Edition
Gay Robins - 2008
Spanning three thousand years, this beautifully illustrated history offers a thorough and delightfully readable introduction to the artwork even as it provides insight into questions that have long engaged experts and amateurs alike. In its scope, its detail, and its eloquent reproduction of over 250 objects, Gay Robins's classic book is without parallel as a guide to the art of ancient Egypt. And her eagerly awaited new edition includes many new color photographs and a fully revised and updated bibliography.