Life Is a Soap Bubble: 100 Ways to Look at Life

Osho - 2013
    Life Is a Soap Bubble is among the few written statements available from enlightened masters or mystics. Lao Tzu's statements of the Tao Te Ching came into being only at the end of his life. In the same way, Osho's books are transcriptions of his daily talks. This book is a precious collection of 100 letters written by Osho and mailed to a Yoga Sohan at her meditation camp. Osho promised her that he would send her a letter every day and that she should keep them so they could be published one day. This collection of thoughts provides an essential road map to those who feel that there must be something more to life and are ready to explore other dimensions of being. These short passages are full of diverse, pertinent gems that will touch the heart.

Open Your Mind to Receive

Catherine Ponder - 1983
    Introduction.....IT'S TIME TO RECEIVE!.................An invitation from the AuthorChapter 1

Way of Mastery

Shanti Christo Foundation - 2004
    Contains CD "A Meditation into the Heart of Christ"

The Athlete's Way: Sweat and the Biology of Bliss

Christopher Bergland - 2007
     The Athlete's Way program, focusing on cardio, strength, stretching, nutrition and sleep, uses neurobiology and behavioral models to enable you to think, train and behave like an athlete, making you more optimistic, resilient, and intense. You will want to get a glow on every day to increase your daily bliss quotient. Exercise will no longer be something to dread but something to enjoy and experience to the fullest. The Athlete's Way teaches you how to make exercise a source of joy and something you will want to engage in daily. Sweat will become a symbol of your striving for a standard of excellence and a solid work ethic that is synonymous with peak performance. The stamina, tenacity, and drive fortified through athletics--and this program--can be applied to any dream, obstacle, or goal you aspire to achieve. Christopher Bergland is a Manhattan-based world-class endurance athlete. He holds a Guinness World Record for treadmill running (153.76 miles in 24 hours) and has won the longest nonstop triathlon in the world three times. He completed The Triple Ironman, a 7.2-mile swim, 336-mile bike, followed by a 78.6-mile run (done consecutively) in a record breaking time of 38 hours and 46 minutes. He directs the triathlon program at Chelsea Piers and has been sponsored by Kiehl's since 1996. He has been featured in dozens of TV, magazine, and newspaper articles including CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS, Fox, Men's Journal, ESPN magazine, and the L.A. Times.  He currently manages a specialty sporting goods shop in New York City called "JackRabbit Sports." Inspiring Lessons from a World-class Endurance Athlete"I love to sweat.  All told, I have run distance equal to four trips around the world on a treadmill and on the streets of Manhattan where I live.  I have biked to the moon and back, dueling it out with a red, blinking pacer light on a LifeCycle control panel or logging countless laps in Central Park.  I've even crossed the Atlantic a few times - in the pool - and I've swum in almost every ocean around the world competing in Ironman triathlons.  When I am running, biking, or swimming, happiness pours out of me.  I am not alone.  Everyone who exercises regularly experiences this bliss.  And it is available to you, too, anytime you break a sweat.  The Athlete's Way is an individual process but ultimately a universal experience.  We feel good when we sweat.  I have learned how to find Nirvana on the treadmill, and I am going to teach you my secrets."            --Christopher Bergland

At Zero: The Final Secrets to "Zero Limits" the Quest for Miracles Through Ho'oponopono

Joe Vitale - 2013
    It was the first book to explain how a secret Hawaiian method called ho'oponopono can help people experience health, wealth, happiness, and more. It empowered thousands of readers to take control of everything in their lives in order to achieve all they've ever dreamed of. At Zero starts where Zero Limits left off. It offers new stories, explains new process, and reveals the fourth stage of awakening.Explains the process called "cleaning," to delete programs and beliefs that you aren't aware of Shows how repeating the phrases I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you can help you reach Divinity Life will always present you with challenges. The practice of ho'oponopono, as revealed by author Joe Vitale, guides you through the journey of life with the tools you need to rid yourself of hindrances and open yourself up to infinite possibilities.

Amateur: An inexpert, inexperienced, unauthoritative, enamored view of life. (How To Be Ferociously Happy Book 2)

Dushka Zapata - 2016
     It's meant to be a very easy read; not a book you read systematically from beginning to end but rather a book to read during those times you find reading a book overwhelming. How we choose to look at something is essential to our happiness, and the author, Dushka Zapata, hopes to leave readers with a little of that.

Strength Training Past 50

Wayne L. Westcott - 1997
    In the third edition of this best-selling guide, you'll find these topics:- 83 exercises for free weights, machines, bands, and balls- 30 workouts for increasing size, endurance, and strength- Sport-specific programs for tennis, golf, cycling, running, and more- Eating plans and nutrition advice for adding lean muscle and losing fatStrength Training Past 50 will keep you active, healthy, and looking great with workouts and programs designed just for you.

The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide for Those Who Believe in Angels

Tom T. Moore - 2006
    You will have more fun and less stress in your life. It will assist you in achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself in your life. It will assist you in handling those major challenges we all experience in life. This book will even inspire you to learn more about our world and universe. How can I promise all these benefits? Because I have been using these concepts for over ten years, and I can report these successes from direct knowledge and experience. But this is a self-help guide, so that means that it requires active participation on your part. What you are going to read in this book is unique information that you have never seen before! This book is for people of all faiths and beliefs -- the only requirement is a basic belief in angels.

Buddhism for the Unbelievably Busy

Meshel Laurie - 2017
    It’s a book about making it stop.What if I told you that a lot of what keeps you unbelievably busy is not only pointless, but avoidable, nonsensical and entirely driven by your own fears, insecurities and ego? You’d probably want to slap me, if you could find the time, right?Don’t worry, I was once just like you: exhausted, harried, overcommitted and flummoxed as to what to cut back on. I’m not completely cured, but for the first time in years I have room to breathe and to think about what kind of life I really want to live. And I have Buddhism to thank for this.In this book I’ve compiled the teachings, ideas and practices that got me to this point. Buddhism helped me dig deep to discover why I was determined to do so much, and why I was so afraid to stand still and be alone with myself. It’s not hippy-trippy stuff, believe me. Buddhism is just as relevant and practical in our modern world as it’s ever been.As crazy as it sounds, I’m asking you to add one more thing to your list today: read this book, and let it help you free yourself from the grind of your unbelievable busyness. Live the peaceful life you know you deserve and be the person you want to be.

Silence Your Mind

Ramesh Manocha - 2013
    A practical, science-based guide that shows how in just 10 to 15 minutes a day you can make mediation part of your routine and improve your happiness, wellbeing and productivity, for people of all ages and all walks of life.Can't sleep because your thoughts won't switch off? Does a constant stream of unnecessary chatter run thought your head? Mediation is a simple practice that can help you address these common experiences.Through scientifically based research SILENCE YOUR MIND shows how meditation can fit into your busy schedule to improve your sense of wellbeing, help you reach your potential in sport, work and creative pursuits, and increase the quality of your life.For just 10 minutes a day you can feel the benefits that meditation brings to your mental and physical health.Australia's world-leading expert on meditation, Dr Ramesh Manocha, writes in a clear, straight forward way that will appeal to people who wouldn't normally consider meditation, as well as those who want to make it part of their daily lives.

The Cancer Whisperer: How to let cancer heal your life

Sophie Sabbage - 2015
    Cancer does not have me.' Sophie Sabbage was diagnosed with late stage 'incurable' lung cancer in October 2014. She was 48 years old, happily married with a 4-year-old daughter. Since that day - when doctors told Sophie that her prognosis was poor - she has been on a remarkable journey of healing and transformation that has reshaped her vocation as well as changed her life for the better. The Cancer Whisperer chronicles Sophie's extraordinary relationship with cancer and the methods that she has used for dealing with fear, anger, denial and grief. The essence of 'cancer whispering' was born of Sophie's determination to take cancer off the battlefield and into the classroom. Instead of going to war with it, Sophie has chosen to listen to it, learn from it and choose her own response to it.Sophie offers a radically different way of relating to this disease both mentally and practically: she shares the research she has done, the treatments she has chosen, the diet she follows and the resources that she feels have made the biggest differences in the hope that they will help others cut through the mass of information out there.Sophie says: 'This book is for the cancer patient who wants to remain a dignified, empowered human being even when your doctors and diagnosis are scaring the hell out of you. It is also for the cancer patient who has a hunch that there is something for them to learn, gain or even be transformed by - if they just knew how to relate to this disease differently to the way most of society does. It is for the cancer patient, perhaps any patient.'

Master of Self-Realization - An Ultimate Understanding

Siddharameshwar Maharaj - 2008
    The talks in this book were recorded and edited by Nisargadatta Maharaj and were originally published by him in two volumes in the Marathi language under the name of "Adhyatma Jnanacha Yogeshwar" in the years 1960 and 1961. The text was reprinted in the year 2000 at the insistence of Shri Ranjit Maharaj. Afterwards it was translated into English for this book, truly a modern day spiritual classic in its own right. Also included within the covers of this book is the text "Master Key to Self-Realization" which was authored by Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj in the form of a methodical explanation of many fundamental principles of Advaita Vedanta and Self-Realization. The teaching found here helps the aspirant to form a solid foundation for understanding the fundamental principles of non-duality and in realizing one's True Nature.

Ten Poems to Say Goodbye

Roger Housden - 2012
    But while the selected poems in this volume may focus upon loss and grief, they also reflect solace, respite, and joy.  A goodbye is an opportunity for kindness, for forgiveness, for intimacy, and ultimately for love and a deepening acceptance of life as it is rather than what it was. Goodbyes can be poignant, sorrowful, sometimes a relief, and—now and then—even an occasion for joy.  They are always transitions that, when embraced, can be the door to a new life both for ourselves and for others. In this inspiring and consoling volume, Housden encourages readers to embrace poetry as a way of enabling us to better see and appreciate the beauty of the world around and within us.

About presence - A journey into Ourselves

Carlos L'Abbate - 2017
    This book can be used as a springboard to the realization of our unity with everything, which will make us more beautiful, more universal, more cosmic human beings." Magda Carneci, From the Foreword

The Creation Frequency: Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Mike Murphy - 2018
    Are you ready to take back your power and become the author of your own destiny? At the darkest moment of his life, Mike Murphy was shown a simple yet powerful method for manifesting his heart’s desires. He used it to change his own life: A broke, desperate, divorced, alcoholic young man became a wealthy businessman, loving husband and father, and passionate philanthropist. Now he shares the precise process that enabled him to make this extraordinary transformation. In these pages, he will teach you how to tune in to the vibration at the heart of the Universe — the Creation Frequency — and use it to create lasting fulfillment, prosperity, and happiness.