Best of
Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings
Jorge Luis Borges - 1962
In his preface, Andre Maurois writes: "Borges is a great writer who has composed only little essays or short narratives. Yet they suffice for us to call him great because of their wonderful intelligence, their wealth of invention, and their tight, almost mathematical style."Labyrinths is a representative selection of Borges' writing, some forty pieces drawn from various books of his published over the years. The translations are by Harriet de Onis, Anthony Kerrigan, and others, including the editors, who have provided a biographical and critical introduction, as well as an extensive bibliography.
Cronopios and Famas
Julio Cortázar - 1962
"Unusual Occupations," the second chapter, describes the obsessions and predilections of the narrator's family, including the lodging of a tiger-just one tiger- "for the sole purpose of seeing the mechanism at work in all its complexity." Finally, the "Cronopios and Famas" section delightfully characterizes, in the words of Carlos Fuentes, "those enemies of pomposity, academic rigor mortis and cardboard celebrity-a band of literary Marx Brothers."
Run With the Hunted: A Charles Bukowski Reader
Charles Bukowski - 1962
A must for this counterculture idol's legion of fans.
3 by Flannery O'Connor: The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge / Wise Blood
Flannery O'Connor - 1962
This anthology includes the masterpieces Wise Blood. The Violent Bear it Away, and Everything that Rises Must Converge.
The Invisible Child and The Fir Tree
Tove Jansson - 1962
She is welcomed into the Moomin family and treated with equality and respect. This is one of the most touching of all Moomin stories and is paired in this unique book with The Fir Tree, the Moomins’ gloriously unselfish take on Christmas.Alongside these two classic stories, this gift edition also includes an exclusive Moomin Gallery, featuring the characters of Moominvalley, compiled by Philip Ardagh.Both stories are taken from the short story collection
Tales from Moominvalley (The Moomins, #7)
which was first published in Swedish as
Det osynliga barnet (Mumintrollen, #7)
in 1962.
R is for Rocket
Ray Bradbury - 1962
feel things that no flesh-and-blood creature has ever felt. He can create visions so compelling that they literally seem to dance before your eyes. He can push you back to the beginnings of time and then suddenly, without warning, thrust you forward t the outmost limits of the future. He can make you so much a part of his strange worlds that you literally scream to get out.Seventeen breathtaking stories by the master of the weird and wonderful, including the space-age classic, FROST AND FIRE.
The Hugo Winners 1955-1961
Isaac AsimovDaniel Keyes - 1962
— Contents: — 1955: 13th Convention, Cleveland — 1- The Darfsteller by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (novelette) — 2- Allamagoosa by Eric Frank Russel (short story)— 1956: 14th Convention, New York — 3- Exploration Team by Murray Leinster (novelette) — 4- The Star by Arthur C. Clarke (short story)— 1958: 16th Convention, Los Angeles — 5- Or All the Seas With Oysters by Avram Davidson (short story)- 1959: 17th Convention, Detroit - 6- The Big Front Yard by Clifford D. Simak (novelette) - 7- The Hell-Bound Train by Robert Bloch (short story)- 1960: 18th convention, Pittsburgh - 8- Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (novelette)- 1961: 19th Convention, Seattle - 9- The Longest Voyage by Poul Anderson(novelette)
The Hugo Winners Vol 1 and 2 1955-1970
Isaac Asimov - 1962
Here are twenty-three award-winning stories for the years 1955 to 1970, each with an introduction by Isaac Asimov.All the stories are unusual and contain that special something that marks them as a prize winners. Highly original and provocative, they examine the mystery of existence and the very real possibilities that lie within the realm of future experience. And together they provide a lavish treat of the very best writing chosen by the most prominent people in the field - truly superior science fiction.Contents:The Darfsteller by Walter M. Miller, Jr.Allamagoosa by Eric Frank RussellExploration Team by Murray LeinsterThe Star by Arthur C. ClarkeOr All the Seas with Oysters by Avram DavidsonThe Big Front Yard by Clifford D. SimakThe Hell-Bound Train by Robert BlochFlowers for Algernon by Daniel KeyesThe Longest Voyage by Poul AndersonThe Dragon Masters by Jack VanceNo Truce with Kings by Poul AndersonSoldier, Ask Not by Gordon R. Dickson"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman by Harlan EllisonThe Last Castle by Jack VanceNeutron Star by Larry NivenWeyr Search by Anne McCaffreyRiders of the Purple Wage by Philip Jose FarmerGonna Roll the Bones by Fritz LieberI Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream by Harlan EllisonNightwings by Robert SilverbergThe Sharing of Flesh by Poul AndersonThe Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World by Harlan EllisonTime Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones by Samuel R. Delany
Eleven Kinds of Loneliness
Richard Yates - 1962
Most of the stories feature men who have been disappointed, somehow, by their inability to go on and fulfill the promise of their youth.Contents "Doctor Jack-o'-lantern" "The Best of Everything" "Jody Rolled The Bones" "No Pain Whatsoever" "A Glutton for Punishment" "A Wrestler with Sharks" "Fun with a Stranger" "The B.A.R. Man" "A Really Good Jazz Piano" "Out with the Old" "Builders"
Tales of Ten Worlds
Arthur C. Clarke - 1962
The long concluding story, "The Road to the Sea," is set thousands of years in the future when men have ventured beyond our solar system and the last civilizations on earth are being evacuated.Contains the following short storiesI Remember Babylon • (1960)Summertime on Icarus • (1960)Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Orbiting ... • (1959)Who's There? • (1958)Hate • (1961)Into the Comet • (1960)An Ape About the House • (1962)Saturn Rising • (1961)Let There Be Light • [Tales from the White Hart] • (1957)Death and the Senator • (1961)Trouble With Time • (1960)Before Eden • (1961)A Slight Case of Sunstroke • (1958)Dog Star • (1962)The Road to the Sea • (1951)
The Lame Shall Enter First
Flannery O'Connor - 1962
Reproduction from the New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux edition of 1971.
Ellison Wonderland
Harlan Ellison - 1962
This edition contains an Introduction written for the 1974 edition and updated for the 1983 edition. This collection was among Ellison's first and it shows a writer with a wide-ranging imagination, ferocious creative energy, devastating wit and an eye for the wonderful and terrifying and tragic. Among the gems are "All The Sounds of Fear", "The Sky is Burning", "The Very Last Day of a Good Woman" and "In Lonely Lands". Though they stand tall on their own merits they also point the way to the sublime stories that followed soon after and continue to come even now, more than forty years later.
The Small Assassin
Ray Bradbury - 1962
A baby born with the urge to kill... the couple who leave for a honeymoon - in a cemetery... a husband and wife who have an unpleasant experience with some mummified Mexican corpses... the tombstone in the bedroom... a little boy who examines the macabre entrails of the man upstairs...A chilling collection that will linger long after you have finished reading it.The Small AssassinThe Next in LineThe LakeThe CrowdJack-in-the-BoxThe Man UpstairsThe CisternThe TombstoneThe Smiling PeopleThe HandlerLet's Play 'Poison'The NightThe Dead Man
New Stories From the Twilight Zone
Rod Serling - 1962
The Whole Truth2. The Shelter3. Showdown with Rance McGrew4. The Night of the Meek5. The Midnight Sea6. The Rip Van Winkle Caper
A Book Of Princesses
Sally Patrick Johnson - 1962
That is when you should read about princesses, for whether they are bullied or cherished, proud or simple, hardworking or spoilt, beautiful or long-nosed, they are always special.In this book you will find every type of princess imaginable; some are nice, some are horrid, some pretty, some plain, and the stories about them have been told by such wonderful writers as Walter de la Mare, Hans Andersen, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, A.A. Milne, and George MacDonald.It is a book for little girls, especially those who like to dream.
A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard
Paul Bowles - 1962
Thus, of the men in these stories, Salam uses suggestions supplied by smoking kif to rid himself of a possible enemy. He of the Assembly catches himself up in the mesh of his own kif-dream and begins to act it out in reality; Idir's victory over Lahcen is the classical story of the kif-smoker's ability to outwit the drinker. Driss the soldier, with aid of kif, proves the existence of magic to his enlightened superior officer. For all of them the kif-pipe is the means to attaining a state of communication not only with others but above all with themselves."His work is art. At his best Paul Bowles has no peer." —Time"[W]riters and artists such as Williams, Jack Kerouac, Francis Bacon, Christopher Isherwood, Truman Capote, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg to Tangier. . .sought Bowles as an oracle, a writer whose work demonstrated its author as an original who saw farther, deeper, and clearer, and who refused to flinch."--The AustralianPaul Bowles (1910-1999) was an expatriate composer, author, and translator. His other famous literary works include The Sheltering Sky, Travels: Collected Writings 1950-1993, and Without Stopping
Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories
John Updike - 1962
The triumphant collection of short stories by America's most acclaimed novelist.
Once Long Ago: Folk and Fairy Tales of the World
Roger Lancelyn Green - 1962
A collection of tales from around the world:- The Boy and the Wolves- The Son of the Wolf Chief- The Blacksmith and the Devil- The Prince and teh Fairy- Zoulvisia- The Bunyip- The Nyamatsanes- The Story of Yara- The Fairy Wife- The Young Man and the Sea Maid- Long, Stout, and Sharpeyes- Hans, the Mermaid's Son- The Magic Book- The Treasure Thief- Jack and the Beanstalk- Coat of Rushes- The Three Bears- The Six Sillies- Sedna and the Hunter- The Dragon of the North- The Hungry Beasts- The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Johnny Nut and the Golden Goose- The Sleeping Beauty- Puss in Boots- Cinderella- Little Snow White- The Singing, Soaring Lark- The Three Treasures- The Fisherman and his Wife- The Hungry Prince- The Princess Atalanta- Yannikas and Marika- The Boy and the Dragon- The Grateful Animals- The Witch in the Stone Boat- The Lucky Adventurer- The Black Thief- The Leprechaun- The Frog Princess- The Cat Lovers- The Foolish Giant- The Three Princes- The Wonderful Twins- The Cunning Tortoise- Why the Sea is Salt- Soria Moria Castle- The Magic Bird- The Prince and the Maiden- The Glass Mountain- The Bones of Djulung- The Prince and the Dove- The Magic Mirror- The Two Kings- The Voice of Death- Koschei the Undying- The Witch in the Wood- Childe Roland- The Brown Bull of Norrows- The Three Beggars- The Cunning Shoemaker- The Half-Chick- The Water of Life- The Coward- The Prince and teh Fox- The Griffin- Abu Nowas and his Wife- Madschun- The Fairy of the Lake
Dreams and Fancies
H.P. Lovecraft - 1962
Moe, Alfred Galpin, Bernard Austin Dwyer, Donald Wandrei, Clark Ashton Smith, Duane W. Rimel, R.H. Barlow, William Lumley, Willis Connover, Jr. and Virgil Finlay)3."Memory"4."The Statement of Randolph Carter"5."Celephais"6."The Doom That Came to Sarnath"7."Nyarlathotep"8."The Evil Clergyman"9."The Thing in the Moonlight"10."The Shadow Out of Time"Cover Illustration: Richard Taylor
Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology
Ivan MorrisIto Einosuke - 1962
This collection shows the qualities that make Japanese literature among the world's finest.Including "Under Reconstruction," considered to be the first modern Japanese short story, this book presents the short stories of Japan as among the world's most satisfying.Edited by Ivan Morris, a recognized authority on Japanese literature, Modern Japanese Stories: An Anthology is a volume of the highest quality and fidelity.
To Be Read Before Midnight
Ellery Queen - 1962
DanielsThe children of Alda Nuova / Robert WallstenMiss Phipps improvises / Phyllis BentleyThe man who looked like Napoleon / Robert BlochWhen the fog is right / Rick RubinThe nine-to-five man / Stanley EllinThe adventure of the artist's mottle / Robert L. FishOrdeal in darkness / William P. McGivernVisit to the big city / Michael ZuroyThe trail of the Catfish / Allen LantOut of this nettle / Robert TwohyThe Sunday Fishing Club / Victor CanningManhunt on Dead Yank Creek / Robert Edmond AlterBONUS STORIESCui bono / Stephen BarrA handful of dust / A.H.Z. CarrThe man inside / Hugh Pentecost
Conditionally Human
Walter M. Miller Jr. - 1962
Contents:- Conditionally Human (1952)- The Darfsteller (1955)- Dark Benediction (1951)
Watch the Sky
James H. Schmitz - 1962
Please enjoy this historical and classic work. All of our titles are only 99 cents and are formatted to work with the Nook. Also, if it is an illustrated work, you will be able to see all of the original images. This makes them the best quality classic works available for the lowest price. So enjoy this classic work as if it were the original book!
30 Stories to Remember
John Beecroft - 1962
Also included in the 896-page volume are seven great novels and novelettes: Rumer Godden's A candle for St. Jude, W. Somerset Maugham's The Alien Corn, Colette's Gigi, Paul Gallico's Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris, Alice Duer Miller's Death and Professor Raikes, Sheila Burnford's The Incredible Journey, and Walker D. Edmond's Courtship of My Cousin Doone.
Alfred Hitchcock's Ghostly Gallery
Alfred HitchcockWalter Brooks - 1962
Following his invitation to "browse through my gallery", readers will find ghoulish ghost stories "designed to frighten and instruct" -- instruct, that is, about the strange existence ghosts must endure! Stories include Miss Emmeline Takes Off by Walter Brooks; The Valley of the Beasts by Algernon Blackwood; The Haunted Trailer by Robert Arthur; The Truth About Pyecraft by H.G. Wells; The Isle of Voices by Robert Louis Stevenson; and more. Parents and kids can't help but chuckle at Hitchcock's comment, "I don't want to appear disloyal to television, but I think reading will be good for you." Contains some very spooky two-color illustrations by Fred Banbery.
Nelson Algren's Book of Lonesome Monsters
Nelson AlgrenJoseph Heller - 1962
Elliott'Peacetime' by Brock Bower'The Shores of Schizophrenia' by Hughes Rudd'Day of the Alligator' by James Blake'Address by Gooley MacDowell to the Hasbeens Club of Chicago' by Saul Bellow'The Closing of this Door Must be Oh, So Gentle' by Chandler Brossard'Entropy' by Thomas Pynchon'The House of the Hundred Grassfires' by Nelson Algren
Alfred Hitchcock Introduces A Crime for Mothers and Others
Henry Slesar - 1962
All of these stories were adapted for the TV series Alfred Hitchcock Presents.Contents:A Crime for Mothers -- The Man in the Next Cell -- And Beauty the Prize -- A Woman's Help -- Father Amion's Long Shot -- Servant Problem -- Keep Me Company -- Cop for a Day -- Welcome Home -- Murder Out of a Hat -- First-class Honeymoon -- The Right Kind of Medicine -- The Last Remains -- Thicker than Water -- Won't You Be My Valentine? -- Burglar Proof
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1962 (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, #131)
Avram DavidsonDoris Pitkin Buck - 1962
Aldiss - ShardsJohn Shepley - The Kit-Katt KlubKit Reed - To Lift A ShipRobert Arthur - Garvey's GhostDoris Pitkin Buck - Vintage Wine (Verse)Charles Henneberg - Moon FishersIsaac Asimov - Science: The Weighting GameAlfred Bester - BooksTheodore L. Thomas - TestJoseph Dickinson - Three for the StarsCover by Ed Emsh (illustrating "The Last Element")
Philippine Contemporary Literature In English and Filipino
Asuncion David Maramba - 1962
Now on its sixth edition. One of the most highly compilations of Philippine Literature.