Sh*t the Moon Said: A Story of Sex, Drugs, and Ayahuasca

Gerard Armond Powell - 2018
    I was feeling so elated that I told the moon I had a special request. I explained that this life had been so full of pain for me that I didn't think I could do it all again. So I asked her if in my next life she could make sure that I found the plant medicine as soon as possible. Her reply floored me. She typed, 'Gerry, that's a request about next time, but it's the same one you used last time.'" Plant medicine? The moon typing? It probably seems incomprehensible. Gerard Armond Powell was a rags-to-riches success story—a member of the 1 percent—but also an extremely unhappy person with multiple addictions. On a fast track to destroying every relationship that ever mattered to him and considering suicide, he was looking for a miracle, a way out. He found it in the form of plant medicine and a shaman who introduced him to the truth of his life, and laid the groundwork for a psycho-spiritual journey that would lead him to reconnect with his soul, heal his addictions, and, finally, achieve a lasting sense of peace and happiness. This experience changed Powell, and convinced him to share the universal truths he learned with as many people as he could, which he does at the acclaimed Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica, and now with readers in Sh*t the Moon Said. This mesmerizing story gives readers a blueprint to chart their own course to happiness. The first step is to learn who they really are and the possibilities of what they can still become. Second, they have to achieve a reconnection with their souls. And third, they must heal their hearts. Sh*t the Moon Said provides us with an irreverent way of highlighting our shared unconscious wisdom and its life-changing potential. Powell's candid tale and unlikely journey will help inspire readers to know themselves better, and to find the path to their own greatest redemption.

Soul Speak ~ The Language of Your Body

Julia Cannon - 2012
    The only problem is, we don't have the translation manual for this language - until now. We are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual being residing in a physical body. We came into this dimension to have experiences and to grow. We have constant guidance and support from our other parts as we go about having these experiences. It is very easy to forget who and what we really are and why we have placed ourselves here. Our higher selves are constantly communicating with us to help us stay on the path we have chosen for our growth. One of the easiest ways to get our attention is through pain, so that's why we use it. When we learn to communicate directly with these parts, we no longer need the physical messages.In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF.What is your body telling you? What is pain telling us?Why do we make ourselves sick?

Manhood of Humanity

Alfred Korzybski - 1921
    Method and Processes of Approach to a New Concept of Life -For a while he trampled with impunity on laws human and divine but, as he was obsessed with the delusion that two and two makes five, he fell, at last a victim to the relentless rules of humble Arithmetic. -Remember, O stranger, Arithmetic is the first of the sciences and the mother of safety.- --Brandeis It is the aim of this little book to point the way to a new science and art-the science and art of Human Engineering. By Human Engineering I mean the science and art of directing the energies and capacities of human beings to the advancement of human weal. It need not be argued in these times that the establishment of such a science-the science of human welfare-is an undertaking of immeasurable importance. No one can fail to see that its importance is supreme. It is evident that, if such a science is to be established it must be founded on ascertained facts-it must accord with what is characteristic of Man-it must be based upon a just conception of what Man is-upon a right understanding of Man's place in the scheme of Nature. No one need be told how indispensable it is to have true ideas-just concepts-correct notions-of the things with which we humans have to deal; everyone knows for example, that to mistake solids for surfaces or lines would wreck the science and art of geometry; anyone knows that to confuse fractions with whole numbers would wreck the science and art of arithmetic; everyone knows that to mistake vice for virtue would destroy the foundation of ethics; everyone knows that to mistake a desert mirage for a lake of fresh water does but lure the fainting traveler to dire disappointment or death. Now, it is perfectly clear that of all the things with which human beings have to deal, the most important by far is Man himself-humankind-men, women and children. It follows that for us human beings nothing else can be quite so important as a clear, true, just, scientific concept of Man-a right understanding of what we as human beings really are. For it requires no great wisdom, it needs only a little reflection, to see that, if we humans radically misconceive the nature of man-if we regard man as being something which he is not, whether it be something higher than man or lower-we thereby commit an error so fundamental and far reaching as to produce every manner of confusion and disaster in individual life, in community life and in the life of the race. The question we have, therefore, to consider first of all is fundamentally: What is Man? What is a man? What is a human being? What is the defining or characteristic mark of humanity?

The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher; The World View of William James

Jane Roberts - 2001
    Book by Roberts, Jane

Women's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern (C.G. Jung Foundation)

Mary Esther Harding - 1955
    In presenting the archetypal foundations of feminine psychology, the author shows how the ancient religious initiations of the moon goddess symbolized the development of the emotions. Understanding the psychological meaning of these initiations, she believes, can help to heal the troubled relations between men and women today.

The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic

Chic Cicero - 2003
    Over a century old, the teachings of this once-secret society are considered the capstone of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Yet many of the available books on the subject are too complex or overwhelming for readers just beginning to explore alternative spiritual paths.The Essential Golden Dawn is for those who simply want to find out what the Golden Dawn is and what it has to offer. Written by recognized experts on the topic, this introduction to High Magic is both straightforward and succinct. It explores the origins of Hermeticism and the Western Esoteric Tradition, as well as the rich history of the Golden Dawn and its founders. This guide explains the laws of magic and magical philosophy, describes different areas of magical knowledge that a Golden Dawn magician can expect to learn, and presents basic rituals for the novice.If you have been curious about the Golden Dawn, but intimidated by its scope, this concise guide will shed light on this powerful system of practical magic and spiritual growth.COVR Award 2nd Runner-Up

Practical Law of Attraction: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Your Desires

Victoria Gallagher - 2019
    If you're still stuck and trying to figure it out, Practical Law of Attraction will give you the answers you've been looking for!"Dr. Joe Vitale - Star of The Secret, #1 Best Selling Author of "The Attractor Factor""Practical" is right! I wish I'd had this book when I started my journey over 20 years ago. Victoria takes this very misunderstood subject and truly does make it accessible to even the most skeptical thinker. This book is an outstanding way to introduce new people to the Law of Attraction, and a great refresher for long-time students who could benefit from a refresher."Bob Doyle - Featured Expert in "The Secret"Victoria Gallagher's book eases the burden of one ever having to wonder whether the genie has gotten the message or not. All the power to manifest is within you.Manifesting, which goes beyond simple positive thinking, is a collaboration between all three levels of mind; Conscious, Subconscious, and Superconscious. It's impersonal and happens; whether positive or negative, when these eight conditions are in alignment.Desire or FearThoughtsImaginationBelief/ExpectancyFeelings/VibrationCreative AttractionInspired ActionManifestationEach condition plays an important role in manifesting. They do not always happen in a specific order.When the conditions are in alignment, manifestation occurs simultaneously.The book demystifies the concepts of manifesting and attracting. It helps you understand in no uncertain terms, the practical personal development work which is a requirement to attract success.Included are dozens of downloadable worksheets, meditative scripts, mental techniques and strategies to develop yourself into a person who has the kind of manifesting power that can help you create the life of your dreams.Victoria book eases the burden of having to wonder whether the genie has gotten the message or not. There is no genie, granting wishes. The power to manifest is within you and requires a level of belief, which can only come as a result of releasing deeply embedded negative subconscious programs and having the motivation to take action on your dreams and goals.This book is for anyone who has a dream or simply wishes to change their life for the better. Shift out of the old ways which haven't worked and implement new strategies to finally make it work for you.

Animus and Anima: Two Essays

Emma Jung - 1955
    This book maps a way towards an understanding of the union of opposites and the emergence of the Self.

Wealth Beyond Reason: [Handbook] Mastering The Law Of Attraction

Bob Doyle - 2003
    By taking a scientific approach to explaining the sometimes metaphysically-categorized "Law of Attraction", anyone of any background can claim the life they truly want to live, without limitations of any kind. Written with skeptics in mind, this book gives you a full understanding of nature's most prevalent physical law, and shows you precisely how to purposefully utilize it in the you were intended: To create 100% of your life experience, exactly as you most passionately desire!

The Perception Deception or...It's ALL Bollocks-Yes, ALL of it

David Icke - 2013
    What was once ridiculed & dismissed is now being confirmed again & again as Icke, a figure of fun for so long, is acknowledged by some as a man ahead of his time.

Eros and Magic in the Renaissance

Ioan Petru Culianu - 1984
    Eros and Magic in the Renaissance challenges this view, providing an in-depth scholarly explanation of the workings of magic and showing that magic continues to exist in an altered form even today.Renaissance magic, according to Ioan Couliano, was a scientifically plausible attempt to manipulate individuals and groups based on a knowledge of motivations, particularly erotic motivations. Its key principle was that everyone (and in a sense everything) could be influenced by appeal to sexual desire. In addition, the magician relied on a profound knowledge of the art of memory to manipulate the imaginations of his subjects. In these respects, Couliano suggests, magic is the precursor of the modern psychological and sociological sciences, and the magician is the distant ancestor of the psychoanalyst and the advertising and publicity agent.In the course of his study, Couliano examines in detail the ideas of such writers as Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, and Pico della Mirandola and illuminates many aspects of Renaissance culture, including heresy, medicine, astrology, alchemy, courtly love, the influence of classical mythology, and even the role of fashion in clothing.Just as science gives the present age its ruling myth, so magic gave a ruling myth to the Renaissance. Because magic relied upon the use of images, and images were repressed and banned in the Reformation and subsequent history, magic was replaced by exact science and modern technology and eventually forgotten. Couliano's remarkable scholarship helps us to recover much of its original significance and will interest a wide audience in the humanities and social sciences.

The Wounded Heart Workbook: A Companion Workbook for Personal or Group Use

Dan B. Allender - 1990
    Dan Allender'sbook The WoundedHeart . This workbook continues the processof change as readers work their way step-by-step through thecomplex issues surrounding sexual abuse.Topics include:Facing the truth about past and present experiences andfeelingsUnderstanding fears and goalsWrestling with God, others, and yourselfFor group or individual useAlso available: The Wounded Heart

Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative

Judith Butler - 1997
    Reviewing hate speech regulations, anti-pornography arguments, and recent controversies about gay self-declaration in the military, Judith Butler asks whether and how language acts in each of these cultural sites. Excitable Speech examines the issue of the threatening action of words. The book suggests that although language is a kind of performance which has the power to produce political effects and injuries, it is best understood as a scene of injury rather than its cause. Rather, Butler warns us against a "sovereign" view of language, in which the words we speak are construed as unequivocal forms of conduct. She shows that the repetition of injurious language can be the occasion of its redefinition. Butler illuminates the efficacy of injurious language, covering speech act therapy in both philosophical and literary traditions, Supreme Court cases, hate speech and pornography critics, and recent bans on gay speech in the military.

The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles

Josie Robinson - 2014
    The story itself is a heartwarming, inspirational tale of spiritual transformation and self-discovery, but it is also a guidebook with the power to instantly release the negative belief systems no longer serving you….and to direct your steps with new energy onto the path of joy and emotional freedom.Nourish your soul and restore your faith in the goodness of the world as you begin to use its simple truths within your daily life. The time is right to hear its message, and to accept the invitation that awaits inside its pages to a joyful and inspiring new life.

Being Mortal: : Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande | Summary & Analysis

aBookaDay - 2015
     Gawande draws on clinical studies, case histories and stories from his own experiences as a doctor and a son to illuminate the subject of mortality relative to modern medical systems. His treatment of the subject covers a broad range of institutions and individuals that shape the lives of the aged and terminally ill. The central thesis of the book is that the experience of the end of life has been problematized and addressed by medical models that place extending life over quality of life and institutional frameworks that place safety and efficiency over the ability for people to have autonomy over the last part of their lives. Gawande is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor at the Harvard Medical School. He is a writer at The New Yorker magazine and author of three New York Times bestselling books.