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The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life
Boyd Varty - 2014
Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life. Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. When we join Boyd Varty and his two friends tracking lions, we are immersed in the South African bush, and, although we learn some of the skills required for actual tracking, the takeaways are the strategies that can be applied to our everyday lives. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness.” When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us. In the same way the trip in the classic Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was a vehicle to examine how to live out our values, the story of this one-day adventure—with danger and suspense along the way—uses the ancient art of tracking to convey profound lessons on how to live a purposeful, meaningful life of greater harmony.
Slaying Your Giants: How to Have Massive Faith
Adam Houge - 2014
Slaying Your Giants is a book that will change your life. It will teach you everything you need to know to have that mountain moving, giant tackling faith that God has always wanted from you. But prepare yourself for a total life makeover. Because radical faith creates radical changes.
How to Understand the Will of God for Your Life
Adam Houge - 2014
And those who love the Lord will be driven to fulfill His will. So consider dedicating yourself to a life of total surrender –without which you’ll never fully understand or live out the will of God.In this book you'll learn how to determine God's will for your life. Never again will His will be difficult to understand, but always without fail you'll know what He requires of you. And you will discover a deeper more fulfilling relationship with Him as you learn how to more effectively communicate with Him.
Kashf Al-Mahjub: The Revelation of the Veiled: An Early Persian Treatise on Sufism
Ali bin Uthman Al-Hujwiri - 2014
He was a Sufi mystic who travelled widely in the Middle East and Transoxiana. The Kashf al-Maḥjūb was probably written in Lahore, where he is buried, not long before his death in about 1074. One of the oldest Sufi works in Persian, it is a substantial treatise aiming to set forth a complete system of Sufism. This is achieved partly by the discussion of acts and saying of the great figures of the past, partly by discussion of features of doctrine and practice and the examination of the different views adopted by different Sufi schools. It is enlivened by episodes from the author's own experiences. Originally published in 1911, and reprinted in 1959 and 2000, this paperback edition was prepared in 2014.
With Jesus in The Quietness
Adam Houge - 2014
Quietly He shares His heart with you throughout the day. But are you listening?This book is an invitation to a deeper intimacy with your loving Savior. As a devotion each day is written as if from Jesus to you. Listen to His voice each day, as you are challenged to increase your faith and change your life.
How To Hear God's Voice Easily And Effectively
Adam Houge - 2014
He shows us the Father’s will on a constant basis and leads us down every path of righteousness. But how can we be led by Him unless we understand His voice? How can we understand His voice unless we take the time to sensitize ourselves to it? In this book you’ll learn how to understand God’s voice and the various ways He speaks to you. You’ll learn how to discern God’s will and how to apply it to your life. Through practicing the principles outlined in this book you’ll gain a more fulfilling relationship with God as you learn how to effectively communicate with Him.
Llewellyn's 2015 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living
Llewellyn Publications - 2014
Discover over three dozen fabulous articles, grouped by element. Organize your life with a convenient calendar section—shaded for easy "flip to" reference—featuring world festivals, holidays, and 2015 sabbats. You'll also find the Moon's sign and phase, plus each day's color and incense to help you maximize the power of your magical work. Published annually for over 20 years
Llewellyn's 2015 Witches' Companion: An Almanac for Contemporary Living
Llewellyn PublicationsDeborah Lipp - 2014
This accessible guide will show you the path to living the old ways in today's modern world. This year's edition is filled with fascinating and informative essays on a variety of topics, from altars on a budget to planning a Wiccan wedding. Each one is organized by theme: community forum, witchy living, Witchcraft essentials, and magical transformations. Urban Druids Magical Visualization Prosperity Magick and the Goddess Abundantia The Ethical Use of Source Material Embracing the Dark Goddess ...and much more! Also look for our Witches' Calendar and Witches' Datebook, the perfect complements to Llewellyn's Witches' Companion. Included is a sixteen-month calendar and lunar information to fuel your spellwork and rituals.
How to Speak with the Holy Spirit (Enjoying God Book 1)
Brother Jake - 2014
In this devotional and instructive guide, Brother Jake outlines the necessary steps to speak with the Holy Spirit and to experience the Presence of God fully. An excerpt from the book: "Speaking with the Holy Spirit is a matter of breaking down the wall between His mind and yours. Essentially, it means sharing your thoughts with Him, opening your ‘secrets’ to His loving gaze. Every human being, every ego, protects certain thoughts from God and tries to keep them separate. You know which ones. They already occurred to you. You do this because you feel that they provide pleasure, a pleasure that God would take away if you would unite your mind with His. But never forget the gentleness of the Holy Spirit. When you open your mind, when you cease protecting your thoughts from God, there will be no judgement coming from Him. Judgement is a form of punishment created by the ego against itself. The Holy Spirit does not use it. Instead, the Holy Spirit uses Love as His means." The book concludes with 3 spiritual techniques that you can do at any time to connect with the Lord.
Hyperworlds, Underworlds
Jason Louv - 2014
In the articles gathered here, journalist Jason Louv hands you his ambitious map of the future. He chronicles the effects of globalization and technology, the rampant abuses of corporations and intelligence agencies, the robotification of war, and how technology and mass communications are used for control of the population. For answers to the questions posed by our Brave New World, he looks to our culture’s outsiders and rebels, and the combs the fringes of spirituality for ways to destabilize the Machine.Hyperworlds, Underworlds is more than a record of a journalist’s best work. It’s also a toolkit for understanding our tumultuous world, and finding a way to re-establish our very humanity in the face of a relentlessly dehumanizing future.With a trickster magician’s sardonic humor, Louv reveals the future to come—and gives you the power to change it.
Bones, Shells,and Curios: A Contemporary Method of Casting the Bones
Michele Jackson - 2014
Contemporary Cayce: A Complete Exploration Using Today's Philosophy and Science
Kevin J. Todeschi - 2014
With comparisons and writings based on living in today's world, the Cayce concepts come alive for a whole new generation of spiritual and holistic seekers. Topics include: * Karma * Meditation * Dreams * Reincarnation * Nature* The Purposefulness of Life * Earth Changes * Prosperity* The Akashic Records * and so much more.