Yellow: The verses of hurting and healing

Urja Joshi - 2020
    Mohi symbolises ""the hurting"" and Kabir is all about ""the healing"" that comes after it. A book written and illustrated by author,which is for everyone. for those who believe in love and compassion and for those who don't. Those who have healed and those who are still in process. Those who aren't able to move on and those who have successfully done it. It is for feminists, the activists, the believers, the gender norm shatterers.It is a gift, a book on its journey to make difference in it's reader's life.

Watching The Road: Praying Your Prodigal Home

Karen Wheaton - 2018
    Watching from her porch with eyes of faith and a heart of hope, Karen cried out to God for Lindsey's return. In miraculous ways, God daily reaffirmed the promises He gave personally to Karen that Lindsey would be restored to her marriage and family. Watching the Road will stir your faith, strengthen your resolve, and provide strategic tactics for your journey. Experience the struggle and thrill of one woman's determination to not give up but tenaciously trust God to fulfill His promises. As you'll see, He kept every single one.

Incredible Tales of the Royal Canadian Air Force: Unsung Heroes of World War II (Amazing Stories)

Cynthia J. Faryon - 2007
    They fought in all the major air operations. Thousands lost their lives. Only one in four aircrews completed their bomber tours: some were killed in action, some in training, others became prisoners of war. All volunteered. These are the stories of the valiant Canadians who fought in this brutal war.

The Sugar Girls - Joan's Story: Tales of Hardship, Love and Happiness in Tate & Lyle's East End

Duncan Barrett - 2012
    The work was back-breakingly hard, but the Tate & Lyle factory was more than just a workplace - it was a community, a calling, a place of love and support and an uproarious, tribal part of East London.<P>‘Joan had joined Tate & Lyle expressly for the social life, and she was determined to make the most of it. She could see that her old friend Peggy already had an established group of her own among the sugar girls, so she set about building a new set of friends. It wasn’t difficult for Joan, whose cheerful self-confidence, natural chattiness and naughty sense of humour acted as a magnet to those around her.’</P><P>In the years leading up to and after the Second World War thousands of women left school at fourteen to work in the bustling factories of London’s East End. Despite long hours, hard and often hazardous work, factory life afforded exciting opportunities for independence, friendship and romance. Of all the factories that lined the docks, it was at Tate and Lyle’s where you could earn the most generous wages and enjoy the best social life, and it was here where The Sugar Girls worked.</P><P>This is an evocative, moving story of hunger, hardship and happiness, providing a moving insight into a lost way of life, as well as a timeless testament to the experience of being young and female.</P><P>Includes Joan’s own personal photographs of life as a sugar girl.</P>

Getting into Practice (Edward Vernon's Practice series Book 3)

Edward Vernon - 2014
    Still wet behind the ears, he found himself on a whirlwind tour through the seven ages of man and the 57 varieties of human nature. He has to learn how to examine real people, diagnose them without becoming emotionally involved and fend off the crises of confidence which await around every corner. The book is set in the 1970s and there will no doubt be some readers who might think that things were better then. Edward Vernon is a pen name of a well known British doctor/author. Here's what the critics said about the series: Delightfully and wittily written. His descriptions of daunting receptionists, magazine-strewn waiting rooms and hypochondriacal patients will strike many familiar cords, but Dr Vernon is at his best when recounting his encounters in the surgery and at the bedside. For anyone needing to be entertained, and at times moved, there could be no better prescription than one chapter...taken each night at bedtime - Liverpool Echo Truthful, well observed and consistently readable - Daily Telegraph The funniest of the funny doctor books - Richard Gordon Dr Vernon is onto a good thing; we could do with some more - Oxford Times Hilarious - Titbits Thoroughly delightful - Fresno Bee Delightfully funny - Sunday Advocate, Baton Rouge For entertainment, a chapter or two before bedtime is just what the doctor ordered - Sacromento Bee Does for British GPs what Herriot has done for vets - Booklist Hilarious - Grimsby Evening Telegraph Very funny - Citizen, Gloucester Genuinely funny - South Wales Echo Wise, funny, sad and heartwarming - Chattanooga Times Good fun - Homes and Gardens Jolly good reading - Publishers Weekly Views the human species he treats with much the same affection, compassion and humour as Herriot brings to the animal world - Cleveland Plain Dealer Sometimes serious, sometimes hilarious - Lancashire Evening Post Will amuse, amaze and entertain - Yorkshire Post etc etc

Bump to Birthday, Pregnancy & First Year Journal

Helen Stephens - 2012
    Bump to Birthday - a beautifully designed, colour illustrated, combined pregnancy and first year baby journal - will inspire any parent-to-be to capture the unique story of the journey of pregnancy and baby's precious first year.

Another 365 Things People Believe That Aren't True (The Misconception Trilogy Book 3)

James Egan - 2015
    James Bond isn't a secret agent. The funny bone isn't a bone. E-readers like the Kindle were invented in 1949. Slavery has never been more common as it is today. Neanderthals were extremely smart and were able to speak. Vikings invented rap battles. Natural oranges aren't orange. Rats didn't cause the Black Death. Halitosis doesn't exist. Buddhists don't worship Buddha. Everyone mispronounces "Nutella." St. Patrick wasn't Irish. There has never been 50 states in the United States. Selfies aren't a recent fad. They have existed since 1839. Guardian angels aren't mentioned in the Bible. A comatose person can speak and walk around. Nicotine doesn't cause cancer.

Diabetes Free For Life: A Simple Guide On How To Be Diabetes Free For Life While Living A Healthy Life

Kristy Clark
    This informative guide will tackle the issue of avoiding diabetes through diet, exercise, and proper goal setting. Diabetes continues to be a leading cause of death and blindness in North America - the data is staggering. Much of what's been diagnosed as pre diabetes today could be easily eliminated by following the well-directed advice contained in the pages of this book.Avid reader and researcher, Kristy Clark, has developed a strategy based on scientific evidence to help combat and avoid the adverse effects of diabetes. She's not suggesting you ignore your doctor’s instructions, on the contrary, she's offering clear-cut ideas to enhance your diet and escape a life of insulin dependent, diabetes management. The concepts are time-tested, but it's about you: your ability to set honest goals, stick to the plan, and reap the rewards.Brief Content Overview:• General tips for healthy living• Natural foods that help in diabetes prevention• Exercise ideas and suggestions• How to live with diabetesChanging your lifestyle and eating habits may prevent the onset of diabetes, and a multitude of other associated pathologies. Kristy's book, one of a series, takes you on a mission of metabolic discovery and awareness. Act today, decide upon the future you want for yourself and your family. If you're at risk for diabetes, have a strong family history of the disorder, or just want to live a more vigorous lifestyle; this guide is a valuable first step.So, if you're serious about wanting to learn how to deal with diabetes throughout life and want to know how to live with diabetes, then you need to grab a copy of "Diabetes Free For Life: A Simple Guide On How To Be Diabetes Free For Life While Living A Healthy Life" right now, because this book will reveal how a person who has diabetes, regardless of experience level, can succeed - Today!Take action today and download this book now! Don't miss this great opportunity!!! Get your copy today!

Hollywood The Skeletons Are Out!: Over 1,200 direct quotes by actors and directors about themselves, their colleagues and their films

Alan Royle - 2016
    She also tries to kill herself every few years, without success. I hope she never succeeds, but one wonders if she is any good at anything.’ BARKIN, Ellen Ellen boasted of having an affair with George Clooney: ‘Yes, I have fucked George Clooney. I’m very proud of it, actually. If you don’t have chemistry with George Clooney, you need to check your pulse.’ BARRYMORE, John A very young Anne Baxter worked with Barrymore on ‘The Great Profile’ in 1940: ‘He was in terrible shape. In the morning, he was so wasted that his man would have to carry him in and set him down in an easy chair. Then he’d pour Barrymore a Coke. No response. Then he’d shake in some rum flavouring and this great actor would suddenly spring to life. Amazing. Once we were waiting for a take and I asked him why he read his lines from chalkboards. Couldn’t he remember his lines? And he stood up and recited a Hamlet soliloquy. He never made a pass at me, but it was hard going for our resident vamp, Mary Beth Hughes. She bent over once to fix her stockings and he instantly leapt up to pinch her behind.’ BEATTY, Warren Cher slept with him when she was a teenager: ‘Warren has probably been with everybody I know, and unfortunately I am one of them. But since I was only 16 maybe I can get out of it with that. I don’t know if I was a bimbo then, but I had pretty low self-esteem. He was technically good, but I felt nothing.’ He rather ungallantly told of Jane Fonda’s extraordinary sexual prowess: ‘…her ability to virtually unhinge her jaw. Like a python that swallows prey much larger than itself.’ BOW, Clara Louise Brooks’ husband considered Clara to be beneath them: ‘She wasn’t acceptable socially. Eddie Sutherland, my husband, gave absolutely the best parties in Hollywood. So I asked him one day to invite Clara Bow and he said, ‘Oh, good heavens, no! We can’t have her. We don’t know what she’d do. She’s from Brooklyn.’ BOYD, Stephen Brigitte Bardot once asked him to marry her: ‘I don’t know if she was joking, but I said no. I did not explain that I couldn’t marry an actress who could never be faithful to me. Or at least try. Like, I would at least try, for the first year or two.’ BRANDO, Marlon A drunken Brando disgraced himself on national television when he guested alongside Zsa Zsa Gabor on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show and propositioned her: ‘Do you know what I want to do with that girl, Johnny? I want to fuck her! Zsa Zsa, a man can only do one thing with you: throw you down and fuck you!’ BRYNNER, Yul Ingrid Bergman and Brynner did not get along making ‘Anastasia’ (1956): ‘Yul Brynner was shorter, I suggested putting a little block under him. ‘You think I want to play it standing on a box? I’ll show the world what a big horse you are!’ I never had a complex about my height after that.’ After Steve McQueen up-staged him one too many times during the filming of ‘The Magnificent 7’ in 1960, Brynner issued him a warning: ‘If you don’t stop that I’m going to take off my hat, and then no-one will look at you for the rest of the film.

You are my sunshine

Anna Gray - 2017
    The book details her interactions with the medical staff and the progression of her condition; tests and more tests, appointments with different consultants and doctors and ultimately time spent in hospital. However, alongside all the medical issues is the story of the love and support of her children, family and friends which makes this book so special. You are my sunshine will make you laugh and cry, it will move you and inspire you to be your best and to be there for others. 'My advice to each and everyone is not to leave it till it's too late, treasure your friends and family, don't leave it to tell people that you love them, make time for people who you care about; I guarantee that your life will be enriched and happier if you do. People can surprise you in all manner of fantastic ways!'

Ronaldo: Rise Of The Legend. The incredible story of one of the best soccer players in the world.

Roy Brandon - 2016
    On an almost daily basis we see hear his name on the news, see his face on any number of TV commercials, and marvel at the magic show he puts on every weekend when he takes to the field. He is a celebrity whose image and influence affect our popular culture and a soccer star that has been compared with some of the world´s best athletes. But Cristiano was not always the popular, mega-celebrity, soccer superstar that he is today. The success that he enjoys has come from years of hard work and sacrifice that have helped him overcome many obstacles and difficulties in his pathIn this book, we´re going to take a look at the life of Cristiano, beginning at the time he was rising star whose career was threatened by a strange heart condition, right up until his third Ballon D´or recognition. We will also follow Cristiano off of the field to see his impact on popular culture and his life beyond soccer.

I Promised My Mother

Ludvik Wieder - 1984
    And with G-d's help, he saved not only himself but also his parents and a host of friends, relatives, and strangers from almost certain death. If Ludvik Wieder's adventures were fiction, they would seem too contrived. But everything told is the unembellished truth. At the age of 26, Ludvik had it all—health, wealth, good looks, popularity, and a growing business in one of Europe's brightest capitals. Then, one dreadful Sunday in the spring of 1943, the Nazis marched into Budapest and imposed a series of repressive measures that threatened the life of every Jew in Hungary. From that day on, all that mattered was survival. Suddenly, life hung by a shred of paper— the proper “Aryan” identification. Determined to survive, Ludvik boldly entered the black market to buy those precious scraps of false identity that might save him and his loved ones from disaster. Soon he was living a double life, outwardly forsaking his Orthodox Jewish upbringing to pose as a gentile, at the same time clinging steadfastly to his beliefs, never for a moment forgetting who he was and where he came from. Soon he became a master of deception— whether it was posing as a trusted “gentile” factory employee, disguising himself as a drunken peasant, or assuming the dress and manner of a member of the Hungarian S.S. Somehow, he had the capacity to enlist the aid of an unlikely assortment of non-Jews, who helped him at the peril of their lives—among them, a peasant woman who befriended him in prison and offered her home as his haven for the duration of the war… a Hungarian Air Force officer, who “adopted” Ludvik's niece as his own illegitimate child, lent him his apartment as a hiding place and smuggled a series of vital ID papers to him… the Skid Row derelict who saved the life of Ludvik's nephew by pretending to be the boy's uncle. The book traces Ludvik's life, beginning with his placid, essentially easygoing boyhood in Czechoslovakia. Then, in 1940, after the Hungarian takeover, he was inducted into forced labor. It describes the cruelty and black humor of the labor camp, which helped him to develop the cunning and ingenuity that enabled him to sharpen his survival skills and avoid being sent to fatal service on the Russian front. The story then focuses on the Nazi occupation, culminating in Ludvik's near-execution at the hands of his Russian liberators. Armed with optimism, unswerving faith in the Almighty, and his own resourcefulness, Ludvik never let fear keep him from doing whatever was necessary to save himself and his fellow Jews. Throughout his heart-stopping adventures —and even in the darkest moments of despair, when events propelled him to the brink of suicide—Ludvik was motivated to go on by consummate devotion to his beloved mother. He knew he had to survive, for he had promised her he would.

Summary: Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

ExecutiveGrowth Summaries - 2019
     Sapiens became a #1 international bestseller and a New York Times bestseller for simple reasons… Unlike other macroscopic reviews of human history, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind combines the best research into history with recent discoveries in biology and archaeology and complementary disciplines of science. It provides a unique point of view on how we got to where we are today – and what that means for us as a species. Dr. Yuval Noah Harari traces the development of consciousness, above all else. 100,000 years ago Homo Sapiens were an insignificant animal – but today we dominate the planet. At some point, the evolution of thinking superseded biological evolution. Much of our 'success' hinges on the importance of the myths and legends – the fictions of our imagination that have played such a vital role in the development of culture, ideology, religion, economics, science – instead of our pure biological traits. Reading our summary is the perfect way to cover the full material and grasp the essential insights of Dr. Harari’s research in a fraction of the time. If you find Dr. Harari’s concepts enticing, we highly advise you to buy the full book! Why read ExecutiveGROWTH Summaries: The best-quality summaries on Amazon, guaranteed. Team of professional native-English writers and editors (a huge issue on Amazon; check the reviews of ANY other summary book company to see for yourself). Engaged CEO and a responsive team committed to your personal growth and making your reading experience superb. Bonus Power Insights gives you the main takeaways to keep top-of-mind. Bonus Guided Challenge to immediately implement the book’s knowledge to your daily life. We craft our summaries for busy high-achievers who still have the insatiable appetite to keep learning and growing. Our summaries provide the fastest way to increase perspective and productivity, guaranteed. We only curate summaries whose original books we absolutely love and are convinced have the highest potential for personal growth. Our team has singled out the key concepts and trimmed out all the rest, allowing you to digest the author's core message in a fraction of the time. It's easy to read the entire summary in a little over one hour without needing highly developed speed-reading superpowers! DISCLAIMER: We are convinced that our professional summaries will introduce more readers to the full book who otherwise would have turned a blind eye by the sheer commitment. Our intention is sincere in that readers could use this summary as an introduction or a companion to the original book, not as a substitute.

Casket Chronicles: Living and Working in a Funeral Home is not What You Might Think

T.A. Walters - 2020
    Some of the stories are hilarious. Some of the stories are heartbreaking. All of the stories are true.Most people think of the funeral business as being very subdued where words are spoken in hushed tones and those who work in it are best described as “somber.” Like almost everything else in life, you never really know what goes on behind closed doors.How could the station wagon used to pick up bodies just vanish? What did the waitress at the drive-in really think was in the back of the car? Why did the woman driving a Cadillac stop in the middle of the busy street in front of the funeral home and start screaming obscenities? How did a woman’s panties end up inside a casket?The answers to these questions and other interesting tales are found on the pages of Casket Chronicles.

Jumping The Curb: One Family's Journey Through a Castastrophic Injury

Gail Desberg - 2018
    After a life altering accident Alex and his wife Gail are forced to discover what the people around them are really made of. Their young family is thrown into an alien world of medical emergencies, insurance nightmares, life-and-death decisions, and family politics. Gail has to put her own needs aside in order to take care of their small children, support her quadriplegic husband, and try to create an awareness of the dangers that lie beyond the water's edge. These sacrifices come at a cost that only gradually reveals itself.