With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship

D.G. Hart - 2002
    Conflicting expectations for worship reveal that there is significant confusion about its nature, purpose, and practice. Originally designed for Sunday school classes, this book is a primer to the fundamentals of worship, drawing from Scripture and Reformed confessions. By overviewing how Reformed theology informs how we think about, put together, and participate in a worship service, Hart and Muether prepare us to gather corporately for worship in ways that are appropriate to our Triune God.

Chosen for Life: The Case for Divine Election

Sam Storms - 1987
    Does God elect people because they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, or does God elect people in order that they will believe in Christ? Much of the disagreement and controversy concerning this doctrine proceeds from a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means.This is why Storms begins his analysis of divine election with an attempt to clarify precisely what is at stake and, at the same time, correct misrepresentations of it. He takes a thorough look at the doctrine as it is presented in Romans 9 as well as the rest of the New Testament. He also explores freedom of will and the order of salvation. Appendixes address Three Problem Passages and Who Can and Cannot Pray for God to Save the Lost?

Chosen But Free

Norman L. Geisler - 1999
    Polarized beliefs have dominated and divided the theological landscape of the twentieth century, while many observers wonder, "Does it really make a difference?" Chosen But Free answers with a resounding yes. But rather than pitting one strong perspective against another, this brilliant work presents a cogent and sensible moderate view, providing readers with one of the first books that convincingly affirms both the sovereignty and foreknowledge of God and the human responsibility to either receive or reject Him. Includes a response to The Potter's Freedom by James R. White. The Definitive Work on the Relationship Between Divine Election and Human Choice.

John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor

W. Robert Godfrey - 2009
    As controversial as he was influential, his critics have named a judgmental and joyless attitude after him, while his admirers celebrate him as the principal theologian of Reformed Christianity. Yet his impact is unmistakable-a primary developer of western civilization whose life and work have deeply affected five centuries' worth of pastors, scholars, and individuals.What will surprise the readers of this book, however, is that Calvin did not live primarily to influence future generations. Rather, he considered himself first and foremost a spiritual pilgrim and a minister of the Word in the church of his day. It was from that essential Calvin that all his influence flowed.Here is an introduction to Calvin's life and thought and essence: a man who moved people not through the power of personality but through passion for the Word, a man who sought to serve the gospel in the most humble of roles.

God's Greater Glory: The Exalted God of Scripture and the Christian Faith

Bruce A. Ware - 2004
    Nowhere is this blend of respectful listening to the wisdom of the past and faithfulness to the Bible more necessary than in our contemporary reformulations of the doctrine of God's person.Bruce Ware believes that while tradition's emphasis on God's metaphysical perfection and His supremacy over the world is correct, we must refine our understanding of the way in which He relates to us. While retaining the deepest concerns of the historic tradition, Ware offers a more rational view of God's dealings with His children-a view that is reflected in Scripture's own testimony of Him. Ware then applies this concept of real divine exaltation and real divine-human relationship to the areas of our prayer life, confidence in God and His guidance of us.

Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities

Roger E. Olson - 2006
    Irenic yet incisive, Olson argues that classical Arminian theology has a rightful place in the evangelical church because it maintains deep roots within Reformational theology, even though it maintains important differences from Calvinism. Myths addressed include: Myth 1: Arminian Theology Is the Opposite of Calvinist/Reformed Theology Myth 2: A Hybrid of Calvinism and Arminianism Is Possible Myth 3: Arminianism Is Not an Orthodox Evangelical Option Myth 4: The Heart of Arminianism Is Belief in Free Will Myth 5: Arminian Theology Denies the Sovereignty of God Myth 6: Arminianism Is a Human-Centered Theology Myth 7: Arminianism Is Not a Theology of Grace Myth 8: Arminians Do Not Believe in Predestination Myth 9: Arminian Theology Denies Justification by Grace Alone Through Faith Alone Myth 10: All Arminians Believe in the Governmental Theory of the Atonement

The Westminster Larger Catechism: A Commentary

Johannes Geerhardus Vos - 2002
    J. G. Vos wrote a series of studies of the Larger Catechism that first appeared in Blue Banner Faith and Life (1946-49) and has never circulated widely. G. I. Williamson has edited Vos's commentary, and P&R is publishing it in book form for the first time. Because the Larger Catechism supplements the Shorter Catechism on such topics as the church and the means of grace, Presbyterians dare not ignore it. This edition of J. G. Vos's commentary will encourage a recommitment to the Larger Catechism.

The Trinity: An Introduction

Scott R. Swain - 2020
    While Christians often struggle to find the right words to describe the union of Father, Son, and Spirit, the Bible gives clarity concerning the triune God's activity in nature (creation), grace (redemption), and glory (reward). In the second installment of the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, theologian Scott Swain examines the Trinity, presenting its biblical foundations, systematic-theological structure, and practical relevance for the church today.

Dispensationalism, Rightly Dividing the People of God

Keith A. Mathison - 1995
    Dispensationalism: Rightly Dividing the People of God?

The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is

N.T. Wright - 1999
    In the midst of well publicized and controversial books on Jesus, N. T. Wright's lectures and writings have been widely recognized for providing a fresh, provocative and historically credible portrait. Out of his own commitment to both historical scholarship and Christian ministry, Wright challenges us to roll up our sleeves and take seriously the study of the historical Jesus. He writes, "Many Christians have been, frankly, sloppy in their thinking and talking about Jesus, and hence, sadly, in their praying and in their practice of discipleship. We cannot assume that by saying the word Jesus, still less the word Christ, we are automatically in touch with the real Jesus who walked and talked in first-century Palestine. . . . Only by hard, historical work can we move toward a fuller comprehension of what the Gospels themselves were trying to say." The Challenge of Jesus poses a double-edged challenge: to grow in our understanding of the historical Jesus within the Palestinian world of the first century, and to follow Jesus more faithfully into the postmodern world of the twenty-first century.

A Body of Divinity: Contained in Sermons upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism

Thomas Watson - 1692
    Watson was one of the most concise, racy, illustrative, and suggestive of those eminent divines who made the Puritan age the Augustan period of evangelical literature. There is a happy union of sound doctrine, heart-searching experience and practical wisdom throughout all his works, and his Body of Divinity is, beyond all the rest, useful to the student and the minister.

The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology

Pascal Denault - 2013
    Book by Denault, Pascal

Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism

Iain H. Murray - 1995
    Spurgeon (1834-1892) is best-remembered today for the remarkable ministry he exercised in London during the Victorian era. His influence was incalculable. Thousands listened to his preaching every week, while hundreds of thousands throughout the world later read his sermons in published form. A man of great natural gifts, charm and wit, Spurgeons master passion was evident in everything he did to preach Jesus Christ to all as the only Saviour. But as early as 1855 this brought him into a serious and prolonged doctrinal controversy with Hyper-Calvinism. By tracing this conflict, exploring the issues involved in it and showing what was at stake in them.

Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit

Matthew Barrett - 2021
    You will be surprised to learn that what you believe about the Trinity has untold consequences for salvation and the Christian life. To truly know God, you must meet the One who is simply Trinity.

Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology

Richard B. Gaffin Jr. - 1987
    A study of the structure of Paul's theology of Jesus' resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul's total theology.