Best of
Dark Ages: Fae
Aaron Dembski-Bowden - 2004
You promised to leave our sacred places intact, to leave sacrifices for us, to remember us in your songs. You promised that when the War of Seasons ended, you would stand aside for us, the true rulers of the world. You lied.The Truce Falls with the Blackened SunDark Ages: Fae is the book for playing the "Good Folk." Some have bred with humanity and inherited our understanding of the world, some are born of the Earth and the elements, and the rest spring from the very stuff of Creation itself. This book provides complete information on playing fae characters, including details on their society, their magic and their perception of the world. This book requires the use of Dark Ages: Vampire.
The Orphan-Grinders (Orpheus)
Kraig Blackwelder - 2004
Dark Ages Inquisitor Companion
Kraig Blackwelder - 2004
No matter how many of their servants we put to the torch, Satan corrupts more. Yet we shall not fall into despair, for God is on our side, and faith can - and shall - move mountains. Let the fiends be the ones to cower, for we are coming, and nothing shall stay our righteous hand. Amen. Smite the Servants of Hell In the first sourcebook specifically for Dark Ages: Inquisitor, we present detailed information on the shadow Inquisition, including tips on building characters, dealing with the Holy Church, and the secrets of each of the five orders. The Dark Ages Inquisitor Companion also includes a new look at roleplaying Faithful characters, along with Blessings to aid in the fight against the Adversary.