Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

National Strength and Conditioning Association - 1994
    Essentials of Strength Training Conditioning at Power Systems, Inc.

No Holds Barred: Ultimate Fighting and the Martial Arts Revolution

Clyde Gentry - 2002
    They fought one-against-one in an octagonal cage where they could punch, kick, knee, elbow, head butt and choke. "There are no rules!" proclaimed the organizers. The Ultimate Fighting Championship was born-and the mystique of traditional martial arts had died.For thousands of years, the fighting arts had been shrouded in mystery and deceit. Secrets were jealously guarded, while blood-curdling claims were made of lethal techniques and even supernatural powers. Each style or system asserted that it was the best, its masters unbeatable.By matching experts in different arts against each other, the Ultimate Fighting Championship exploded many of these myths. Black belts and flashy moves proved no match for the skill and technique of a new breed of athletic warrior.In just over a decade, no-holds-barred fighting-otherwise known as mixed martial arts-has gone from a novelty spectacle to a worldwide sport. It has produced its own superstars like the Gracie family, Ken and Frank Shamrock, Maurice Smith and Randy Couture. It has also attracted massive condemnation from the media and run the gauntlet of police raids and banning orders. Its critics labeled it "human cockfighting." It was pursued from state to state, excoriated by campaigners and banned by politicians. Through it all, the sport has continued to thrive, spreading across the globe.Author and journalist Clyde Gentry has interviewed more than 100 key figures to produce the definitive account of the world's most controversial and misunderstood sport and of the fighting men who dare to enter the octagon.

The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation (Muscle for Life)

Michael Matthews - 2018
    I’ve been there myself. Years ago, I was stuck in a rut in the gym, I was making minimum payments on tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt, and I had no idea where I should go in my life, let alone how to get there. Today, I’m a “super-fit” bestselling author with over one million books sold, and the owner and founder of several 7- and 8-figure businesses, including Muscle for Life, Legion Athletics, and Oculus Publishers. (And perhaps more importantly, I also found a unicorn for a wife who has given me two kids who are kinda the coolest.) How the heck did all that happen? Did I sell my soul to the Dread Lord Cthulhu? Discover the one weird trick to melting belly fat, debt, and existential angst. . . in just 5 minutes per day? Develop an expensive but highly productive cocaine habit? Not quite. What really happened is, well, kind of boring: I read scores of books, worked thousands of hours, and overcame more setbacks than I can count. In other words, I did the hard stuff that most people don’t want to do, and I’m ready to share the biggest lessons I’ve learned along the way. And now, while I don’t know everything about personal growth, I do know what it takes to develop the skills, habits, and spirit required to transform your body and life. I also know that anyone can use these powerful strategies to overcome the biggest mental and emotional blocks holding them back from realizing their potential in the same way that I have. No matter who you are or what difficulties you’re facing, you can empower yourself to have the body you want to have, become the person you want to be, and live the life you want to live. That’s why I wrote this book. It’s my personal—and 100% practical and hands-on—blueprint for personal transformation, inside and outside of the gym, and it will provide you with new and valuable knowledge and skills that you will use for the rest of your life. In short, I wrote this book to help you fix the biggest things that are holding you back from doing and achieving the things you care most about. To do that, I share wisdom and insights from hundreds of scientific studies and scores of legendary artists, authors, entrepreneurs, philosophers, generals, and conquerors, as well as my own biggest “a ha” moments that are most responsible for where I am today.

Budo: Teachings of the Founder of Aikido

Morihei Ueshiba - 1991
    Aikido is much more than just another fighting style, it is a holistic approach to life that Morihei described as "a divine path inspired by the gods that leads to truth, goodness, and beauty." Sadly, Morihei left few writings to explain his martial arts philosophy, preferring to teach his disciples by direct example.Aikido students will be familiar with photographs and film footage of Morihei as an old man, effortlessly defeating his much younger opponents, but very little has been published about Morihei's prewar years, when he was perfecting aiki-budo, as aikido was then known. In 1938 Morihei wrote Budo (Martial Way) as an instruction manual and a statement of the aims and spirit of his martial arts philosophy. Budo, however, was never made available to the general public, and it even contains the injunction that "these techniques ... should not be disclosed indiscriminately to the public."Now with the worldwide popularity of aikido rivaling that of judo and karate-do, the Aikikai Foundation and the Ueshiba family have decided that it is time for this historic treatise of the martial arts to be translated into English, and made available to general readers and students of aikido all over the world. Reproduced faithfully from the original, this seminal work contains one of the founder's few personal statements of his basic principles, expressed both in prose and mystical poetry. The text is accompanied by photographs of Morihei illustrating the aikido techniques he describes.This martial arts classic is preceded by an introductory biographical essay on Morihei by his son Kisshomaru Ueshiba, the present chairman of the Aikikai Foundation. This enlightening work recounts the founder's early life, his inspirational 'encounter with the religious mystic Onisaburo Deguchi, and the spiritual revelations that led him to develop the art of aikido.The volume concludes with a series of action photographs of the founder demonstrating aikido techniques, taken at a private dojo in Tokyo in 1936. This section also includes selected photographs of Morihei in action in 1951. The more than 400 historic photographs shown here provide an unequalled opportunity to observe the lifelong devotion to aikido and the continuity of performance that characterized Morihei's approach to his art.

The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing

Philip Maffetone - 2010
    Dr. Philip Maffetone’s approach to endurance offers a truly “individualized” outlook and unique system that emphasizes building a strong aerobic base for increased fat burning, weight loss, sustained energy, and a healthy immune system. Good nutrition and stress reduction are also key to this commonsense, big-picture approach. In addition, Dr. Maffetone dispels many of the commonly held myths that linger in participatory sports—and which adversely impact performance—and explains the “truths” about endurance, such as:The need to train slower to race faster will enable your aerobic system to improve endurance Why expensive running shoes can actually cause foot and leg injuries The fact that refined carbohydrates actually reduce endurance energy and disrupt hormone balance And more. If you are looking to increase your endurance and maximize your athletic potential, The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing is your one-stop guide to training and racing effectively.

Secret Tactics: Lessons from the Great Masters of Martial Arts

Kazumi Tabata - 2003
    It distills the crucial teachings on leadership, character and values found in those books. Readers will unlock the secrets of their art and self. These and a dozen other essays on strategy, combat tactics, psychology, leadership, good character, and the exercise of power, make Secret Tactics an indispensable resource for students of Asian culture, martial artists, and corporate executives.

Street Workout: A Worldwide Anthology of Urban Calisthenics--How to Sculpt a God-Like Physique Using Nothing But Your Environment

Al Kavadlo - 2016
    Their new book Street Workout is an incredibly comprehensive collection of calisthenics concepts, exercises and programs. In addition to their masterful demonstrations of every exercise, the Kavadlo brothers' colorful personalities and motivational talents leap off of every page. If you're serious about bodyweight training, you've gotta get this book!" --MARK SISSON, author of The Primal Blueprint"Al and Danny Kavadlo are acknowledged worldwide as masters of urban bodyweight training, so it's no surprise that this book is, without question, the new "bible" of the movement. This work is the greatest manual on progressive calisthenics available on the market today. It's loaded with incredible progressions, stacked with tips and techniques, and overflowing with philosophy and wisdom. The programming sections are beyond extensive. Street Workout is THE magnum opus of the two greatest calisthenics coaches on the planet today. All serious athletes and coaches must buy this book!!"--PAUL "COACH" WADE, author of Convict ConditioningYour Ultimate Guide to Full Body Fitness Without Weights: The Secrets of “Street Workout” Revealed…How to Release Yourself from the Gym, Restore Your Primal Power and Reclaim Your Inner Beast…According to the Kavadlos, working out should be fun, adventurous, primal and pure. And no training style embodies those elements quite like Street Workout. The outside world becomes your total gym--you roam free to get stronger using simply your own body and the environment at hand… The great masters of Street Workout perform stunning physical feats that can intimidate lesser mortals. But the beauty of the Kavadlos’ approach in Street Workout is to make even the toughest moves achievable by any enthusiast willing to follow their guidelines. Street Workout’s multi-faceted, progressive approach leaves nothing to chance--allowing even a raw beginner to transcend his mortal frame and ascend to the giddiest heights of physical supremacy…Intermediate and advanced calisthenics practitioners will discover a veritable treasure chest of tips, techniques and insider secrets--guaranteed to force-feed their future achievements in the realm of bodyweight mastery. Pushing, pulling and squatting your own bodyweight along with forward flexion and back bridging represent the basics of getting brutally strong, solid and unbreakable. By utilizing basic principles of progression such as the manipulation of leverage, adding or removing points of contact and/or increasing the range of motion, you can continue to get stronger without ever having to pick up a weight--and have a helluva good time while you’re at it! Street Workout proves it so--with its mix of inspirational photography, exact detail on what to do when—and its step-by-step blueprints for off-the-charts, eye-popping physical excellence.Street Workout fires its first barrage with a crucial section on the Foundational Progressions--future and ongoing physical greatness cannot be achieved without mastery of these five fundamental pillars of fitness… You will immediately appreciate the nobility, virtue and integrity of these movement patterns. Absorb the wisdom of this first section and you have absorbed the very heart and soul of the Street Workout ethos.Mastering the exercise progressions in the Skills & “Tricks” section will propel you to new heights, to the land where the giants of Street Workout strut their splendid stuff. And make no mistake, only the bold of heart, the iron-willed and the profoundly persistent will be godlike enough to make it all the way.

Jiu-Jitsu University

Saulo Ribeiro - 2008
    In Jiu-Jitsu University, Ribeiro shares with the public for the first time his revolutionary system of grappling, mapping out more than 200 techniques that carry you from white to black belt. Illuminating common jiu-jitsu errors and then illustrating practical remedies, this book is a must for all who train in jiu-jitsu. Not your run-of-the-mill technique book, Jiu-Jitsu University is a detailed training manual that will ultimately change the way jiu-jitsu is taught around the globe.

Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts

Donn F. Draeger - 1981
    In Asia they developed to a degree of effectiveness probably unsurpassed elsewhere in the world. This book explains the relationships between fighting arts, assesses their strengths and weaknesses, and presents new material about hitherto unknown fighting methods. Written by two of the best-known and most widely published authorities in the field, it covers fighting methods and techniques found in eleven Asian countries-fighting techniques that range from the artful Chinese tai-chi and Burmese bando to Japanese jujutsu and the lethal pentjak-silat of Indonesia.Documentation of these has been supplemented with a wealth of fascinating anecdotes. The reader learns of the daring exploits of the Japanese ninja, of Gama, perhaps the greatest of the great Indian wrestlers, of the Indonesian "trance" fighters-and hundreds of other tales that serve to illustrate some of the most deadly fighting systems that the world has known.The volume is illustrated with over two hundred photographs and drawings, many of them depicting combat styles and techniques that have never been seen in the West.

The Shaolin Workout: 28 Days to Transforming Your Body and Soul the Warrior's Way

Yan Ming - 2006
    A 34th generation Shaolin Warrior monk from China's Shaolin Temple—the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and the mecca of all martial arts—Yan Ming teaches the students at his USA Shaolin Temple that there is no better workout program than his brand of kung fu for getting the body and mind into warrior condition.Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of four-color photographs, the warrior workout, distills a lifetime of Shaolin training and wisdom into a 28-day workout. The Shaolin Workout is a complete-unto-itself program of both fitness and spiritual lessons can be applied to every aspect of one's life: work, relationships, family.Kung fu gives a superb aerobic workout at the same time that it dramatically increases flexibility, power, and speed.. The ultimate promise of the book is this: readers who stick to the plan for 28 days—for as little as 15 minutes a day—will be transformed inside and out. And the enormous sense of accomplishment that results will radiate through their life, allowing them to tackle the world with a warrior's confidence, calm, and poise.

The Cus D'Amato Mind: Learn The Simple Secrets That Took Boxers Like Mike Tyson To Greatness

Reemus Boxing - 2017
    Perfect for aspiring boxers, athletes and ambitious people who want to be more confident and talented in their craft. THE GREATEST BOXING COACH IN HISTORY ‘The Cus D’Amato Mind’ teaches the principles and philosophies of the great trainer D’Amato, which took young boys such as Mike Tyson and Floyd Patterson to the heavyweight championship in a few short years. THE MAN WHO MADE MIKE TYSON In 1980, a young Mike Tyson was in the Tryon school for juvenile delinquents. By the age of 13, Mike had already been arrested dozens of times, had suffered bullying, and often engaged in criminal activities like armed robbery and house burglary. He was heading down a certain path to death or a life of prison. Fast forward six years later, and Mike Tyson had become the youngest heavyweight champion at 20 years old, after destructively crafting a route to the top. What had happened? How could such a change happen in such a short space of time? The answer is Cus D’Amato. The great boxing coach Cus D’Amato was a revolutionist. He was a modern-day philosopher. He was a leader who changed the lives of those he helped. Cus would literally take juvenile kids of the street, and house them in his fourteen-room mansion. Impressively, he was able to instill them with the character of champions, so they would be able to go out and conquer the world, whether they were fighters or not. Cus D’Amato created champions. LEARN HIS SECRETS In this book, we break down the mental strategies that any fighter (or anyone) can use in order to excel towards greatness. Fighters all over the world are able to acquire trainers that can teach technique. But they are unable to find teachers, like the Cus D’Amato’s and the Angelo Dundee’s, who can instill them with charismatic confidence, and help them deal with anxiety and fear before matches. The book consists of five sections. Each section is designed to empower you in a different area. The five sections are: • Character • Fear • Anxiety • Resistance • Leadership The aim of the book is to increase your belief and confidence in your potential, as well as giving you the knowledge of what it specifically takes to become a champion. After reading the book, you will be able to make simple adjustments, so that you can think like a champion.Without knowing what makes a champion, and how you can become one too, you will never be able to achieve it. After learning what makes ‘The Cus D’Amato Mind’, you will be more charismatic, confident, with a greater sense of control over your path to boxing greatness.

Got Fight?: The 50 Zen Principles of Hand-to-Face Combat

Forrest Griffin - 2009
    Forrest Griffin is the light-heavyweight champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and was the winner of the first season of Spike TV’s The Ultimate Fighter; in Got Fight?, he shows you how he did it. With Erich Krauss, Muay Thai fighter and co-author of “The Prodigy” B.J. Penn’s Mixed Martial Arts: The Book of Knowledge.

Kodokan Judo: The Essential Guide to Judo by Its Founder Jigoro Kano

Jigoro Kano - 1986
    This book by the creator of Kodokan judo is uniquely comprehensive and the most authoritative guide to this martial art ever published.

Fightnomics: The Hidden Numbers in Mixed Martial Arts and Why There’s No Such Thing as a Fair Fight

Reed Kuhn - 2013
    How do MMA fights really go down? Fightnomics explores all the data and answers all the big questions of Mixed Martial Arts with a little bit of science and a whole lot of numbers.

Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Hottest Martial Arts Discipline

Eddie Bravo - 2005
    This fighting technique features ground fighting and submission moves that bewilder even the most ferocious opponents.In Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed, expert Eddie Bravo teaches you the moves that he used to defeat legendary Royler Gracie--a member of the reigning family of jiujitsu--the victory that made him one of the sport's most feared competitors. Jiu-Jitsu Unleashed features:Detailed instruction on stance, kicks, punches, takedowns, and submissionsStep-by-step photos of basic and advanced moves modeled by Fear Factor host and former NewsRadio star Joe RoganVarious theories and strategies behind training and competing