The Waves Arisen

    No prior knowledge of the Naruto universe is necessary to follow along.A young Naruto found refuge in the village library, and grew up smart, but by blood he is Ninja, and what place is there for curiosity and calculation in this brutal world of warring states?

It Was You Who Made My Blue Eyes Blue

Scott Alexander - 2015
    This plant is used exclusively to comply with the extremely complicated ritual laws set down in the Tablets of Enku.

Time Braid

E. William Brown - 2009
    Now she's stuck in a loop, dying again and again while she struggles to understand her strange predicament. How hard can it be to pass one stupid test? Sakura/Naruto/Hinata

Pokemon: The Origin of Species

Daystar Eld
    Instead of starting his journey in ignorance, Red has spent his years studying the creatures so central to his world... and he doesn't quite agree with all the information in his books. No time for rookie mistakes here: he's on a quest to discover the true nature of Pokémon, and maybe even find out where they really come from.

Shadows of the Limelight

Alexander Wales
    Set in an Enlightenment-era fantasy world with mad kings, merchant republics, peasant revolts, and more.

Friendship is Optimal

iceman - 2012
    Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

The Pandora Directive

Aaron Conners - 1995
    The official story was that the Roswell crash was a balloon. But the real story is that Project Bluebook became Project Blueprint and helped start WWIII. Tex Murphy has never been good at staying out of trouble . . . and this time he's in for lots of trouble


qntm - 2014
     Discovered in the 1970s, magic is now a bona fide field of engineering. There's magic in heavy industry and magic in your home. It's what's next after electricity. Student mage Laura Ferno has designs on the future: her mother died trying to reach space using magic, and Laura wants to succeed where she failed. But first, she has to work out what went wrong. And who her mother really was. And whether, indeed, she's dead at all...


    Every week, it seems, the papers announce great advances, solving the riddle of immortality, successfully reviving the dead, the cloning of living beings, or blending of two animals into one. For those on the ground, every week brings new mutterings of work taken by ‘stitched’ men of patchwork flesh that do not need to sleep, or more fearful glances as they have to step off the sidewalks to make room for great laboratory-grown beasts. Often felt but rarely voiced is the notion that events are already spiraling out of the control of the academies that teach these things.It is only this generation, they say, that the youth and children are able to take the mad changes in stride, accepting it all as a part of day to day life. Of those children, a small group of strange youths from the Lambsbridge Orphanage stand out, taking a more direct hand in events.Twig is Wildbow’s (J.C. McCrae’s) third web serial, following the underground hit Worm and the successful-enough Pact. As was the case for the prior two stories, Twig will be written on Mondays, some Wednesdays (see below), and Fridays, with chapters going live at midnight, Eastern Standard Time (thus being released very first thing on Tuesdays, some Thursdays, and Saturdays). Chapters are grouped into story arcs each about as long as a novella or short novel, listed in the table of contents and available on the sidebar.Wildbow writes full-time and strives to maintain a professional schedule, with chapters released on time (barring very minor delays with internet issues or website malfunction) for three and a half years and counting. Donations via. Paypal and subscriptions via. Patreon are accepted and remain very much appreciated, as they allow the author to stay fed, stay sheltered, and keep writing. As thanks for this support, the author schedules added chapters to be released on a future Thursday when certain totals are reached.Those on the lookout for trigger warnings should probably be warned, the author’s style leans toward the dark and violent. To clarify to those not familiar with the term: if a key word or storyline touching on a particular topic could ruin your day or induce panic attacks, you might want to steer clear of Twig, as it is likely to touch on many. Sex, however, will happen offscreen if it happens at all, and sex-related triggers are generally avoided, both due to authorial preference. Swearing and violence are likely to be present, if not outright common, so be warned. Use your own judgment to estimate your tolerances and decide if Twig is the sort of thing you’re comfortable reading.If you decide you’re alright with that, you can start reading here.J.C. McCrae can be contacted at for the time being. He would prefer that fans use the comment section rather than email, if there’s any choice between the two. He gets a great many emails and his attempts to filter and sort things in the shuffle mean that emails can get lost by the wayside, while he does read every comment.

Strange Days

Rick Gualtieri - 2019
    Five years ago, dateless dork Bill Ryder somehow saved the world, banishing magic and monsters to the shadows. He thought it was over, that he was finished with that life. Too bad for him, shit’s about to get surreal again. Now the impossible has happened. His goddaughter is conjuring fireballs from thin air and two vampires have shown up at his doorstep looking to kick his ass. A crazed group of ex-wizards are hell-bent on forcing the door between worlds open, intent on letting the nightmares back in, and only Bill and his friends stand in their way. Join him in this hilarious tale of a world teetering on the brink of anarchy and the unlikely hero who’s not afraid to look the madness in the eye and flip it both fingers.----------Bill the vampire is back in Strange Days – Bill of the Dead 1 –the eagerly awaited sequel to the bestselling Tome of Bill horror comedy series. Click BUY NOW to start enjoying this bloody good time. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Bill’s adventures in the complete Tome of Bill series: Bill the Vampire (book 1) Night Stalker (series adventure) Scary Dead Things (book 2) The Mourning Woods (book 3) Holier Than Thou (book 4) Sunset Strip (series adventure) Goddamned Freaky Monsters (book 5) Half A Prayer (book 6) The Wicked Dead (book 7) Shining Fury (series adventure) The Last Coven (book 8)

The Hidden Price: Ethan Price Book Two

Malcolm Murdock - 2020

Frostbite: Dimitri's Point of View

Gigi256 - 2014

Three Worlds Collide

Eliezer Yudkowsky - 2009
    It grew, as such things do, into a small novella. On publication, it proved widely popular and widely criticized. Be warned that the story, as it wrote itself, ended up containing some profanity and PG-13 content.

Significant Digits

Alexander Deebus
    Find out what happens to Harry Potter-Evans-Verres, Hermione, Draco, and everyone else once they grow into their roles as leaders, leave the shelter of Hogwarts, and venture out into a wider world of intrigue, politics, and war. Not official.

Harry Potter and the Natural 20

Sir Poley - 2013
    Mild parody.