Book picks similar to
The Life of Prayer by A.B. Simpson
Preparing Him for the Other Woman: A Mother's Guide to Raising Her Son to Love a Wife and Lead a Family
Sheri Rose Shepherd - 2006
His understanding of marriage is that it has little hope for success, witnessing a fifty percent divorce rate both inside and outside of the church. His world is one where pornography is no longer a hidden shame, but encouraged as entertainment. Can you raise your son to one day love, lead, and protect a wife and family in a world like this?
The answer is yes
. The heartbeat of this book is to give you the tools to help your son become a tender warrior who will one day fight for his family, a godly husband who will faithfully love his wife, and a leader who will be a man of his word.
The time is now
to take your love, tears, prayers, and influence and pour them into his future. Even if our world does not change its moral fiber, you can influence your son and bring hope to the next generation. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime—yours. Reviews“Not only is this an amazing concept, but it meets an urgent need for every mother of boys.” Lisa Bevere, speaker and author of Fight Like a Girl and Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry “I have three sons, two stepsons, two son-in-laws, and nine grandsons! Any help I can glean to give me more wisdom is welcome. I would have welcomed more help like this when I was a young mother raising my young men for ‘the other woman.’” LeeAnn Rawlins, Coauthor, To Love Again Story Behind the BookWhen the manager of a large Christian bookstore told Sheri Rose Shepherd that readers of the popular His Princess TM series were futilely looking for material about raising their sons to be godly future husbands, she knew she could help. “Think about how much farther all men would be in their marriages if their moms had trained them how to one day love and understand their wives,” says Sheri Rose . “We can take all the mistakes we’ve made in our lives and use them to teach our sons the right way to live. And we can use our most powerful weapon of all—our prayers—to fight for them.”
Now That Faith Has Come: A Study of Galatians
Beth Moore - 2021
God used a physical ailment to direct him there, carrying the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The relationship Paul would build with the Galatian converts--and his determination for the truth of the gospel to be preserved among them--led to one of the most passionate letters in the New Testament. Paul would not sit quietly by and let those who'd been liberated by Christ's glorious gospel submit again to a yoke of slavery. He'd send a letter with the volume turned up, calling believers to stand firm in the truth, stay bold in love, and walk by the Spirit. He'd remind them what it looked like to live for God's approval rather than human approval. The eternal words God entrusted to Paul for the churches of Galatia are as needed today as they were when the ink was still wet on the ancient pages.Join Beth and Melissa Moore for a six-week deep dive into Paul's captivating letter to the Galatians. Come to know the letter's original recipients. Study its original context and embrace its timeless relevance. Discover--or perhaps rediscover--what makes the gospel of Jesus Christ revolutionary to those who choose to believe. Find out how everything has changed, now that faith has come.
The Women's Devotional Guide to Bible: A One-Year Plan for Studying, Praying, and Responding to God's Word
Jean E. Syswerda - 2000
Syswerda provides you with a comprehensive overview of Scripture in this fifty-two week devotional. The Women's Devotional Guide to the Bible gives you tools for in-depth study, reflection, and prayer. It also offers you a practical approach to the complexities of the Bible, by employing a method you can effectively and easily use as part of your busy daily schedule.
Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders
Dave Earley - 2008
Prayer is the determining factor for maximum spiritual impact. The more we pray the more God works. Of all the skills needed by the difference-making spiritual leader, none is more important than prayer.Tracing the lives of high-impact Christian leaders from Abraham to Billy Graham, Dave Earley reveals the central role that prayer played in their effectiveness. In doing so, he points out the eight practices Christian leaders can apply to become more effective in their prayer lives, and therefore, more spiritually influential as a leader.While prayer is not the only weapon in the Christian leader's arsenal, it is one of the most powerful and often under-utilized. This book will inspire, transform, stretch, enhance, strengthen, and renew the prayer lives of readers.Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders is filled with juicy quotes and anecdotes; it gives dozens of practical applications of the principles discussed.
Mastering Life Before It's Too Late: 10 Biblical Strategies for a Lifetime of Purpose
Robert J. Morgan - 2015
Originally published: Nashville, TN: Howard Books, 2015.
The Breath of the Soul: Reflections on Prayer
Joan D. Chittister - 2009
It is an examination of what we ourselves must bring to the discipline of prayer--whatever form it takes--in order to make prayer authentic and real, a deep and profound part of our lives. None of the brief reflections in this book are ever finished, ever closed, ever fulled resolved. They are all ongoing steps along the way, steps we retrace over and over again as we do all the other parts of life, until they become the very breath we breathe, the vision and energy of our souls.
Simplify Your Spiritual Life: Spiritual Disciplines for the Overwhelmed
Donald S. Whitney - 2003
And in that simplicity, we can realize our greatest fulfillment as believers. If your Bible study seems tedious and your prayer life wearisome, stop and rediscover how rewarding the simple Christian life can be.
Prayers of Honoring Voice
Pixie Lighthorse - 2016
Play with me for a moment: if you were to consider the mind a machine, say, a telegraph in service to the heart, then the heart gives the first dictation. The mind then translates vital information in the form of language to the speaker system of voice, which will hopefully transmit the communications as the heart intended, if that is the priority. It is a good time to ask yourself what your priorities of communication are. What is motivating you?A short journey from heart to mind and back down to the throat takes mere seconds, but a mighty many detours are taken en route. This may be because the fear residing in the mind is like a highwayman, waylaying our genuine matters of the heart and causing havoc as it tries to make its simple way out of the human body. There are other desperados who lure the vulnerable traveler off-path: insecurity, anxiety, self-consciousness, the fragile ego-but nearly all are unmasked first cousins to fear when flushed out of the shadows. Some fears are linked to primal traumas which may yet be unearthed. These deserve special attention when working with voice.I think the greatest of all distractions between heart and throat might be faithlessness, because reigning religious institutions have effectively redirected the focus from faith to matters of righteousness, wrongness and "policies". Faith in love, and what it can do, has taken a particularly destructive back seat to the priorities of massive organizations with other things in mind than loving kindness, peaceful communication, fair resolutions, wellness and the expressive voices of living, breathing people.For today's spiritually traumatized, broken-hearted and soul-wounded, the process of revealing what rests on the heart can be a paralyzing challenge. To clear the path of negative imprint, one must declare the intention to speak to what matters most and set about the task of discerning what that is. One can make a choice now to stand up to the fears that mangle the truth into expressions more palatable for others, cause explosions of rage, freezing up, or cut-and-run behavior.To love the truth more than anything else is a tall order.
Untamed: How the Wild Side of Jesus Frees Us to Live and Love with Abandon
Lisa Harper - 2010
Pretending Jesus is less than He is resulted in someone I wasn't compelled to worship. So I began a journey to discover the whole Jesus--including the seemingly rough and wild parts--revealed in the Bible. And I found Him to be bigger and better than I ever dreamed.--Lisa HarperThrough a powerful blend of storytelling and biblical insights, Lisa Harper invites you to engage with the Jesus of the gospels, a person so provocative that no one left an encounter with Him unchanged. Pharisees fumed, paralytics turned cartwheels, and pariahs found love and acceptance.Come meet the Jesus who is both safe and strong--and learn how this radical Redeemer can liberate you to live and love with abandon.Includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.
The Spirit of Python: Identify what constricts your life and kills your dreams
Jentezen Franklin - 2013
They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of its veins. In the spirit realm the python spirit acts in the same manner. It comes to put limits on you. It comes to quiet your voice and kill your dreams. It creeps into your life and, slowly but surely, suffocates your zeal for praising and worshiping God.New York Times best-selling author Jentezen Franklin is back with a message that will inspire you to break free and reclaim a life of passion, purpose, and praise. Based on some of his best-selling ministry products, The Spirit of Python helps you understand the strategies of this subtle destroyer, how it works, how to detect it, and how to break its hold from your life.
Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something: The Incredible Power of Intercessory Prayer
Ronald Dunn - 1990
Ronald Dunn demonstrates how anyone can pray with more purpose and power. Ronald Dunn is a gifted teacher who specializes in helping believers pray more effectively. Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something is an inspiring look at how you can pray with greater purpose and power--for your own needs as well as the needs of others. Here is an eye-opening book that dispels the myth that only 'super saints' can pray successfully, lends a fresh perspective on how God answers prayer, demonstrates why our 'position' is more important than our 'petition', and reveals the 'secret weapon' God has provided for praying believers. Prayer changes things--and us! As you delve into this exciting book, be prepared for a radical difference in your prayer life. With fascinating insights into prayer and spirituality and a fresh perspective on how God answers prayer, this guide presents practical Christianity at its best.
Seven Last Words: An Invitation to a Deeper Friendship with Jesus
James Martin - 2016
Patrick’s Cathedral on Good Friday 2015, the New York Times bestselling author and editor at large of America magazine offers a portrait of Jesus, using his last words on the cross to reveal how deeply he understood our predicaments, what it means to be fully human, and why we can turn to Christ completely, in mind, heart, and soul.Each meditation is dedicated to one of the seven sayings:“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”“Today you will be with me in Paradise.”“Woman, this is your son” . . . “This is your mother.”
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
“I thirst.”
“It is finished.”
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”With the warmth, wisdom, and grace that infuse his works, Father James Martin explains why Jesus’s crucifixion and death on the cross is an important teaching moment in the Gospels. Jesus’s final statements, words that are deeply cherished by his followers, exemplify the depth of his suffering but also provide a key to his empathy and why we can connect with him so deeply.
Fasting: The Key to Releasing God's Power in Your Life
Derek Prince - 1976
It is found throughout the Bible, yet it has been largely set aside by the church. Discover how to release the power of prayer and fasting in your life with this handbook by Derek Prince. In his clear, easily understood teaching style, he explains that this power is immeasurable when fasting is practiced with right motives and in accordance with the principles of Scripture.
Seeing Through Heaven's Eyes: A World View that will Transform Your Life
Leif Hetland - 2011
You, too, are invited to reflect and discover your own divine encounter.You will learn how to see through Heaven’s eyes—through the Father’s eyes—and that look of love will transform everything, including:•God. •Yourself. •Other people. •Your family. •Your enemies. •The end times. Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes is powerfully presented and will bless and free you to experience a deeper relationship with Father God.
Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy: The Supernatural Power of Testimony
Bill Johnson - 2014
Telling others about the miracles in your life makes God more real to them. As people hear about God’s supernatural acts, they start to expect and see the extraordinary happen in their own lives. As you share your miracle stories, you actually release the spirit of prophecy and declare into the atmosphere, “The Jesus Who transformed my circumstance will do the same for you!” In this timely repackaged edition of Release the Power of Jesus, Pastor Bill Johnson shows you how to: Release God’s power wherever you go by simply talking about His miracles Build a supernatural heritage by sharing stories of God’s acts Create an atmosphere of faith and expectancy for the healing power of Jesus Activate everything you have received from God through inheritance Your spiritual birthright is to experience and release the power of Jesus. Share your miracle stories and watch these prophecies of God’s power set your world on fire today!