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Yogi's Pacific Crest Trail Handbook (Yogi's PCT Handbook)

Jackie McDonnell
    There's so much to learn: how to resupply, what shoes/gear to buy, how to survive in the desert and the snow, etc. "Yogi's Pacific Crest Trail Handbook" answers all these questions . . . and more.This valuable planning and hiking resource is written by hikers for hikers. It takes the confusion out of pre-hike planning and on-trail logistics. It is a collection of different opinions from people who have thru-hiked the PCT. We've been where you're going. We've done what you're about to do. This is the stuff we wish we knew before we thru-hiked.The first half is a collection of tips from previous PCT thru-hikers on a variety of hiking topics such as: maps and guidebooks, clothing, footwear, packs, sleeping systems, ultralight hiking, desert advice, Sierra advice, resupply.The second half is the Trail Tips and Town Guide. This section is printed on perforated paper, so you can remove these pages from the bound book and take them with you on the trail. You'll find: how to get to/from each resupply location; town maps; maildrop Information; exactly what each town/resort has for resupply, lodging, restaurants, ATM, internet, fuel, shower, etc.; historical water source information; where to go at confusing trail junctions; Sierra-specific information: tips for crossing the passes, bear box locations, canister-required areas, Sierra public bus information; detour information; the best places to eat; Hiker-friendly motels; 13-time PCT thru-hiker Scott Williamson has contributed his comments regarding water availability and places few people know about."Yogi's Pacific Crest Trail Handbook" sets your dream in motion. The rest is up to you!!