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The Technological Society

Jacques Ellul - 1954
    No conversation about the dangers of technology and its unavoidable effects on society can begin without a careful reading of this book."A magnificent book . . . He goes through one human activity after another and shows how it has been technicized, rendered efficient, and diminished in the process."-Harper's"One of the most important books of the second half of the twentieth-century. In it, Jacques Ellul convincingly demonstrates that technology, which we continue to conceptualize as the servant of man, will overthrow everything that prevents the internal logic of its development, including humanity itself-unless we take necessary steps to move human society out of the environment that 'technique' is creating to meet its own needs."-The Nation"A description of the way in which technology has become completely autonomous and is in the process of taking over the traditional values of every society without exception, subverting and suppressing these values to produce at last a monolithic world culture in which all non-technological difference and variety are mere appearance."-Los Angeles Free Press

Riddles in Hinduism

B.R. Ambedkar - 1954
    There is no reason either to call them sacred or infallible … The time has come when the Hindu mind must be freed from the hold which the silly ideas propagated by the Brahmans have on them. Without this, the liberation of India has no future”—B.R. Ambedkar Hinduism claims one billion adherents worldwide. To all those who hold this religion dear, B.R. Ambedkar poses many riddles: Is it even a religion? Who is a Hindu? Like most of his writings, Riddles in Hinduism remained unpublished during his lifetime. When the state of Maharashtra finally printed it in 1987, the Shiv Sena sought a ban. While the liberals looked away, the Dalit movement circulated copies. At a time when the state and the Hindu right are painting Ambedkar as a ‘Hindu’ figure, this fierce critique—now with illuminating annotations—shows us how and why Ambedkar had no love for Hinduism. In his introduction, Kancha Ilaiah tells us why Hinduism is facing its biggest ever challenge from Dalitbahujans. Ambedkar was one, today there are a million Ambedkars.ISBN-10: 9788189059774ISBN-13: 978-8189059774

The Nature of Prejudice

Gordon W. Allport - 1954
    First published in 1954, The Nature of Prejudice remains the standard work on discrimination. Now this classic study is offered in a special unabridged edition with a new introduction by Kenneth Clark of Columbia University and a new preface by Thomas Pettigrew of Harvard University.Allport's comprehensive and penetrating work examines all aspects of this age-old problem: its roots in individual and social psychology, its varieties of expression, its impact on the individuals and communities. He explores all kinds of prejudice-racial, religious, ethnic, economic and sexual-and offers suggestions for reducing the devastating effects of discrimination.The additional material by Clark and Pettigrew updates the social-psychological research in prejudice and attests to the enduring values of Allport's original theories and insights.

African Glory: The Story of Vanished Negro Civilizations

John Coleman De Graft-Johnson - 1954

Political Economy: A Textbook issued by the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R

Academy of Sciences USSR - 1954
    The Primitive Communal Mode of Production Chapter  2. The Slave-Owning Mode of Production Chapter  3. The Feudal Mode of ProductionPart Two : The Capitalist Mode of Production A. Pre-Monopoly Capitalism Chapter  4. Commodity Production. Commodities and Money Chapter  5. Capitalist Simple Co-operation and Manufacture Chapter  6. The Machine Period of Capitalism Chapter  7. Capital and Surplus-Value. The Basic Economic Law of Capitalism Chapter  8. Wages Chapter  9. Accumulation of Capital and Impoverishment of the Proletariat Chapter 10. Rotation and Turnover of Capital Chapter 11. Average Profit and Price of Production Chapter 12. Merchant Capital and Merchants’ Profit Chapter 13. Loan Capital and Loan Interest. Circulation of Money Chapter 14. Ground-Rent. Agrarian Relations under Capitalism Chapter 15. The National Income Chapter 16. Reproduction of Social Capital Chapter 17. Economic Crises B. Monopoly Capitalism-Imperialism Chapter 18. Imperialism-The Highest Stage of Capitalism. The Basic Economic Law of Monopoly Capitalism Chapter 19. The Colonial System of Imperialism Chapter 20. The Place of Imperialism in History Chapter 21. The General Crisis of Capitalism Chapter 22. The Aggravation of the General Crisis of Capitalism after the Second World War Economic Doctrines of the Capitalist Epoch Part Three : The Socialist Mode of Production A. The Transitional Period from Capitalism to Socialism Chapter 23. Main Features of the Transitional Period from Capitalism to Socialism Chapter 24. Socialist Industrialisation Chapter 25. The Collectivisation of Agriculture Chapter 26. The Victory of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. B. The Socialist Economic System Chapter 27. The Material Production Basis of Socialism Chapter 28. Social Ownership of the Means of Production-The Foundation of the Production Relations of Socialism Chapter 29. The Basic Economic Law of Socialism Chapter 30. The Law of Planned Proportional Development of the National Economy Chapter 31. Social Labour in Socialist Society Chapter 32. Commodity Production, the Law of Value, and Money, in Socialist Society Chapter 33. Wages in Socialist Economy Chapter 34. Economic Accounting and Profitability Costs and Price Chapter 35. The Socialist System of Agriculture Chapter 36. Trade in Socialist Economy Chapter 37. The National Income of Socialist Society Chapter 38. State Budget, Credit, and Currency Circulation in Socialist Society Chapter 39. Socialist Reproduction Chapter 40. The Gradual Transition from Socialism to Communism C. The Building of Socialism in the Countries of People’s Democracy Chapter 41. The Economic System of the People’s Democracies in Europe Chapter 42. The Economic System of the Chinese People’s Republic Chapter 43. Economic Collaboration between the Countries of the Socialist Camp