Best of
The Complete Saki
Saki - 1976
The good wit of bad manners, elegantly spiced with irony and deftly controlled malice, has made Saki stories small, perfect gems of the English language. Here for the first time, are the collected writings of Saki--including all of his short stories ("Reginald", "Reginald in Russia", "The Chronicles of Clovis", "Beasts and Super-Beasts" "The Toys of Peace", and "The Square Egg"), his three novels (THE UNBEARABLE BASSINGTON, WHEN WILLIAM CAME and THE WESTMINSTER ALICE), and three plays (THE DEATHTRAP, KARL-LUDWIG'S WINDOW and THE WATCHED POT. You are invited to meet once again Clovis, Reginald, the Unbearable Bassington, and the other memorable characters etched so superbly by the pen of H.H. Munro. "In all literature, he was the first to employ successfully a wildly outrageous premise in order to make a serious point. I love that. And today the best of his stories are still better than the best of just about every other writer around."--Roald Dahl. Introduction by Noel Coward.(less)
Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
Raymond Carver - 1976
In the pared-down style that has since become his hallmark, Carver showed us how humour and tragedy dwelt in the hearts of ordinary people, and won a readership that grew with every subsequent brilliant collection of stories, poems and essays that appeared in the last eleven years of his life.
A River Runs Through it and Other Stories
Norman Maclean - 1976
A retired English professor who began writing fiction at the age of 70, Maclean produced what is now recognized as one of the classic American stories of the twentieth century. Originally published in 1976, A River Runs through It and Other Stories now celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary, marked by this new edition that includes a foreword by Annie Proulx.Maclean grew up in the western Rocky Mountains in the first decades of the twentieth century. As a young man he worked many summers in logging camps and for the United States Forest Service. The two novellas and short story in this collection are based on his own experiences—the experiences of a young man who found that life was only a step from art in its structures and beauty. The beauty he found was in reality, and so he leaves a careful record of what it was like to work in the woods when it was still a world of horse and hand and foot, without power saws, "cats," or four-wheel drives. Populated with drunks, loggers, card sharks, and whores, and set in the small towns and surrounding trout streams and mountains of western Montana, the stories concern themselves with the complexities of fly fishing, logging, fighting forest fires, playing cribbage, and being a husband, a son, and a father.
The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories
Isaac Asimov - 1976
But when Andrew started to develop special talents which exceeded the confines of his allotted positronic pathways, he abandoned his domestic duties in favour of more intellectual pursuits. As time passed, Andrew acquired knowledge, feelings and ambitions way beyond anything ever experienced by any other mechanical men. And he found himself launched on to a career which would bring him fame fortune — and danger. For a robot who wants to be human must also be prepared to die...In the Bicentennial Man, Isaac Asimov returns to his first and most enduring love — robotics. The result is a brilliant book of first-class entertainment and mind-spinning ideas which confirm Asimov's supreme status as Grand Master of science fiction.Content"Feminine Intuition" (1969)"Waterclap" (1970) "That Thou Art Mindful of Him" (1974)"Stranger in Paradise" (1974)"The Life and Times of Multivac" (1975)"The Winnowing" (1976)"The Bicentennial Man" (1976)"Marching In" (1976) "Old-Fashioned" (1976)"The Tercentenary Incident" (1976)"Birth of a Notion" (1976)Cover Illustration: Don Dixon
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich
Danilo Kiš - 1976
The characters in these stories are caught in a world of political hypocrisy, which ultimately leads to death, their common fate. Although the stories Kis tells are based on historical events, the beauty and precision of his prose elevates these ostensibly true stories into works of literary art that transcend the politics of their time.
The Lost Salt Gift of Blood
Alistair MacLeod - 1976
The stories of The Lost Salt Gift of Blood are remarkably simple – a family is drawn together by shared and separate losses, a child’s reality conflicts with his parents’ memories, a young man struggles to come to terms with the loss of his father.Yet each piece of writing in this critically acclaimed collection is infused with a powerful life of its own, a precision of language and a scrupulous fidelity to the reality of time and place, of sea and Maritime farm.Focusing on the complexities and abiding mysteries at the heart of human relationships, the seven stories of The Lost Salt Gift of Blood map the close bonds and impassable chasms that lie between man and woman, parent and child.
Break It Down
Lydia Davis - 1976
However, as the characters in the stories prove, misunderstanding and confusion are inherent in everyday life.
Long After Midnight
Ray Bradbury - 1976
- Mark V • (1976)Getting Through Sunday Somehow (1962)Have I Got a Chocolate Bar for You! (1973)Interval in Sunlight (1954)Long After Midnight (1963)One Timeless Spring (1946)Punishment Without Crime (1950)The Better Part of Wisdom (1976)The Blue Bottle (1950)The Burning Man(1975)The Messiah (1973)The Miracles of Jamie (1946)The October Game (1948)The Parrot Who Met Papa(1972)The Pumpernickel (1951)The Utterly Perfect Murder (1971)The Wish (1973)
Sleep it Off Lady: Stories by Jean Rhys
Jean Rhys - 1976
A collection of sixteen short stories by the author of "Wide Sargasso Sea", "Voyage in the Dark" and "Good Morning, Midnight".
Starlight: The Great Short Fiction of Alfred Bester
Alfred Bester - 1976
Found in a Champagne Bottle · ss Status, 1968 · Fondly Fahrenheit · nv F&SF Aug ’54 · Comment on “Fondly Fahrenheit” · ar · The Four-Hour Fugue · ss Analog Jun ’74 · The Men Who Murdered Mohammed · ss F&SF Oct ’58 · Disappearing Act · ss Star Science Fiction Stories #2, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1953 · Hell Is Forever · na Unknown Aug ’42· Adam and No Eve · ss Astounding Sep ’41 · Time Is the Traitor · nv F&SF Sep ’53 · Oddy and Id [“The Devil’s Invention”] · ss Astounding Aug ’50 · Hobson’s Choice · ss F&SF Aug ’52 · Star Light, Star Bright · ss F&SF Jul ’53 · They Don’t Make Life Like They Used To · nv F&SF Oct ’63 · Of Time and Third Avenue · ss F&SF Oct ’51 · Isaac Asimov · iv Publishers Weekly Apr 17 ’72 · The Pi Man · ss Star Light, Star Bright, Berkley/Putnam, 1976; revised from F&SF Oct ’59. · Something Up There Likes Me · nv Astounding, ed. Harry Harrison, Random, 1973 · My Affair with Science Fiction · ar Nova 4, ed. Harry Harrison, Walker, 1974
A Song for Lya
George R.R. Martin - 1976
Winner of the 1975 Hugo Award for Best Novella.
Children On Their Birthdays
Truman Capote - 1976
This is one of 50 fascinating, disturbing, moving or funny short books published in an appealing new format to celebrate the 50th anniversary of 'Penguin Modern Classics'.
Pigeons from Hell
Robert E. Howard - 1976
Monsters and nightmares, dream snakes and hyenas, thrive in this fantasy world that happened yesterday - or even before the dawn of time. It's all here, in the most enthralling collection ever of weird and fantastic adventures by Robert E. Howard, master fantician and creator of CONAN.Contents:Pigeons From HellThe Gods of Bal-SagothPeople of the DarkThe Children of the NightThe Dead RememberThe Man on the GroundThe Garden of FearThe HyenaDig Me No Grave The Dream SnakeIn the Forest of VillefereOld Garfield's HeartThe Voice of El-Lil
The Youngest Doll
Rosario Ferré - 1976
“The Youngest Doll,” based on a family anecdote, is a stunning literary expression of Rosario Ferré’s feminist and social concerns. It is the premier story in a collection that was originally published in Spanish in 1976 as Papeles de Pandora and is now translated into English by the author. The daughter of a former governor of Puerto Rico, Ferré portrays women loosening the constraints that have bound them to a patriarchal culture. Anger takes creative rather than polemical form in ten stories that started Ferré on her way to becoming a leading woman writer in Latin America. The upper-middle-class women in The Youngest Doll, mostly married to macho men, rebel against their doll-like existence or retreat into fantasy, those without money or the right skin color are even more oppressed. In terms of power and influence, these women stand in the same relation to men as Puerto Rico itself does to the United States, and Ferré stretches artistic boundaries in writing about their situation. The stories, moving from the realistic to the nightmarish, are deeply, felt, full of irony and black humor, often experimental in form. The imagery is striking: an architect dreams about a beautiful bridge that “would open and close its arches like alligators making love”; a Mercedes Benz “shines in the dark like a chromium rhinoceros.” One story, “The Sleeping Beauty,” is a collage of letters, announcements, and photo captions that allows chilling conclusions to be drawn from what is not written. The collection includes Ferré’s discussion of “When Women Love Men,” a story about a prostitute and a society lady who unite in order to survive, and one that illustrates the woman writer’s “art of dissembling anger through irony.” In closing, she considers how her experience as a Latin American woman with ties to the United States has brought to her writing a dual cultural perspective.
The Best of Robert Silverberg
Robert Silverberg - 1976
Malzberg · in · Road to Nightfall · nv Fantastic Universe Jul ’58 · Warm Man · ss F&SF May ’57 · To See the Invisible Man · ss Worlds of Tomorrow Apr ’63 · The Sixth Palace · ss Galaxy Feb ’65 · Flies · ss Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967 · Hawksbill Station · na Galaxy Aug ’67 · Passengers · ss Orbit 4, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnam’s, 1968 · Nightwings [Watcher] · na Galaxy Sep ’68 · Sundance · ss F&SF Jun ’69 · Good News from the Vatican · ss Universe 1, ed. Terry Carr, Ace, 1971
The Second Book of Robert E. Howard
Robert E. Howard - 1976
Talman, September 1931"Sword Woman" "Which Will Scarcely Be Understood" (poem) "The Striking of the Gong" "The Song of Horsa's Galley" (poem) "The Good Knight" "A Word From the Outer Dark" (poem) "Black Canaan" "The Song of a Mad Minstrel" (poem) "Kelly the Conjure Man""Surrender" (poem) "The Footfalls Within" "Knife-River Prodigal" "Musings" (poem) "Life" (2, "They bruised my soul . . .") (poem) "The House of Suspicion""Rueben's Brethren" (poem) "Two Against Tyre""The Guise of Youth" (poem) "For the Love of Barbara Allen""Guns of Khartum" "Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die" (poem)
Details of a Sunset & Other Stories
Vladimir Nabokov - 1976
Details of a sunset --Bad day --Orache --Return of Chorb --Passenger --Letter that never reached Russia --Guide to Berlin --Doorbell --Thunderstorm --Reunion --Slice of life --Christmas --Busy man.
The Moon Moth and Other Stories
Jack Vance - 1976
The ebook from Gateway contains 11 stories, same as the VIE volume (only three stories from the Dobson edition), and the ebook from Spatterlight contains 9 stories.
The Best of C. M. Kornbluth
C.M. Kornbluth - 1976
ContentsAn Appreciation / essay by Frederik PohlThe Rocket of 1955 (1939)The Words of Guru (1941)The Only Thing We Learn (1949)The Adventurer (1953)The Little Black Bag (1950)The Luckiest Man in Denv (1952)The Silly Season (1950)The Remorseful (1953)Gomez (1954)The Advent on Channel Twelve (1958)The Marching Morons (1951)The Last Man Left in the Bar (1957)The Mindworm (1950)With These Hands (1951)Shark Ship (1958) = variant of Reap the Dark TideFriend to Man (1951)The Altar at Midnight (1952)Dominoes (1953)Two Dooms (1958)
The Phantom of Kansas
John Varley - 1976
Also included in the John Varley Reader
A Song for Lya: And Other Stories
George R.R. Martin - 1976
Winner of the 1975 Hugo Award for Best Novella.Other short stories in this collection:With morning comes mistfallThe second kind of lonelinessOverrideDark, dark were the tunnelsThe heroFtaRun to starlightThe exit to San BretaSlide show
The Moon Ribbon and Other Tales
Jane Yolen - 1976
Six fairy tales: The Moon Ribbon, The Honey-Stick Boy, Rosechild, Sans Soleil, Somewhen, and Pale Mona.
Texts for Nothing and Other Shorter Prose 1950-1976
Samuel Beckett - 1976
The present volume contains all of the short fictions some of them no longer than a page written and published by Beckett between 1950 and the early 1970s. Most were written in French, and they mostly belong within three loose sequences: Texts for Nothing, Fizzles and Residua. The edition also includes two remarkable independent narratives: From an Abandoned Work and As The Story Was Told. All of these texts, whose unsleeping subject is themselves, demonstrate that the short story is one of the recurrent modes of Becketts imagination, and occasions some of his greatest works....he would like it to be my fault that words fail him, of course words fail him. He tells his story every five minuts, saying it is not his, there's cleverness for you. He would like it to be my fault that he has no story, of course he has no story, that's no reason for trying to foist one on me...
The Diary of the Rose
Ursula K. Le Guin - 1976
When a straitjacketed patient shows an inexplicable ability to hide his thoughts from the machine, she suspects there may be a link to his irrational fear of electroshock therapy. Locus Poll Award NomineeHugo Award NomineePublication: Femmes au futurPublication • Editor: Marianne Leconte, 1976
Pattern of a Man & Other Stories
James Still - 1976
First published in 1976, with a 2001 afterword by Wendell Berry. James Still was born on Double Creek in Alabama, one of ten children. For most of his life he lived in a log house at the forks of Troublesome and Wolfpen creeks in Knott County, Kentucky. The unique native dialect of the Kentucky mountains informs the language of all his stories. "Not many writers have been able to concentrate so much power into a few pages. When you look up from `The Nest' or `The Scrape, ' you find the room filled with afterimages...Because, perhaps, of its artistic integrity this body of work never exploits or condescends to its subject, a region that has been condescended to and exploited almost by convention"--Wendell Berry
Weird Tales: A Selection, In Facsimile, Of The Best From The World's Most Famous Fantasy Magazine
Peter Haining - 1976
P. Lovecraft, August Derleth, Robert Bloch, and Theodore Sturgeon.
Maugham's Borneo Stories
W. Somerset Maugham - 1976
This is a fascinating collection of six stories set in Borneo, selected and introduced by G. V. de Freitas. Some of Maugham's best tales such as "The Yellow Streak", "The Outstation", "Before the Party", "Flotsam and Jetsam", "Neil MacAdam" and "Virtue" are included in this volume.
My Bedtime Book of Two-Minute Stories
Rosemary Garland - 1976
This book is designed to fill the needs of the child at such a moment without stretching the adult's good humor to its limits. Here are 58 stories, each of which will take but two minutes to read. The stories are new, appealing, and instructive, in a subtle and entertaining way. The pictures are a delight to the eye and a stimulus to the imagination. With this book in hand, you can afford to spoil your children by reading them one, or more than one story before they drift off to sleep.
The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe - 1976
Found in a BottleLigeiaThe Fall of the House of UsherThe Murders in the Rue MorgueDream-landA Descent into the Maelström The AssignationMetzengersteinThe Pit and the PendulumAloneThe Thousand-and-Second Tale of ScheherzadeSilence—A FableThe Conversation of Eiros and CharmionLandor’s Cottage
Tales Told By a Machine
Gianni Rodari - 1976
A selection of tales from 'Novelle fatte a macchina'.
The Unabridged Mark Twain, Vol. 2
Mark Twain - 1976
These elegant volumes are bound in simulated leather with titles stamped in gold and gilt-edged pages.This volume offers original, unaltered versions of Twain's work in chronological order, including The Undertaker's Chat, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and The Prince and the Pauper.
The Best of Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson - 1976
Contents:The Longest Voyage (1960)The Barbarian (1956)The Last of the Deliverers (1958)My Object All Sublime (1961)Sam Hall (1953)Kyrie (1968)The Fatal Fulfillment (1970)Hiding Place (1961)The Sky People (1959)
Bad Words: Selected Short Prose
Ilse Aichinger - 1976
Born in 1921 to a Jewish mother, she survived World War II in Vienna, while her twin sister Helga escaped with one of the last Kindertransporte to England in 1938. Many of their relatives were deported and murdered. Those losses make themselves felt throughout Aichinger’s writing, which since her first and only novel, The Greater Hope, in 1948, has highlighted displacement, estrangement, and a sharp skepticism toward language. By 1976, when she published Bad Words in German, her writing had become powerfully poetic, dense, and experimental. This volume presents the whole of the original Bad Words in English for the first time, along with a selection of Aichinger’s other short stories of the period; together, they demonstrate her courageous effort to create and deploy a language unmarred by misleading certainties, preconceived rules, or implicit ideologies.
Some Champions
Ring Lardner - 1976
A sportswriter by trade, Lardner was widely known for his superb ear for the regional peculiarities of speech and notoriously loved for his humor. A must for anyone interested in classic American fiction, Some Champions shares many of Lardner’s classic tales focused on the quirks and pathos of human beings, including their daily turmoils and small triumphs.
Sister of the Birds, and Other Gypsy Tales
Jerzy Ficowski - 1976
Masterpieces of Mystery: The Supersleuths
Ellery Queen - 1976
Red cover with gold detail and lettering. 352 pages. Selection of stories presented made by Ellery Queen.
The Sun's Net
George Mackay Brown - 1976
A bewitching and atmospheric collection of short stories celebrating life and love: the world ripens as a baby stirs in its mother's womb; a soldier captured at Bannockburn sees the daughter of his jailor bathing and falls in love; two ghosts become reconciled with death; an 18th century tale of piracy and treachery.
The Diary of a Madman and Other Tales of Horror
Guy de Maupassant - 1976
16 stories:The diary of a madman.--A vendetta.--Two friends.--The devil.--Saint-Antoine.--Coco.--The madwoman.--Mohammed-Fripouille.--A midnight feast.--Old Milon.--The hair.--Mother Savage.--The blind man.--Mademoiselle Cocotte.--At sea.--The case of Louise Roque.
Naftali the Storyteller and His Horse, Sus and Other Stories
Isaac Bashevis Singer - 1976
A collection of short stories which explores the humor and life of Polish Jews.
Sacred Stories of the Sweet Grass Cree 1930
Leonard Bloomfield - 1976
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Imperial Messages
Howard Schwartz - 1976
Meaning does not lie exposed on the surface but, submerged, waits for the reader who has ears to hear the message, which may come instantly as an insight or reveal itself languorously, stirring up the unconscious contents of the psyche. This meaning or moral is the essence of the narrative form which has continued to challenge some of the most important thinkers and writers of the 20th century, including Franz Kafka, Jorge Luis Borges, Elie Wiesel, Isak Dineson, Bertolt Brecht, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Italo Calvino and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. With this splendid collection, editor and parablist Howard Schwartz announces "the resurrection of the parable as a literary genre," presenting 100 parables by 72 modern practitioners of the form, placing primary emphasis on writers of this century and including a sampling of 19th century parables by such writers as Dostoyevsky, Poe and Gogol. With backdrops ranging from ancient civilizations to a motorcycle social club to space travel, these modern parables speak to both the emotions and the intellect. The title story, Kafka's "An Imperial Message," tells of a message from a dying emperor to his lowliest subject, a message which must travel a long distance and, even then, doesn't quite arrive. Kafka counsels both the subject and the modern reader, "you sit at your window when evening falls and dream it to yourself." Charming, imaginative and enigmatic, these modern parables have been dispatched to provide the reader with messages to read, to dream on, to ponder and to enjoy.
Selected Readings from the Portable Dorothy Parker
Marion Meade - 1976
Along with Robert Benchley, Alexander Woollcott, and the rest of the Algonquin Round Table, she dominated American popular literature in the 1920s and 1930s.These unabridged selections of more than thirty short stories and poems is essential for any Parker fan and an excellent way for new readers to make the acquaintance of one of the twentieth century's most quotable authors, whose memorable lines include: She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B, This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force, and Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. Parker's ability to lay bare the follies, myths, and hypocrisies of her characters in such a wickedly funny-sometimes sad-manner is unmatched, and her attention to language, quirks, and the other little details of life make her stories come vividly to life.
Masterpieces of Mystery: The Grand Masters
Ellery Queen - 1976
Gudgekin, the Thistle Girl, and Other Tales
John Gardner - 1976
Richly and humorously drawn, they face challenges at every turn. And in a realm where any one of these unconventional heroes might triumph, the reader will delight in expecting the unexpected! Inventive and illustrative, entertaining and edifying, these four stories demonstrate the quirky challenges of distinguishing between good and evil and living happily ever after.
Beyond Tomorrow
Lee HardingUrsula K. Le Guin - 1976
published ... to commemorate the 33rd World Science Fiction Convention held in Melbourne, August 1975' Contents: 7 • Foreword: The Bad News and the Good • (1976) • essay by Isaac Asimov11 • Idiot Stick • (1958) • shortstory by Damon Knight24 • Nine Lives • (1969) • novelette by Ursula K. Le Guin47 • The Commuter • (1953) • shortstory by Philip K. Dick59 • The Oath • (1960) • novelette by James Blish77 • Takeover Bid • (1965) • novelette by John Baxter94 • Comes Now the Power • (1966) • shortstory by Roger Zelazny100 • Litterbug • (1969) • novelette by Tony Morphett117 • Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons • [The Instrumentality of Mankind] • (1961) • novelette by Cordwainer Smith138 • A Song Before Sunset • (1976) • shortstory by David Grigg149 • Sundance • (1969) • shortstory by Robert Silverberg163 • The Oh in Jose • (1966) • shortstory by Brian W. Aldiss (variant of The O in José) [as by Brian Aldiss ]172 • The Man Who Came Early • (1956) • novelette by Poul Anderson194 • Call Him Lord • (1966) • novelette by Gordon R. Dickson213 • The Garden of Time • (1962) • shortstory by J. G. BallardSUBJECTS
Narratives of the American Revolution
Hugh F. Rankin - 1976
Chilly Scenes of Winter
Ann Beattie - 1976
This is the story of a love-smitten Charles; his friend Sam, the Phi Beta Kappa and former coat salesman; and Charles' mother, who spends a lot of time in the bathtub feeling depressed.
18 oříšků k rozlousknutí
Agatha Christie - 1976
V řešení záhad se střídají slečna Marplová, bohatá na životní zkušenosti, a Hercule Poirot, známý svouprecizní psychologickou metodou.The Tuesday Night Club from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Idol House of Astarte from The Thirteen ProblemsIngots of Gold from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Bloodstained Pavement from The Thirteen ProblemsMotive v. Oportunity from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Thumb Mark of St. Peter from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Blue Germanium from The Thirteen ProblemsA Christmas Tragedy from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Affair at the Bungalov from The Thirteen ProblemsDeath by Browning from The Thirteen ProblemsThe Strange Jest from Three Blind MiceThe Case of the Perfect Maid from Three Blind MiceThe Case of the Caretaker from Three Blind MiceThe Theft of the Royal Ruby from Adventure of the Christmas PuddingThe Third-Floor Flat from Three Blind MiceDouble Sin from Double Sin and Other StoriesThe Market Basing Mystery from Underdog and Other StoriesTriangle at Rhodes from Murder in the Mens
The Short Stories of Sean O'Faolain: A Study in Descriptive Techniques
Joseph Storey Rippier - 1976
This compelling critical work is insightful and quite original.
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants
Michel Parry - 1976
Mary Margaret Road-Grader
Howard Waldrop - 1976
"Mary Margaret Road-Grader" is one of them. I was at a friend's house, sleeping on a couch. I got up to put on some coffee (they were all upstairs doing Fun Stuff) and as I passed the stereo I turned it on. The song was Simon and Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water." Before I got the water in the pot, "Mary Margaret Road-Grader" came to me -- nearly all of it, just like that. By the time everybody came down about noon, I was finishing the first draft. That was 1974. I was thankful. If writing were always that easy, anybody could do it."Mary Margaret Road-Grader" originally appeared in Orbit 18, edited by Damon Knight (Harper & Row, 1976).
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians
John Reed Swanton - 1976
Swanton’s Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians is a classic of American Indian folklore. During the years 1908-1914 Swanton gathered the myths and legends of the descendants of Muckhogean-speaking peoples living in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, and in this volume he preserved more than three hundred tales of the Creek, Hitchiti, Alabama, Koasati, and Natchez Indians.Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians stands as the largest collection of Muskhogean oral traditions ever published. Included are stores on the origin of corn and tobacco, the deeds of ancient native heroes, visits to the world of the dead, and encounters between people and animals or supernatural beings in animal form. Animal tales abound, especially those on the southeastern trickster Rabbit.
The Reservation
Ted C. Williams - 1976
An autobiographical account of tribal and family life on New York State's Tuscarora Reservation by the son of a medicine man, now a crane operator and artist.
Devils, Devils, Devils
Helen HokeAnonymous - 1976
CoppardThe Devil and the Guachinango by José LakiThe Green Robe by William J. ThomsThe Devil by Guy de MaupassantHow The Devil Married Three Sisters (Italian Folktale) by AnonymousThe Stolen Heart by Godfried BowmansThe Smith and the Devil (Gypsy Folktale) by AnonymousThe Demon and the Rabbi by M.A. JagendorfThe Devil and Daniel Webster by Stephen Vincent BenétWitches' Hollow by H.P. Lovecraft & August Derleth
Dying of Fright: Masterpieces of the Macabre
Les DanielsFrank Belknap Long - 1976
The Children Of The Pool And Other Stories
Arthur Machen - 1976
This encounter with another order of things reinforced his conviction that there is a world beyond the one where we usually walk.The six stories in The Children of the Pool, reflect in their different ways this lifelong belief. The bookish recluse in 'The Exalted Omega', the kabbalistic artist in 'Out of the Picture', the holiday¬makers in a Welsh resort in 'Change', all encounter the truly uncanny, and cannot emerge unchanged. And in the other three stories Machen explores the edges of that unknown terrain, the human mind.'There are hints or indications of new paths,' was Machen’s typically modest comment on the book to his old friend A.E. Waite. In this last collection of fiction (first published 1936), the Apostle of Wonder shows he has lost none of his visionary power.Contains: 'Introduction' by Mark Valentine, 'The Exalted Omega', 'The Children of the Pool', 'The Bright Boy', 'The Tree of Life', 'Out of the Picture', 'Change'. With a Vorticist frontispiece drawing of the author.
A Northern Childhood: The Balaclava Story and Other Stories
George Layton - 1976
The Height of the Scream
Ramsey Campbell - 1976
You are reaching THE HEIGHT OF THE SCREAM."4000 copies printed.
The Porcelain Man
Richard Kennedy - 1976
A browbeaten young woman fashions first a young man and then a horse from shards of broken porcelain to escape from an overbearing father.
The Best of Mack Reynolds
Mack Reynolds - 1976
(1952)Good Indian (1962)No Return from Elba (1953)Pacifist (1964)Subversive (1962)Earthlings Go Home! (1962)Albatross (1955)The Enemy Within (1967)Survivor (1966)Fad (1965)Spaceman on a Spree (1963)The Adventure of the Extraterrestrial (1965)Utopian (1970)Prone (1954)Second Advent (1974)