Best of
All-Star Superman #1
Grant Morrison
The series touches on all the classic aspects of the Superman mythology, starting with a daring rescue of a doomed group of helionauts on the surface of the sun. The massive amounts of solar radiation affect Superman in a way no one could possibly anticipate - except Lex Luthor!
Superman: Secret Identity #1
Kurt Busiek
Your last name is Kent, and your parents make the mistake of naming you Clark. Now life is filled with taunts and jokes. Then one day, you discover that you can fly, and you do have super-strength. But how? And what do you do now?
Superman: Lois and Clark #1
Dan Jurgens
But can they keep this world from suffering the same fate as their own? Can this Superman stop the villains he once fought before they are created on this world? What is Intergang, and why does Lois’s discovery of it place everyone she loves in jeopardy? What will happen when their nine-year-old son learns the true identity of his parents? Make way for the original power couple, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do them part!
Convergence: Superman #1
Dan Jurgens
STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! A powerless Superman is called upon to protect Gotham City…and his pregnant wife Lois Lane!
Superman: For All Seasons #1
Jeph Loeb
Book One: Spring! Watch the young Clark Kent grow from country boy into the Superman he’s destined to become—all told from the perspective of the man who raised him, Jonathan Kent!
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #4 (Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014- ))
Bryan Q. Miller
But can they trust him?
Superman: Secret Origin #1
Geoff Johns
Will he be able to accept his true origins as the last son of a dead planet? And get a whole new look at the beginnings of Superman’s deadliest enemy—Lex Luthor!
FCBD Special Edition: Superman: Last Son of Krypton #1
Richard Donner
Pictures’ Man of Steel major motion picture? Start here with the first chapter of the Superman: Last Son of Krypton graphic novel. And don’t a special sneak preview of the blockbuster new monthly series starring The Man of Steel by the all-star team of Scott Snyder and Jim Lee!
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #1 (Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014- ))
Bryan Q. Miller
The Monitors have come to Earth and begun their work—but instead of using Red Bleed to exterminate the world, a new Blue Bleed is erasing the world’s capitals!
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #3 (Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014- ))
Bryan Q. Miller
How many more disasters can they live through?
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #10
Bryan Q. Miller
Superman has defeated the Monitors, but what steps can he possibly take to keep the universe safe from them in the future?
Smallville: Lantern #5
Bryan Q. Miller
Clark and John face an epic foe from Oa’s past, while the DEO tries to interest Oliver Queen in some tech stolen from one of their warehouses.
Smallville Season 11 #22
Bryan Q. Miller
Freeze while they plan their counter attack. But how exactly will a new wardrobe help their strategy? Meanwhile, danger looms for Lois and Nightwing.
Hitman (1996-) #34
Garth Ennis
Writer Garth Ennis took home the 1999 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue with this stand-alone tale featuring a rooftop conversation between Tommy Monaghan and the guardian of Metropolis, Superman!
Superman/Wonder Woman Annual #2
Peter J. Tomasi
See the first kiss and last breath of Superman and Wonder Woman in this epic tale that recounts the most dangerous love story of all.
Smallville: Lantern #7
Bryan Q. Miller
A rain of yellow “stars” falls on Gotham even as Superman and the Green Lantern John Stewart face a threat from Oa’s past that has reappeared in space!
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #6
Bryan Q. Miller
Surely someone will catch her?
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #7
Bryan Q. Miller
As Chloe freezes in fear, her friends try desperately to get there in time!
Smallville Season 11: Continuity (2014-) #11
Bryan Q. Miller
The people of Earth pick up their lives as best they can, and our heroes make some hard decisions about their own futures.
Smallville: Lantern #3
Bryan Q. Miller
But he still doesn’t understand his role in the struggle to come.
Smallville: Alien #8
Bryan Q. Miller
Clark and Lex explore the cavern they found in the Russian countryside, on the way to Chernobyl!
Smallville Season 11 #20
Bryan Q. Miller
Freeze has ended in near disaster. The authorities close in on the Dark Knight as he races against time to save Clark’s life. This looks like a job for…the Batmobile!
Smallville: Lantern #4
Bryan Q. Miller
As Clark begins to grasp the potential of the Green Lantern ring, he realizes John Stewart’s training hasn’t prepared him for the battle they’re about to face.
Smallville Season 11 #21
Bryan Q. Miller
Can Lois Lane trust this mysterious vigilante with the life of the man she loves?
Smallville Season 11 #49
Bryan Q. Miller
Meanwhile, a secret scientific plot comes to fruition! “Argo” part 6 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #36
Bryan Q. Miller
But current events continue to make that difficult in “Effigy” part 3.
Smallville Season 11 #51
Bryan Q. Miller
Booster’s interrogation at the hands of EarthGov forces grows ugly. “Argo” part 7 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #52
Bryan Q. Miller
Booster escapes! But will his best friend, the trusty robot Skeets, be available to help stop EarthGov from launching an attack on new Krypton? “Argo” part 8 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #24
Bryan Q. Miller
But with that resolved, he must help Superman, Lois and Barbara fight back against the assassins. As the Detective arc winds down, alliances are solidified, secrets are revealed and even Lex has a change of heart!
Smallville: Lantern #10
Bryan Q. Miller
The DEO is receiving reports from around the globe about people using yellow energy weapons, but they turn to Green Arrow to help with an even bigger problem!
Adventures of Superman (1986-2006) #501
Karl Kesel
Reign of the Supermen! There's a youngster in town claiming to be Superman, but who is this new super boy?
Smallville: Alien #9
Bryan Q. Miller
And in Russia, things for Clark go from bad to worse.
Smallville: Alien #11
Bryan Q. Miller
And in Russia, Superman makes a final stand against the monitor!
Smallville: Lantern #9
Bryan Q. Miller
When Superman returned to Earth to help his league, John turned to face Parallax by himself. Will his willpower be strong enough to defeat his fears?
Smallville: Alien #12
Bryan Q. Miller
Meanwhile, the D.E.O. is determined to learn all they can from the Monitor’s corpse!
Smallville Season 11 #45
Bryan Q. Miller
“Valkyrie” part 2 of 4.
Smallville Season 11 #30
Bryan Q. Miller
Labs, Superman and Bart meet to further investigate the terrifying apparition that’s haunting Bart when he enters hyper-speed.
Smallville Season 11 #53
Bryan Q. Miller
Can these enemies work together long enough to save the world? “Argo” part 9 of 9.
Superman '78
Robert Venditti
These adventures are set in a world where superheroes are strange, thrilling, and romantic. These stories, written by comics veteran Robert Venditti (Hawkman, Green Lantern, Justice League) with crisply drawn art by Wilfredo Torres, feature colorful villains like Brainiac and Lex Luthor, as well as the heroism of Superman and the determined grit of reporter Lois Lane. Collects the first 12 chapters of the Superman '78 digital comics series.
Smallville Season 11 #55
Bryan Q. Miller
But he still doesn’t know that his sister is spying on his every move! “Hollow” part 2 of 4.
Smallville Season 11 #62
Bryan Q. Miller
Diana of Themyscira faces off against the might of the United States Army—and not even an assist by the DEO can keep her from defeating the tanks! But between allowing her friends to be hurt, or being captured herself, what will she choose?
Smallville Season 11 #47
Bryan Q. Miller
Because EarthGov and New Krypton are at war, and the Legion is caught in the middle! “Argo” part 4 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #43
Bryan Q. Miller
Skeets has temporarily misplaced his human companion…somewhere in the 31st century! Will his cunning plan to reunite with Booster Gold and Superman work in time to save them from a shocking fate? “Argo” part 2 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #34
Bryan Q. Miller
Lives are at risk and Superman’s bound to stop it, but first he’s going to have to get—a new suit? Original Flash Jay Garrick lends support and advice, while elsewhere, events continue to unfold on Earth 2. “Haunted” part 8.
Smallville Season 11 #39
Bryan Q. Miller
Bart is determined to take a stand against the Black Flash—but since Clark’s containment suit is in shreds, Superman won’t be able to help! “Haunted” part 11.
Smallville Season 11 #29
Bryan Q. Miller
But Bart is not alone. What can possibly keep pace with the fastest man alive—and fill him with dread? Meanwhile, Lois uncovers a terrible secret at an abandoned Luthorcorp facility.
Smallville Season 11 #48
Bryan Q. Miller
But is talking to Brainiac a cure for that, or just salt in the wound? “Argo” part 5 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #38
Bryan Q. Miller
Today, Chloe is seeing visions of that meeting, but before she can tell Oliver what happened, she turns her focus to Superman and Impulse’s battle in Las Vegas! “Haunted” part 10 of 12.
Smallville Season 11 #44
Bryan Q. Miller
Working with Brainiac-5 and Lightning Lad, they’re determined to figure out how things went so wrong between Earth and New Krypton! “Argo” part 3 of 9.
Smallville Season 11 #25
Bryan Q. Miller
Just as he’s about to make a breakthrough, he’s forced to confront a former…experiment…named Psimon, who’s after his blood. If only Lex could remember him! Will Superman be able to stop Psimon, or will he need the help of a very fast friend?
Smallville Season 11 #61
Bryan Q. Miller
As Lois, Clark and Martha Kent use all available tools to seek out info on the mysterious Felix Faust, Director Bones of the DEO makes a late-night visit to the man himself! Meanwhile, Steve Trevor receives a strange visitor…
Smallville Season 11 #63
Bryan Q. Miller
Will she allow her humanity to resurface in time to keep this encounter less-than-lethal? “Hollow” part 4 of 4.
Smallville Season 11 #57
Bryan Q. Miller
And since the Daily Planet’s footing the bill, he’ll be doing some investigating while they’re in town! “Olympus” part 2.
Smallville Season 11 #54
Bryan Q. Miller
Emil Hamilton and his colleagues at STAR Labs try to ease the way, but Tess’s obsession with Lex doesn’t leave much room for anything else.
Smallville Season 11 #42
Bryan Q. Miller
It seems his "borrowed" Legion flight ring mysteriously stopped working.
Smallville Season 11 #23
Bryan Q. Miller
Freeze’s hideout, but he’s not at home. While Freeze is off wreaking havoc downtown, the Prankster greets the heroes wearing his own giant mech suit. As for Lois and Nightwing, they’re trying to fight off a horde of deadly assassins.
Smallville: Lantern #12
Bryan Q. Miller
The Guardians of Oa have a plan to defeat Parallax, but it leaves anyone wearing a yellow power ring dangerously vulnerable!
Smallville: Lantern #8
Bryan Q. Miller
Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow and the Wonder Woman from the DEO are doing their best, but can they defeat the new bearers of yellow lantern rings on their own?
Smallville: Alien #7
Bryan Q. Miller
But the Premier doesn’t like what they plan next!
Smallville Season 11 #50
Bryan Q. Miller
Be here as “Valkyrie” concludes!
Smallville Season 11 #56
Bryan Q. Miller
“Olympus” part 1! When Senator Martha Kent’s limousine is attacked by a magick-wielding maniac, she’s rescued by a mysterious figure—but it’s not her son, Superman! Will this new super hero prove to be a friend?
Adventures of Superman (1987-) #463
Dan Jurgens
Mxyzptlk back to the fifth dimension.
Smallville Season 11 #28
Bryan Q. Miller
In Gotham, Batman and Nightwing fight against a new gang called the mutants, and make an unexpected discovery…
Smallville Season 11 #35
Bryan Q. Miller
But it’s not until a certain visitor from Gotham makes the scene that she knows for sure! Meanwhile, Emil’s plan to save Vegas from the Black Flash takes a risky turn, as a hyper-charged Superman faces the deadly menace on his own. “Haunted” part 9.
Smallville Season 11 #26
Bryan Q. Miller
But Lex’s bizarre behavior and a mysterious message that Lois is able to escape with prove even more interesting than the discussion!
Action Comics (1938-) #715
David Michelinie
This issue leads into Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #50, the beginning of “The Trial of Superman.”