The Gospel of John (Arthur Pink Collection)

Arthur W. Pink - 1945
    It is true, the period of time covered by it is the same as in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, some of the incidents treated of by the "Synoptics" come before us here, and He who has occupied the central position in the narratives of the first three Evangelists is the same One that is made pre-eminent by John; but otherwise, everything is entirely new. The viewpoint of this fourth Gospel is more elevated than that of the others; its contents bring into view spiritual relationships rather than human ties; and, higher glories are revealed as touching the peerless Person of the Savior. In each of the first three Gospels Christ is viewed in human relationships, but not so in John. The purpose of this fourth Gospel is to show that the One who was born in a manger and afterward died on the Cross had higher glories than those of King, that He who humbled Himself to take the Servant place was, previously, "equal with God," that the One who became the Son of Man was none other than, and ever remains, the Only Begotten of the Father.▶ CONTENTS1. Introduction2. Christ, the Eternal Word3. Christ, the Word Incarnate4. Christ's Forerunner5. Christ and His First Disciples6. Christ's First Miracle7. Christ Cleansing the Temple8. Christ and Nicodemus9. Christ Magnified by His Forerunner10. Christ at Sychar's Well11. Christ in Samaria12. Christ in Galilee13. Christ at the Pool of Bethesda14. The Deity of Christ: Sevenfold Proof15. The Deity of Christ: Threefold Witness16. Christ Feeding the Multitude17. Christ Walking in the Sea18. Christ the Bread of Life19. Christ in the Capernaum Synagogue20. Christ and His Disciples21. Christ and the Feast of Tabernacles22. Christ Teaching in the Temple23. Christ and the Adulterous Woman24. Christ the Light of the World25. Christ and the Blind Beggar26. Christ the Door27. Christ the Good Shepherd28. Christ One with the Father29. Christ Raising Lazarus30. Christ Feared by the Sanhedrin31. Christ Anointed at Bethany32. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem33. Christ Sought by Gentiles34. Christ's Ministry Reviewed35. Christ Washing His Disciples Feet36. Christ's Example For Us37. Christ's Warnings38. Christ Comforting His Disciples39. Christ the True Vine40. Christ Fortifying His Disciples41. Christ Vindicate by the Spirit42. Christ Glorified by the Spirit43. Christ's Concluding Consolations44. Christ's Interceding45. Christ in the Garden46. Christ Before Annas47. Christ Before Pilate48. Christ Condemned to Death49. Christ Laying Down His Life50. Christ Risen From the Dead51. Christ Appearing to His Own52. Christ and Thomas53. Christ by the Sea of Tiberius54. Christ and Peter55. Conclusion56. Other Books▶ AUTHORArthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina, before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England.


Derek Kidner - 1967
    Derek Kidner provides a running exegetical commentary and lucidly handles the tough issues that Genesis raises.

The Letter of James

Douglas J. Moo - 1986
    Because James is so concise, so intensely practical, and so filled with memorable metaphors and illustrations, it has become one of the two or three most popular New Testament books in the church.This highly original commentary seeks to make the Letter of James clear and applicable to Christian living today. Interacting with the latest views on James but keeping academic references to a minimum, Douglas Moo first introduces the Letter of James in its historical context and then provides verse-by-verse comments that explain the message of James both to its first readers and to today's church.

Traveling Light: Modern Meditations on St. Paul's Letter of Freedom

Eugene H. Peterson - 1982
    In "Traveling Light," Eugene H. Peterson, who is translator of "The Message Bible," explores the free life in Christ that we must both receive as a gift and practice as a skill. In an engaging, often passionate dialogue in which Paul's letter to the Galatians faces off against the crises of modern life, he offers both encouragement and challenge to men and women trapped in the anxieties and determinism of our age. Eugene H. Peterson was pastor of Christ Our King United Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, for nearly three decades, then served as professor of spirituality theology at Regent College, Vancouver, BC. Dr. Peterson is translator of "The Message" and author of numerous other works, among them "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction" and "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places." "Like a skilled eye doctor, Eugene Peterson turns the lens that clears our vision and enables us to discriminate between reality and fantasy, to see what satisfies and what leads to bondage." -- Rebecca Pippert

The Drama of Ephesians: Participating in the Triumph of God

Timothy G. Gombis - 2010
    Its exalted language and soaring metaphors inspire devotion and worship. But too often the expositor's scrutiny has reduced this letter to a string of theological ideas and practical topics. Timothy Gombis has rediscovered Ephesians as a deeply dramatic text that follows the narrative arc of the triumph of God in Christ. Here Paul invites the church to celebrate and participate in this divine victory over the powers of this present age. In Gombis's dramatic reading of Ephesians we are drawn into a theological and cultural engagement with this epochal story of redemption. The Drama of Ephesians stands in the scantly occupied shelf space between commentaries and specialized studies in Ephesians, giving us a unified and dynamic perspective on this classic text. It is a book that will renew your excitement for studying, preaching and teaching this great letter of Paul.

First and Second Samuel: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

Walter Brueggemann - 1990
    He carefully opens the literature of the books, sketching a narrative filled with historical realism but also bursting with an awareness that more than human action is being presented.

Old Testament Survey

Paul R. House - 1992
    These are combined with the first edition’s focus on literature and narrative, and an increased amount of improved maps are also included. In all, the book charts every major element that unifies the Old Testament, making it an excellent companion for Bible reading.Any student desiring a thorough and time-tested overview of the Bible’s first half will find it in this updated edition of Old Testament Survey.

The Art of Biblical Narrative

Robert Alter - 1981
    Alter takes the old yet simple step of reading the Bible as a literary creation.

Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis

Allen P. Ross - 1987
    Its literary, exegetical, and theological analyses will enrich any exposition of Genesis.The author's purpose is to "help the reader appreciate the major literary and theological motifs that form the theological ideas in the narratives, and to demonstrate how these theological ideas can be developed into clear and accurate expository ideas." To accomplish this goal, he divides Genesis into more than sixty units, discussing each unit's theological ideas, describing its structure, and synthesizing its message, as well as providing an exegetical outline, an expository outline, and a bibliography.

The Gospel of Luke

Joel B. Green - 1997
    This highly original commentary, part of the New International Commentary, is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the text of Luke as a wholistic, historical narrative.

Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels

Kenneth E. Bailey - 2007
    Bailey examines the life and ministry of Jesus with attention to the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, Jesus' relationship to women, and especially Jesus' parables. Through it all, Bailey employs his trademark expertise as a master of Middle Eastern culture to lead you into a deeper understanding of the person and significance of Jesus within his own cultural context. With a sure but gentle hand, Bailey lifts away the obscuring layers of modern Western interpretation to reveal Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. This entirely new material from the pen of Ken Bailey is a must-have for any student of the New Testament. If you have benefited from Bailey's work over the years, this book will be a welcome and indispensable addition to your library. If you are unfamiliar with Bailey's work, this book will introduce you to a very old yet entirely new way of understanding Jesus.

Matthew: The Gospel of Identity

Michael Card - 2010
    . . You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:13-14 I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church. Matthew 16:18 The world tries to define us in different ways. We try to define ourselves one way or another. But who are we really? How does God define us? The Gospel of Matthew was written to a group of Christians who didn't yet know who they were. They were faithful Jews in the synagogue community in Galilee who had found the Messiah. Jesus had changed everything. But how should they think of themselves now, as Jewish or Christian? What did it all mean? Matthew writes his Gospel to help his readers define their new identity as followers of Jesus the Messiah. Michael Card unpacks how Matthew's emphasis on fulfillment confirms their Jewish connection to the Torah, while his focus on the kingdom helps them understand their new identities in Christ. Matthew presents this process of redefinition as an exercise of the imagination, in which Jesus reshapes who we are in light of who he is. Come alongside Matthew in this pilgrimage, and discover how your new identity in Christ fulfills all that you are meant to be.

The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament

John H. Walton - 2000
    What might the psalmist have had in mind when praising God for removing our transgressions "as far as the east is from the west" (Ps 103:12)? In an Egyptian hymn to Amun-Re, the deity is praised for his judgment of the guilty. As a result of the god's discernment the guilty are assigned to the east and the righteous to the west. What is meant by God "weighing the heart" (Prov 21:2)? In Egyptian religious tradition we find the notion of the dead being judged before the gods. As the soul is examined, the dead person's heart is weighed in a scale against a feather symbolizing Truth. If the answers are correct and the heart does not outweigh the feather, the soul may enter the realm of everlasting life. The narratives, genealogies, laws, poetry, proverbs and prophecies of the Old Testament are deeply rooted in history. Archaeologists, historians and social scientists have greatly advanced our knowledge of the ancient world of the Bible. When we illuminate the stories of Abraham or David, the imagery of the Psalms or Proverbs, or the prophecies of Isaiah or Jeremiah with this backlight of culture and history, these texts spring to new life. The unique commentary joinsThe IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament in providing historical, social and cultural background for each passage of the Old Testament. From Genesis through Malachi, this single volume gathers and condenses an abundance of specialized knowledge--making it available and accessible to ordinary readers of the Old Testament. Expert scholars John Walton, Victor Matthews and Mark Chavalas have included along with the fruits of their research and collaborationa glossary of historical terms, ancient peoples, texts and inscriptionsmaps and charts of important historical resourcesexpanded explanations of significant background issuesintroductory essays on each book of the Old TestamentThe IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament will enrich your experience of the Old Testament--and your teaching and preaching from Scripture--in a way that no other commentary can do.

Romans: A 12-Week Study

Jared C. Wilson - 2013
    The book of Romans was Paul's greatest literary achievement, a majestic letter in which the apostle explains crucial doctrines such as original sin, election, substitutionary atonement, the role of the law, and justification by faith alone.Plumbing the theological depths, this guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion--helping us to follow along as Paul recounts the history of salvation and illuminates the glories of the death and resurrection of Christ.

1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart

Dale Ralph Davis - 1994
    You will find a point of contact with the lives of Samuel, Saul, Jonathan and David as Davis answers the question 'What does God seek when he looks on the heart?' Davis presents simple exposition of the literary and theological character of the text in a bright and fascinating way.