Best of
The New 52: Futures End #0
Brian AzzarelloEthan Van Sciver
THE NEW 52: FUTURES END starts here with this special Free Comic Book Day issue! What tragedy has befallen the DC Universe and how can Batman Beyond fix it? The story continues in the weekly series THE NEW 52: FUTURES END!
Halloween Comic Fest 2014 - Scooby-Doo Team Up #1 featuring Batman (2014-) #1
Sholly Fisch
Before long, the crooks behind a fake bat-creature will come face to face with the real thing… with the good guys caught in the middle!
Super Minion
But when a bioweapon is granted super powers of its own, will Fortress City be able to handle the Super Minion?
Excalibur (1988-1998) #1
Chris ClaremontScott Lobdell
Will the team survive the coming days of terror?
Batman: Europa #1
Matteo Casali
Superstar artist Jim Lee returns to the Dark Knight with this premiere issue! The impossible has happened and Batman is on the verge of being taken down by an enemy he cannot defeat: a virus for which there is no cure! And the only hope for his salvation is The Joker! Who infected Batman, what does the Clown Prince of Crime know, and how will the Dark Knight get that information? Together, the enemies crisscross Europe, desperate to find answers before time runs out.Co-conceived by Matteo Casali and Brian Azzarello, this 4-issue miniseries event will feature art by top talents over layouts by the incomparable Giuseppe Camuncoli (HELLBLAZER, Dark Wolverine), with the first issue pencilled and inked by none other than Jim Lee!
Superman: Secret Identity #1
Kurt Busiek
Your last name is Kent, and your parents make the mistake of naming you Clark. Now life is filled with taunts and jokes. Then one day, you discover that you can fly, and you do have super-strength. But how? And what do you do now?
Green Lantern Sinestro Corps Special #1
Geoff Johns
Kyle Rayner has suffered great personal loss and reluctantly gained great power. Guy Gardner's trust in the Guardians is wavering. John Stewart's unbreakable loyalty soon will be tested. Together, these four men are the Green Lanterns of Earth...but why are so many Earthmen recruited into the Corps? What is their ultimate rolel in the future of the universe? And how will the secret of the rings' power threaten the Guardians and affect Hal Jordan's future?Sinestro was called the "greatest" of the Green Lanterns; now the renegade has vowed to bring terror to the universe he once protected. The worst murderers, thieves and deviants in the universe have gathered into Sinestro's Corps for one purpose: to instill great fear. Armed with the truth behind Parallax, Sinestro's intergalactic insurgents strike hard and fast at the very heart of the Green Lantern Corps. The Sinestro Corps is about to change everything you know about the Green Lanterns. Fear them. Everyone else will.Plus, a 6-page backup story by Johns and Dave Gibbons (GREEN LANTERN CORPS, WATCHMEN) - "The Origin of Sinestro"!
Secret Origins of The Superheroes
Dennis O'NeilGil Kane
Action Comics (1938) #1Adventure Comics (1938) #256All-American Comics (1939) #16All-American Comics (1939) #19Batman (1940) #47The Brave and the Bold (1955) #34Detective Comics (1937) #33Flash Comics (1940) #1More Fun Comics (1935) #89Police Comics (1941) #1Showcase (1956) #4Showcase (1956) #22Showcase (1956) #34WHIZ Comics (1940) #2Wonder Woman (1942) #1Wonder Woman (1942) #206
Teen Titans Go! #48
J. Torres
He helped the present-day Titans defeat the Brotherhood of Evil, but now he wants to go home. Will Raven and Herald be able to send him back to the future?
Teen Titans #1
Geoff JohnsRob Liefeld
The Teen Titans are reborn through writer Geoff Johns! Invitations go out to a handful of reluctant heroes: Superboy, Robin, Impulse and Wonder Girl! Walk into the new Titans Tower with Cyborg and Starfire as they gather together the next generation of Titans in this explosive extra-sized issue
Santa (A La Brava, #2)
Kayden Phoenix
With elections coming up, the tension rises as the conservative frontrunner, Illena Chavez-Estevez, AKA ICE, wants to start a race war in the town. On the domino side, we have La Politica running. Coadre, the mentor and veteran, ends up recruiting Santa for La Politica's campaign and as the racial tensions rise in the town, Santa learns what it means to be patriotic while harnessing her Mom's military past. When civilians start getting stolen, Santa finds her voice and strength to raid the detention camps and take down ICE.
Weaver Nine
Weaver is the infamous usurper of the Slaughterhouse Nine, while young Jacob Hebert forges his path through the underworld of Brockton Bay.
Tales of the Teen Titans (1980-1988) Annual #3
Marv Wolfman
Deathstroke the Terminator has systematically taken down each member of the Teen Titans, with a little help from the treacherous Terra. The epic battle that follows is one for the ages. The Teen Titans take on Deathstroke, Terra, and the HIVE--and not everyone makes it to the end alive!
Green Arrow :: aka Black Lantern/Green Arrow #30
J.T. Krul
Green Arrow's been transformed into a Black Lantern and now he can't help but attack his family and friends! Mentally trapped inside his own rampaging body, Ollie Queen faces his worst enemy--himself!
DC Comics Essentials: Batman: Year One (2014-) #1
Frank Miller
Inside is an expansive look at our rich backlist collection created by the best writers and illustrators in the industry. This catalog can be used as an important resource for new fans seeking a starting point, as well as a look back at our impressive backlist for the most fervent DCE enthusiasts.
Astro City (1996-2000) #0.5
Kurt Busiek
When dreams and reality collide after a time-traveling super villain causes trouble in the city, a young man faces a tough decision that not even Honor Guard can help him make.
The Superhero Publicist: A Short Story
Janeen Ippolito
She'll change his image--if he keeps the supervillains away.Miss Cassandra Robinson, junior representative of Power-Up Publicity, is just trying to keep her head down and her career moving.But when a supervillain announces he’s switching sides, all of her marketing skills might not be enough to salvage this wannabe hero’s image.Enjoy this free, quick short story today--perfect for fans of sketch comedy skits and awkward situations.
Deathstroke the Terminator (1991-1996) #1
Marv Wolfman
"Full Cycle" Part 1! Despite becoming enemies, when Slade's ex-wife is hospitalized by an attack, the man known as the Terminator decides to take action.
Runaways (2008-2009) #6
Terry Moore
The effects of this will shake the Runaways to their core.
Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears #1
Garth Ennis
As a lieutenant in the Confederate Army, he stood neck-deep in muck and blood, surrounded by the whistle of hot shrapnel and men's screams. Two years later, Parham has carved a new life for himself, doing his best to forget the depravity that lurks in the pits of men's souls. Now, Parham's tranquil world is about to be rudely interrupted. Up from the depths comes a force of nature that transcends his wildest dreams -- a fiery wraith that knows a thing or two about evil, and even more about vengeance.
New Mutants Annual #2
Chris Claremont
Cypher questions his existence as a mutant.
Secret Six (2008-2011) #1
Gail Simone
"Unhinged" part 1! Join Catman, Scandal, Deadshot and Ragdoll as they prepare for an adventure that will take them through a gauntlet across the seediest parts of the DC Universe, and will ultimately pit them against a foe more monstrous and murderous than any they've had to face!
December Legacy Free Previews Spotlight
A new dawn for Marvel's heroes continues this November as Marvel Legacy unfolds! This is your free sneak peek at titles hitting shelves December 2017!
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker #1
Darren Vincenzo
The Joker makes his grand return, but this time to the Batman Beyond universe! Adapted from the animated film, Batman, Bruce Wayne and their allies must unravel the mysterious return of the Dark Knight's eternal foe.
The DC Comics Encyclopedia (ShoPro Books / DC Comics) Manga Comics
Japanese Titles: DCキャラクター大事典
January 2018 Marvel Previews
continues its toxic spread throughout Spider-Man's, the Return of Jean Grey continues!
Superman: Secret Origin #1
Geoff Johns
Will he be able to accept his true origins as the last son of a dead planet? And get a whole new look at the beginnings of Superman’s deadliest enemy—Lex Luthor!
Red Robin (2009-) #19
Fabian Nicieza
Red Robin and his friends are trapped in the unknown world of the Unternet by the Calculator's fail-safe program! If the Unternet is a telepathic communications gestalt where the villains' dreams come true, can Red Robin become its waking nightmare? "The Rabbit Hole" part 2.
Green Arrow and Black Canary (2007-) #1
Judd Winick
After the traumatic events of her wedding night, Dinah Lance must deal with the fact that her husband tried to kill her—unless that wasn't actually her husband!
The New Titans #60
Marv Wolfman
On a journey of self-discovery, Dick Grayson returns to the place where it all began, where he soon learns that there is more going on under the Big Top than meets the eye. Continued in Batman (1940-2011) #441.
All-Star Squadron Annual (1982-1984) #2 (All-Star Squadron Annual
Roy Thomas
must team up to defeat their greatest enemies of the present and a powerful force from the future!
Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder (2005-) #2
Judd Winick
But in the confusion, the cult manages to slip away with some precious artifacts that will help them summon an even greater evil force. And what roles do Lex Luthor and Dr. Sivana play in the cult's plans?
The Kingdom: Nightstar #1
Mark Waid
Now Nightstar, the daughter of Nightwing and Starfire, must fight alongside her father to save people who may already be doomed.
February 2018 Marvel Previews
This is your free sneak peek at Marvel titles hitting shelves February 2018! The Avengers' weekly series continues, while Jean Grey leads an X-Team all her own! Plus, Doctor Strange faces Damnation!
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Special Edition #1
Jeph Loeb
Taking place on the most evil of holidays, Halloween, the Dark Knight Detective confronts his deepest fears as he tries to stop the madness and horror created by Scarecrow, the Mad Hatter, the Penguin, Poison Ivy and the Joker.
This Lightning, This Madness: Understanding Alan Moore's Miracleman, Book One
Julian Darius
DC Sneak Peek: Batman #1
Scott Snyder
Now, one man must answer the question, "Are you ready to be Batman?"
Showcase (1956-1970) #4
John Broome
The first appearance and origin of the Silver Age Flash, Barry Allen, and his wife, Iris West! This issue officially begins the Silver Age of comics with Barry Allen serving as the first DC Silver Age superhero!
Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #1
Marc Andreyko
What mysteries are hidden in the book Ra’s al Ghul just hired Catwoman to steal? And why does this caper lead Batman down memory lane-to his childhood fight against actual Nazis?!
Black Summer #0
Warren Ellis
This #0 features an original story that leads directly into the full-size series. When the political situation in the USA becomes more than Horus can stand, he moves to take matters into his own hands. But since not all his other team-mates aren't so eager to throw the world into chaos, an epic conflict starts to form. And no one will be safe as the bodies start to fall.
Action Comics (1938-) #715
David Michelinie
This issue leads into Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) #50, the beginning of “The Trial of Superman.”
Green Arrow (2011-) Annual #1
Benjamin Percy
It’s Halloween in Seattle, which means it’s time for celebration—but a real threat lurks amid the fake blood and fangs, and a single scratch can transform its victims into rabid beasts! Can Green Arrow prevent the outbreak—or will he become another causality?
Justice League Quarterly (1990-) #1
Keith Giffen
Introducing The Conglomerate, a new super-team assembled by Booster Gold! Booster's new pals and gals are Maxi-Man, Praxis, Gypsy, Echo, Vapor and Reverb, but pretty soon Booster's got to wonder if their industry backers want them to be heroes...or corporate puppets.
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1
Geoff Johns
Tomasi (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) reveal the secrets behind the Lanterns of BLACKEST NIGHT! Bear witness to Blue Lantern Saint Walker's pilgrimage of hope, Star Sapphire Carol Ferris' sacrifice for love, Green Lantern Kilowog's courageous beginnings, Red Lantern Vice's source of rage, Orange Lantern Blume's bizarre creation, and the first appearance of the mysterious Indigo, leader of the Indigo Tribe!
Supergod #1
Warren Ellis
From the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY comes the craziest and most horrifying superhero comic you've ever read! In the world of SUPERGOD, superhumans are the ultimate expression of the Messiah complex, and scientists can build Messiahs who will fly down from the skies to save the world. No-one thought about how they'd do it -- or even if they'd want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow of SUPERGOD -- the story of how supermen killed us all and ended the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself! Take every superhero comic ever published, shove them into a nuclear-powered blender, soak it in bad vodka and set the whole thing alight -- and SUPERGOD will crawl out and eat your brain!
DC Sneak Peek: Robin: Son of Batman #1
Patrick Gleason
Damian's quest to atone for the Year of Blood takes him to a remote mountain village, but danger awaits him and his unwilling companion Goliath! And someone connected to Damian's dangerous past may be closing in on him.Catch up with Damian in this ALL-NEW FREE 8-page preview of Patrick Gleason’s (BATMAN AND ROBIN) ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN #1!
Brightest Day #21
Geoff Johns
But when Boston Brand enters the scene, how will the Last Son of Mars react to the recent acts of the White Lantern?
Gen 13: The Complete Collection
J. Scott Campbell
Especially the fact that the clandestine government agency behind the program is rounding up "gen-active" teens with hopes of exploiting their extra normal talents! Follow the teen heroes of GEN 13 as they cope with newly manifested super powers, run from evil government goons and hunt down the secrets behind their powerful gifts. With eye-popping art from J. Scott Campbell (DANGER GIRL), GEN 13 is one of the quintessential comic book series of the 1990s and it helped skyrocket Jim Lee into even greater heights of comic book superstardom. Collects GEN 13 #1/2, GEN 13 VOL. 1 #1-5, GEN 13 VOL. 2 #0-7 and GEN 13 RAVE.
Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit
Samira Ahmed
Marvel, it’s her duty to help out the newcomer, but something doesn’t feel quite right. Kamala’s powers are on the fritz, and she suspects that this new hero-in-training isn’t trustworthy. And why has everything around her…turned into a Bollywood set?! New York Times best-selling author Samira Ahmed (Love, Hate, & Other Filters; Internment; Mad, Bad, & Dangerous to Know) brings all the flair of her young adult fiction to the always-surprising world of Ms. Marvel!COLLECTING: Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit (2021) 1-5
Doctor Fate (1987-) #1
J.M. DeMatteis
The universe spins through cycles of light and darkness, and now that the Lords of Order have surrendered to the inevitable coming of their dark counterparts, the Lords of Chaos, it's doubtful that even the new Doctor Fate who arises to meet this crisis will be able to turn the tide!
Action Comics (1938-) #675
Roger Stern
Continued in SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL (1991) #10.
Marvel Meow Infinity Comic (2022) #1
Caitlin O'Connell
Spending time with Captain Marvel's pet Flerken is the perfect solution... right?
The Flash (1987-) #133
Grant Morrison
Flash decides to keep the Speed Force costume he acquired last issue, but changes it to a more familiar hue Grant Morrison's run on FLASH continues!
Immortal Nerd
H-P Lehkonen
Nokia has just gotten their immortality and the best use they can come up with it is to browse the old internet all day long without eating or sleeping and not having to worry about dying of hunger. After three weeks of old internet Nokia's parents decide they've had enough.
Fantastic Four: Foes (2005) #1
Robert Kirkman
After years of continued defeat at the hands of the FF, why would a person continue to attempt something he has learned to be impossible? Get inside the heads of all your favorite FF FOES as we watch their capers from start to finish!
Mortigan Goth: Immortalis (1993-1994) #1 (of 4)
Nicholas Vince
When Goth meets Dr. Strange during an earthquake, Strange asks for his help in curing his brother's vampirism.
Superman Annual #3
Gene Luen Yang
Man of Yesterday.” Superman and Vandal Savage have been on a collision course for centuries. As Kal-El struggles to survive against this barbarian’s attacking hordes, we reveal the events that led to Vandal Savage’s creation-and his unexpected connection to Krypton. Immortals gather to put an end to the Last Son of Krypton so Earth may live!
Secret Book Club
Brandon Montclare
The book stars seventh grader Paige, who finds herself at the center of a mystery: her grandfather, a librarian who created all the superheroes that dominate pop culture, has disappeared. As Paige searches for him with her new friends from her book club, they begin to realize that many of her grandfather’s characters live in their neighborhood. The first book will pub in summer 2020, and the second will follow a year later.
Shadowman Yearbook (1994) #1
Mike Baron
James, chronicled at last! Danger awaits as a Shadowman goes abroad, with an adventure in merry old blighty side by side with the immortal Armstrong, bare knuckle prize fights, high tech airships, steam powered cars, and a colonialist English necromancer!
44 Years of Fantastic Four
Stan Lee
, Over 550 complete printable comics, cover to cover, that s over 20,000 pages. , Plus all annual issues All articles, Fantastic Four fan pages, Bullpen Bulletins, Pinups and every single advertisement. Book DescriptionRevisit and relive every Fantastic Four comic book ever printed covering over 44 years. Including the mind-blowing 12 milestones of Fantastic Four, spanning November 1961 through December 2004. Product DescriptionThe 44 Years Of Fantastic Four DVD lets you revisit and relive the wild adventures of the Fantasic Four -- the First Family of superheroes! This collection brings together almost every Fantastic Four comic ever printed - from the first issue in 1961 through December of 2004. Watch them keep each other alive as grow into a family, while doing things no human before them could: Travelling to alien planets, mapping new dimensions, getting involved in interstellar wars and so much more.
Monster Society Of Evil Pt. 2 (Captain Marvel)
Otto Binder
HardPress Vintage Comic Book Collection
Brightest Day #10
Geoff Johns
Elsewhere, Black Manta confronts the new Aqualad--but first the villain will have to go through Aquaman!
Circling Back (It's Not Linear, #1)
Bucky tries desperately to let him. (Spoilers for Winter Soldier.)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2
Geoff Johns
Tomasi (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) reveal the secrets behind the Lanterns of BLACKEST NIGHT! Bear witness to Blue Lantern Saint Walker's pilgrimage of hope, Star Sapphire Carol Ferris' sacrifice for love, Green Lantern Kilowog's courageous beginnings, Red Lantern Vice's source of rage, Orange Lantern Blume's bizarre creation, and the first appearance of the mysterious Indigo, leader of the Indigo Tribe!
Magik #1
Chris Claremont
The younger sister of the mutant Colossus, Illyana has spent half her life trapped in the realm of Limbo, a hellish purgatory ruled by the demon Belasco. In this strange, satanic world, one hope exists- an alternate dimension Storm, here to save Illyana from serving as Belasco’s consort. Will Storm of Limbo be able to reclaim her apprentice’s youth? Or has Illyana become too much of Magik, her demonic, unrestrained self?
Astro City: Beautie #1
Kurt Busiek
In this extra-length, decades-spanning special, she searches for answers—answers of history and answers of the heart.
Marvel: The Lost Generation (2000-2001) #11
Roger Stern
Reed Richards discovers a Skrull scout ship because of a Skrull spy!
True Believers (2008) #2 (of 5)
Cary Bates
PAYBACK) when she discovers she not only has an incensed Fantastic Four to deal with, but her own demons as well-specifically, the one that appears to be the spirit of her dead father!
True Believers (2008) #5 (of 5)
Cary Bates
Big mistake. Now that she's finally on the verge of learning the killer's identity, can she put the pieces of the puzzle together before the Armored Avenger makes good on his vow to take down all the True Believers?
DC Comics Presents (1978-1986) #77
Marv Wolfman
The Forgotten Villains face the Forgotten Heroes, Superman faces the Atom-Master, and Animal Man must face Superman who has been transformed into a dragon!
Showcase (1956-) #99
Paul Levitz
As Power Girl adopts the secret identity of Karen Starr to better fit in on Earth, Brainwave uses a computer to transport Keystone City into a limbo dimension.
Brightest Day #13
Geoff Johns
On Hawkworld, a gruesome battle rages as Hawkman fights his way through a cabal of alien attackers to save Hawkgirl, who's been kidnapped by her own mother! Learn the terrible truth behind Queen Shrike's betrayal and her ultimate plan for the Hawks!
Brightest Day (2010-) #5
Geoff Johns
And after a brutal battle against a mysterious group of water-dwelling attackers, Mera drops a bombshell on Aquaman!
The Brave And The Bold #180
Michael Fleisher
Who can survive the awesome power of the dragon god?
Brightest Day (2010-) #6
Geoff Johns
A Black Lantern returns, Ronnie Raymond deals with his new lease on life, Mera reveals her hidden history, and Martian Manhunter begins wondering if his return alongside his companions is doing more harm than good for the DC Universe!
Deathstroke (1991-) #13
Marv Wolfman
Superman has turned Slade over to the authorities, but Deathstroke is not known as one of the most dangerous men in the DCU for nothing.
Deathstroke (1991-) #28
Marv Wolfman
As they close in on Addie and her abductor, they soon learn that the secrets behind an ancient suit of armor may have lasting effects on the rest of their lives.
Brightest Day #0
Geoff Johns
Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Deadman, Jade, Osiris, Hawk, Captain Boomerang and Zoom must discover the mysterious reason behind their return and uncover the secret that binds them all in this follow-up to the smash hit BLACKEST NIGHT
The Infinity Entity (2016) #1 (of 4)
Jim Starlin
So where does The Infinity Entity #1 find him? Hanging with the original Avengers? Then things start getting weird. But what else would you expect from the cosmic team of Jim Starlin and Alan Davis? Guest-starring the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Spider-Man 2099 (1992-1996) #1
Peter DavidTom Smith
Five teens cruise the skies above the city in their Whisper 3000 hovercar. But in this future society, the people still need a Spider-Man. Introducing Spidey 2099. Cooler tech, bigger baddies.
Convergence: Speed Force #1
Tony Bedard
Will they be able to outrun the chaos that follows the arrival of Flashpoint Wonder Woman? Plus, don’t miss the most unexpected Zoo Crew character of all!
All-Star Squadron (1981-) #1
Roy Thomas
Roosevelt attempts to contact the Justice Society in hopes of using them to retaliate against the Axis forces for bombing Pearl Harbor. But when the team doesn't respond and appears missing, it's up to Hawkman, the Atom and Dr. Mid-Nite to form a new team in their place!
Deadpool (2012) Bi-Annual #1
Paul Scheer
When Deadpool is hired by WaterWorld to protect their theme park from activists, he has no idea he's going to wind up face to snout with Brute Force, protectors of the environment! Look 'em up! That's right, they're real!
The Infinity Entity (2016) #2 (of 4)
Jim Starlin
Each answer unearthed produces even more vexing questions, until Warlock receives an astral summons he cannot ignore.
The Infinity Entity (2016) #4 (of 4)
Jim Starlin
This should make for a short story. But all is still not as it appears and our tale ends with a very unforeseen twist.
Avengers Forever, Vol. 1
Jason Aaron
Where “hope” is a four-letter word…and where his only ally in the coming battle against the greatest villains any universe has ever known is the world’s most wanted archaeologist: Tony Stark, the Invincible Ant-Man! Spinning out of the cataclysmic events of AVENGERS #750 comes the next great Avengers saga, as the mightiest heroes of every Earth assemble!
Adventures of the Outsiders (1986-) #36
Mike W. Barr
A day in the life of the Outsiders featuring an appearance by the Masters of Disaster.
True Believers (2008) #1 (of 5)
Cary Bates
Whether it's S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Illuminati, HYDRA or Weapon X, the CIA or the CSA, no target is too big and no one is off-limits-including a wary superhuman community with plenty of its own secrets to hide!