Blood and Mistletoe: The History of the Druids in Britain
Ronald Hutton - 2009
Because of this, historian Ronald Hutton shows, succeeding British generations have been free to reimagine, reinterpret, and reinvent the Druids. Hutton’s captivating book is the first to encompass two thousand years of Druid history and to explore the evolution of English, Scottish, and Welsh attitudes toward the forever ambiguous figures of the ancient Celtic world.Druids have been remembered at different times as patriots, scientists, philosophers, or priests; sometimes portrayed as corrupt, bloodthirsty, or ignorant, they were also seen as fomenters of rebellion. Hutton charts how the Druids have been written in and out of history, archaeology, and the public consciousness for some 500 years, with particular focus on the romantic period, when Druids completely dominated notions of British prehistory. Sparkling with legends and images, filled with new perspectives on ancient and modern times, this book is a fascinating cultural study of Druids as catalysts in British history.
Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses: Maud Gonne, Moina Bergson Mathers, Annie Horniman, Florence Farr
Mary K. Greer - 1995
Less well-known than the famous men in their lives, including Yeats and Shaw, their stories are now told.
The History of Witchcraft and Demonology
Montague Summers - 1926
The definitive scholarly account on witchcraft, demonology, diabolic possession and modern spiritualism.
Witchcraft: The Big Spell Book: The ultimate guide to witchcraft, spells, rituals and wicca
Justin Kase - 2015
We start of with the root of it all - the history of witchcraft and wicca. Then, we further move ahead by giving clarifications on what a witch really is. After which, we will provide you with the different gods and goddesses of witchcraft and wicca as well as different spells that you can use! If you are someone with minimal or no experience in witchcraft and wicca, this book is totally for you. We can help you get started really quick. If you're someone who has a little more experience and background to witchcraft and wicca, this book is still for you as you will find new bits to learn from this book. We've got heaps of resources and information all laid out in a quick, concise, and easy to read format to keep you learning for hours. In this book, you will learn the following awesome information: Bring you back to the past by learning the history of witchcraft! Teach you what it really means to be a witch! Provide you an ultimate list of gods and goddesses of witchcraft and wicca! An in depth tutorial on progression systems - and our personal recommendations! Provide you information about visualization, divination, rituals, and rites! An in-depth guide to spell casting! - Cast your spells the right way! An overview and discussion on how you can write your very own spells! A list of spells that really work! and much much more…. So what are you waiting for? Get your materials ready and learn the way of the witches today!!! ***SPECIAL OFFER!!!*** LIMITED TIME OFFER 40% OFF (Regular Price $4.99) This #1 Best Selling Critically Acclaimed Book is now available Globally on Amazon - Download it Now!
Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts
Donald Michael Kraig - 1988
Already over 100,000 people are using it.Author Donald Michael Kraig wrote this after teaching the information in classes for ten years. It is refined, tested, and easy to understand. It is filled with exercises, techniques, and rituals to help you. It is presented in a series of eleven lessons. Follow the lessons, practice the rituals and techniques, and by the end of your work you will be a magician. What does it cover? Rituals, healing, initiation, talismans, astral travel, creative visualization, psychic self-defense, evocation of spirits, the Kabalah, physical exercise, and magical tools such as wands.Want more? You'll also learn the secrets of true meditation, how to use the Tarot, how to remember your dreams, how to do the rituals of Western Magick, including rituals of the Pentagram, Hexagram, Middle Pillar, Rose Cross, and Watchtower. You'll learn how to manipulate magical energy, secrets of relaxation, Wicca, pathworking, Tantra, and sex magick.Once you have finished working your way through this book you will be an accomplished magician. You will be able to perform real magick. Then this book will become the most valuable reference tool in your collection of books.What if you want to know even more about a subject? No problem. Each chapter has a bibliography so you can go even deeper into any topic. There is an annotated bibliography at the end with even more resources.In the new, second edition the contents pages contain more information so it is even easier to find what you need, but there is also an entirely new appendix with answers to many of the most frequently asked questions that Kraig has received over the years. This book is a must!
The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies and Magic
Migene González-Wippler - 1977
It is the most complete book of spells, ceremonies, and magic ever assembled. It is the spiritual record of humanity.Topics in this book include magical spells and rituals from virtually every continent and every people. The spells described are for love, wealth, success, protection, and health. Also examined are the theories and history of magic, including its evolution, the gods, the elements, the Kabbalah, the astral plane, ceremonial magic, famous books of magic, and famous magicians. You will learn about talismanic magic, exorcisms, how to use the I Ching, how to interpret dreams, how to construct and interpret a horoscope, how to read Tarot cards, how to read palms, how to do numerology, and much more. Included are explicit instructions for love spells and talismans; spells for riches and money; weight-loss spells; magic for health and healing; psychic self-defense; spells for luck in gambling; and much more.No magical library is complete without this classic text of magical history, theory, and practical technique. The author is known for her excellent books on magic. Many consider this her best. Includes over 150 rare photos and illustrations.
Treading the Mill: Practical CraftWorking in Modern Traditional Witchcraft
Nigel G. Pearson - 2007
Druid Magic: The Practice of Celtic Wisdom
Maya Magee Sutton - 2000
They were wizards, storytellers, teachers and spiritual leaders. They were attuned to the Earth and the Sun. And they were very powerful.Druid Magick presents everything you need to know to become a Druid and even start your own Druid "Grove" (the name of a Druid group). Learn about the Druid's tools--the sickle, wand, cord, and more--and how to make and use them. Discover all of the beliefs the Druids hold, including the emphasis on honor and ethics.And, of course, you'll learn the secrets of the magic of the Druids.Protection spells How to use magic to find missing items Learn to visit other "worlds" (levels of reality) Shapeshifting And more! Druidry is far more than historic Celtic leadership. It is a living, growing, spiritual tradition that can bring you more self-assurance and self-development than you've before ever had.Winner of the 2001 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for best Magic Book
Witchcraft Today
Gerald B. Gardner - 1949
Commemorating its 50th anniversary is an expanded edition of the first Wicca book, by the father of the Pagan renaissance.
The Devil's Doctor: Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science
Philip Ball - 2006
A contemporary of Luther, an enemy of the medical establishment, a scourge of the universities, an alchemist, an army surgeon, and a radical theologian, he attracted myths even before he died. His fantastic journeys across Europe and beyond were said to be made on a magical white horse, and he was rumored to carry the elixir of life in the pommel of his great broadsword. His name was linked with Faust, who bargained with the devil.Who was the man behind these stories? Some have accused him of being a charlatan, a windbag who filled his books with wild speculations and invented words. Others claim him as the father of modern medicine. Philip Ball exposes a more complex truth in The Devil's Doctor—one that emerges only by entering into Paracelsus’s time. He explores the intellectual, political, and religious undercurrents of the sixteenth century and looks at how doctors really practiced, at how people traveled, and at how wars were fought. For Paracelsus was a product of an age of change and strife, of renaissance and reformation. And yet by uniting the diverse disciplines of medicine, biology, and alchemy, he assisted, almost in spite of himself, in the birth of science and the emergence of the age of rationalism.
The Magician's Companion: A Practical and Encyclopedic Guide to Magical and Religious Symbolism
Bill Whitcomb - 2002
Over thirty-five magical models are compared and discussed. Begins with an introduction to magic, including a program of study so you can use any of the ninety-one systems described. Reveals the secrets of alchemy, magical alphabets, the chakras, the Tree of Life, astrology, and much more. It makes the ancient magical systems accessible, understandable and useful to modern magicians.
Galdrabok: An Icelandic Grimoire
Stephen E. Flowers - 1650
In this translation, the author discusses books of the black art, old gods, daemons of hell, runes and magical signs, theory and practice of magic.
Austin Osman Spare: The Life and Legend of London’s Lost Artist
Phil Baker - 2010
This biography charts the rise and fall and rise again of British art's darkest star.
Nocturnicon: Calling Dark Forces and Powers
Konstantinos - 2005
Developed and tested by Konstantinos, these rites and rituals have proven to be quite powerful in harnessing nocturnal energies-even helping the author overcome a serious medical condition in a miraculous recovery that shocked doctors!Drawn from diverse sources-ceremonial magick, folk magick, ancient Greek ritual, and divination-these techniques enable magicians and novices to conjure and control primal energies, thoughtforms, Lovecraftian entities, egregores, sigils, and other forces. Those attracted to the dark mysteries will relish Konstantinos' bold exploration of sex magick, death magick, altered states, dream grimoires, and forbidden tomes.
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
William Thomas - 1922
This book is a study of the symbolism of precious stones, and how they have been used as magical objects through the ages, both intrinsically, and as a vehicle for symbolic engravings. The Pavitts cover Hindu, Jewish, Chinese, Egyptian, Roman, Gnostic, and Christian lore of gems. The final section discusses the astrological connections of key gems, sign by sign. This work also includes quite a bit of history of important (and often 'cursed') stones such as the Hope diamond, and practical advice about purchasing gems.