Book picks similar to
Protecting Pippa by Debra Parmley


Persuading Piper: Brotherhood Protectors World

Susan Boles - 2018
    She lives in a planation home that’s been in the family for generations with her overprotective father and Ham, the family guard dog. She dates, but keeps her broken heart under lock and key. Nobody will ever hurt her again like Ian Elliot did. Ian “Hawkeye” Elliot lives his lifelong dream of being a Navy Fighter pilot until a busted eardrum clips his wings forever as a pilot. Brotherhood Protectors, Inc. throws him a lifeline working with other retired veterans offering valuable skills honed by military service. Until his latest assignment, nothing shakes him, but this job threatens not only the life of the woman he loves, but also his heart. Using a visit to his mother as cover, Hawkeye arrives back in town to provide bodyguard services to Piper’s father. His challenge is to keep his charge alive while avoiding the glares and hostility from the girl he left behind. Complicating his job is Ham-the-guard-dog, who hates him. The question is which is more deadly? Bullets, a mean dog, or emotions? Only time will tell.

Saving Love

Jen Talty - 2020
    When she landed in Eagle Rock, Montana, she thought just maybe, she might have found the perfect place to start her life over and give her son the kind of future he deserves. But sometimes the past has a tendency of catching up to the present. And in her case, the past could prove to be a deadly future. Only one thing really matters in Wayne “Dakota” Newark’s life, and that’s family. When his wife passed away from breast cancer, he left the military and joined the Brotherhood Protectors in order to provide a more stable life for his two little girls. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his kids. But when his nanny quits, he finds himself having to trust a woman he doesn’t know and that doesn’t settle right in his gut. All in the name of protecting his family, he does some digging into Alabama’s past. Unfortunately, his prying into her background disturbs a hornet’s nest that has the potential to destroy both their worlds. And now he’s tangled up with a woman who has not only stolen the hearts of his precious girls but has taken his hostage and now he wants to spend the rest of his life protecting her and her young son. That is if he can keep them all alive.

Discovering Beauty

Robyn Peterman - 2018
    After too many tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, I’d checked out—on everyone and everything—on life. Ex-navy SEAL. Totally broken man. I’d hit rock bottom so many times, I was sure I was about to fall straight to hell. It would be a welcome reprieve. Then she found me. Beautiful, insane and more broken than I was. She needed my help. I needed her humanity.How she found me was anyone’s guess. But she had. She needed rescuing. She needed a hero. I was none of those things. But for the first time in many years, I wanted to be. I wanted to be her hero.Georgia…Becoming an undercover agent for the CIA had been my dream until everything went wrong—wildly wrong. Trapped in a cage with nothing to do but anticipate more torture from the ones I was supposed to trust, I had no choice but to escape—again. This time I’d succeed or die trying.They’d turned me into a beast and it was time to show them exactly what I could do.Finding the beautiful man who could help me end my pain was something I’d never expected—or wanted. It was a complication for normal people. I wasn’t normal. I would never be normal.Could two broken pieces make a whole? Could we truly disappear with the government hunting us down like animals? He was Beauty and I was the Beast. Happily ever afters didn’t happen for people like us.Or did they?

Going Ghost

Victoria Bright - 2017
    But when his teen sister’s beautiful French teacher puts out a call for a volunteer chaperon for the club’s trip to Paris, he doesn’t hesitate to step in. As well as keeping a protective eye on his sister, he now has a chance to get closer to the woman that’s caught his attention. Adrienne Barrera vowed to never date another man in uniform after tragically losing her fiancé four years ago. But when a student’s brother accompanies the French club on their trip, Adrienne soon finds herself tempted to break every rule she’s made for herself, even if it’ll cost her heart. The educational, fun trip soon turns horrifying when Ghost’s sister and another student are kidnapped. Without his SEAL team to back him up, Ghost must trust Adrienne and his limited resources to find the missing girls. His family has been torn apart once; he’ll rip Paris apart to keep it from happening again.

Saving Sidewinder

Kate Mckeever - 2018
    To tide him over and be close at hand, Sidewinder agrees to a short stint with Hank Patterson’s Brotherhood Protectors. He expects his assignment to guard Alana Christian and her son from threats to be a job, nothing more. What he doesn’t plan on is how the job will change him and his expectations, both of Kid and of himself.

Shielding Nebraska

Casey Hagen - 2018
    Before he has the chance to do more than crack open his first beer, his recently retired, long-time SEAL brother solicits his help with a famous client who needs protection from an elusive stalker.Nebraska NightRaven is still paying for her part at Standing Rock during the Keystone Pipeline protests the previous year. Growing up in a neighboring reservation before making a career in Hollywood, the events at Standing Rock demanded she use her fame to draw attention to the danger and abuse there. It also left her with a career teetering on the edge of oblivion as she tried to manage the ever-increasing threats and honor her contracts. Now, with the Keystone Pipeline oil spill in South Dakota hitting the news, the threats have increased in an effort to keep her silent. Sparks fly and motives clash from the first minute Slyder and Nebraska get within arm’s length of each other. As near as Slyder can tell the hellcat needs a leash and tube of super glue to keep those sexy lips shut. Nebraska is no surgeon, but she’d love to start by removing that stick up Slyder’s mouthwatering, rock-hard ass. Can Slyder save Nebraska from a skillfully evasive threat, and from herself?

Rescuing Pandora

Kori David - 2016
    Serving her country as an ambassador’s Arabic speaking attaché in Iraq, she works hard and travels the world. Until a car bombing kills her employer and leaves her fighting for her life in a country where the customs and traditions treat women radically different. Now, Pandora has information to help bring down a member of ISIS in exchange for passage back home, and the only person who can help her is a ghost from the past. Cameron “Phantom” Caffee is CIA, an undercover operative stationed in Iraq. His goal—bring down the terrorist organization responsible for destroying his life, and ending his career as an Army Delta Force soldier. When he gets the chance to exchange asylum for valuable intel on ISIS bases, he jumps at the opportunity to finally have his revenge. But when Cam discovers his asset is a woman he thought long dead, the game changes. He joins forces with a deadly Delta Force team to rescue the woman he never stopped loving, and try to get them out of the country before ISIS can destroy them all.

Sultry Seattle Nights

Paige Yancey - 2019
    Siobhan Monahan is back in Seattle raising the daughter they conceived that night. When she accidentally overhears her emergency room patients speaking about a planned attack on her city, she’s on alert and scared for herself, her daughter and the people of the city. Her first instinct is to get her daughter to safety and then call and old friend she’d met on active duty, Hank Patterson who owns a security firm, Brotherhood Protectors. He sends some of his men to keep her safe and to help thwart the attack before people are killed. One of his men just happens to be her one-night-stand from six years. Boy is he surprised. J.B. Wayne, aka Atlas, has been with the brotherhood for five years after an injury sidelined him from the Navy SEALs. When his boss sends him to protect a woman and her family in Seattle, he’s surprised to find the woman he could never forget and she has a daughter with blue eyes, just like his. Temporarily setting aside his anger that Siobhan didn’t tell him he had a daughter, Atlas joins forces with Siobhan to discover the source and target of the pending attack, racing against time to stop the mercenaries before someone gets hurt. Working together rekindles their attraction and gives Atlas a chance to know his daughter. When the job is done, he’s determined to remain a part of their lives.

Rescuing Reya

Tiffani Lynn - 2018
    Losing her husband in a tragic motorcycle accident put her life in a tailspin. Moments before the accident, she learned that her beloved husband had a dangerous secret. Now someone is after her and Reya has no choice but to hightail it out of town. A chance encounter with a former Green Beret may be the only thing that keeps her alive. Former military man turned Montana ranch hand, Elias Covington knows what it means to put his life on the line for others. The second he meets Reya, he knows she’s in danger—and he’ll do anything to save her. Enlisting the Brotherhood Protectors is his best bet, but protecting a woman and falling for her should never go hand-in-hand.

Saving Liberty

Sarah O'Rourke - 2018
    Somehow.Even when fate decides to throw her a wicked curve ball.Delta Force Operative Paxton Graham was a warrior.He fought for his country.He fought for his Delta Force brothers.And now he’ll fight for the family he never knew he wanted.When Pax and Truly's worlds collide, two guarded hearts will learn that sometimes life's greatest gifts are also a completely unforeseen surprise.

Winter's Last Chance

Stacey Wilk - 2018
    A decision that jeopardizes her brother and their guests when a killer dressed like Santa opens fire at their annual Christmas Eve party. Lincoln Smith spent his life guarding his country, his clients, and his heart. He denied himself everything else – including Serra. He only wants a glimpse of her at the party. Nothing more. But when Santa tries to kill the only woman he ever loved, Lincoln does what he was trained to do. Seeking refuge in his cabin in the town of Winter, Lincoln vows to protect Serra even if it means dropping the shield around his heart. She had never wanted to see him again, but Serra can’t escape her true feelings. Just as passion finds a new path the killer finds them. With only hours to spare, Lincoln must forgive himself for past mistakes or he and Serra will lose their last chance for survival – and love.

Rescuing Samantha

Nicole Flockton - 2019
    A career in turmoil. A life teetering on the edge. Empty and lost, former Navy SEAL Beck, stands at a crossroad. A job opportunity in New York is as far away from his previous world, as he can get. Only life has other plans for Beck and he finds himself back on the West Coast doing personal security for an up and coming Hollywood actress. Samantha needs help, but won’t admit it. Her lifestyle has put her family in the line of fire. To protect them, she cut ties with everyone and decides to go it alone. After an accident on set, she concedes she needs help and agrees to a bodyguard following her every move. The simmering attraction between Samantha and Beck escalates until they can’t ignore it. But when Samantha’s life is put in danger, can Beck face his shortcomings and keep her safe?

Elite Protector

Donna Michaels - 2017
     Lured to the mountains of Montana, under the assumption her uncle and her godfather recommended her as a bodyguard for Brotherhood Protectors—an agency started by one of their former SEALs—Kat Crawford, former NIO, discovers too late, she’s really there as a client. Former DEVGRU SEAL, Brogan “Sonic” O’Neal, dropped his packet to return to Montana to take over his grandfather’s wood shop and care for the dying man. A deathbed promise to “not” return to the teams sentences him to life without the adrenaline rush he craves, until an old SEAL buddy hires him as a part time bodyguard for Brotherhood Protectors. A request to protect the niece of a former CO lands Brogan his first assignment, but it could be his last. Keeping objective is impossible. He’s watched the woman grow up through pictures in the commander’s office. Now she’s at Brogan’s cabin. Their chemistry is off the charts. And giving into their attraction is as inevitable as a Montana sunrise. But when Kat suggests the Brotherhood uses her as bait to end the threats once and for all, Brogan realizes his feelings for the woman run deep. Can he resist the alpha need to protect her? If he does, will she survive? If he doesn’t, will their relationship?

Romancing Rayne

Riley Edwards - 2018
     Their story began two years ago and left fans begging for more. In this all new adventure we catch up with some of Susan Stoker’s most beloved characters. Keane “Ghost” Bryson met the feisty flight attendant Rayne Jackson while on a layover in London. A chance meeting that proved to be life-changing. Now he's finally got his ring on her finger and he wants to take her back to where it all began. A perfect re-creation of their first trip, but this time with the fairytale ending Rayne deserves. From Big Ben to the Tower of London, Ghost takes Rayne on a holiday she'll never forget, complete with a very royal surprise. But just when life seems perfect, disaster strikes and it'll take a few of Ghost's longtime friends to help him keep Rayne safe.

Force Projection

Mary B. Moore - 2017
    When the worst happened, she left it all behind her and focused on making something of herself, lending her skills to help her country. Kyle hadn't been ‘home’ for seven years, had never intended to go back. Then, just back from a contract with the military, she receives her orders from her uncle and employer, Duke, and returns. Working with the Knights brings her back into close contact with the one man she never wanted to see again, her father, but it also brings Jagger, the Knights VP. Trust is hard for her, but Jagger proves it's not wasted on him, until the one thing she never expected comes out. Maddox ‘Jagger’ Carter Being Vice President of the Knights MC came with a lot of responsibility. However, being approached to assist a group of ex-military personnel to intercept and stop human, drugs and munitions trafficking from South to North America was now top of Jagger’s list. Meeting the elusive daughter of his President and working closely with her changes things for him. There's another weight on his shoulders though - he knows the secret, but it isn't his to tell. When it comes out, lives will be changed and he knows he’ll have to fight the battle to keep Kyle beside him where she belongs. Taking down a trafficking ring isn't easy. Like an octopus their tentacles reach everywhere, and just as the net gets tighter around the ones they’re looking for they escape. Piece by piece they start to uncover the scale of the operation that they're fighting against. Even with the best-of-the-best amongst them will Force Projection make a difference? And can you win every battle?