Best of
The Sufis
Idries Shah - 1964
Many of the greatest traditions, ideas and discoveries of the West are traced to the teachings and writings of Sufi masters working centuries ago.But The Sufis is far more than an historical account.In the tradition of the great Sufi classics, the deeper appeal of this remarkable book is in its ability to function as an active instrument of instruction, in a way that is so clearly relevant to our time and culture.
Journal of a Soul
Pope John XXIII - 1964
Elected Pope at the age of 78 he astonished the world by his breadth of mind, his simplicity and the love which shone out of him for the whole world.
Prosperity Secrets of the Ages: How to Channel a Golden River of Riches Into Your Life
Catherine Ponder - 1964
She has written more than a dozen books, which include such bestsellers as her "Millionaires of the Bible" series. She is a minister of the non-denominational Unity faith and has been described by some as "the Norman Vincent Peale among lady ministers."
Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects
Alexandra David-Néel - 1964
In a collaboration between the Frenchwoman Alexandra David-Neel and her friend, the Tibetan lama Aphur Yongden, these teaching are presented clearly and elegantly, intended for the layman who seeks a way to practice and experience the realization of oneness with all existence."...this is the most direct, no-nonsense, and down-to-earth explanation of Mahayana Buddhism that has been written. Specifically, it is a wonderfully lucid account of the Middle Way method of enlightenment worked out by the great Indian sage Nagarjuna." —Alan Watts, The Book"The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects by Alexandra David-Neel and Lama Yongden, is always on my night stand. I return to it again and again in different stages of my life." —Marina Ambramovic"David-Neél herself is often relegated to the ranks of "women adventurers" this despite the production of some forty-odd books, several of which have wielded an extraordinary influence." —Harry Oldmeadow, La Trobe University, Bendigo, AustraliaAlexandra David-Neel was born in 1868 in Paris. In her youth she wrote an incendiary anarchist treatise and was an acclaimed opera singer; then she decided to devote her life to exploration and the study of world religions, including Buddhist philosophy. She traveled extensively to in Central Asia and the Far East, where she learned a number of Asian languages, including Tibetan. In 1914, she met Lama Yongden, who became her adopted son, teacher, and companion. In 1923, at the age of fifty-five, she disguised herself as a pilgrim and journeyed to Tibet, where she was the first European woman to enter Lhasa, which was closed to foreigners at the time. In her late seventies, she settled in the south of France, where she lived until her death at 101 in 1969.
The Buddha and His Teachings
Nārada, Maha Thera - 1964
The Book was first published in 1942. The present edition has been revised and expanded. Though primarily intended for the students and beginners rather than scholars, the reader will find it an extremely valuable handbook, offering a sound foundation to the basic tenets of Buddhism as found in its original Pali tradition. Besides providing a comprehensive account of the Life of the Buddha and His chief disciples, the moral and ethical code of conduct, culminating in the Ten Perfections, a considerable portion of the book deals with current issues in Buddhist studies regarding KARMA, REBIRTH and NIBBANA. It also includes an introduction to Buddhist Meditation with particular reference to the practise of the Four Sublime States (or Brahma Viharas) namely METTA (loving-kindness), KARUNA (Compassion), MUDITA (Sympathetic Joy), and UPEKKHA (Equanimity). The Author, the Venerable Narada Maha Thera is a well known Buddhist Missionary from Sri Lanka. He is also the author of many other Buddhist publications — well-used among students of Buddhism. We are grateful to him for his kind permission, enabling this reprint to be effected in Malaysia.
Songs of Lalon Shah
Lalon Shah - 1964
Bengali philosopher- poet, Fakir Lalon Shah. The song-poems are divided into 6 categories: hymns, devotional songs, self-knowledge, ultimate knowledge, body-mystery, ultimate knowledge and enquiry.
The Art of True Healing: The Unlimited Power of Prayer and Visualization
Israel Regardie - 1964
Originally published in 1932, predating by more than a half century the current interest in the mind’s power to heal, this concise work guides readers through what Israel Regardie calls the Middle Pillar meditation — a technique that combines the mystical concepts of yoga’s chakras and the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life to create a simple and effective healing tool.In this edition, editor Marc Allen brings Regardie’s work into the twenty-first century — showing us how to unleash energy to heal our bodies and, ultimately, every part of our lives. Like few books before or since, The Art of True Healing provides both the theory and practices necessary for attaining well-being and fulfillment.
Think on These Things
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1964
Krishnamurti examines with characteristic objectivity and insight the expressions of what we are pleased to call our culture, our education, religion, politics and tradition; and he throws much light on such basic emotions as ambition, greed and envy, the desire for security and the lust for power – all of which he shows to be deteriorating factors in human society.’ From the Editor’s Note‘Krishnamurti’s observations and explorations of modern man’s estate are penetrating and profound, yet given with a disarming simplicity and directness. To listen to him or to read his thoughts is to face oneself and the world with an astonishing morning freshness.’ -- Anne Marrow Lindbergh
Christian Proficiency
Martin Thornton - 1964
Thornton covers the importance of spiritual direction, spiritual discipline, the mechanics of prayer, choosing a confessor or spiritual director, and making retreats.
Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today
John R.W. Stott - 1964
"It would be impossible to be a Christian, let alone to live and grow as a Christian, without the ministry of the gracious Spirit of God. All we have and are as Christians we owe to him." The Holy Spirit continues to be at work around the world, as numerous renewal movements attest. Yet much confusion and controversy remain regarding the Holy Spirit's activity. In this classic study, John Stott provides clear biblical exposition on the promise, the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He offers particular guidance on the nature of "the baptism of the Spirit" and whether certain spiritual gifts and experiences should be normative for all Christians. Always irenic and gracious, Stott points the way to both greater biblical understanding and deeper fullness of spiritual life.
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Clairvoyant
Hugh Lynn Cayce - 1964
The strange world of ESP, dreams, and other psychic phenomena.