Best of
Poet and Peasant, and Through Peasant Eyes: A Literary-Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke
Kenneth E. Bailey - 1976
Bailey begins by surveying the development of allegorical, historical-eschatological, aesthetic, and existential methods of interpretation. Though figures like Julicher, Jeremias, Dodd, Jones, and Via have made important advances, Bailey sees the need to go beyond them by combining an examination of the poetic structures of the parables with a better understanding of the Oriental culture that informs the text. Bailey's work within Middle Eastern peasant culture over the last twenty years has helped him in his attempt to determine the cultural assumptions that the teller of the parables must have made about his audience. The same values which underlay the impact of the parables in Christ's time, Bailey suggests, can be discovered today in isolated peasant communities in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Because time has made almost no impact in these cultural pockets, it is possible to discern, for example, what it meant 2,000 years ago for a friend to come calling at midnight, or for a son to ask for his inheritance prior to his father's death. In addition to illuminating the cultural framework of the parables, Bailey offers an analysis of their literary structure, treating the parabolic section as a whole as well as its individual components. Through its combination of literary and cultural analyses, Bailey's study makes a number of profound advances in parabolic interpretation.
An Ethic for Christians and Other Aliens in a Strange Land
William Stringfellow - 1976
Stringfellow issues a trenchant indictment of our society.Shockingly prophetic, dismaying, and sobering, William Stringfellow's rigorous biblical theology will surely offend the self-righteous. But the citizen of Jerusalem, alien in Babylon, will welcome the bluntness and insight with which he speaks.
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
Colin Brown - 1976
On its first publication in German it was recognized as a major reference work and has since become a more and more widely acclaimed as an important tool for understanding the theology and message of the Bible. Its translation and publication in English, together with the extensive revisions and additions, provide a unique source of information, invaluable to ministers, teachers, and anyone interested in the study as well as the teaching of the Bible. Some of its main features are: concise discussions of the major theological terms of the Bible; arranged in English alphabetical order; does not require knowledge of Greek and Hebrew; discusses the use of each key term in classical Greek, the Old Testament, the rabbinic writing, and the New Testament; glossary of technical terms; full bibliographies; and complete indexes that make the wealth of information in these volumes readily accessible.
Comfort For Christians
Arthur W. Pink - 1976
Not only is he to preach the Gospel to the unsaved, to feed God's people with knowledge and understanding (Jer. 3:15), and to take up the stumbling stone out of their way (Isa. 57:14), but he is also charged to "cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression" (Isa. 58:1 and cf. 1 Tim. 4:2). While another important part of his commission is stated in, "Comfort ye, My people, said your God" (Isa. 40:1)."What an honorable title, "My people!" What an assuring relationship: "your God!" What a pleasant task: "comfort ye My people!" A threefold reason may be suggested for the duplicating of the charge. First, because sometimes the souls of believers refuse to be comforted (Ps. 77:2), and the consolation needs to be repeated. Second, to press this duty the more emphatically upon the preacher's heart, that he need not be sparing in administering cheer. Third, to assure us how heartily desirous God himself is that His people should be of good cheer (Phil. 4:4)."Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar. Born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society and quickly rose in prominence. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.
Adam in the New Testament: Mere Teaching Model or First Historical Man?
Richard B. Gaffin - 1976
Freshly translated, this acknowledged modern classic defends the historic church position that all human beings descend from Adam as the first human being.
The Fathers of the Church: An Introduction to the First Christian Teachers
Mike Aquilina - 1976
Now, this new edition presents more material from more of the Fathers ? including authors from little-known traditions of Egypt, East Syria, North Africa, and the lands that make up modern Iran and Iraq. Also new with this edition is a section on selected ?Mothers of the Church, ? holy women from Christian antiquity. This expanded edition features full references and citations, a topical index, detailed bibliography, and ancient texts available in English for the first time in more than a century. The Fathers of the Church is an excellent place to pass on those same teachings and traditions ? long established as an indispensable reference tool for clergy, seminarians, RCIA candidates, and lay Catholics who want to strive to live up to the ?Faith of Our Fathers.? ?Reading this book, one grows more Catholic by the page. It will surely be a classic.? ? Scott Hahn, Ph.D., Pope Benedict XVI Chair in Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation, St. Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, Pa. Praise for the first edition: ?Simply a great read... a clear, compelling, accessible primer that's a gem of readability for a popular audience. I highly recommend it.? ? Archbishop Charles Chaput ?An ideal introduction to the early history of the Church? ? Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Collected Writings of John Murray, Volume 1: The Claims of Truth
John Murray - 1976
The most important of John Murray's shorter writings illustrating his own conviction that theology should be 'shot through with arden devotion'.
Lighten Our Darkness
Douglas John Hall - 1976
Monge In this great classic, Douglas John Hall analyzes the inadequacies and dangers of the officially optimistic society of North America and its officially optimistic religion. He then appeals to the thin tradition of Luther and Kierkegaard within Christian history as a way into the darkness of our time. He eloquently appeals to this theology of the cross as not only pointing toward a new image of human nature for Christians today but also affording us a glimmer of true light. Students, laypersons, clergy, and many others will find here a gripping critique of modern Western culture and a way toward genuine Christian faith in challenging times. Mind-shaking and spirit-shaking. -- John C. Bennett One of the best and most constructive theological critiques of culture and religion to come along in a good while. -- Larry Rasmussen I believe this is an important book. I know that it is stimulating and provocative--almost maddeningly so. . . .Thoughtful Christians need to reckon with the ideas contained in this book. -- Edgar M. Carlson, The Lutheran Quarterly Douglas John Hall, one of the most respected of North American theologians, is Professor Emeritus of Theology at McGill University, Montreal. Among his many books is the trilogy Christian Theology in a North American Context, which consists of Thinking the Faith, Professing the Faith, and Confessing the Faith. His popular Why Christian? For Those on the Edge of Faith was published in 1998.
Instead of Death: New and Expanded Edition
William Stringfellow - 1976
After its publication, Stringfellow's life was deeply affected by a serious illness, his work in East Harlen, and his efforts on behalf of the cause of women's ordination to the priesthood. Thus, although a substantial portion of the original text was unchanged, his experiences had given him added insights that were expressed in two new chapters: one on money and the struggle for security, the other on the politics of death and life. A long preface dealing with Stringfellow's motivations for writing this expanded version of 'Instead of Death' is also included.
Grace: God's Unmerited Favor
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1976
As you learn to accept God's free grace instead of trying to earn His favor, you will discover a wonderful security, peace, and richness in your life.
Cotton Patch Parables Of Liberation
Clarence Jordan - 1976
Bill Lane Doulos, friend and disciple of Jordan, provides an appropriate framework for material gathered from Jordan's writings, lectures, and recordings and contributes additional observations. Through their eyes, the parables are pure dynamite that blasts established lifestyle into dynamic discipleship.
New Testament History: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Acts
Gareth Reese - 1976
This is a great resource for the study of Acts and has been adapted in many Bible colleges as a textbook. The Bible notes are excellent and clear, and the numerous special studies bring valuable information to the forefront that seldom makes it into a single volume.
God, Revelation, and Authority, Volumes 1-6
Carl F.H. Henry - 1976
Evangelical Theology
Archibald Alexander Hodge - 1976
A. Hodge believed that every Christian teacher should aim at giving students 'theology, exposition, demonstration, orthodoxy, learning, but giving all this to them warm'. These qualities led to frequent appeals for the delivery of popular lectures. Nineteen such lectures are contained in this volume.
The Atonement: in its relations to the covenant, the priesthood, the intercession of our Lord
Hugh Martin - 1976
God, Revelation, and Authority, Volume 1: God Who Speaks and Shows: Preliminary Considerations
Carl F.H. Henry - 1976
A monumental six-volume set that presents an undeniable case for the revealed authority of God to a generation that has forgotten who he is and what he has done.
Ethics in a Christian Context
Paul L. Lehmann - 1976
Lehmann contends that Christians are to act in every situation in ways that are consistent with God's humanizing purposes, but what that means changes from context to context and requires strong, faith-shaped discernment.The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors though reflection on classic works in the field.
No Handle on the Cross: An Asian Meditation on the Crucified Mind
Kosuke Koyama - 1976
Spirit And Light: Essays In Historical Theology
Madeleine L'Engle - 1976
Theology and the Philosophy of Science
Wolfhart Pannenberg - 1976
A Harmony of the Gospels
Loraine Boettner - 1976
Boettner, one of America's most forthright theologians, weaves together the content of the Gospels into a continuous, chronological account that includes places and dates.
Saint Augustine: Man, Pastor, Mystic
Agostino Trapè - 1976
Agostino Trape, O.S.A., Saint Augustine is a comprehensive biography of one of the Church's greatest and most-quoted Saints. From his youthful wanderings away from the Church to his mother's prayers for his conversion and his eventual embrace of Catholicism, Saint Augustine provides a wealth of information. This book paints an informative portrait of this extraordinary African Saint who defended the Church and extended its reach in the fourth and fifth centuries. A useful index is included.
Works of John Bunyan - Volume 02
John Bunyan - 1976
You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.
Comfort in Sickness & Death
Robert Murray M'Cheyne - 1976
A Harmony of the Gospels
Ralph D. Heim - 1976
This simple and nontechnical book presents the Gospel materials in parallel columns in order that the Bible reader can compare the varied texts. It does not restrict itself simply to the Synoptic Gospels but includes the Fourth Gospel as well, thus enabling an overview of the major New Testament descriptions of the life and ministry of Jesus.Dr. Heim presents the story mainly in terms of the action involved, while at the same time disclosing the substance of the teaching passages as adequately as possible. He exposes the major parallels in several accounts without tearing texts from their contexts and without constantly breaking up passages and transposing verses. He deliberately focuses on the large movements of thought and action, avoiding minutiae of all kinds. Although footnotes and cross references are held to a minimum, an index is provided for easy location of individual passages.
Unformed and Unfilled: A Critique of the Gap Theory
Weston W. Fields - 1976
Many believe it. Is there a "gap in time" between the first two verses in Genesis? Does this alleged gap really represent a vast amount of time? Weston Field's classic treatment of this subject is now being published by Master Books, and promoted by such important organizations as Answers in Genesis.
The Ruler Who Serves: Mark 8-16
Ray C. Stedman - 1976
The author's compelling stories and insights guide the reader to a deeper under- standing of Mark's action-packed book, which is, in Stedman's words, "an excellent introduction to the gospel story for people of all back- grounds, tribes, and classes. Of the four gospels, Mark is truly the "multicultural" gospel. . .the most easily understood by a universal audience. As readers acquire a deeper grasp of the truths presented by Mark's gospel, they will be on their way toward a deeper walk with the Savior Mark described.
The Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: An American Elite
D. Michael Quinn - 1976
To determine the extent to which the Mormon "General Authorities" constituted an elite within the Mormon community, a collective biography is presented of the 124 men who were part of the Mormon hierarchy, 1832-1932.
Prime Rib and Apple
Jill Briscoe - 1976
Full of humor and warmth. You will love it.
Ralph H. Alexander - 1976
Based on the original twelve-volume set that has become a staple in college and seminary libraries and pastors’ studies worldwide, this new thirteen-volume edition marshals the most current evangelical scholarship and resources. The thoroughly revised features consist of: • Comprehensive introductions • Short and precise bibliographies • Detailed outlines • Insightful expositions of passages and verses • Overviews of sections of Scripture to illuminate the big picture • Occasional reflections to give more detail on important issues • Notes on textual questions and special problems, placed close to the texts in question • Transliterations and translations of Hebrew and Greek words, enabling readers to understand even the more technical notes • A balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion
Living Toward a Vision: Biblical Reflections on Shalom
Walter Brueggemann - 1976
A classic set of biblical reflections on peace and on the church's role to foster peace in the world.
Christianity And Real Life
William E. Diehl - 1976
His book shows how a theory can be transformed into reality. (from back cover)
Selected Writings of Hans Denck: Edited and Translated from the Text as Established by Walter Fellmann
Hans Denck - 1976
Death and Eternal Life
John Harwood Hick - 1976
He argues that scientific and philosophical objections to the idea of survival after death can be challenged, and he claims that human inadequacy in facing suffering supports the basic religious argument for immortality.